HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-03-22, Page 319 Fl. Oz. Tin 5: 48 rtret. Tin 0 R FREE.1.' .ART MASTERPIECES S20 FAMOUS ARJ REPRODUCTIONS by the world's great- est artists to enhance ybur home. We're offering one FREE to you this week with the coupon from our brochure mined to you reoentty and a purchase of $5.00 o• more. • This.vreek's picture vim: 1.111 X 14les Save up to 50% on quality frames Lucknow Native Is 90 Years Old ul WEB MARSH 720, 1972 THE LUCKNOVki SENTINEL LAJCKNOW ONTARIO PAGE THROE.. t. • t`. /farariff0.,./M, BEST — HOSTESS 1041i. FRO 1411 POTATO-CHIPS-5-9c- tAndifil" MATE "i"4, RED& WHITE FOOD STORES BEST MIXED SIZES OICE PEAS BEST BUY! APPLE JUICE MARTIN'S U FEATURE! — All Puipose Towels 12 to Pkg. 1.EL0TH 55c 1 BRYLCREEM HAIR DRESSINLaGrgeiu496‘c W i ii° BEST BUYI — PINK CLOVER LEAFSALM9N BEST BUY! — CANADIAN PROCESS KRAFT CHEESE SLICES FEATURE!i jariiiiitumusitoFue 73/4-0z. Tin 0 49. 16-Oz. Pkg. 39e BAKERY FEET VIRZI! ; RED it WHITE HAMBURG BUNS AND • S to..Pkg. 3 VARIETIES 1_ -IENER-Roll-s. -4-4 • DONUTS FEATURE! — MOUNT ELEPHANT GREEN 'BEANS BEST BUY, — eAnoloor.i --VIVAltirand TISSUE 14 FL Oz. Tin R $1- 9 • Faney Macs and Spies HIGH UNER Keep Your Cash Register Shp When You Have An Order Of $10 OR OVER. For Each Week You Will - Receive 254 OFF AN EASTER LILY p IT - Mr. Frank, Scott of Southgate , Michigan is spending a while with his cousin Mrs. Jack Mc Kendrick, 9mSaturday, 'Mr. Horace Holmes of Oshawa and son Kenny oi • Guelph University called on Mrs. McKendrick.. ' and MrS. Forbes McLellan,. Saralland Chris are visitors With, her parents Mr..' and Mrs. Vern- cm( Hunter. • Archie ,Nicholson of Luc know.. is a patient in Wingharn and Dk rict Hospital. .He was admitted. ,,. on Sunday. Mrs. George A. Link y (Grace Cameron) of Park , Michigan is home k recuperating from a' serious surgical operati after two Weeks spent in Sinai on, Hospital, Detroit , Michigan, of the Mrs, Linley is the only daughter late WU. and Mrs. Kenneth Cameron of this conimunity. • Mr., .:and Mrs: Al Irwin .and family of Timmins are halida)ing this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert. Alton. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson, John, Robert and Anne of Windsor visited the first of this week in Lucknow at the home.of his sister kiss/Helen Thompson. • Mrs. Ron. RothWell of. Norwood was a visitor: in LucknoW the first of this. week with her mother Mrs. F.d Thom. MiSs Margaret Kelly of Lucan spent last week end •with her sister 'Mrs. Wm, Hogan and Mr. Hogan Lucknow, She was ac- companied 'by Todd Hogan' of LOndon, who ks spending the week with his grandparents tits. and Mrs. Con Ho gan of Ashfield • LUCKNOW 'COUPLE •CONTINUER PAGE 1 . •, toni_C,_at 'Mr. and .Mrs..Drennali have been' Hie mbers of the. Methodist Chnrcb of .Crewe .Dungannon .Charge and ...Luel<now ,United 'Church': Mrs t Drenr6n has 'been an a rd ent• ur.c wor « t he . 'various o'f'fices at CreWe and Lucknow United Church , 'also a member of the Horticultural .Soc- iety giving a' helping; hand to. • beautify the town. •, . • Wilfred'.was oVerseas during the first world war., He held the office'of Public SchOol trustee for a miniber.of fears 'at No'. 16 ,.Ashfield. :They opened their home for a number of teach. ers who taught school in' this community , also the 'minister, his -Wife:and family , the young- pebples , Sunday SChool , M„ S .and U.('. W. meetings- and also oared for the aged. Ile also • served on the boards of Crewe and Lucknow United Church.' Wilfred and Janet are members of the Town and Country Club and bowling'club of LucknOw. it. and. NIrs.. Drennan have a family -of :two , One da-u.,;hter and a son,' NIrS., Melvin u (Winnifred••• Lorraine) Stewart of Ouelph and James Drerinan4 farnily farm' in Ashfield. Thev'. trave:thi'ee granddaughters ,•, Dawn (Stewart) Nlyhill..of Toronto, MiSs Judy SteW.art of. Guelph Jennifer Drennan of Ashfield'arld.three gra ndsons.,Ratil and. Shawn Dren- nan of Ashfield and il•tobt r grandson by marriage. Neighbors, friends and relatives enjoyed a social time reminiscing with Mr. and Mrs. Drennan at their hoMe Wednesday, March. 13th. Many ,,many best wishes and congratulatory messages from the Houses of parliament at Ottawa and Ontario and from far and near were received by this happy couple. A family dinne(will be .held in their honor on returning home from their Golden Honey- moon 'in Florida.- Mr. and Mrs. Drennan left on-Saturday by bus to Dctroit and, by air from Detroit to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. uar-47-th--mr eff • on of 2418 - 54th Ave, S.W. , Calgary , Alberta celebrated her. 90th. birthday. She was the form. er Mary Ann MacPhee. On February10th,MrS. Beaton suffered. a stroke and is now hospit- alized but improving. • A hospital.visitor , upon notic- ing•The Lucknow Sentinel on the • table, remarked that she was 'born about eight Miles' from Luck- • now. She was •Mrs.. Agnes Kaasa (nee Coultes, daughter of Robert' Coultes of 10th line of East Wawa- nosh.) Mis. Beaton was pleased to see the photo of her old school class of S. S. No. 7 Kinlossin 1894. Through requesting the photo from Mrs. Leonard McInnes, R. R. 5 Lucknow, she .finds _she is a relative of Leonard's which has started a cdrrespondence. 0 • 1. a rye .