The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-03-01, Page 6• I expect to attend the Workshop on miednesd4y, April i2•, Name 'Employed in school?...,:,,Employed'ln Hospital? Allergies in . .... .. How many? Number- of Group attending Number. for Lunch - :Note:, There is no registration fee. Luncheon fee will • • not exceed $2.50. Children's. Respiratory Disease VVerkshop central United Church - Stratford Wednesday,APO! 12, 1972: Hon. Dr. C. Collins Williams, Director of Allergy Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto • * Please complete the.- registration form below and return to. Huron Perth T.B. and R.1), ASsociatron, 121 Wellingto Street, Stratford, Here's an ideal hybrid for high population, narrow row planting. Specially bred to beat the stalk breakage Rroblem. Strong, sturdy stalks withstand high winds and stress. 'The cob'of PX 442 is long 'and sniall in diameter— ' can be covered with a nickel. The hard- starch kernels reduce combine damage' and build high bushel, weights. Applicants must have accounting experience. Initial salary to be 'negotiated according to' qualifications. Usual fringe benefits and pension Aan provided. Applications stating experience, qualifications and telephone number will Abe received by the undersigned up to March 7th, - 1972. T. H. ALTON, CountY,Treasurer-Administrator• 'P.O. Box 70, . Walkerton, Ontario' in a sec Joe the Rod "Br ersf S 'bee, ti nt an fro Ri was Con H for vis on 1.1 es ter an. Ti WA Mr 'Wa Mr an and .an ape Mr WEDNESDAY! MARCH ht, THE LUCKNOW. SENTINEL LUCKNOW• ONTARIO r. PAGE. SIX , in Rip e 4 4 • BY AB One of the big events otthe past week for several people was, the Bruce Coach Lines, bus trip to Toronto. The main purpose of the- bus was to take delegates - from Tiverton, Kincardine, Rip - ley and Lucknow to the.Ontario' Agricultural Societies Annual ' convention held last. Wednesday and Thursday in the King Edward, Sheraton hotel in Toronto. Dele- gates,from Ripley and Huron' ToWnship representing the Ripley fall fair board were Stewart Need ham, Mrs. Morris Reid, Mrs. Ernie Thompson of Pine River, Mrs. Howard Thompson of Purple Grove and Mrs. Wm: J. Arnold Who was in charge of the arrange-. ments for,Ripley. From • Huron Township and representing the Kincardine fall fair were Pres- ident and Mrs. Jim Harris, con- cession 12' and secretaries Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hollands Of Pine River. Also on the bus and tak- ing part in the program were two fall fair queens - Miss Ellen Elliott , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Elliott l_concession 10, Hur - on and Miss;Linda Stanley of • Luc-kno-w-,,—Ellen Ripley District High School, is Miss Kincardine Fall Fair. Un- fortunately Ripley could not par- ticipate in'this part as the direc- tors voted, not to do so last sum- mer: However ,- two Ripley-Hur- on girls will be at next summer's C.N..E. in Toronto. Along with Ellen will be her friend Miss Sherry Pollock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Pollock, con- cession 10, Huron who is the Bruce County Dairy Princess. Also on the bus to Toronto were Mr. and Mrs., Earl Lohnes 0 WYLDS who attended the flower show at the O'Keefe Centre and visited with family relatives, Mrs. Red vers Johnson and her daughter Mrs. George MacLean also visiting relatives in Toronto. All report a good trip on the buS and an en- joyable time in the city. Mrs. Mervyn. Hooey and her sister Mrs. Morris Reid prepared the display' for the Ripley fair while down in the King Eddy. Mrs., Ernie Thompson'helped Mrs. Reid set up the display. In the coloured slide competition Ripley got two prizes.'• The bus left Rip- ley shortly after six on Wednes- day morning and came back about nine on Thursday evening. * * * * * * * . • Recently the executive of the Huron Township Federation of Agriculture met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gamble on concession six east .. John is pres- ident of the township federation. Attending were Mrs. Connie van der Hoek, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Smith, Bob Rutledge, and Gary Courtney. 'Plans were made for • -the-eo-ming--ye-a-They-deaded__ to have the annual meeting next fall in the form of a dinner ban-. quet. Also they are sponsoring a member of the. Ripley 'Junior Farmers to attend the folk schoo in March. This school is run jointly by the Federations of Agriculture-in Bruce and Grey Counties along with Arda and it is at Varney during the winter - holidays in mid. March. 'The Ripley Junior,Farmers haVe • delegated Jamie Farrell,' son of Mr.' and Mrs: Lester Farrell, to attend. The Huron Township Federa- (.1..- tion is.artanging a' 105 , v a tiOty concert along with a lay by the Teeswater Junior Farmers on March 22 in the Huron Township hall in Ripley:'. This ,play will be the one which the Teeswatei Juniors will be entering in the drama festival. The Huron Township Federation of Agriculture has an Information., Meeting planned for the first part of April. It will be about the new evaluation tax laws, capital' gains tax and similar items. Alan Mill of•crawford and, Mill, Wingham will be at the meeting. Also at the meeting will be Jim Powers of Chepstow. He is with the. CIAG Insurance of cuelph. He will deal with estate planning. „Back home from Kincardine and District hospital is Mrs. Neil McLennan of Ripley. NOrma ,spent several weekS in hospital and her many friends are glad to hear that she is home. Miss' Carolyn MacLeod, R.N. was home last week froni Thund- er Bay visiting with her father Johnston MacLeod and her brother Ken, also with her grandmother Mil. C. MacLeod' in Ripley: Car- olyn is attending the Lakehead University following her gradua tion as 'a nurse at Victoria Hospit- al in London last summer. She is takipg a Course 'in basic Health Nursing at the' University. * * 0 0:0 * * * * Also back-home to Ripley last Friday after a Week in Kincardine hospital -asp vitt Henderson. Norrrially Evelyn is a nurse at the hospital but a week ago last•Sunday she unfor- tunately fractured Her ankie on the stairs leading to their apart- ment on the main street in Ripley. Her injuries were treated by Dr. J. B: Tindall of Kincardine. As a result of the fracture 'Mrs. Henderson will have a cast on her leg for .some time. * * * * * 0 Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Pollock of Windsor visited with his moth- er Mrs.' Einie Pollock in Ripley hazd_wish ocher relatives' in the area last week end. • , * *0 .• *it SecrYtary-treasurer Donald K. McLay distributed the booklet the AnnualReport of St. AndreWs United Church in Ripley this past week. •Minister of the church is Rev. George. Ball, M.A. , B. . , choir leader Mrs. Wallace Poi-, lock', organist Miss Margaret Mac• Kay , 8uperintendent of Sunday Scl;oc.1"Francis Boyle and church custodians Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred Brooks. • 0 * * p a ** Albert Verbeye held a second sale.in the basement of Ifuron, Townshic. hall Iasi Thursday ‘a ft er - noon. Despite the fact, that both Auctioneers. MacDonald of Huron and. •A'allace Ballagh had a star Of helpers and were able to , operate at the sane time a fair of ,:oods was still .unsOld sale closeddown around Cashiers for thc sale were • 'Nelsen zir:s Ord -111 etFl, ye, L:oya M2Na :all of a r,(i ids , c heckin: „%!:.•Scott e.:;t2 (;;;..ttl„ 6 d,4 t7. my HOME OWNERS CAN NOW REDUCE PAYMENTS BY AS MUCH AS HALF You as home owner are now eligible for a low cost. second or third mortgage loan from $2,000 to $25,000 at reduced monthly payments. Find out how a low cost home owner loan can pay all your bills, give you _additional cash if irequireclAand_at_the_same. time reduce your monthly paythents by as much as half. Find out how easy it is to get your loan approved . #ithin 24 hours. You can call to 10. p.m today for helpil courteous service. Prompt Investment Corp.., Ltd.. 330 T3ay St. Toronto. Call coiled '66-q580, evenings 1-8146. COUNTY OF BRUCE Deputy =Treasurer ApPlications are invited for 'the pcisition of Deputy-Treasurer for' the County of Bruce. Duties to, commence on or about April 1, 1972 •-•-•-nrs-i• ',On that saMe 'Monday evening the •Wingharn Midget,•hock'eyt' . team playing a game in Ripley, Roger Farrell, youn es,s Jon of Mr. and 'Mrs. Wils'on arrell, of Pipe Rivercis recovering from severe facial mouth cuts. Roger was, using his snowmobile . a week ago last Monday evening to go from his parents home on the- si_xth_ concession_ ba ck.t.hrp.LigiL the farm fields to his brother • Ken's farm' on the eighth conces7 sion east s of Pine River. With the visibility reduced Roger Collided with a wire fence Where he had expeeted an open gap. Despite the severe bleeding cuts.he made his way to his brother's home. His father , Wilson, 'took him to Kincardine hospital where some tWenty stitches were used to close the cuts along 'the)left side of his mouth. These are•to be-removed this week. Wintry conditions. producing zero visibility made thy trip back from Kincardine to Pine' River a hectic One. Mr. and Mrs.' Walter Eifert of Elmira are'presently visiting with her sister Miss Myrtle Emmer- ton in Ripley. Myrtle last week suffered a severe nose haemorr- hage necessitating hospital treat- ment. She was taken.to the hos- ' al • ohn Smith. * 0•0 *'* * ing players in the Curlit'1 are where conditions were comfortable!: Some Ortlibse wire players Mike and 1Kitli lock, Robbie Sutton, Mark S ley ,.Larry .Farrell, Jamie Lid Tommy, Kempton , Jeff Rouse Donald Bissonnette , Chris MY -C9-a--c-11 Mr. George Ary,t;olv, parentS Mrs, qerald C' ollin~ 'arid Mrs. Bill k‘eippton and and Mrs. Cecil Sutton. Rk.fer • Donnie Plodder and ::1 hers Carol, Pat and JoH a lon with John floois , t• i p at t Paisley Inn. The Rip1( the evening's game 1 to I and Paisley's:return to Riplcy ne,sday evening they. cii: ated' by a score of 5 to. 1 in fa. of the Paisley team. . Garv.,ey scored ,tholc(a. ,:oal f Ripley. • ,• • • e •4 • 0 • • • • . •playing 'in PaiSley ednes- a I e stiles under manager Elmer c.otrrtne and coach Terry..Nufti!,;r.,s. were Storm stayed,here. Looking after arranging shelter for. tlieni were •John Loomis and Mr, and. Mrs..Wally Pollock of Ripley ACthe same time the Ripley Pee Wees• in Paisley fora play off garne 'were stranded there. Paisley officials bedded ~down players, coac and.--4ecompa CONTINUED ON E he lost on p,in• c: Or y. fly- n4 ..ar- • and and c.c. • the 1 a st Ma . .pa re tin otAhrfeit:J fro). hist MR. ROY ROBINSON, MR. JACOB -g01:1RE / Beigrave, Ontario I Lucknow, OntaKo R,R. Net. t Phone: 3574260 Phone: 528-2245 Plant All You Can Get! NATIONAL •