HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-03-15, Page 10TH1! Lwetil* SENTINEL, 1.1)CKNOW, ONTARIO limmt•Tve • WEDNESDAY, MARCH: 1.5111, Mr. Harbottle showed slides , . , while Mrs. Harbottle explained .. . • . """"•••••••••""ow%"""ow".". their life and mission there and ','"4"'","6.0%."0"*"%"%el'ef'""no,•"0,^ of silent prayer. Miss Edna Boyle played "The robe of Calvary" and the service`concluded with the benediction. • • d Mrs. JiM Srnith thanked all who so kindly remembered them when there was illness in their home and also gave the courtesy re- marks. Lunch was served by the hostesses., The Easter meeting will be held at the Rectory , Lucknow on April 13th, with Mri. Odenclahl hostess, LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH, J. W. yan Stempvoort Pastor Services: 10:00 a.m. ,Service 2:30 p.m. Service VISITORS WELCOME Denominational Radio Broad- vast; "The-Back—To Ood-Hour", every Sunday: CJCS (Stratford) 2:00 p.m.; CFOS (Owen Sound) — 6:00. p.m. • Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. ReV. 'Glenn, Noble, B.A., B.D. Minister Phone, 528-2740 MARCH. 19th 16--am:AutiOy-,Scho0 ANGLICAN CHURCH LUCKNOW AREA PARISH The Rev._R_Odendahl Rector MARCH 19th .. LENT 5 St. Paul's Ripley — 9:15 a.m. Ascension !Union& • 10:30 a.m. Christ Church, Po 3 p.m. 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays 11• ;a.m. Morning Worship St. Paul's, Dungannon — 2nd and 4th Sundays AMBERLEY •NEWS The theme for Sunday Worship at•Pine-River Unit-ed ;Church was' "Fabulous Family Day" and. a wonderful morning of worship and fellowship Was enjoyed by a full church of young and old. Preceding the actual Worship period a sing-song .was conducted by Mrs. Jack Campbell with Mrs.. son at the organ and piano.'''Fam- iliar and"new religious songs were sung. ;. Four young men, David Colling, Roger Farrell, Bill. Farrell and Dale Liddle ushered and also.took up the collection. The C. G.I.T. `girls formed the 'Choir and sang several ''African".hymns. •Mrs. Bill,Coulbeck..tOld the ' children's story and the snia41 children gathered at the front for prayer before going down stairs. Rev. Mr. Hill gave the message after which everyone formed into discussion groupS, Before going lionie everyone had Coffee and cookies arid a chance to chat and exchange ideas. .. Mr1,-Lester4er_guson_oLbehalf__ of the session moved a vote of thanks to the members of the' Christian Education Committee who 'were instrumental in arrang- ing thii Service. Pine River Church Hold Family Day Huron.. Chapel AUBURN . Sunday, March 19: _FEATURING 810 the I 11P1 the I was I Lucknow Unit 3. Mrs. N. J. MacKenzie was hostess for the meeting of Unit 3 United Church Women held in the church parlour on March 7. Mrs. Gordon Kirkland presided and the meeting opened with the singing of-a -hymn followectbr-the Lord's Prayer. Devotions were conducted by Mrs. Jake Hunter, reading from Genesis 42. This was, followed by a commentary and prayer. Seven- teen members responded to the roll call by presenting an item from the Observer, or giving ,a' • quilt block. One visitors was wel- corned . A number of business items discussed. • Mrs. Glen Walden, social con- Lucknow Unit 1 Mrs. Ewart Taylor was hostess for Unit one of the United Church Women for' their meeting held on March 7 , with twenty,-one pres- em . Mrs. E. W. Rice presided and opened with a verse and prayer and singing hymn 210. The devo- tions 'were in charge of 'Mrs. Jim Mathers with the topic "Lent" , followed by prayer and a reading, .• • 'To keep a true lent". Mrs. Mc- Colloch read scriptures from Micha , and Matthew. , The meditation was giVarby . Mrs. Wm. Bolt with a reading, Good Friday and' a tooth ache , followed by prayer*, and the play-1 ing of a medley of hymns on the record player. • Nrs. Ross Shiells•gave a very informative paper on "The chang- ing Values in contemporary Africa, dealing mostly with the district of Zambia,. She told of changes in- tribal a-nd-pultrica-1-- life and the many freedoms that are now enjoyed in, Zambia.. Mrs Mathers expressed thanks to' her committee. • Mrs, Al Irwin gave a reading on "Stewardship" and Mrs. 'Orland Richards asked for ladies to help . with the quiltings. ,The roll call was_a_'Lgardening hint" and, donations of quilt. blocks. Mrs. Rice closed the meeting With prayer and, thanked the host- ess and all who had taken part in the meeting. Lunch was. served by the corn- 'mitte and a social time was en- joYed. Kiniougfr A 'C.W. KINLOUGH NEWS The kinlough Anglican•Church WoMen met on Thursday'after- noon at the home of Miss Edna y-le-T-Ilis-wa-S-the lent Day with the President Mrs. Gert- rude Walsh presiding. The scrip- ture from St. John's Gospel was • read by. Mrs. Bert' Nicholson; . Prayers followed. •A lovely med itation on "time" was given by Mrs. Howar• T ompson. All ladies answered the roll hall with the word "rejoice". Communications were then read. A_number was requested from the'group for the program at the deanery meeting .at Exeter. Mrs. Roy Schneller gave a reading ' Three Easters''. Mrs. Jack Scott read a poem "I have found such joy". Mrs.. Art Haldenby gave "thoughts for the month" and Mrs. Midford Wall read "The Ninety and nine". Mrs, George Graham and'Miis May Boyle were prograp conven- ers and conducted a service with the , prayert , scripture readings and suitable hymns. Mrs. Roy 'Collins read "One solitary life.", Revolt. Odendahl read the "Old Rugged Cross" during a time "Luc now Unit 2' The March Meeting of Unit 2 of, Lucknow United fluirch •Wom •en was held at the home of Rev. 'and Mrs. Robert':Nicholls with.. twenty attending, s' Mrs. Eldon .11k....• on opene the meeting wftl::i..readin.g and prayer.. Hynan 301) was sung,. A minutes Silence Was observed in memory of Miss Flora AndreW, Eighteen Members Answered th roll call with .an .aitie le .for the layette. Mrs. bob Card-is report r_tenArmundt*-12,14hip with Miss Helen Thompson and, Miss. Lorna .Campbell to visit the_ .shutins in 'Marcrr----•'.\•1n;,•-Lerly- Eadie gave an article. on Steward. ship and . Mrs. Wraith reported fo S.ocial'FunctionS. • .Mrt. Jim Arnolcrgave-tlfe de votions with Mrs. ,W.. R. Hunter reading the .scriptut(.2... The•.stad was. on South Africa with M rs. Wraith and Mrs: Houston telling,. us about the ,e.ograpli• and'prob- lems they .rave irr la.n.,age and eduCation. s on thld Nic holls had d lover crafts and p.rocitict.s . Of Nicholls .led the ladieS in singing two'African song's.. Mrs. Houston. c'ondacted contest and then closed the meet _jag with prayer.: • .• Mr.':and'MrS.• Nich011s..gave th ladies a .tour of the whicl was.appreciated icioUselunch was .sc rved 'and a . social• time. enjo).ed., %6".••"•Nesov,%.%.n.ovvv%svww LUCKNOW D---CH-URCH= Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A. Minister MARCH 19th 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship March 17 at 7 p.m. Congregational Family Fun Night St. Peters 'Lucknow 11:45 a.m. Church School -- 10:30 a.m. SPECIAL GIDEON SERVICE_ PLUS THE MCMILLAN FAMILY. The Huron Christian Mens' Association presents The . News on CKNX Radio every day at 4 p.m. Evil Prevails When Good Men Do Nothing — 1 / vener , announced "Fun Night" for the congregation to be held March I7 , beginning with a smor- gasbord supper at 7 p.m. • Brude Presbyterial meeting will be held March .14 at Harriston.° Anyone wishing to go please con- lact Mrs. V. Hunter or Mrs. •G. • Newbold. Mrs. MacKenzie presided for the program which opened with a h}mn. Mrs. Wm. Helm gave a reading, ',Early Days of Spring" ed _by a_p_ianoinstrument al a piano solo. ---Mrs:-Morgen-Ildnid&son by. Mrs. Ross Cumming. A study of/the changing life pattern of the women of Zambia„ was capably led by•Mrs. Harold Treleaven. Mrs. J. W. Joynt and Mrs. Jack Hall sang a hynin, "The Saviour With Me., and Mrs. Ed Thom gave a read- ing. Mrs. N. J., MacKenzie closed the meeting with prayer. .V.C.W..Pnits 4,' 5 Entertain Lucknow Presbyterian Aux. The • United Church Women Units 4 and -5' entertained the Presbyterian Evening Auxiliary for .their March meeting held in the United Church basement. Mrs. Ernest Ackert Jr. opened the meeting with a reading followed by a hymn with Mrs. Gordon MOntgonier; accompanying on the piano. Mrs. Ackert welcomed everyone. 'The offertory prayer was given by Mrs. Chas. Ander- _sQn. The program was provided by the Presbyterian Auxiliary ladies. with Miss Maudie Fisher presiding. She gave a reading followed "6'y a' hymn. Mrs. Norman Taylor accompanied on the, piano. ,Miss Fisher_ tha_tiked the T L. C.. W - women for the evening and Men- tioned it was nice meeting to- gether. Mrs: Austin Loree read the scripture and gave the meditation Mrs.. DOnalda Scott favored with introduced,the guest speaker Mrs'. Harbottle and her husband who are missionaries in Niger, Africa. They have four daughters and have been in Africa with the Sudan Mission for 22 years. about the people and- their customs. They had a wonderful display of articles such as dresses, utensils , trinkets , and ,the Bible in Hausa. Mrs. Jack MaCDonald expressed thanks to Mr. and. Mrs. Harbottle. Following a hymn, Mrs; Noble 'Johnston closed with prayer. Lunch and social time was enjoy-. ed. CLINTON'S FIRST * CANADA'SGALILEANS PROVERBS REVISED VERSION Wednesday, March 22 8 p.m. C IBS Auditorium CLINTON Admission—Adults $1, Children Under 12-50c , EVERYONE WELCOME Ws, pi] gibl b fag the., taro thou for So folly for yen have of tl bah mec rear was 110 I Aid( ont ,gave Frith and 'er, Tf est v Mrs, anno rolls Ken A.1 Alvi Mrs, ed a es[ Jeri)