HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-03-15, Page 9► Sun,1 9 Men.20 hoc 2 '141.111.1!•1 11!.'1.11111 .10410% II 111 PETER WOW • —40*. BEA t PO l'1:1-..11 I HE nl „ • • PARK GODERICN, ONT. 524 -7811 w.1 22 GRK$010' PECK DAVID NIVEN ANTHONY QUINN THE GUNS OF MAVARONE (0 VI, PI 641V* .411.1•••••••4111.1101•Wi..•••, SAT. MAT. Au Mgt Zia Fon ki JUILIN..70 OW nn gm 111.14'• •X 00,I6 fri.... ►ALKABO UT AN EXCITING AND EXOTIC ADVENTURE,! home you want. Own it for less than you pay for rent and live in yo.u.r...own_h_ome while. its 'Vatue.rises through the years. See about a. mortgage — today — at Victoria and Grey. TICTORIA and VG GREY TRUST COmPANze. SINCE 1089 Lealand Hill, Manager Elgin and Kingston Streets Goderich 524-7381 ' THEATRE VVINGHAM PHONE 357.1630 SHOW TIMES Fridays and SaturdaYs a 7;15 and 9:15. All other days, one show at 8:00, except where noted on the program. * * * * * * * * * ( 6 DAYS) TH-VR., SATT, MON.,TUES., WED., MA. 16, 17, 18, 20. 21, 22 Adult Entertainment "Billy Jack".. Colour - Starring , Tam. Laughlin A half-breed ex-Green Beret -named-Billy-Jack-is-a-defender of wild, mustangs, mistreated Indians and troubled teen- agers. Make sure you see "Billy Jack". * * * * * * * Sir-' - MARCH 18 "War Wagon" Chestnuts, Top 6:30 League After bOwling off two frames wart713utternu to—bn. a < a tee forfirstplace.th.e Chestnuts came out on top: Congratulations' Chestnuts! • Only four teams bowled due' to bad.weather... Hi,h single was bowled 'by ,Marion Campbell with a 270' and Mildred CamerOn rolled the high triple of • Gaines of 201i and over:. Marion: Campbell 270 'Mildred. Cameron N3,211; Norma N1cDonagh 219, Jessie Joyn't 222, 203 ,L \laizie Matters 225, Marie Greer 20:3. Tearn standings:. Chest nuts 100 ; Butternuts'1.00, Beechnuts Walnuts 75. ' Plat.-offs begin next week.. PADS. NPR / • SUAYR 1V0P----- IARCH 15th, 1972 THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Congratulations•to the Chest on winning the ehampionShip. High single was bowled: by Ann . Wisser with a 295.' High triple was foiled' by Rtith:Jardin-e With a (180. Tearn, standing: Chestnuts 104 ,• Almonds 103,, Peanuts 91, Walnuts 81, .Hazel7nuls. 76 ,' Pecan-nuts 441. ORGANIZATIONAL MEETINOS . 1. HOWICK CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL Monday, March 20th, 1972 at 8:00 p.m. Howick '444 Calf Club • North -Huron-4-HCorn Club I. BRUSSELS CENTRAL PUBLIC -SCHOOL Monday, March 20th, 1972 at' 2:00 p.m. Brussels 441 Calf Club 3. BLYTH PUBLIC SCHOOL Tuesday, Maich-21st, 1972 at 8:00 p.m. Blyth 4-H Dairy Calf Club Blyth Belgrave 4-H Beef Club' Blyth 4-H Corn Club .---BROOKSI,DE PUBLIC SCHOOL Wednesday; .March 22nd, 1972 at 8:00 p.m. - Dungannon 4-H Calf Club --__Lucknow 4P;H _Calf- Club , - Lucknow 4-H Grain Corn Club The Huron. County 4-1.1 'Machinery Maintenance Club and the" Huron County 4-H Conservation Club will be organized at a . later date. • Enrolment forms can be filled out and handed in at the Or- . . . ganizational Meeting for these, clubs' and any other clubs that you 'may wish to join. 'You 'may also enroll by sending your application form to the Ontario Department , of' Agriculture and Food, Box 159, Clinton, Ontario , All boys ,and girls who have reached their lith.birthday by January 1st, 1972 and have not reached their 21st birthday y b December 31st, 1972, are invited to join one of these clubs. If you are a parent who would like to ..see your child join a . si 44i club? please feel free to contact Leonard MacGregor', Exten- on Assistant, Ontario, Department of Agriculture and Food 'at 482-3428 or in the evenings at 482-7956 HURON COUNTY 441 AGRICULTURAL CLUB Town ond.Covntry AMBERLEY Dennis Courtpe y spent the week Lynn Reid , Grant Ferguson and end in (iuelph. Mark Stanley 'of Ripley was a week end guest with Michael Courtney. Mrs...Louie Courtney and Mrs. Bill Campbell of Kincardine were visitors with Mr. and Mrs., Bob Courtney 'on Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. ..like Snobelen 'arid babe attended the wedding anniversary celebration held for Judy's grandparent's, Mr'. and Mrs. Ste-w-art Several people from this corn- 111Unity have been ill this past' Week, 'Mrs. Clarupitt.from Lur- Paul Hogan had high sinae of . gan has been a patient in Kin- the eVC111112. ‘‘‘et ith a 27:3 score,. cardine. General Hospital and also High triple lo:si c t to Eworge Humph- Mrs. Bill Scott has been in the re.) with a 663 sore, • same hospital. We wish theni (James over 223; Paul Hogan l speedy recoveries. Helen Kempton, daughter of Mr. and 'Nils .. 13111 Kenirton,•has been confined ta her borne 'with the Mumps. Perrin Lowry goes to Toronto this weGl< foi surg'ery. Best wish- es for gdodhealth is passed on to all from commbnity friends. .11r. and Mrs: Perrin Lowry en- tertained the. neighbours on the' errt+-1-totacessieftwith—ar-c--e-Kl.. party held •in their home 'on Fri- . day evening. •Mr. and Mrs. Norris MesSeng- er Visited in DunClas, on the week' end arid attended •a twenty-fifth' Mens 9 p.m. wedding anniversary there.. KathyElmes and her friend . Coritiie Lawrence , both ofToron: to, visited over the week end • Lell-ll • Also borne for the week end were Jud\ Thorburn of :Toronto with Mr,. and Mrs: Duncan.thor-,- hbrn; Shirley Reid of 'Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. 'Leonard Reid . and Anne 'Ferguson of London with, Mr. and Nirs.•:LeSter-,17eiTzTis-6-rf.- .Beavers.• Top, • NIHxectleague Men's higti triple was rolled by . Bill Stewart' with 729. Ile also • . had high single .of 314. Ladies' high triple' was, rolled b\ I -erneMacDonald with She' also hit single of • Men/over 21,0: Bill Stewart 314 , Stone. Creek have spent the past 'week with Mr. and Victor ErringtOn and from there have ,visited other friends in thiS local ity• ti)W180° A ff; Lynn Wall 23d and 202 Grace Hopi. 2-37 , -Dizinna; N'Iof fat 232 • , Sharon Austin .220 , KaNt Cra wford 208., Mary Cleland 206„. (omit- ted last week Donna Moffat 20,1) • team polints: Rena Forster's Chestnuts 7 _Barb Whitby's Pecan 'nuts 0;' Tillie 'Wilson Hazelnuts 0, Mary Cleland's Peanuts 7:` Tena Garciner's Almond-nuts ,0 N1ary • Lou Barger's . Walnuts 7. Chestnuts. Are 9 P.M. Champions nigh single was rolled fleury Carter with 212.. He also had InAlr doUble of 361. LadieF. hi)21.1single was roiled. Iry 13eatrico Adams with 171. The high double was rolled by Anne Dexter with 311. Team points: Olive Smith's Violets i, , l tarry Lavis' Reds 0.; Bill. Sproul's Yellows 3, Clarence Oranges 2; Walter Dexter's (if-veils 3,, Met . Yin!,..!.'s Blues 2. • Standings: hr eens.11 , Blues 10, Violets 9, Reds Yellows ii Oranges 2. • MerW 7 p.m 273 , c,eorge Humphrey' 234 , 233 Art Purney 2G6, herald Rhody 23u Fred Flannagan 239, 't.,eorge Nlof - fat 23C , •Geor ,!e Stanley 231. Team points1.3ob Nicholls' OWis 2, Leor2t. Stanlev,'„ Cardin- als Ron Stanley's Vultures 3, Jim O'Donnell's Hawks 0, Art Purney's Sparrows 4 Way ne Obod'y's Crdw.s 7. po Orville ETlloft-27-i 03111 Button 267, 20, Len MacDonald .264 Bud Thompson.'2f)3 .. • • Ladies. over 225:•Ferne'Macpciri • ald 23t,',247, Cora Thonirson 240', Jan Fludder.229, Ruth jar- hie-7-226 Flort-rie-e-1411-1 ire t . 227. • POint won:. Goons 7., Polecats., 0;' Zebras . 7,,,, Lions 0; Kangaroos 5, Squirrels Gophers. ,:•1•, Chip- rnunkS- 2;-leavers.,',, vcrine,s 4, Tigers3. Team standiags: Beaver's 115°, Cubg 105 'Coons .105, Tigers 92.; Squirrels. 86 , Wolverines 67, Chip niunks (37 , Zebras 67, Polecats 62, Kangaroo's Gophers b2; Lions 51. A Group Will Howl this Wednes- day night „Ind ;I•oup' Thursday niklit, then alternating e-ath There were three teams tied for sixth place , to determine which team stood sixth the.y how led it Off •Sunday .night . The sc ores were Wolverines 3361., Chipmunks 3049,, Zebras 292,3, LEADERS' ASSOCIATION • Beavers..top tor A GrOup, Chip inunki.top for 1.3 croup , Games 200 and over: Ann Wis7 L291_a,11 - and 23Q, 13ertha Whitcroft 231,' his wt c. ae • Crows be; , Owls Cardinals, c Sparrows c• , hawks 7, • Fords roiled the 'high triple g,atite • score with 721. Stuart Jamieson of .the Nlysta rigs rolled the. hig,h single:ganle score with 303... Games over 2.,0: 'Stuart Jamie - J Op , NillSt a 11'S :3(3; Bill.Button, .Pontiacs .281; Jack Caesar', Fords. Ilar\•e\ CUlbert , Buicks 26:7; Bob Finiay .,' Oldsinobiles 212.. Team points: Fords. 0.1dsmo7 biles 4..• Nlostancs Dod,,:es 4.; 13uicks.3" Pontiacs 4. .Team- standings:.Dodges 4 , Pontlaes.•1, Oldsmobile 4', .Fords ,. Nliysta ngs 13ine 1<s Couple Celebrate 52nd Anniversary DU.NGANNON NEWS . .and Victot Erringtcin. 'celebrated their 32nd wedding .anniVersary recently. .Congtatik- latigns:' • N.1rs. ErIc McNee and baby., Brenda went' bus •IO.Sudbury last Monday to visit her •fainil,y. Eric motored to Srhdhury day fdr them and tHey returned 'on. after a few days•in ,Goder'ich Hos- pital. . In the fire at Quinn's florists in, Kincardine recently Lorne En-liner- ton , formerly of DungannOn, a worker there, was fOrtunaie to eseape ..inJury. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Riven and, family visited on Sunday ,with Mx. and Mrs. Albert Pdvett and Lorne at Straffordville. • On Saturday morning Scotty, Aran ,-and Dwayne- Riven playing. with the Flyers in Goderich de- feated the MacDonald Maiine team by a score of 2-1 in over- time. In the 4fterndon the Flyers ,lost the Championship game to the Sailors 8-1. During the )as- ter week Alan, will be playing in ListOWel and Scott in Blyth in tournaments. Good Lucid r ST. HELENS and• Mrs,•Barty ..McQuillin, . Jill and Scott of .Ancaster were week end visitors with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred N1cQuillin-.., Mrs. John Cameron is a patient iii-'in-;23.14iiT n - Douglas Miller'. along, with other niembers'of Huron County Sheep Club attended lege .Royal at.the ••• (.-uelph.on.Saturday,... The next. Shoot Part) in the St. Helens Hail .is on ThursdaV even- ,ing. Lunch will.be'served. c ur own home- less than rent! Now, when you're income tax return worrying about budgets — this is the time to decide to stop paying rent:Get-tha • • I • •