HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-03-01, Page 13Purity Flour 5 LB. BAG 49c '11111111111111111111111 1972 WEDNESDAY .MARCH im PAGE.' TIERTREIN in of ut nth- ere [le sn .0 ton-, he ASSEMBLY' On February 25 Kindergarten Class One presented their assembly .! They started by telling us their names.' This was follow- ed by 0 Canada and the Lord's • Prayer'. They then sang a Good Morning Song'and Jesus Loves Me, which was followed by a short . prayer. Mr. MacLennan. then made a few announcements : The children presented Goldilocks and the Three -Beats . wnich. were play- ed by.Steven•Alton , Rhonda Noble, Suzanne Alton arid Wilma Brink as, Coldilocks. They then sang Frosty the Snowman, Windt-nail Song,and Don't puSh Me Own Their assembly 'closed with Ciod-iarc Ou-r Queen. VOLLEYBALL 'On FebrUary 23 ir long awaited game between the teachers and. girls volleyball team was held.' Because of much practice , the --teachers'beatthe students in games. The scores for ,the two piles were 7-3 and 12'-3. The 4!,4",..0•1"/* game was* sponsored by Room Eight.. The admission was 5 cents per person. The mon- ey received from the viewers went to the Junior Red Cross. HOCKEY Saturday.hockey• brought out 'the best' inn Brookside One on Feb- ruary 19 as they won their first game. 'They won over. Luc know with a score of to 1. We con- gratulate Brookside One. Brookside Two also did very well on Saturday. They won over Kingsbridge with a score of 3-2, We. hope that'both teams do as ' well next time. .On Wednesday a. hockey game was played betWeen.the Bruiris, and -the North Stars' with a. score of 4 - 1 for the North Stars:• Hughie Burgsma scored two,goalt.. and Wayne Graham and Glenn Noble'score-d the other two.' -Dan- ny Marten scored the goal for.the losing.teatn. Better lUck•to the Bruins in the next g.A me, AMBERLEY A Euchre party was held. Friday evening at the Aniberley L.O. Hall. Winners of the prizes were high/ lady Mrs. Bob Campbell; high gent , Mr. John. McDonald and lucky 'prizewinner was Mrs. Glenn Campbell. Reid Liddle home On holidays front London this past week, at- tendecl.the activities at the Kin- carciirre arena on Wednesday night and was the winner of a radio in a prize draw, . Mr. and Mrs. George Messenger entertained their neighbours with a card party in their home on Sat-, urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Steele and Mr. Rbbert Steele of Detroit spent the week end at Point Clark. Moe Leonard of Ivlississauga spent the week end .with Pat-, Courtney. • Visiting with their families this past week end Were Marsha Humphrey from. London, Anne Ferguson from London ;and Shirley Reid from Kitchener. Wendy Courtney is enjoying a week's winter holiday from Conestoga College. • Mrs. John Eminerton is present- ly a 'patient in kitchener-Water'- loo Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. 'Ernme,pto4-4-a-re spending the-w-in- er monthswith .Mr.,and Mrs. Chester Emmerton in Kitchener.: Her friends here wish Mrs. Ern.: ' merton improved health. .Misses' Shirley Reid' and Joan Ferguson sang a lOVely duet "It's, A WonderfUl Life" at the Sunday, morning services at Pine-KV-dr -7- United ChUrch. • Mrs. 'Wayne Lbwry .and Miss Anne Ferp_ison. were at the piano and • Pat O'Hagao, Prop. • Established Over Sixty Years WALKERTON PHONE 881,1234 For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument correctly designed from quality material, rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS MONUMENTS ONTARIO. BROOKSIDE HAPPENINGS Educational Funds IIV m. J. Kinahc,n. 112.1t, 2 Lucknown piton* Wingham 357.1987 through Life Insurance? SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA CONTACT ••• • • lucknow Central School.. After lunch We again played in our groups and then reassembl- ed for a group rehearsal. That evening'we played at a concert., but because of a storm that bleW Up_dur in g the dam, were able to attend. When the cOncert was Over we 11-1 realized that data-e--to-,the bad-= storm:we would' all have to stay in To begin the day's, activities the performers were split up into groups, according to the instru- ment that they played./ The in- structors of the groups were Spec- ialists at the instruments they. played. After about an hour of playing our instruments iri groups, we were reunited to play music We had never seen before: Mr. d a nested trumpet player', directed ...us. On. Saturday , FebrUary 19, the Lucknow Band attended a Band Clinicheld at the Goderich.Col- legiate Institute; also'attending. the band workshop were members Of the Goderich Collegiate and Lakeland bands. • Goderich overnight. An attempt was made, to try and billet us out with GOderich residents but it was decided that it might be better if stayed at the school, for the night. Basketball helped us pa'is some time before we settled down for the night. The boys bedded down on tumbling mats in the gym, while the girls retired to the' staff room, dither to sleep in • chairs or on the floor. When we arrived home early Sunday morning, we "all agreed that although band clinics are a lot of hard, work it is well worth going to them. ' -Dianne Bannerman -Janice Stanley -Ruth Henderson -Eleanor Johnstone 10 I THEILUCKNOW .SENT. NEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Libby s Mustard 24c 16 OZ. Coleman's Bologna lb. 49c Tide 5 LB. BOX $1 85 MANY OTHER SPECIALS. 41-**-4-4-4-:**-vs: F.F HARDWARE CLOTHI * 1 o o MAXWELL HOLYROOD ' -irtiii monimmimiriosommiimanimmilmingr' • L TOR . 11110N E,395-i6 04.2 •