HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-03-22, Page 6USE ,LASSIFIED r a 0 S AN OPPORTUNITY IN 'THE FARM EQUIPMENT BUSINESS • JOHN 'DEERE LTD. Has available franchises in Agricultural and Consumer `Products, for the following areas: LUCKNOW CliESLEY• A • MILDMAY MARKDALE Coniider the. possibilities of • being a dealer with the World's largest and most progressive Agricultural Company. For a confidential Interview write: JOHN DEERE LTD. BOX 355, HAMILTON, ONT. Alan R. Mill Was W.I. Speaker ad-attendane'Lolladies were at the'' March meeting of the Lucknow Women's Ihstitute.to hear 'guest 'speaker , Mr. A. R. Mill, barrister of Wingham, speak on "Wills and Estates". topic was of great interest to the mem-. bers arid guest,s and Mr. Mill answ-ered-the-many -titiettions which were asked. of hid]. Mr. Mill said not to take advice frOm friendS„ of anything they were ,not sure, a but go' to.their lawyer , as that is what they were educated Mrs..Albert Gammie thanked Mr., Mill and presented him with a gift. • Mrs. George Whitby presided' for the opening exercises and busine•is of the meeting•and $30.00 was donated to, the Gold- en Circle School in Wingham: For our annual meeting which is in April,' we were reminded to bring our own dishes and cutlery for the pot luck slipper, and also a gift for, our "Sunshine Sister". The roll' call was answered by. Sal' I 1.• .5.5 • school. teacher" . Mrs. Albert Gammie presided for the pro'gram, and-called,on Mrs. Walter Alton for the Motto,. "In youth we learn, in age we understand". Mrs. W. J. joynt and Mrs. P. S. Stewart sang 'a lovely duet, "Beautiful Bells", accompanied. by Mrs. Ross Cum- ming on the piano. A demonstration "on the makin of different cushions" given by Miss. Elizabeth Robinson, proved very interesting to the ladies; The Queen and Grace were sun and lunch was served by the host- esses. LANGSIDE Murray McLeod returned to his ( 111Y, eve _11.1s the was the the the "Ti Staff leti ent, THE•oc.K.Now. SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22nd, 197 PAGE SIX AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of Modern Farm Implements will be held for , MRS. HARVEY WEBB. Lot 20, Concession 12, West Waw- anOsh Township, 2 blocks east and 1 block south of Lucknow On SATURDAY-, APRIL 8 • at 1:30 p.m. TERMS CASH' Allan Maclntyre, Auctioneer Lucknow • AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of livestock, grain, farm implements and house- , hold effects will` be held for Ross Bogie, north half lot 9, Con. 10, Colborne Township, 2 miles west & one' mile south of Nile or 6 miles' north of Goderich on. Saturday, April 22 at 1:30 Terms Cash, Farm Sold. Allan`MacIntyre,-Auctioneer,„ Lucknow. AUCTION SALE , AUCTION SALE of livestock, farmtplements nd ain will be held for William George, Lot 12, Con. 124;0:i tt Township, 3 miles east of B i . on Huron CoUnty Road Thursday, April 13 at 1:30. Terms Cash, Farm Sold. Allan Maclntyre, Auctioneer, Luck- now. AUCTION SALE of Modern •Farm Implements and 1969 Oldsmobile• Car Will be held for of • Farm Machinery, Feed and Household Effects Will be held for ORVILLE McCORMICK Lot 57, Concession A, Huron Town- ship-,-2W miles south of Kincardine on Lake Shore Road, '11/4 miles west of Highway 21, ',4 mile south of Aintree Road. On • SATURDAY, MARCH 25 AT. 1:00 p.m. LUNCH BOOTH ON GROUNDS- Livestock . . . Registered Hackney p. o n i e s; Fleetwood Sherry, Reg. Hackney Broodmare with stud colt at side; 2. yearling fillies, can be registered. Machinery . 1550-Cockshutt gas-tractor-with- power steering, hydro drive; 900 hours, like new; C.A. Allis Chal- mers tractor with loader; Massey Harris 4 furrow plow, 14 in. bot- toms; John Deere 3 furrow plow, 12 in bottoms; International 36 plate wheel disc; International 36 fraT6--VM--(1.1,01/2----fL--Getwrge White cultivator on rubber; 6 ft. 3 point hitch cultivator; Massey Ferguson 13 run seed drill on tub- ber; Set of chain harrows and 4 section and 3 section of harrows with. bars; 5 section of diainond harrows with new' steel. bar; 12 ft. land • acker; 2 yr. old Spread Mas- er power a e o manure s • ad: er; 7 ft. Case P.T.O. mower on wheels; Massey, Ferguson rota bar rake; Massey -Ferguson hay baler in good condition; John Deere wag- on with hay rack; Turnco self un- loading grain box with wagon; 21 ft.. grain auger with motor; 1 cut- ting bok with pipes; post /hole aug- er; 3 point hitch carry all; 14 ft. self feeding rack for cattle; 22 ft. Skeleton hay elevator; 3 point , hitch snow blower; tractor snow blade; 1 set of heavy duty tractor chains to fit 1S, by 38 tires' heat houses and sun umbrella • for Cockshutt tractor; buzz .saw and tractor rip saw and 30 ft. endless belt; Pion- eer chain saw; 1968. Mercury V8, 1 ton dual wheeled truck with flat rack, West Coast mirrors, radio, like new condition; Stock box ` for truck; rubber 'Tired wheelbarrow, like new; hog self feeder, water rrel-with-putomatic-bow1;--em- mery with motor, electric fencer; 4 can milk, cooler; Badger stable cleaner; 2 boys bicycles. Pony. Equipment . . . English saddle; Pony cutter with shafts and bells; Pony cutter with pole and neck yoke; Pony racing sulky witl“balloon tires; Set of pony harness and buggy shafts. Feed . . _ Approximately— 2500- bales—of Clover Alfalfa and Timothy Alfalfa hay; Approximately 30 - 40,tons of real good mixed grain; loose cut straw that could be baled, ' Household Effects . . . Dining loom suite consists of table, 6 , chairs, china cabinet and buffet; 21 cu. ft. food' freezer like new; odd dressers, vanities, chairs, dishes, beds; antique Victrola, canning qt. jars; tool and, other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH • Owner, or auctioneers not responsible for any accidents or injuries on property day of sale ORVILLE McCORMICK, Prop. Auctioneers. GRANT McDONALD, Ripley Phone 395.5353 WALLACE BALLAGH, Teeswater • • Phone 3924170 Bruce Farm Report • BARLEY VARIETIES Barley is becoming an increas- ingly popular crop in Bruce. County as an energy source. The reason for this increase is due to more intensive livestock produc- tion. Cattle are being put to mar- ket at a faster rate than previous- ly and high yielding mulch cows are becoming commonplace. Consequently, barley varieties are being looked at with greater interest. There are five varieties to choose from. The three popu- lar ones in this County are Herta, Brock and Fergus. By far the largest acreage is sown to Herta, followed by Brock -and Fergus- Herta is, a high yielding two row- ed barley. It is short strawed 'and consequently resistant to lodging. One of the defects with regard to Herta is that the awns are , quite rough and can be irritating at harvest time. Brock is a newer variety; lic- ensed in 1969: It is stronger straw- ed and two 'to three days earlier than Herta. It is a six rowed var- iety and smooth awned. Like Her- ta the yield is high. Fergus is a two' rowed rough awned variety licensed in 1968. Is is 'similar to Herta in Many respects but is not as high yielding. All three varie- ties are resistant to mildew. Brock is resistant to loose smut and the other, two are tolerant to it. Tolerant varieties may ow-symptoms_of_loose_smut but the yield is generally not affct- ed to any great extent. It is lik- ely that in the years to .come Brock will become more popular as a feed grain in this County and possibly will surpass Herta in acreage grown. 'Denis Quish Associate-Agricultnral=Rep. 4-H IS FOR GROWING PEOPLE 4-H - Organizational meetings will be taking nithufirst first two weeks in April.. The 4-H program has been expanding its project areas and we feel we have something for everyone bet- ween the am -of 12 to 21 living in rural areas. The program is or- ganized in such a way that we hope to aid in the development of the youth into our society by offering them the opportunity to develop self-confidence, learn to work with others, acquire a sense of responsibility, develop their leadership skills and have a grow- ing appreciation of the agficul- tural industry. If you have any questions about our 4-H program, contact your local 4-H members, leaders or the Department of Agriculture -and •Food-Offirp in_Walkerto Bruce Stevenson, • Extension Assistant THE OLD CHOPPING BLOCK Maybe 'it's a chip off the old block - but recent publicity about wooden cutting boards and, the possil3flity that they present a' health, hazard has caused con- cern. With proper care, these sur- ing of mineral oil or .sweet oil which has been slightly warmed. To , avoid the possibility of strong ndors being transferred from a' cutting surface to foods with a delicate' flavor, it is a good idea to have two cutting_ s faces - one for 'strong flavours -and one for mild. • Cleanliness is an important con- sideration for the •"old cutting block" and it should be kept spot- less to eliminate any possible health hazards. • • Judi Reasbeck, Home. Economist home in Guelph after spending three weeks. with his .grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Graham Moffat .• and •Marilynne.. •\. Mr: and Mrs. Roy McLeod , Kim and Graham visited with Mr, and Mrs.-Graham Moffat and. ria.r. .1Ynne on Saturday'. , A meeting of the Sunda`. School teachers and executive was held • at the home 'of; Mr. and Elmer Scott Diesday evening to 'plan the Sunday sc.hoolactivities for the corning' year: ..The Sunday School Will start the .first Sunday in April. Teachers1br.tlie corn- ing year are Nancy de Boer, Hele Wiersma Mrs. George Young and The ladies Of 'the .1,angside corn munity are having 'a 'quilting bee Wednesdayiat the hall,. Married In Ottaw DUNGANNON NF.WS, The marriage of Ma lin Claud- ette Hernandez, dau ,4hter 6 Elsie chting ,.'Trinidad „ a nd John belbert Bere , son 'orNirs: Mar'y Fiere, Thingannon, Ontario, took place in Judge's Chamhers, Ottawa on Fricla\ , March 17 at elTrOrt7-':1-ud-g-e White ..n g, cercf11011 ed the. double -ri Mrs.' Bere went to Ottawa for the week 'end ,and attendLd the wed- ding.. • . • While irr OttaWa Mrs.. .Bere visited Mr.. and Mrs. R. C: Pass- more , (nee Elizabeth Stothers) and ,family and saw the ice Cap- ades, • AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of modern .farm implements, livestock, hay and straw will be held for Robert Mc- Allister, west half Lot 21, Con. 7, West-Wawano,sh,Township,-6-miles„ south and 3 miles east of Lucknow or 2 miles west of St. Augustine, on Tuesday, April 11 at 1:30. Terms Cash. Allan MacIntyre, Auctioneer, Lucknow. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of beef cattle, farm implements and some' house- hold effects will be held for Lorne Wall, south half lots 27 and 28, Con. 1, Kinloss Township, 41/2 miles east of Lucknow on Hwy. 86 on Satur- day, April 15' at 1:30. Terms Cash. Farm Sold. Allan, MacIntyre, Auc- tioneer, Lucknow. HOMEOWNERS CALL. TO 10. $2,00Q450,000 Obtain all the cash you need and reduce your payments-by.as niuch as half with a 2nd or 3rd mortgage on sensible terms. Call to 10 p.m. today for helpful courteous service. Prompt Invest- ment Corp., 330 Bay St., Toronto.. Call Collect 366-9586, evenings, 231-8146. AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE 90---ba NORMAN O'CONNOR Part. ots 10. cod 11, Con. Ashfield' Township, 2 miles north of. Kingsbridge on Hwy. 21 On THURSDAY, MARCH 30th' 1:30 p.m. implements . . . Massey Ferguson 65 . high arch tractor; International B414 diesel tractor; International tractor and loader; Massey Ferguson 4 furrow -plough,-r• International 12- ft. -milt: iVator, on wheels; International 15 run seed drill; New Holland 68 baler; bale •stooker and fork lift; New Holland 32 ft. bale elevator and motor; Massey Ferguson 6 , bar side rake; New Idea '7 'ft. mower; Idea _man e spreader ,_Gehl P.T.O., hammer mill; Grain auger; wheelbarroW; scales; fanning mill and motor; bag cart; wagon and 16', 'rack; hydraulic cylinder; ex- tension ladder; box' stove; tarpaul- in; tractor chains; mail box; lawn roller; • lumber; plywood; cedar poles; 4" tile; plastic piping; ,num- erous smal articles. Hay and Straw . . .• Quantity baled hay and straw. Automobile . . , 1969 Oldsmobile car' (safety checked). TERMS 'CASH . Victoria and Grey Trust Co. Commonittee for the' estate • GederithiOnfarie ALLAN. MacINTYRE, Auctioneer Box 209; Lucknow, Ontario Phone. 528-3519 'faces are quite safe to ,nse,_,A•• al- though' some people may prefer to switch to the laminated plastic kind now on the market. A 'wooden cutting board should be treated like other kitchen ut- ensils. ' After each use it should be washed with detergent and -water-and-surfaee-dried. Occas- ionally, extra attention is needed to eliminate stains and odors. For a thorough cleaning, wipe the board with a damp cloth and sprinkle with a chlorine bleach type cleanser. Allow to stand for approximately 10 minutes to des- troy odors and bleach stains, then remove cleanser. If the wood 4fheeelns gidiv y th ael)fteroar4.,a4ithis toreatttm.eantt Look hoth Talking.. rnr JIM SW A\ • ~FThe Eibrly3iTc Ivo\ to F RI, 6 toc? 30arh CKNX RADIO.WO Leo and art on we lad .gen Pr' hea con and Go pan do Fri bet this •