The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-03-22, Page 12• AUB9R14.
Saturday, March 25
Sunday; March 26
8 p.m.
• Male Quartette
From The Missionary Church, Kitchener
• r
The ituron Christian Mens AssOciation presents The
News on a everY'dati-r41 ----------
EVil Prevails When Good Men Do Nothing,
The Rev. R. Odendahl
MARCH 26th
St. Paul's Ripley — 9:15 alri.
Ascension. Kinlough 10:30 a.m.
St. Peters Lucknow 11:45 • a.m.
Church School' — 10:30 a.m.
St. Paul's, Dungannon —
3:00 p.m
2nd and 4th Sundays
Christ Church, Port Albert
3 p.m.
1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays
Cards At Zion
Ivlaple Grove La, L. 1044 h
a Card---party Mond.:}
March. 20. in Zion I la 11 with 10
tables in play. i ii, h ,lady was
Mrs. Allan Ritchie and Mrs, Al
Gibson , tied. Low lath was MC
Bert Alton. w as Alla
Carter and low .ient was Allan.
Special prizes donated by Got
on Carter were: lad\ 's travellin
lOne hand - kusscil Swail; gent's
travelling lone hand - Allan Rit
le; ladies With most lone hands
Mrs,. Russell Alton and Mrs. Lill
Anderson , tied; the gent with th
most lone bands Frank Hamilton
and Allan Garter, tied. There
will be another party in two we
:Rev., Robert Nicholls, 134..
MARCH 26th
10 a.m. Sunday, School.
'11 a.m..Morning Worship.
Presbyterian Church
Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D.
Phone 528=274
MARCH 26th
10 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m„Morning_Worship= _
March 23 at St. Peter's Cathedral
in London.
A. letter Was read from ListoWel
Transport Lines and the problem
discussed. It was moved by Mrs. '
Carl Riegling and seconded by
Father R. Casaano hat with:;_•._ Mrs. Johnston Conn led in pray-
hold. payment of the bill until we - er arid Mrs:, Victor Wybenga gave
check with Taggart Lines in an' a reading "In the garden". •The
effort to clear up the problem. roll call was answered by 16
Another letter will be written to giving a verse of scripture ,with
L.T.L. explaining our position word Life. The ladies were re-
and asking them to:. bear with us. minded of the invitation to South
The Treasurer's report was Kinloss W.M.S. Thankoffering •
was- taken by - Ma h_29 th.ynotlicaLta_te_
Mrs. Antone VatiOsch. A colleo- held at Hamilton in April. • The
tion will be taken for Easter flow- allocation for 1972 was announced.
Preparations were made for a
The March meeting of Chal -
mer's Presbyterian Women's Mis-
sionary Society was held On Thurs-
day 16 at the home of Mrs. Robert
The President Mrs. Bill Rintou1
presided and gave the call to wor-
-ship. Take up-thy cross was
sung with Mrs. Johnston Conn ac-
companying on the accordian org-
an. Mrs:Russel Ross read the
The meditation was given by'
Mrs. John de Boer, who said when•
ever Christians meet each other
the happy greeting was the Lord is
risen indeed. These words set
men. singing at their tasks and
gave the meaning to daily,living.
It opened long vistas of explora - •
non toWard-the truth. It 'brotrghr—
courage tothe. suffering, lighten-.
ed heavy burdens, gave hope to
oppressed add made faith in spirit-
ual purpose the answer to the '
unsolved mystery of the universe.
Chalmers W.M.S.
A man • who bows down tot
nothing 'can • never bear tlt
-burden- of—himself..
Mrs. Eugene Frayne reported
that on February 2 seven of our
members attended a meeting of
the Goderich C. W.L. at whiCh
Miss Eileen Boyko of Ontario Hyd-
ro was guest speaker. Her topic
was "Freezing Foods". A corn-
Mentary, and slides on "Living ,-
Better Electrically" were' shown.
On MarCh 3, five members
attended the World' Day of Prayer
at St.' Peter's Anglican. Church in
Lucknow . One of our members
read and another participated in
taking up the collection.
Mrs,. Walter Clare reminded us
about-f..Attlon_LifelL, rbe_niov e
ment to stop further liberalization
of Abortion Laws. Our letters are
still needed in OttaWa. The ad-
"cl,resset are in our January .News-
The First Friday Mass is for
In her report on the Kingsbridge
Girl Guides, Mrs. Walter Clare
tal cd'Mi ST-Bct Mat-Lennai r -
ims finished her term as a, leader.
Mrs. Jack Tigert's term' ends in
June. Help is needed for the
Guide's July Camping trip. A '
letter of appreciation is
being sent to the Guide' Leaders
for their help and excellent lead-
ership. Mrs. Walter Clare and
Mrs. John Howard Will visit Mts.
Paul Caesar.
-Father H. Cassano and the Pies-
idea' thanked the Phone, Cornrifit--
ree. Storms this winter caused
a number of cancellations and
changes in our plans., The Phone,
ComMittee Was a big help. Birth-
day cards are to be sent to all
over 80. Mrs.' •Bob Howard will
visit Mrs. T: Dwyer who is a pat-
ient in the Goderich Hospital.
'Mr. Mark DaltOn Econ-
Ornic and Civic Life Convener,
gave a reading on "Good Canad-
ian Citizenship"; • Mrs. Carl
Riegling read the resolutions sent
in to the Diocesan Council. The
White Fathers, Acadian Blvd, ,
Montreal, Quebec are asking that
musical number for South Kinloss.
Mrs. Bill Evans gave a Reading
Eastertide. The: offering was
dedicated by Mrs. Bill Purdon,
-Mrs. Wallace Conn gave the
topic, Come ye apart with me
and pray,. These words of our
Lord properly became 'an anniver7
sary theme• for self denial. It is •
a time for self reconstruction and
self strengthening. The pressure'
of things are so heavy in the lives
of most of us we are apt to forget
there are mental and spiritual
forces, which are of. greater
power than things material. Chris
intended that the Cross'should
have meaning for his followers.
He said plainly -1f any-man
come after me let him deny
himself and follow me. Ever
since, the ,Cross ,'has been the
badge Of Christian discipleship.
•must be born from above be-
fore we can, appreciate the good.
Mrs. Johnston Conn gave the
financial statement,. The April
meeting will be held at_the home
of lv1rs. 'Victor Wybenga. Mrs.
'Rintbul closed the meeting with
The Ladies Aid then met, Grace
was sung and the Birthday Tea was
served. •
we make them "Leper Gowns"
An Executive Meeting will be
held in the ne-ar-futtire to get An-. -
nual Reports comPleted.
Of our membership fee this year
$1.35 went to. National, Provin-
from old sheets. Details are in
"The League Lingo", Father
Cassano spoke on "The Women of
Galilee". The Corresponding
Secretary will be sending thank
you notes to The Lucknow Sent-
inel and The Goderich Signal-
Star to thank, them for coverage.
The Nomination Committee
was appointed. They are Mrs.
Joe MAcIntyre , Mrs. Stanley Do-
herty and Mrs. Jack Van Osch.:
Whitechurch Messengers held
their March.meeting on Sunday
the 19th during church service in
the Sunday school room,. The
president Clare-Weber:presided.
The call to worship was read in
unison. All sang Jesus Loves Me.
A Message was read in unison.
The offering was received by'
Da4vid Thompson and, the offertory
prayer repeated in unison..'
:Kay ;Wilkens read the minutes
and called the roll answered by
16. '.Linda Moore read a poem;
The Easier Lily. All sang When
Mothers of Salem.
Mrs. Quipp told the Seniors
their story and Mrs. Clifford Laid-
la.w-toitl-the Junior-sten y . Jae**
Whytock gave the benediction.
, , the hymn Beneath the Cross.' Mrs.
ST. AUGUSTINE'S Bob-Adams read the scripture,.
ST. AUGUSTINE .• Mrs. Lorne Durnin sang the
SUNDAY — 10:30 A.M: solo 1- When 1 survey the Wond-
ST. MARY'S, . gave the story "The Law of
,, . _ — _ rous Cross: _Mrs. Russel Gaunt .
loveand to Care" and
closed this part of meeting with
Mrs, Mrs, Elwood droskorth 1st vice
President presided for the business
in the absence of the President
.Mrs. Milian Moore. The roll
call Was answered by 12 members
telling of a- Book or' GOod story
.they would recommend. Mrs.
Albert Coultes .gave the treasur-
er's report. Mr's. • .
Groskorth thanked Mrs. Thompsor
for her home and closed the meet-
ing ,with prayer. The Birthday
Tea was then held.
Kingsbridge C.W.L.
March Meting
Following Mass in the Church
at 8.00 p.m. , the March meet-
ing of the Kingsbridge Catholic
Women's League was held in the,
Church Hall with Father H. Cas-
sano.and 18 members in attend-
In the absence of our Recording
Secretary, the Cotresponding Sec-
• retary read the minutes of the last
meeting. These were adopted as
reaa. Correspondence was read.
It was moved by Mrs. Wilfred
Austin and'seconded by Mrs. Mark
Dalton-that we answer the appeal
from Madonna House by sending
ten dollars.. We were advised
that Mrs. Doherty of Madonna
House is the Lenten Speaker on
Sunday Masses
SATURDAY — 7:30 P.M.
SUNDAY — 10:-30-A.M.
Whitechurch UCW
WhitechurCh 'held
their March meeting on Tuesday' 2.30' p.m.'at the home
of Mrs. George Thompson.
While the ladies' were gathering
Mrs.' Garnet Farrier played quiet
Mrs. Russel Gaunt convener of
Literature and Periodical- opened
the-meering-with-t-lie sin
Chryisetrt1.3 SUNDAY 9. A.M.
cial and Diocesan funds. In the
past year twelve free memberships
were given', It was Moved by Mrs
Clarence Doherty and seconded by
Mrs. Theo Van Diepen that we
raise bur fee to $2'..00.
The meeting was moved-
adjourned by Mrs. John Austin and
closed With prayer; During lunch
the Mystery. Prize was won by Mrs.
Wilfred Austin.
Close. to 175 a Ltril(1.0.1._the_fat
Fly fun night and pot, Inch sup
in the Lucknow . United Church
Friday night, .
Following .the ,super Rev:,
Robert Nicholls was chairman
an informal prograinwhich in-
chided a ,sing song and square'
dancing demonstrations
and Mrs.. -Nicholls , `Jr, and 1
Bob -Struthers , 'Mr. and !,Irs. El
on Ritchie and Mr.. and Mrs, B
Mrs. Herb (itcsaline) Barger.
played accordion solos and NIrs
'Bob Campbell render'ed
vocal solo.
A skit saw Bob Campbell, ,
Glen 'Walden on,d Boh..Struthers
o surgery on .(01(..(. .11,
Charles Wehste.r was chairma
,for a .beauty contest which saw
Bertha (l-ierl)) barter enter, t as
.the winner. Other contestants,
dressed in the latest swimwear,
were Roberta (Bob). :,.1rintosii,
Matilda ..(Bob) BO -erle
(Bey) Mc Nay Jacqueline (jack
Tx_ete,a yell and Ceraldine (1Z(:;
Roberta McIntosh was awarde
the prize for Miss.c.ongeniality.
Crokinole , ca ds nd dancing
ended ,a .very sticoc,silni evening
Whitechurch About. 175 A
essengers Farm Nigh