HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-03-15, Page 12MEN'S • FLANNELETTE Size A - E $3.19 - $4.47 $1.00 OFF A PR.. BOYS' PYJAMAS Regular and Polo 20% OFF VG PSIS TWOLVIII THE LUCKNOW •SENTINEL,LOCKNOW, PNTARIO • WEONESDAY4 MARCH Isth, 197 Dies FolloWing.. long. Illness. LADIES' GOWNS AND PYJAMAS Size 32 - 42 $2.19 - $4.59 $1.00 OFF EACH SEPOY STORE Lueknow Phone 528-3214 in hospital are ,Mrs. Hilda Ruston, Bill Steer , Mrs. Ruthe Patterson, Don Paquette in Westminster in ' London, Mrs. Oscar White in Victoria in London and Gordon , kanlaysonWingriarri. WEEK IN RIPLEY CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 ' On Tuesday morning two 'cars were,in collision at the Corner of the tenth concession .of Hurori • township and the'fifteenth - one • block north of Ripley; The cars were driven by GariTTarTelf,--s-cin _of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Farrell of concession twelve , and Allan Ithody of the tenth concession east. Ontario Provincial'Police from Kincardine carried out the investigation. * * * * • Last WedneSday•schools throtigh. out.the area were closed due to Wintry blowing snow,: By . Wednes- day night snow Was falling- thick at tiMes and .driven by. winds and'accompanied by.low temper-. ales. that cOndition resernbled. • those pictUres 'of Siberia. 'It was As scarce. as the jack rabbits ; ,,areshe hunters in the area this winter. Two carloads cif hunters, with their red trimmed coats•dnd capS, were noticed proceeding yestward front Holyrood and pas- sing through Ripley about the RIPLEY D HIGH SCHOOL Thursday, March 16 *************** PAY SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE NIGHT SCHOOL ACHIEVEMENT NIGHT On 'Wednesday evening , Mr. and Mrs. Niels Fredericksen, who were returning to Ripley from Tor- onto, made.,it as far as Mildmay where they were forced by the blizzard 'to stop for the night. Nie Is , who a lon-g-TATe-x-Mac - Intosh of Lucknow and Pat Hayes of Kinloss , form the staff of work- ers at Ted Rouse's Chopping and Feed Mill in Ripley, is scheduled to re-enter Branson's Hospital on Finch ;Avenue in WillOwdale this Thursday. • * * 0. J. TIFFIN Funeral serVice was held , Tuesday aft•ernoon, March , from the R,- A,. Currie and Spa Funeral Home ill Willgilarrl• fOr Orville• James Tiffin of Whitechurch. Mr, Tiffin passed away Saturday ,. March .4 at the Wingham and .. .District Hospital following a leng- thy illness. He had observed' his: 15tkbirthday theda.y before his . A veteran of World War I,, Mr., Tiffin was born in Ashfield Town- shiP ; a son of the. late J. J; and Mary 'Taylor. .,He'attended • S. S.' No.. 8, ,Kinloss at Langs•ide and worked as a farmer and carp::. enter in his early life, .From 1961 to 1967 he worked On the mainten- ance staff .of the Win.gham and Distriet Rospital, retiring in.•1967, He was a member. of the,White- church United Church. . • . 'Surviving-are. his-w-ife-i-the-forar- er Eiizabeth Janet McInnes ,' - 'whom he married O.c.tober"29;. 1919, at the bride's home in loss' Township; two. ions', Joseph. 'W. of KinloSS"and Daniel C. of. TOrnberryi Seven. grandchildren and•two great.grandcht Also left to mOurn are two broth- ers , Wesley Tiffin 'of White.church and George Tiffin of LucknOw. • Pastor of WhitechUrch United • .Church": Karel De.KO-eijer , officiat ed at .the funeral serviee and the.' • Cemetery 'chapel. Pallbearers 'were Wallace Conn, Stuartlarnieson - man, John 15. McInnes, Bill • Tiffin .and William McInnes, Floral, tributes were 'carried cby Russell' Alton:and three .granidsons .Barry Bevin Tiffin•and Douglas:Tiffin', " middle of last Saturday morning. No reports,of the group of Negro hunters from Detroit, who have hunted in the blocks just west of Ripley in previous winters , have been received this year. They were courteous and well liked by the 'fanners in the area. * * • * Among the top cattle sales made last week at the Ontario Livestock Yards in TorOnto and mentioned by reporters Bob Mac- Donald and Andy McConvay last Saturday nobri on CKNX was one made by drover George MadDon- ald of Ripley. George shipped August the, hard maple flooring downstairs had to be .lifted and' reset by the late John Robertson and his workmen. Also the then reeve , the late George MacLean Sr. :and his Council had the naain_ tile .drain in the west end of the village dug up and replaced as a reSult. A week end dance in the Township hall was cancelled due to the' heating furnace being Sub- merged. HousewiVes found their home basements a mess and sump pumps were working along the main street as/Well :as the Ri,pley Fire department. And .at the east erid Of Malcolm Street "Forgotten Lake" was at its greatest depth. 'On Wednesday, Morning Oraen Rock, aided by Johnny Smith and Les. 'Wardell; was able to gain entrance to the ,apartment over the old Ripley Post Office by a wind- ow. Here they rescued the occu- pant,Miss Myrtle Emmerton from 'the floor whereshe had lain since Sunday evening unable to 'get on SLEEP COSY WITH WARM FLANNELETTE GOWNS AND PYJAMAS GIRLS' GRANNY GOWNS Size 4 - 14 '$2.99 for $1.99 $3.98 for $2.69 only with difficulty. that the Kin.- ca to Ripley Wednesday night to .take Mrs. Ruston up for treatment, She had been severely. ill for two days with neighbours Bob and Isobel Love , Mrs.' Ed Garton,. Mrs. Mary Fludder , Mrs. Fran Wylds and Mrs• John Loomis looking after her. • Kay of concession ten, Huron ' Township. They averaged 1040 ----ilou-nds d brought M. dolla-rs-a---r- htindred. Also receiving men- ,tioir for a good price was a Hol- stein bull belonging to Glen Far- rell of Huron township shipped by Burton Shewfelt of Kincarlline. * * * Mai functioning of the automat- ic controls.on the oil fired furn- ace 'in the new boiler room at the rear of the Ripley District High' School last Tuesday afternoon caused considerable consterna- tion for awhile,. It was detected by caretaker Murdock MacDon- ald' as he was cleaning upstairs after four when he heard peculiar sounds downstairs. On investiga- tion n:,,urdock found the boiler roon-, full of live steam, the pres- sure tauge reading over 220, and fne i'„rnace sti::1-ilasting away. Teache: l;i:ov.ri of Lucknow the Ripley Sire Depart .- 7." ,'%4 he •,..ere able tO shut.down :he and :hen run out for fear.:f 'ociler explosion. This the :et sr.' controls on the ,,e:s:nce it ..as installed hew' c , .28 Hereford steers for Donald •Mac including the !sciente I*00111 , so second and fifth year students lad. classeS on the .frOnt interiorihall This Friday .i's St.. Patrick's day and ,it is -to :be hoped that the • People in Ireland. will re-vert to' singing and daricing rather than shOOting. 'March 17: 1942 Ripley residents wakened in the morning to iind. a heavy thaw•of'SnOw had taken plaCe and their. basements .were Even.bOre .Park in the centre 76f the 'village look- ed like 'a Small.la•ke., Dow:n at. the 'Huron ToWnshiP hall i'river 'orTraTerVarilIT—t—tining•dri . o .. he basernent and in the west end .of the, village water was running:up, out:•of the storm sewers along the streets:. The . basement of the, Ripley High School..was•flooded • . s. -LUCKNOW AWNS, CLUB._ CAMPAIGN CIIAIRMAN IS BARRY MeDONAGH THE LOCAL . CAMPAIGN IS SPONSOREO BY 0,1.1 •Rif %NC 001 tent w tho.a Ray g toitg bble log judo Nut Ov RipFe Rif Rick cad j Daub kat Coutl nate AI at th T'S !UGH het feet after fallin from bed. Miss Emrn_. er ton , , who es aloneT triecr.in vain Oa summon help and to rise without ,success. It fs -understood ,she 'returned :to. Kitch- ener -Waierfoo With her sisfer Bernice. arid husband:, 'and' 'Mrs .•. Walter Effort., Ne14111-yours Mrs•. JOy. MacLean, anci Mrs,. borls Rock earne..to Myrtle's aid once the daOrs were .unlocked, Five year Guaranteed Investment Certificates. Get yours now! 1.? Lealand Hill, Manager Elgin and Kingston Streets Goderic.......L...040.0-.°1 5244381