HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-03-22, Page 5PAO* Ply* FROM LUCKNOW ENTINEL FOR SALE 150 ACRES, 125 workable, balance hardwood bush, 2. storey '5 bedroom home, 4 .piece bath, coal wood fur- nace, excellent barn and milk house listed' at $25,000_ with spring possession R. W. ANDREW karriilei. and Solicitor. LISTOWEL, 'ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday . and Saturday Afternoon Office in the Joynt, Block • • ./ Telephone: • Lucknow 528.3116 R BRAY DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC 1-97-JOSEPH-INE-ST-RE=ET___- WINGHAM, . PHONE 357-1224 WE HAVE several buyers for pro- perty with spring fed 'streams or springs where it would be possible to create fish ponds with or with- out buildings. If you are thinking of buying or have property-for sale give us 'a call. Buy Direct and. Save Bus. Ph. 357.1910 Otos. Ph. 357-1015 MacKENZIE MEMORIAL CHAPEL ' FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted according to your wishes at your Home, your Church, nr at our Mem- orial •Chapel at no additional charge, ' Lucknow, Pitons $20,3432 Day, or Night -N. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, 40CX.H.Q.W, ONTARIO SPAY, MARCH 22nd, 1972 once o .Credttors, ()lice .170: Creditors FOR .SALE- ▪ •. H. D. MOON Rea[ Estate Limited M.L.S. REALTOR ISOM UELS tie*Toto on_s SUNOCO LUCKNOW DISTRIBUTORS 0,00 5294524 or 5244681 E EURliEft SERVICE. For, Form, Home and Industry a • NCiTicE TO CREDITORS NOTICE O CREDITORS ' • . In 'the Estate .of t 100 ACRE FARM .- .1: WILLIAM ANDREW GRIFFIN ' I n cttilli 1 :Tst4f to of . & Deceased MAY CRUICKSHANK 11 ▪ 95 workable, steel barn, loose : • - • 3 bedroom •home havilig • All persons having .claims again; ALL' PERSONS having claims 0 pens, • w • 4 pc. bath, fan basement, oil • st the• Esta,tf& of William. Andrew against the Estate of the aboVe- a fUrnaCe, drilled well and situ- a Griffin, late • of the. Village of , mentioned, late of the. City , of wi aced On a paved road and hay- : Lucknow, in the County of Bruce,, Grosse Pointe m the State of a in Retired Caretaker, deceased, who. Michigan, U.S.A. Housewife, who • • • a ing easy terms, of Ideal lots for sale in quiet reSi- • died .on Or about the 9th day of died on, or about', the 8th• day • . n dential area, near Public school, n "March; 1972, are hereby notified to. July. ]971, are required to • file iv 200 ACRE FARM w• send in full particulars of their proof of same with the undersigned ,close to high school buses, Price • • .• 150."workable, 40 acres of. bush „.• large barn,,loose pens, silo and ; • a 4 bedroom house. in good 111, • condition, priced to sell. claims to the undersigned Solid- on or before the 30th day of March, ' to 51,450, or information, phone Phyllis at 357-3692. tor for the Estate, on or before 1972. the. 14th day of April 1972, as after After that date the Administrator the said date, the Estate will be will proceed to distribute the Es- distributed amongst those entitled. tutu having regard only to the 21 acres mostly workable, barn 6E11 STAMPS 11n 1 • thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then 28'6" x 44', garage 48' x 20'. ? fn Having everything .chats DATED at Wingharn, Ontario, Road all all , school buses pass gate, • going, _n n., shah When have notice. 50 ACRE RETREAT • claims of which the Executors have had notice , ,room house-,_ located on. County Dated at Listowel, Ontario, this this 3rd day of March, 1972. Taxes $33.38. Price, $8,000. For in- '.--1 • hills springs, evergreens, etc. :1 L. : ' . . 15th day of March, 1972. ' ' CRAWFORD AND MILL formation phone Ross at 357-3692. es n ' R. W. ANDREW %%gingham, Ontario Listowel, Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator a Solicitor for the Executers -1 el: LISTINGS . . • o N NOTICE TO. CREDITORS • • . n In *the Estate of Alen - ' • n • • ELIZABETH SIMPSON n . al ' ALL'PERSOINS having claims a • a i •4, 61 Chapman • mentioned, late of the Village of wi l against. khe Estate of the above' n WANTING : List with us if you wish to sea Buy through us, all will be well. ROSS •and PHYLLIS HOGGART Phone Wingham 357-3692 am a. g , - a Lucknovv, in the County of Bruce, , . I Realty Limited - : - a 24th, 1972, •are required to file . Housewifer who- died on- January-4- ! : proof of same with the undersigned GODERICH, ONTARIO . • on or before the 1st day of. April, gift fliff •,•••••••••••••i••••••••4 • Lucknow Office.•19Z ter that date .the Executors 11•••••••••••••°".•••••• • • . n will proceed to distribute 'the. Es- - ,• ' • • 528-Z031 . • 0•• J. MacKENZIE, O.D. ptometrist • • • tate 'havingregardonly to the Au- : . e i • BARRY McDONAGH, si claims of ' which they. shall—then 7- ; • • have had °notice. n • • this 13th day of March A D .1971 REP.• : DATED at Wingharn, Ontario 40 acres of 'cedar and pine bush. I is , • • • . This would be an excellent bush to • Res. 5211-3821' . , • s . CRAWFORD & MILL n ' , • 1Ningham, Ontario I III 50 ACRES on No. 9 ' highivay with OWEL PHONE 211-1311 take logs and posts °off leaving a lovely building site or resale pro- allsollallsellosellall""11"1"1111 Solicitors for the Executors INSURANCE --FARMER'S----FARMI-1- 00- , • -' awes of all self draining land, east n ! Of Wingham, with beautiful 8 room, re brick home, all modern conven- un iences. New' barn 32' x .60' and 1 bank barn 55' x 70'. This farm has • been farmed by same owner.for :29 It years., He now is retiring. Priced n right at $35,000 with $20,000 down. • FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY OMOBILE & INVESTMENTS • 200 ACRE .-D-A-IR-Y—F-AR-M,. improv- ed 4 bedroom home, 3 .and 2 piece • bath, oil furnace, modern. kitchen, large barn 125'x 104,: 8 Stall' milk- ing parlour, 'plus 2 silos, 16 x 50 and 16 x 60..This•farm 'is well loc- ated on a paved road. Listethat J53,000. F.C.C. mortgage available. The owner, i6 anxious. to sell and will accept a smaller/farm or bus- iness. in trade, immediate posses- sion. . To Prolerl 'Vont. 'Insure Willi Jack Today. J. A: MOOCH Lucknow, Phone 52V3423. • - n • WANT ADS '•• • 1 TED COLLYER. ▪ 358 ACRE- - beef. arm.. _this _will handle 250. to 300'head, has 3 silos t • with part auger feeding.arge '5 •n • • bedroom modernized home in good I • "IT'S CENTS" • condition. This farm 'is well tiled ,ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ABLE TO 'BUY • and is real good corn land, Full • Specializing In ELECTRIC HEATING, ELECTRIC WIRING AND REPAIRS and gl bedrooms and if you're handyn ▪ DON'T MISS THIS.— 75 acre , hobby j you can create extras in the un-n farm ideal for the working man. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES • finished dormer, 11' x 20', kit-! There is a large 4 bedroom modern- • Instead of rent rnpve right into: 150 ACRE HOG AND BEEF FARM 125 acres workable. 6 bedroom brick, home,' 3 piece bath, large barn and cement barn yard for steers. Modern hog barn 36 x 120 with it capacity of 1000 hogs per year, automatic limit feeding and rotary feeders, holding tank' 20 x excellent-opera. price $90,000 with $40,000 down, :this roomy home in. Lucknow, 3:. good terms at° 7(`'• ALL 'lichen, plenty of cupboards, mat-n ized home, that is nicely landscap- lure walnut and . maple trees'plus: ' ed. This farm is set up for beef • Ilydro Financing Available . to Many . flowers . and shrub aci_hag s with a:4Q0/14iank, „lap Lucknow — Phone 528-5802 • real buy at $7,500. DOnl be sor-a Reasonable. clown payment with a ry you didn't .see it. : good terms. . • . I• 111' GET READY for, spring building I: DANDY BUY • on lovely 50 acre lot With 'beauti- i • • ful maple trees, situated on No. 9 a NEAR LAKE uated on 3 acres, 4 piece bath, full highway near Kinloss. $io.00p full •1Relax in the peaceful country: . basement and 2 car garage, all rice• with 1 -, down - 10 atmosphere amid the fragrance: AWFORD and MILL. CRAWFORD, Q.C. ALAN R. MILL, B.A., L.L.B. OR E. DAVIES, B.A., L.L.B. WINDHAM IN LUCKNOW EVERY WEDNESDAY 10 a.m. to 12 noon eared m• reclilemi Blink t;on which you 'must see to'apprec- iate, posSession and terms can be arranged.. f•! ,•••••••••••••••114 • e. YEAR' OLD 3 bedrobm home sit , electric heat and broadloom, well located on Paved road, 40 acres of river recreational property., also availabfe, immediate possession. • of 15 acres of . cedar, substantial. LARGE 8:ROOM brick home in ex- : • brick__Storey and ,, a half home. , --a- • -ceilent-condition-on-3-ae-reof land i in on 100 rolling acres, barn '50 x n . - . al in country, about 8 miles. from 150; pit silo 50 x 20, new silo, 14w Kincardine Priced right. li x 40. Yours for just $22,900. : iv ' , n I ▪ 220 ACRES of well drained excel- in in lent fartri land, has drilled well and $6,000 DAWN N is-areal toed farm located 2 miles phone 528.2320 IN RIPLEY EVERY FRIDAY •In floss Marlyn Building Phone Wingliam. ice 3S7-3630 Res. 357.2330 3 BEDROOM brick home, barn and tool shed located on 3, acres 'of land close to H.W. 21, drilled, well and hYdro, located on county highway and,- priced right. • I"- TOP CONDITION • steel barn 30' x '65' with hydro. This . WINGHAM__4_ MEMORIALS i • north of Kinloss on Glamis road. ii 97 level acres, paved road,, near: .north right. • town, 3 'acres bush, systematic-: 1 rally tiled every 6Q'. Add• Your! • •new . buildings and you'll haver., It you're thinking of buying or ! a a real n setp. a selling in the Ripley to Kinloss area, contact / . • GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING. R., W. BELL. liTOMETRIST GODERICH The Square Ohm* JAckson 4-7661) REASONABLE PRICES . 1• • • • se ALLEN McARTHUR n • n • "For. Best Results .'List : AT FISHERMAN'S COVE as 'Your Property' With Hoist" n CLAM LAKE . n • REALTOR n n n AGENT FOR I, o . _ a a . . OFFICE : Wilfred Mclntee all n Ripley, Ontario n • • n .- - 395-2634 : & Co., Limited . a m 0 CONTACT a 11114K ERTON, • n • : Rosalind Hodgins . a Member of the Grey and Bruce 111 A 0 Multiple Listings Service ii a RA. 2 HOLYROOD • n O .1,6t M.L.S. -- Over 60 Salesmen • -3954337 mr • , . Working For Your n a se iii i••••••••••••••••••••saial 111••••••••••••••••••••••., WARREN ZINN Phone 529-7350 Wilfred ,McIntee St Co., Limited M. HARPER titARTERED ACCOUNTANT A SOU111 &reel, Goderieh Telephone 5i24•796$ WALKERTON • ,Member of the Grey and Bruce Multiple Listings Service — Over 60 Salesman .Workilig For You ••••••••••••••••••••00016