HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-03-08, Page 6W E .WEDNESDAY', MARCH. (Rh,. int THE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, AUCTION SALE of Modern Farm Implements and Equipment Will be held for WALLACE BELL N, Half Lot 18, Con. 9, Morris Township, 1W miles north and 4 miles east of Blyth or 11/4 miles north and 3 miles west of Walton On WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15 at 1:00 p.m. Tractors . . . Cockshutt 1850 diesel tractor, power steering, dual speed P.T.O., over and under• hydraulic shift, . cab, fender tanks; Case 830 diesel tractor, cab and power steering; Farmall H tractor with 2 row culti- vator. Seeding Equipment . . . International 16' run seed drill on rubber; Cockshutt 20' dual wheel disc wing type, 2 yrs. old; Cock- shutt 181/2 ' wing type cultivator, 2 yrs. old; Chain harrows, 12', 6' sections harrows; Land packer 10'; 2 sections harrows; Weed sprayer. Cockshutt 556 semi-mounted 5 fur- row 16" plow. Haying Equipment . . New Holland 68 P.T.O. baler; New Idea 6 bar side 'rake; New Idea 7 ft. P.T.O. trail mower; Geo. White 35' bale elevator 1 horse 'motor; 2 rubber tired wagons with flat racks. Look Whop 9'0 CKNX RADIO 920 JOHN STRONG - WITH THE NEWS ton with duals and stake Jack. No reserve as owner is in trucking business Not responsible far accidents on premises da of sale TERMS CASH • Au WALLACE BELL, Prop. R.R. 2 Myth, Otit., • Phone 887-6829 ALLAN MacINTYRE, Auctioneer, Box 209, Lucknow, Ont. Phone 528-3519 CHISHOLM FUELS SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS LUCKNOIN Phone 529-7524 or 524-768: FLEE Bt7R.NER SERVIqE ,Products For :Farr,:.. Home and Cit cattle atererT--never-7useelf-Rell- UCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Modern Farm Machinery, Feed and Household Effects will 'be held for CLARENCE NICHOLSON R.R.3 Ripley Lot 16, on the Fifteenth sideroad of Huron Township, 21/4 miles north of Ripley on County Road 15 and 2% miles south of No. 9 Hwy. On THURSDAY, MARCH 23 at 1 p.m. TERMS CASH REAL ESTATE FOR CARL E. NICHOLSON Consisting of 200 acre Beef Farm, Lot 17 and the Northerly one third of Lot 18, both in the Twelfth Con- cession Huron Township. Terms on. property 10% cash day of sale, balance in 30 days. Full list in March 15 paper. Owner or auctioneers not" responsible for any accidents day of sale Auctioneers Grant McDonald, • Ripley 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater ' 392-6170 Wallace, Teeswater on, more particularly desaibed as follows: Premising the Northerly limit of void Lot 18 to have a, bearing of North 61 degrees 10 minutes West & AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION , SALE of Real Estate, Farm Machinery, Feed, Household Effects and Antiques will be held for the Estate of the late ALLAN CULBERT Lot 30, Concession 2, Huron' Twp., 3% miles north of Amberley on Hwy. 21 and VA miles east of Hwy. 21, on' Concession 2, Huron Twp. On MONDAY, APRIL 3 at 1 p.m. TERMS CASH . Full 'list in March 22 paper Administrator or Auctioneers' not responsible for any accidents day of sale Auctioneers Grant-McDonald,- Ripley-395-5353- Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater 392.4170 TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon, -Monday-, March-20th,-1972 lor load, ing and hauling pit , run graVel. Township tender forms to be used., available from the road superin- tendent. Lowest or any tend& not necessarily accepted. Frank Schumacher, Road Supt.. R.R. 1 Holyrood TENDERS WANTED TENDERS. TRACTOR AND LOADER TENDERS — are invited for 'a standard farm tractor and loader in the 40 - 50 h.p. range. 'A David Brown 990 to be turned in. Tenders tc be in to Box 1330, Walkerton by March 22, 1972.. Telephone 881-3301 for, information and tender forms. TENDERS • state salary expected and supply or will be received until. March 18th, 1972 at 12 noon; applicants to Tenders for Warble' Fly Inspect- TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS own transportation. Fraser MacKinnon, Clerk-Treas., Kinloss Township R.R. LLucknow --tOWNSH IP "K-IN LOSS- TENDERS FOR' CRUSHED GRAVEL Tenders jwill be received by the undersigned until 12' o'clock noon, Monday, March 20th, 1972 for crushing and. hauling approximat- ely 13,000 cu. yards of gravel any- where in_the Township; ,alo price for stock-piling. Contractor'to sup- ply a minimum of 1,000 cu. yds. er day. Contractor to be avail- • able by September 1st, 1972. Gray:- el to., pass through 5/8 " screen, 'to be shovel fed and contractor to properly strip pit. Certified cheque for 10% of contract to' accompany tender. Lowest ,or any tender not necessarily accepted. Frank-Schumacher, Road_Supt. R.R. 1 Holyrood TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF HURON • Tenders' will 'be received by the . Township of Huron for the follow- ing: 1. Loading and hauling of pit run.. gravel with 'a minimum of 1,000 yards per day.' Contractor to state price for first mile and each additional mile: 2. Crushing and hauling approx- imately 15,000 ,cu. yds. of gravel anywhere in the Township, also price for stock piling. Contractor to supply a minimum of 1,000 cu. yds. per day. 3. Hourly prices for motor scrap- ers and pushers. State truck size, year, model and number avail- able. Contractor to supply 'grade- man with machine. 4. Bulldozers and scrapers:Con- tractor to state price per hour, number available, size, and model of machines. -57-,----Sprayinrof-weeds-alorglawn- ship roads on hourly 'basis. the Chemicals supplied by Township. in t Contractor to supply/ machines, turr operators and be fully licensed. mol 6. Cutting. weeds along Township .that .roads on hourly basis. State KR occ of tractor and size of mower, All above contractors shall be wer available on one week's no ice. one Bidders must use Township„Tender and forms 'for gravel. Tenders will be whE iilaced in Tender box in the office old of the undersigned by 10 a.m. Mon- day, March 20, 1972. LoWest or any tender not nee- essarily accepted. Dave Moore, Road Superintendent Box 38 • Ripley, Ontario Talking... Harvest Equipment . Massey Ferguson No. 82 self pro- pelled combine, pick ups; 2 Turnco gsavity grain bibs; Geo. White 6 ton wagon,' new; Rubber tired wagon; 35' Male° P.T,O. 6" grain auger; Several 4" grain augers and motors. Forage Equipment . . . Dion Forage harvester, 2 row with hay pickup, 2 yrs. old; Dion 392.170 60" forage blower; 70' silo pipes, distributor pipes; Evenflo silo .dis- tributor with 1 horse motor; 3 Dion: self unloading forage wagons, 2 almost new; 3 Dion wagons, 8 ton with flotation tires'. Other Implements and Equipment New Holland 331 P.T.O. manure spreader; Dual tractor , tires' and rims 18.4 x 30; Ebersol front mounted snow blower; Post hole digger, P.T.O.; Large size Ritchie away cross conveyor for silage with •11/2 H.P. motor 3 ton truck chassis with duals 'for wagons; 100 gal. "fuel tank with pump; Cement mixer and motor, Emery and stand with 1 H.P. motor; Small amount of small articles on wagon; Quantity of feed barley;• S4" elec- tric drill; sap pan, buckets and spilea. Ontario, being composed of part of 1971 Ford 350 one ton with duals 18, and stake rack; 1966 Dodge 300 one Lot 14, Western Div- :unnt of said Lot 16*. a dictance of 696.45 feet • to the Point of com-1' mencement, and said te contain .approximately 1, acre of land more; 'or less ,,LT ,tk• which. said rkatt title.'• • ter 3ZlC Ct iZ• • lof the said Gordon J Vr Elliott it It he said Lands atit tshal offer for Sale. t.,:y Public Anr.- tior. thth' C.ourt .zooenct C,tivant of tdat th .1 'tr as7 o! irr, at 4., t t_ic),21; a.ltefttoot. ' Si urev Sheri Cotirery 04 Boyar. • ereto: CONMENCLNG at the most Nor- erly angle of Said Lot 18; -CE SOuth 61-•degrees 10 min-, east along the Northerly limit of said Lot 18 a: distance of 497.21 feet: IIIENCE South 29 degrees 35 tmintites West, a distance of 491:23 tfeet: HENCE Ncirth 15. ciez-ens 58.1, :minutes West alone the Wester)y SHERIFF'S SALE 'OF LAND UNDER AND BY 'VIRTUE OF Writ of Execution, issued out of the County Court of Waterloo in an 'action wherein ANTHONY FLEET is the Plaintiff and Gor- don J. W. Elliott is the Defendant, to me directed against the Goods and Chattels, Lands and Tene- Ments-of the said-DefenclanC,--1-hmte- seized and taken in Execution all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of the said: defend- ant GORDON J. W. ELLIOTT in and_ to: ALL AND SINGULAR that cer- ftain or tract of land and remises situate, lying and being i the Township of Ashfield inthe ounty of Huron and Province of CLEARING`" CLEARING-AUCTION SALE--- of Farm machinery, feed and household effects will be held for ORVILLE McCORMICK ' • Lot 57, Concession A, Huron Town- ship, 21/2 miles -south of Kincardine on Lake Shore Road, 11/4 miles -mile--south- TENDER-FOR= PIT-RUWGRkVEL of Aintree Road On ' SATURDAY, MARCH 25 ' at _.- TERMS CASH Full list in March 15 paper Owner or auctioneers not responsible for ,any accident day of sale • Auctioneers Grant McDonald, Ripley 395.5353 W. SHUR-GAIN LUCKNOW wee for Thy yet odi rou wa! cal Gee out ma the sus] sorr ma con shr( tim 111 C Si01 wer so" Alt, biz, ing was mir SHUR•GAIN protection - with 4_ef1ective=sa_rfitizers SHUR.GAIN Germ Kill for Dairiing The ideal iodine germicide sanitizer for dairying.operations. SHUR-GAIN Milkstone Remover and Acid Cleaner For the removal of milkstone, rust and mineral film inpipelines and milking equipment. SHUR . GAINChlorinated Cleaner Controls disease causing bacteria in milk handling equipment and bulk tanks. SHUR 'GAIN Germ Kill for Hog and Poultry Sanitation -For sanitizing and disinfecting buildings and equipment, Ideal for footbaths, A nderson Flax Products Limited PHONE 528-2026 AUCTION SALE