HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-03-08, Page 17$ • 9 • * •6 • The Wine Marts in tlfe big Ont-ario cities have nothing on Mr. and Mrs, Lawn. James' store in Ripley, Reeently L,awri and his wife Ingrid tai, c•add ell a ship" The Lucknov Sentinel, Dear Don, We have had' a wonderful win- ter here. Until Fe.bruary 1st it had been the warmest in over forty yeais and quite dry. The temperature was in the 80s on several occasions in December and also in January. January 1st was 83 degrees, On February 1st the weather broke with a lot of rain for the next couple .of weeks and cooler'. .put it has ,been back to its old form•again the past few This has been my first trip down here,and rasstire you it won't be my last, my health per- mitting. Thanking you for all your past services in promptly forwarding The Sentinel and wishing you all the best in the futUre presentation of the old familiar face , ."The Lucknow Sen,tinel" with its' very interesting line of news and events which certainly helps to keep one in touch with the Home Town. Thanking you once again, I Dear Don; Time to send along my Money .again for another year.- This just reminds me how fast the time flies, it only 'seems .a short time ago since ksent in last year's money order, We are all fine andi hope this finds you and yours in the best of health. I I still enjoy the Sent- inel although I don't know a lot of the names, It usually arrives on Monday mbrning. I enjoyed "Big Jack's" letter I tried to call him When 'I was in Fx1Monton but couldn% get- an answer. - So Jong for now, Stewart Cameron, remain Sincerely yours, Harold Gardner. CS 646 - 34th Ave. S. , Feb. 23, 1972, St. Petersburg, Florida 33705. WYLDS merit of 'plastic kits with mater- ials to make your own beverage at borne an at a fraction of the cost aboilt 25 per cent of the price in the regular city stores. 0 0 * • 0 • 4! le • Ripley folks are glad to learn that Mrs. Bert Breckenridge is back home after recently under- going optical surgery in St, Jos- eph's Hospital in London. * * * * • * • • Rene van,der.Hoek's new Tri- angle Motel on Highway 21 at the north end of Kincardine is scheduled to open early next month. Mr. and Mrs. van der Hoek returned to Ripley last sum- mer after they sold their motel at Woodstock. • 13y the time Rene had acquired the site , and the' ,necessary plans were approved, it was late fall before construe= tion started. However it hasson- tinued.through the winter with Rene driving back and forth each day. Rene, his wife Trushe and daughter Sylvia live in Mrs. Rod• - erick Mar tyn's home'. Sylvia attends the F. E. Madill Second- ary School Wingham. Buying• a IFIf Take your pick o Exceptional value at this low price. Ideal for: humidifying. bed=room; offiCe, bachelor apartments. Light, easy to move from, room to room. ELECTROHOME PO,R,TABLE ELECTROHOME_H44 Sharply styled, two. tone humidifier with 2-speed 16an, Perfect for the ,4 or 5 room .house-or apartment. ELECTROHOME H88 Choice of wood grain, finishes. Has variable speed fan. Roll --cin . , free wheeling casters. Serves 7 room dwelling. The ultimate in house- hold humidifiers. Auto- . Matic bumidistat main- tains constant moisture , level. Signal light indi- cafes when tank-is empty. Shuts of automatically.. Decorator cabinet in choice of wood grains,. , tt, THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, 4V.C.KNOW, ONTARIO PAGE SEVENTEEN, 1972 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8th, 1972 Cutross Native — Dies-Suddenly . sTwmt, Readers Write • Kenmore , New York. This ee 137 Al3 On Monday evening,. Februlty A the Huron Star Rebekah Lodge heltlits second card party for the month in the newly renovated Ripley Huron Legionall. Te committee in charge was the same As.. for the one earlier in February namely Mrs. DOnald -WeKay , Mrs. Joe Scott, Mrs. Min Mac lavish, 'Mrs. Victoria Smith and Mrs, Fran Wylds. There were seven tables of euchre and two tables of-bridge, :.Te prize . winnerswere.for euchre Wilmer Charles Marsales of•Ripley and MIL Leroy Walden. of Pine River and for bridge. Mrs. , Ross Shiells of tucknow and Mrs.. Elwyn Pol- locRof Ripley. , Lunch was served by the committee. • $ $ $ • * • e On Thursday-evening ; March 2, the members of the Ripley-Huron Legion Auxiliary held, their reg- ular monthly meeting' in the Leg- ion,Hall with a good attendance onhand, In charge of the meet- ing was the president Mrs. Don laquerteAtlie 4'h concession of, Huron Township with secretary Mrs., Lloyd Wylds: ••••••••` Two Ripley couples Arrived back home in the village'at the end ofTebruary aft.-ersper-tilifig the month in the sunny Southland' of United Stares, They were Mr. and MIS. Bob Love who' were in Arizona and Mr. and Mrs. Norman. Barnard who Were in Florida'. • $ * . • CI 0 40 Considerable triniming of limbs of tre:es along the streets was done this past week by. John Mart yri and R9bbie Irwin of kinear dine. They spent several days, touring the streets to remove any limbs interfering with the hydro * • * • • * • • • Last Thursday morning every- ne-wh9 had their car outside overnight found that their vehicle was encased in a sheet of ice. Due to •the rain and sleet of the night before the ice sheet was thick- at leaSt one• eighth of an inch and was/extrernely difficult to remove from the windshields. • • *** r *re Piesident Lester Ferguson has a meeting'of the directOr's of. the Ripley Agricultural SQCiety sched- uled,for next Monday evening, March 13_, in the Ripley Distr-ic-t— High School. At that time re- ports of the annual convention of the Ontario AgricultUral Societies, recently held in Toronto, Will be given by the local'delegates who attended ,namely , Mrs. 'Wm .'J., Arnold, Mrs. Howard ThOmpson of purple Grove, Mrs„ Morris Reid, Mrs, 'Ernie Thompson of Pine River and Stewart Needham. A good attendance of all those interested in the Ripley. fall fair is expected, The fair this year coincides with the 1a'st day of tbe Plowing Match, September - X, sins• ton red tb; :er in arch .ton Lis tro- IE • •;11 0' • 0 • *• Niels Fredericksen of the Te-d — Rciuse Ripley Chopping:and Feed Mill sta ff _rep' rn ethyest.ezday_ (Tuesday) to a Toronto hospital for a medical check up. Niels and his wife Nora s.kent to the city last Siturdav Morning.„, * • **,,es • Last Friday Harry Stanley of Ripley passed away at Gateway Haven Home in Wiarton. Born in Huron. Township on June 29 1852 he was in his 90th year. Prior to his retirement to the Village.he farmed at lot 6,concession 8, Huron Township -.two blocks east of Ripley. 11e was a descendant of the pioneer Stanley\ family which settled at Purple Grove in 1854: He was a. brother of the late Gord- on Stanley - Ripley reeve, busii - nessnian and former warden of Bruce County and, also the late Frank Stanley of concession 10: The funeral service at McLennan- McCreath,Home in Ripley was in- charge of Rev. Kenneth. Rooney• with intermentat KiriCatdiffe-- cemetery , "Harr" as he was familarily known, is ,survived by. Several nieces and nephews. As well there are many other rela- tives as the descendants of the -Stanlerfa-m-i-ly;one of them-be-ing the former. Leaf hockey player, Allan Stanley, are spread out across Canada and U.S.A.., * * • * * * * CA • Let it belinown that this Nabet organization 'is a very irritating outfit to‘say .the least. For the second time this year they have allowed a hockey telecast of a Can,adian .game to get started .and. then pulfed off the job; A good- ly number -0--f7stop` followed the Leafs and especially now with Paul Henderson .a ber of the Toronto team. Every- body is organized to-day for strikes 'except farmers and other residents of iural,Ontario who seem to. be expendable anyway , •***ea e The body rested'at the Mac- Pherson' Funeral Home, Tees- water until Sunday ,'Nlareh 5 when service was held:at 3.00 p.m. with Rev T .J ., McKinney as 'clergyman. Temporary en 7 - tornbrnent was in Teeswater ."Cemetery Chapel. Pallbearers were:Reg Moore, --RiPley;'Clifford-11cl-rituthringer--- soll; Eliner Scott, DougSimpson . and Ron tarnOnt of Culross and °,John Cirlliton of Teesw.ater. • • r * * • *5 • According to the survey of the weekly sales of cattle at the ario Stockyards in.Toronto.,as given by Bob MacDonald and Andy McConvay,three local ship- ments were mentioned.' One was a shipment of 28 steers by Clar- ence Ackert of Kin,cardine. An- other was 16 steers frorh Jack Alton, -shipped by George Mac- Donald _ pie y_. • • • • •• • • • • Mr. and Mrs,.C:larence Pollock Of the Pollock Electric .firm in , . Ripley. are 'on a -vacation trip to • • • 1 • • *•* Mrs. John. Inglis of Ripley, '?,,:ho underwent surgery 'in Victoria I lospital in .LOndon ahotit,Awo week ago, is expected to he able tO.return home shortly , posSibly by the n week end. • • * 4 • 4: • •,0 • • 1111 to Ripley for the week end were Farquhar and Dr--.:-Santly MacDonald visiting here. Mr, and Mrs .' Fa rquhar MacDonald a na son Of Bra niptorr visited with Mae's mother Mrs. (,ieOrge Sutherland. Dt, and N1rs. Ntaenonald :Visited with his mother Mrs, Don- nie ,tariPoriald,, They also visit- ed hack ,1 rid knit haud renewed a cquaintance:. here, pike from 19.95 up 14 new units by TROHUME ley . Ervin StroniQ, Teeswater, passed away suddenly at lirucelea, Haven, .Walkerton,„ citl'e to a heart attack on Friday , Mareh. 3. He was 80 years of age. He was born in Culross Town7 ship cin November 30,4894. a son of Noah Strome and Caroline USW. of Puslinch Township and farmed on the 4th concession 'of Cltlross for.50. .In.1963 he , retired from the farm and lived in Teeswater until three weeks before his death when he entered Brucelea.Haven. He was not . Married.' •He is survived by a brother Angus of Teeswater , nieces Mrs. Clifford (Dorothy)•Helmuth of Ingersoll, .Mrs. R. J...(Harriet) Moore of Ripley , Audrey Strome of WOodstock.and a nephew Edwin Smith .of Owen Sound, . He was predeceased by sisters. Mary .and • Emma , Mrs. Henry-Sinith; broth= ers Albert, Dave and John: He was a member of Langside Presbyterian Church. 41 • * • • • * ••• Mrs. Allan Wyld liaS been spending a .few days with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Appleyard, in Hamilton.. They 'have not been enjoying thi best of:health it.is reported:. Greer T.V. And Electric Lucknow • Phone 528- 3112