HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-03-01, Page 7<ing nr d. 'ee RIPLEY-• HURON. 1011110r$ CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE - PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO PHONE 357-3862 1969 CHRYSLER, 4. door hardtop, power equipped .1969 PLYMOUTH 4 door, 8' automatic and radio 1968 DODGE Coronet 500 Convertible, power steering, brakes and radio 1968 'CHRYSLER 2 door hardtop 1968 FALCON 2 door, 6 automatic with radio 51.1 ma PLYMOUTH 4 door,. 8 automatic and radio 1968 CHRYSLER 4 door sedan, power steering, brakes and radio 1967 PLYMOUTH 4 door, 6, automatic and radio 1967 PLYMOUTH, 4 door, 6 standard 1967 DODGE Monaco 2 door hardtop, 8 automatic, power steering, brakes and radio 1967 VOLKSWAGEN with radio 1966 FORD; 4 door, 8 automatic, power steering, radio agymaNir SUPPLEMENTAL . NITROGEN BULK SPREADING BAG AND BULK PICK--UP CO-ORDINATED GROWING PROGRAM • nes- iles; of THE .414C.K14OW SENTINE.1.„.LUiCKNOW, ONTARIO, 1972.. Nsiisarsiowiwommist"."""010. Or .DEWS FROM GRADE FIVE In tirade Five we were studying. ,a story in our reader called "The . • Maid of the Waves..". This was' of particularinterest because •its set- ting was the*ISle of Lewis and the hero was a Jock •cCrim mon After discussing the fact that the orioinal settlers in this area came from this island we looked . up the history ofiluron l'oWnshiP and WEDNESDAY, •MARcH 1st, 1.972. The.card party 'in the St. ustine Parish Hall on Friday even- inghad 'eight tables in play High lady was Mrs. Bill. Naylor and high man, Ken Leddy.. The second' high prizes went to MrS. Joe Finleon and. Bill .K ina ha n with the door prize being won by Ray- mond Leddy. ,..• The,:next.eard party will held in two weeks, March .10th. Card Party . .0 KIM.° S Betty Colwell, Pat Sparks and - Rod MacKenzie en Joyed their "Break .Week" from Western Univ. ersity. SUPPER WELL ALT_E TheiTurkey Supper postponed because'of last Saturday's storm until February 26 was Very. well . -- attended, Snowrnobilers arrived from as far away as Wingham. ,Ripley and Ashfield. :This event was sponsored by 1st Kinloss tGroup Comraittee and held in Holyrood Hall. Another supper is planned for Saturday, March 4. 'Mr. arid Mrs, Gordon Carter visited with relatives in Kitchener on Friday. William Dickie showed pictur- es of the World Jamboree he at- tended in Jipan at three Father and Son Banquets last week, in' Tiverton; Wingham and Tees water, • Mrs.: Ray Taylor and Mr. and Mrs, Derwyn Taylor and 'Lisa :of Walkerton visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Houston and Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Jan Nimechek and, Waiter Dickie 'of Toronto and Douglas Dickie of Guelph spent the welt end with mt.'and Mt's. ha Diekie and William. John Bradley of Guelph was ,a :recent visitor.,wirh his parents Mr. and Mrs. Eklon Brandley.• SERVED CO-M-Iviti-N-IT '1' WELL' A For Sale sign is on display at the D. A. MacLennan store. Both Frank and D. A. MacLen- nan are now retired.• They sery - ed this community for many years and their services will loin).; be remembered , as m'a'ny a time they-were ,called upon by the re-ople-In-tlie-oom munitrw i re 1 1 ---il need of supplies during a bad storin and in emergencies as well as the faithful service given in • regular store hours. This chapter of the MacLennan stores 'at Loch- alsh closes and a, new one begins. Church services at Ashfield Presbyterian Church are held at 11 a,. m. Sunday mornings for the next six months. The community mourns and . misses W. A. (Bill) Stewart , as many an hour was passed at his shop on the Bradley Farm. Bill ' was a ntighboUr to everyone and was a real stalwart citizen, Who helped all Who were•in need and alwayi had tittle to enjoy a bit of fun with the Children of the cornmunity" , Mr., t d ra Mrs. Oliver McChatles spent • he week end in Brantford with Mr. and WS. Donald MC- Charles and family.' Mr. and Mts. Harry Watson of Toronto spent the, weel,. end with Mr. and &its. Art !Mathew-. man. PURPLE GROVE, The C. C . ..- front wet at the home -of ,Mrs,. June Elliott „ one of the leaders, on • Thursday afternoon , a fter which they enjoyed a tasty supper, Mrs. Howard Thompson and Mrs. 13111 Arnold. attended the Fall Fair Convention held in Toronto on Wednesda' and Thursday. They journeyed by bus .to Toronto on Wednesday and spent the night with Mr.. and Mrs. Wilbert liald.- enby returni,pg by bus on Thursday evening, f3oth.Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. 'Arnold 'have been active; in Fall Fair work for many years: World Day•of..Prayer w411.be held in the•KinloUgh Anglican Church on Friday. • • Five tables Were in .play ac the''' Euchre party held in the -commun., ity centre on Saturday night. Mrs. Marion Emerson held the high • score for the ladies with Arnold taking that of the !pen. .Pan Robertson and Sandra Collins claimed. prizes for the lone hands and Mrs. Bill Arnold received a gift for having the closest birth- day. . ' '•; • The •next gathering of the Purple GroVe will be held on Wednesday it the home of Mrs, Anne MeCOsh in the form of a 40nd:icon_ for a.. speedy, recovery are extended 'to Mrs,' R; Chesbro, who is a patient in the Kincardine and District General' Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Judd 'Mailette, the former Janet Forster, were week 'end guests at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Forster. T'he 4-U Club met at the home of Mrs, June Elliott on Friday. afternoon. The topic for this session was fitting and preparing to sew with knits. Secretary for this, meeting was Joyce Elliott' The next gathering will be at Mrs. 'Walter Forsters'. Five little, snowmObiles came put-put-puttering up Earl Elliott's lane Thursday night, jockeying the machines were Mr„ and Mrs. Rae Stanley of Kinloss, Mr. and Mrs. John Sewart, and Mrs. Sandy Neil of London. Mr, and Mrs. Sewart and. Mrs. Neil spent the week end at Silver Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Francis .Boyle, Corrine, Heather and Kevin visited on ,Sunday afternoon at Earl Elliotts. Mr. arid Mrs. Walter Forster were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ardill MasOn. Mr. and Mrs. Harvie Thomp- son , Donnie' and Wray had quite a house full for Sunday supper, there was Mr. and plrs. Randi MacDonald of Tiverton, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson and Mrs. chude Dore Sr. of Berrie an course to add to the hub-hub PAGE SEVIN KINLOUGR Mr., and Mrs. Howard. Bennett of Toronto spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Art . Haldenby. Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm Lane, Hugh arid' John returned home on Tuesday after a. winter holiday in Florida. Mrs. Agnes Hodgins of Kincar- dine spent the week end at her home at Westford. Mr. and Mrs'. Harold Slessor and Connie of Glamis visited on Saturday evening with Mr. and Ivies. Bert• Nicholson and Lois. The World Day of prayer for - this •district will be held 'on Fri- day,at 2 O'clock in the Anglican Church. ' All ladies are invited to attend. Misses Edna and May Boyle will• be the ,hostesses for the Anglican Church Women on'Thursday after- noon March 9th. Mr, and Mrs. Donald Bertrand of Simcoe visited over the week end.'with Miss Winnifred Percy, Bill and Brian Percy and het uncle Bruce Orr. The. H. W.I. meeting will be held On Thursday.(evening) March 9th. were, two grandchildren Robbie Thompson and Tammy MacDon- ald. thz ny- na p61-. to n- lie, bar- and and Mr,: a 'QC :he lost I on mir.7 fOund, 'that only seven had the same names as the firit'settlers. We are doing more research into the meaning'of words like - ers, bagpipe's-, Gaelic and other related subjects. Who knows' where it Will end? Casualties of the stormy weath- erwyre ourplaht"Cuttings", which we started in • Science ,class. ' ER, NEWS FROM GRADE.TWO. • • Grade Two wrote letters to Mrs. MacDonald on Thursday. .She.has • been sick all week: 'We' hope she is•feeling bett•er 'and back to school.on Monday.. LOCHALSH of vv there is a Wk fertilizer 1/arp.4 to ive .you tost efficient ervice on all your ertillier needs. for Service, Savings, Satisfaction, Contact: iucknovi' District Co-op PHONE 5284125 TrA04, Mark •