HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-03-08, Page 1/
Miss Catherine :r'e=nor of
incknow observed 11(1 '1:Jth birth-
day 0.,Stinda-y „ Mark
Open•House was held on 8atur-
day, March 4th at her home on,
ROO Street, when relatives and
friends called to extend vongrattl
lations and good. w i
Miss MacGregor is .t daughter of
the late D. N., 'Mace 're ,d,or and.
Jessie MacKenzie of ,( :a Pe 13retOn ,
atherine where she was born,
came to Ashfield child with
her parents but leas been a resid -
em of Luc know for o\,cr fifty-
eight years,' for I Ha years her
services as a seamstress were
much in derna'nd,.
She enjoys fa ifl)..200d • hedh it
and is•alert and very interested in
he affors of the community .
Miss.MacCregor lo\ cared
for by her sister, Nit's; (:porge
$6.00 A Year In Advance $2.00 Extra To U.S.A.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8th, 1072 Single Copy 15c. ' 20 Pagei
/• /
I. I. Bowers, Director of Educa•
on for Bruce County, stated re-.
ently that the present agreement
o u rft y Bear. o
tication for the education of
ace County Secondary. School.
tudents living within the area
rved.by the F. E. Nfadill
ndary School at Wingham, would
erminate at the-end of thiS schoul
ear. He stated that it Would
necessary for this Board to
ppoint a:committee to re-exa m-
e these boundaries' and work out
new agreement with the Huron
ounty Board.
(Mae) Stuart', who has resided
With her ince.1961/when she and •
her husband.,, the late Lieorge •
Stuart moved to Luc know from the
St. 11elens area .
Jtainfolls.On Ice
. .Ja rites 'Pawn , . R. 2, A uburn.,
slipped on ice 'at his home: March
lst/and•received head injUries..•
He was admitted to hospital; •
Mrs., ,King, R.2
Bluevale' slipped on theice 'in
front of Brussels Presbyteriarl
hurch March 5th and' fractured
her left hip.. She Was adthitted.
to hospital. . . • • •
The Bruce 13Oard at a recent ,•
meeting appointed a committee
to negotiate with the. Huron Coun
y :oar• o nuca ton,
boundaries of the F. 'E. Madill
Secondary School, Wingham that
would result in changes in attend-
ance areas for BrUce County Sec-
ondary Schools. The cornmittee
• k
dtepresentativ from the Vil-
,lage ol,,Lue know and the Town-
ship: of Ashfield , Kinloss and
West Wawanosh Let in Lucknow
last weal; to disertss a new fire •
The. village, at their last coun-
cil ,, had indicated that
they felt some adjustment would
have to he made in the rate •
thar):,,ed to rite :townships .for fire
Group To Inspect
Existing Medical
Centres Thursday
Charles McDonald of West Wawa -
nosh , Recd. of Ash field-a'nel-
Orville. Elliott of Kinloss, plus'
one or both of the Lucknow
ica I doctors , plan, to inspect exiSt.-
jug centres iat ,Gralid Bendorni
:Watford. •
'Considerable investigation has
been done locally 'on Rich, a Pro-:
je t. l'Oblic support appears to he
y ry favc4trable to the' eStablish -
,in 01 a .centre which would
ma!,c revision for medical doc=
dentist and' an optometrist,
represents Cuirass, Teeswater ,
•Kinloss and Lucknow, an area •
where the majority, of the students
in question reside. Leonard' Court-
ney ,• representing Huron
Townshi and Ripley., is also on
the committee as is .George.
Loucks of.•Chesley. •
It is•.expected that,a•coMmittee
.from Huron. County.will be ha Tried
this week and the two groups will
1LQ .n • than ,cs in
'existing; boUhdaries would have to
be approyed.'by•the 'entire board ,
after recommendation by -the corn
When the county schobl boards-
were- formed , a large number of
agreed upoh at last week's meet-
ing,: Under the, new prpposal,
each township will pay a $500
annual standby charge. In addi-
tion:to this, there will be a char-
ge for each fire of $125, per hour.
The agreement reached will be
for the next two years at which
time it will be reviewed
Eight members of the Ludknow-
Fire Department respond to each
rural fire. They are now paid
. r
years which 'are still.available.
amera ro ems
The news business .has its ups,
and downs• and one of these
"downs" was On Monday when we
rn discovered that the'Caera. equip;-
ment had not functioned properly
during events which, we covered
on Friday , Saturday and Sunday
of last week, .
• Miss•Flora Elizabeth Andrew of
Luc know passed away suddenly •
in Wingharn and District Hospital
on Sunday '.1arc.h. 5th in her .07th
The funeral service will be,
held at 2 p.m. on Wednesday,
March 8th at MacKenzie, Memor-
ial Chapel, Lucknow with temp-
orary entombment at Soutl.T.Kin-
loss Mausoleum. •'
• $5c .Annual $tqn4by, $125 Per HoUr •
Buys Kinloss
Township Farm
Bud Sutton has sold, his .farina
Lot32,boncession :3, •Kinloss •
Township to Mr; and .`•,tr's. Eric
el of Brussels', • ' ,
Mrs. 'Ex.el is the•former. Nikki
elong, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,.
elle dc Jong of R.. R. ".) LticknOw.
'hey have three children'.
The saleVas.niade by. F. C..,
Van Eyl, of •Lticknow , Real Estate
gent for Colqulioun Ltd. ,
linton. • •
Catherine MacGregor
arks 99th Birthday
505:Stodents',.T0:0:ic Discuisi011s .
Out a new agreement .for Brute .•
students who will continue to
attend:. the school. • • •
A committee was appointed
with Ros-S .MatRae of Culr-Ors Town-
Ship as thairman. Mr. MacRae
area municipalities, Lucknow,
West:Mawanosh, .AShfield and
Kinloss, set. up sonic time ago. to.
investigate the possibilitft,s of
ire establishing .an area
• centre , will view centres ••
m Twol_hiu • 'on Thursday of this week,: .
creorge•Joynt of Lucknow ,
fighting service.
All the fire fighting equipment ,
with the exception of ,a portable,'
pump purchased by the townships
amumber of years ago, is owned •
by Lucknow. The townships have
been paying $73 per hour, or part
of an hour, to Lucknow , when the
fire fighting services Were needed.
If a township had no fire calls in
a year, there were no costs in-
• A new rate for fire services was
Sent inel Ad Reaches
value of adVertising in The Luck-
'now Sentinel, doubt no ritore.,•
Joe Agnew,, new.ownes of- -•
Schinid's •Jewellery
never been a doubter and has. •
been a regular Sentinel:advertiser
since coMmencing business here
last, Fall .
. . . .
But Joe's belief in Sentinel
adyerrising;was_even more solidly
strengthened last Week when he .
received a letter from Ireland. .
in reply to an advertisement in the
February 2nd issue of the paper.'.
At that time 'Joe was advertising',
.silverware patterns'of the past 30
••••• •••••4 0 00 •04 " P bl
• o•••••••••••*•••••
students in Bruce County , from
this area , continued to attend' the
f '011 'have ever Aoubted ..the I l le. invited readers to coMplote or •
start their service,
1:he letter from Leland .was,
from a Mrs. R. J. Kilgour,
Avoca, Arklow ,Co. C
Wicklow . She said that she had
been reading .the February. 2 issue .
he 'Sentinel (her_lettet_was -
dated •February' 23) regarding Jack
,Webster"s trip to_Ireland. • Mrs:
Kilgour said that on the 'same page •
she had noticed the advertisement .
for the RevivaJ,sale of 1,847 Rogers.
Bros. silver flatware. We're•iiot •
sure how. Mrs. Kilgour acquired,:
the ;Sentinel, but noticecPin Jack's
Bruce County Students Attending F.E. Madill Cause Of Photo
Committee Meet
cesult-prcttrres- -en at
'the Lucknow 'Skating ,Club 7.
ievement Night Friday, the •Flea
Hockey Tournament Saturday • • •
and the 99th birthday of MISS • , •
Catherine Mac'GregOr on 'Sunday,
drew a complete blankun the
We are taking the liberty.of
Using a- year.-Old picture of Miss
MacGregor', but unfortunately,
had no fill-in photos 'for the other.
We, apOldgize to those involved.
II wit III I II I I I II III io it iiislintioiogilloot win
ucknovv Skating Club Hold First *Achielipmeht Night ,
members were aged 3 to. 13 and Of the judges of the crest,contest , field was Master of Ceremonies
were grottped-according-to_their, .presented prizes...to Donna„the for the _presentation of the follow
'oVerall winner, Brenda Taylor in ing skating numbers.
Mrs. Delbert Nixon , vice ,
pros- skating , ability , 'not age. • '
, the 0 and over class and Patti Group 0(skating to Carpenter
7 ' ident of the •Club ', introduced the The Skating Club members Barger in the 8 and under class, and The Walrui) Donalda '
, club coaches Debbie lialdenby, . were asked to design a crest for A special prize went to Tracey Thompson Karen McDonald,
Alison Smith and Diane lialden- the. Lucknow Club. Winner of this McDonagh as the youngest.to Tommy Gilmore, Kimberley
Nixon welcomed everyone pres-
i, laugh,
. t... by, all of Cultoss Township', Mrs. contest was Donna Elph
enter. the contest: -Enright. .,
eat and explained that the club Lochalsfr. Mrs. Reg Jones ; one
ter of Mr. and, Mrs. Dp, Ken Taylor of the 12th of Ash- CONTINUED ON PAGE 18
., .
8 0,Members
Lucknow Skating Club, about
0 strong, held their first Achieve.'
eat Wight in the arena on Fri-,
ay evening. The club has only
een skating for six month's; part
(last se.ason- and this season,
and has' shown 'very creditable
• ,