HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-03-15, Page 60 0 112111111111111111111 rte) • 0 WEDNESDAY,. MARCH 15th, 1972 • • THE ..14KK.NOW,SPITINgt.,10„iCKNOW, -ONTARIO ' AUCTION SALE • of Modern Farm Machinery, Feed' and 'Household Effects . Will be held for CLARENCE NICHOLSON R.R. 3 Ripley, Lot 16, on the fift- eenth sideroad, of Huron Township, 23/4 miles north of Ripley on County Road 15 and 2% miles south of No. 9 highway on THURSDAY, MARCH 23.' • at 1:00 p.m. Machinery . TENDERS or will be received until March TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS Tenders' for Warble Fly Inspect- 18th, 1972 at 12 noon; applicants to state salary expected and supply own transportation. , Fraser MbcKinnon, Clerk-Treas., Kinloss Township R.R. S Lucknow .......,-- - . - .... TENDER FOR PIT RUN GRAVEL Tenderi will be received by. the and ' hauling pit run gravel, undersigned until '12 o'clock noon, Monday, March 20th, 1972 for load- ing Tovvnship tender forms to be Used, available from the road superin-tendent. Lowest or any tender• not n ere er as snakr i Is); h au ci nc ea pc theedr., Road Supt. R.:112. 1 Holyrood 1970 Ford Diesel tractor 1124 model 'TENDERS. CUSTODIAN, • 'CONTRACT TENDER PLAINLY' MARKED sealed ten- ders will be received by the under- signed up to 12 o'clock noon Thurs- day, March 23, 1972 for contracting custodial services at Wingham, Public School. All tenders must be submitted on the official tender forms which.are available at Huron County Board of Education Offices, 97 Shipley St., Clinton, Ontario. The lewest or any tender not nec- 4' wheel drive-Super Six -with cab _e_ssarily accepted. in new cendition; 5200 Ford Diesel R. B. Dunlop tractor, 1 yr. old in new condition; Superintendent of Business Ford Major Diesel tractor; Cock- . Affairs shutt 550 Industrial tractor' with Huron County Board of loader; 5 furrow Swedish semi ' Education AUCTION. SALE/ AUCTION SALE ` of • Modern Farm Implements and Oldsmobile Automobile • will be held for NORMAN O'CONNOR Part lots 10-. and 11, Concession 10 ' Asbfield Township on Highway 21 On THURSDAY,- MARCH-30 • at 1:30 p.M. ' TERMS CASH. Victoria and Grey Trust Company,. Commonittee of the Estate • Goderich, Ontario Allan MacIntym, Auctioneer Lucknow • mounted plow; .2 yr. old 56 plate Cockshutt wheel disc; John Deere four row corn planter, like new; 12' set of chain harrows and. 1 set of diamond harrows; 14 ft. Turnco land packer; 1 - 220 gal. Contin- ental sprayer with new pump, G5 gal. per minute capacity; 1 -L• 600 lb. pressure sprayer; 21 ft. land leveller on wheels; 1 - 12"-irrist hole auger; 1 - 14 ft. land float; 1 - 6 mos. Old 315 bu. New Idea• manure spreader; 1000 gal'. cap- acity liquid manure spreader;. 33 foot - 8" grain auger on wheels; TurncO fert box, 8' ton capacity with__hyclraplic_...auger_unloader 2 -,13 'ton Tomen wagons; 1 - 2 point hitch scraper 60" wide; 1965 G.M.C. 1/2 ton pickup truck; 1 Dump box with dual' 'wheels and P.T.O. hoist; 1 -- 8 ft. snow blow- er; 2 -- 20'.Star Line silo unloaders in silo; 1 - 24' Star'Line silo un- loader in silo; 2 Fill-Rite Silo Dis- tributors---with-pipes o Silot, Distributors with 'pipes; Elec- SALE OF REPOSSESSED EQUIPMENT Ford 5000 Diesel tractor; Ford 727 front-end loader; Ilydrein. 4 x 14" plow; New Holland No. 26 Blower; Owatonna Mix - mill No. 95; Massey- Ferguson 165 Diesel tractor; McKee , Model 410 Sno- Lander snow blower; Hay condit- ioner head No. 101 for Owatonna swather. • , The- above machinery is offered for sale eto the highest bidder, clos- ing date, March 27, 1972. Offers may be made' on a unit basis or separately. -Bids-to,be-made---.on-a-Tead.fr basis, 'clearly stating the equip- ment and the price offered. Addressed to Box 100, Lucknow OntariO. Items can be seen by contacting the undersigned. Bank of Montreal, Lucknow, Ontario 0 ---m-plicine 528-2825 TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS • TENDERS FOR CRUSHED GRAV.EL . Tenders will' be received by the undersigned until 12 r o'clock noon, Monday, March 20th, 1972 for crushing and hauling approximat- ely 13,000 cu. yards of gravel any- mhere in the Township: also pric for stock-piling: Contractor to sup•. ply a minimum of 1,000 cu. yds.. per day. Contractor to be avail- able by September 1st, 1972. Gravr el. to pass through 5/8 " screen, to be .shovel fed and contractor to properly strip pit. Certified cheque for 10% --of contract-Jo accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Frank Schumacher, Road Supt. R.R. 1 Holyrood VVHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans spent the week end with their son. Eric Evans, Mrs. Evans and' family of Hyde Park. CLEARING AUCTION SALE of -Farm machinery, feed and household effects will be held for ORVILLE McCORMICK Lot. S7, Concession ATHuron Town- ship, 2% miles south of Kincardine on Lake Shore Road, 11/4 miles west of Highway 21, 1/2 mile south of Aintree Road On SATURDAY, MARCH 25 at 1 p.m. . TERMS CASH Full list in March 22 paper Owner or auc coneers not - responsible for any accident day • of sale Auttioneers--- Grant McDonald, Ripley 395.5353 Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater 392-6170 Mr. and Mrs. Athol Bruce of East Wawanoslii Visited on Tiles-. day with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jam- , ieson. qi :71 SC is • w rt '4 HOMEOWNERS CALL TO to P.M. $2,000-$50,000 Obtain all the cash you need and reduce your payments by as much as half with a 2nd or 3rd mortgage on sensible terms. Call to 10 p.m. today for helpful courteous service. Prompt Invest- ment Corp, 330 Bay St.; Toronto. Call Collect 366-9586, evenings 231-8146. . • • • Z.... AUTOMATIC' XIMG w ith a I TENDERS' TOWNSHIP OF HURON . Tenders will' be' received b the Township of HM•on for the follow- ing: 1., Loading and hauling of pit run gravel with a minimum of 1,000 yards per day. Contractor to state price for first mile and each additional mile. 2, Crushing and hauling approx- imately 15;000 cu. .yds. of gravel anyWhere in the Township, also -price-for-stoek-pilieuntr-aCtur : to supply a minimum of 1,000 cu. yds. per day. 3. Hourly prices for motor scrap- ers and pushers.. State truck size, . year, .model and. number avail- able. Contractor' to supply grade: man with machine.. 4. Bulldozers and Scrapers. Con- tractor to state price' per hour, number available, size and model of machines: 5. Spraying of weeds along Town- ship roads on houily basis. -ehemicals--supplied-by-Township- Contractor to supply machines, operators , and be fully licensed. 6. Cutting weeds along Township roads on hourly basis. State H.P. of tractor and size of mower. All above contractors shall be available on one ,week's notice, Bidders must use ownship Tender : forms for gravel. Tenders will be . placed' in Tender' box in the office oTf a tg e 0.-Wa7---Mon - day, March' 20, 1972. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. - Dave Moore, Road Superintendent Box 38 tric cattle clippers; Shell cattle oiler; Incinerator;_Cement: mixer ; 1971 snowmobile, Arctic Cat 340 Lynx. Feed . . 7,000 bales of hay; 2,000 baleS of straw. Household Effects . . . • Schubert 'piano and 'bench, small apartment size, excellent condit- ion; sectional . chesterfield, with tables; end table; set of T.V. tables; desk and chair; filing cab- inet, like stew; .10 chrome 'kitchen chairs, just reupholstered; round dining room table with 4 leaves (refinished); 30 inch Gibson elec- tric stove; small electric stove; 22 Cu.,'ft. Belwood deep freezer; 01/2 Cu. ft. Westinghouse fridge, like new; Kelvinator automatic washer and automatic dryer, like new; Brown leather recliner chair with heater and vibrator; leather rock: ing chair; 3.- 3,4 beds, box. springs and mattresses like new; 3 dress- ers and mirrors; dresser with large mirror; 4 drawer dresser with. clother .section;.,Kenmore vacuum cleaner; picnic table; light fix- at unrde sa; e reilae lc t ictnc,:fjetnempaetr , toaster,ntatnr; steam iron, assortment of dishes and cooking utensils T.V„ tower Set of "BoOks of Knowledge" • and case 3 ladies ticycles;. 1 small child's bicycle; set of weight bar- bells, dumbells,, stretchers and hand weights. Other articles too numerous to mention. • TERMS CASH 4 O Ink 9,5242 Range .SALE BY TENDER SEALED TENDERS-Twill-be -ac- cepted, by the, undersigned until 12:00 'noon on Thursday, the 23rd day of March, 1972, 'for the pur- chase of the Trustee's interest in the folloWing assets: Parcel No, 1. One 1966 Pontiac . car; 4 door ,sedan._ 2. Orie MasSey Fergu- son Ski-Whiz. Snow- mobile • 3. 1966 , Ford 1/2 ton' •truck. CONDITIONS: 1. • Tenders should be submitted for individual parcels only and must . be accompanied by a. . certified cheque 'made payable to the undersigned .for 10%of the amount of tender as de- posi , which deposit will be re- t r d if_the_tender_is_..noLae- cepted and forfeited to the un- dersigned as liquidated dam- ages if the, tender is accepted , and the sale not completed by the purchaser. . 2. Only 'sealed envelopes marked • "Tender. = Nelson" •will be ac- cepted. • 3. The. highest or any tender will not necessarily be accopted. the basis that the" 'purchaser has inspected the assets and no warranty or condition is ex- 'pressed or can be implied as to description, .size, , Price, quan- tity or in any manner Whatso7 ever. 5. Ontario Retail Sales 'Tax and • Federal Sales Tax or any other taxes as may be applicable are to be• paid by the purchaser un- less a proper exemption certif- icate is produced.. • 6. INSPECTION: Monday, March 20th, 1972 - 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m. at the William Nelson res- idence, Havelock Street, Luck- now, Ontario. 7. The ,teriders will' be opened by the Inspectors at a 'Meeting to be held at .12:00 Noon, on the 23rd day of March, 1972, at the office of the Trustee, 133 Fred- erick Street,Kitchener,_Ontario Any person submiitirig tenders in the matter is invited to attend such meeting. Additional information will be available upon request by tele- ,.; Clarence Nicholson, Prop. 'PEh.o FnitngICK,--ESTATES MANAGER • 579-1123 dlenn B. Diegel, C.A. Trustee, 138 Frederili Street, Kitchener, 'Ontario Combined push button timed •appliance outlet. Infinite heat switches -- just dial the desired temperature. Tilt-up - tilt 'down oven elements for easy cleaning. Plug out ,elements and one piece' removable drip bowl and ring. Timed appliance outlet con- venient for breakfast . coffee. Extra large storage drawer. Re- movable door - conveniently pulled out of the way for oven cleaning., Recessed cooking platform - spillguard edges Prevent spilling_ liquid .onto- floor. REAL ESTATE for CARL E. NICHOLSON. Consisting of 200 acre Beef Farm Lot 17' and' the northerly one , third of Lot 18 both. on •the 12th Con- cession, Huron Township. This • farm consists of good land, partly drained. large beef barn, cement barn yard: •new deep well pump. Brick house with furnace, bath and built in cupboards: Property will be sold, approximately at 3:30 o'clock Subject to reserve bid Terms on Property 10% cash day aLsAle, balance in 30 days Owner or' auctioneers net responsible for any accidents or injuries on property day of sale Lunch Booth On Grounds ************* ******* Greer T.V. And Electric Lucknow Phone 528- 3112 ASHFIRD' Gordon hinlayson is ho•p . jaftcr ; 1 f Mr. and Mrs.. Wm. Ito‘'s arc.00 a three 'week buS trii. !t , Mrs. Ewan NIacIA , It, ;West, Mrs. J. West , , hi • Mac. K Lennan, .Mrs...i . • NIr.s. II.; 'NlacenziK E. Howes attended the Nr'o.lt.i's of Prayer Service' in lican Church. Mrs. ° -gave t he Mr. and Mrs. \‘',1;,;,(. !ittntcr and daughter end guests itrt MI, .1pc George Mpncricl. • Shirley Rohl) of :kr; ‘,,I , home for the we,. . A Youth lift etii. i i hl 1.1C Id in Knox Presbyterid C.50TC11.i) Ripley, next Auctioneers: Grant McDonald, Ripley Phone 395:5353 Wallace B'allagh, Teeswater • Ph&ri-e 302-6110. AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE Real . Estate, Foafrm-e4 Machlliery, Feed, Household Effects and Antiques will be held for the Estate of the late ALLAN CULBERT Lot 30, Concession 2, Huron Twp., 33/4 • miles south 'of Pine River. Store and 1 1/4 miles north of Am- berley on Hwy. 21 and 1 1/4 miles east of Hwy. 21, on Concession' 2, Huron Twp. On MONDAY, APRIL 3 - at 1 p.m. TERMS CASH Full list in. March 29th paper- Administrator or Auctioneers not responsible for any accidents day of sale Auctioneers Grant McDonald, Ripley 395-5353' Wallace Ballagh, • Teeswater 392-6170 .AUCTION SALE of Modern Farm Implements will be held for MRS. HARVEY WEBB Lot 20, Concession 12, West Waw- an°511--Tawnship0.blockli_e_a_s_t_ant 1 block south of Lucknow On SATURDAY, APRIL 8 at 1:30 p.m. • TERMS CASH Allan MacIntyre, Auctioneer Lucknow '