The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-03-01, Page 11972
16. Pages Single Copy 15c WEDNESDAY, MARCH. 1st, 197; woo A Year In Advance $2.00 Extra To U.S.A.
Midget Championship Trophy Sees Public Subscription For Major Expenditure
Reeve George Joynt of the vil-
lage of, Lucknow has otitlined the
findings of Lucknow village coUn-
.cil in their investigation of var-
ious types of swimming pools
Which might serve this coriunun-/
ity. .
"Lucknow where this firm had in-
Stalled commercial sized
They were advised that they had.
Pine Ipver Cheese and Butter Co-op
Held Thirty-Third Annual Meeting,
Return President and Five Directors .
The ,thirty -third "Annual meet-
ing orthe Pine' River' Cheese and
13utter.Co-operative was held Fri-.
day afternoon, February 25 in .
Reid's Corners Hall. 'Robert Rut-
ledge was. chairman •for. the *meet-
ing and. Robert Harrii recorded the
minutes. • ' •
Thomas Phair-C, A. Ove the
-a.uditors report. Glenn rarrell,
the .President , gave •a general •
summary of the improvements and
purchases. of .1971. • .•
.• The price of the large cheese
increased from. .53c per pound
0 -
•Chairmar;of the LiicknOW
reation Committee , 'Bill Hunter,
isTictUred present* Ole W..0. A
.A; Championship trophy to Jirn
Murray of Kinloss' TownShip, cap-
tain of thelaithow NTidgeTTioc key.
The swimming pool question in
Lucknow has been an on again,
off again topic for several years,,
More recently,, during theTast
year -and , considerable
investigation has been done by
the. Lucknow council.,
information was received frOrn
a firm, known as Consolidated
Pools; a United ,States based'Or'-
ganization, with Canadian
franchises. :Representing the firm
Was the late 'Gil Ruston of George':
town an t le proposa o onso
idated Pools, was delved 'into in .
'detail. 'The pool'is of a vinyl •
liner construction with aluminum
walls. It. would•sit on a concrete
footing), would be full length,
'have a braced wall and would:,
have a gradual depth' of three feat
at one encrto ten feet•at the cliv-
The presentation was iriade 'at
the Lucknow-Watford Ontario
Minor hockey Association playoff
game, in Lucknow on Tuesday pf
last weer.
ing end. •
ucknow and District Lions Club Stage
uccessful Ice Carnival On Friday Nite,
vent Features Costumes, Figure Skating
Ski Club Hold
Fun Day At
Hill On Sunday
Two Men Announce
•Copricil was considering using
property to the south of the' tuck-.
now arena so that the. arena- could
be urifized'aschange. rooms.'-.:Tot-
al estimated cost of this pool was•
about: $22,900.. . '..Ioynt. said.
that•council-felt a• further es-din:-
ated cost of $20,000.- fora .build -
frig to house change rooms,. show-.
ers , etc; COuld•.be -eliminated .if
the present arena, buildingeould
he utilized for this.
The proposal was. turned over
to the engineer 'for, the village
B. M. Ross and .AssOciates of -G•o&
-The.,engineer.a'sked for
names':of communities such as
Ruth Thompson and Mrt. Hary
ey Houston judged, the costumes.
• .laces were heldwith,thefollow-
ing winners. Girls 6 and•7: 1st ,
Cathy Chisholni (Cirant), 2nd;
Tracy Nic Do. nagh. (Barry), 3rd
indy Nixon (Delbert). Boys 6
Interest In PC 0=0 1=0 ocio
Bruce Nomination
.A'n enjoyable day_ for ski' en-
thusiasts was spent on the ski
slopes at the Lucknow Park last
Sunday afternoon ; when some
sixty attended "Fun Day" sp
sored by Lucknow 'Ski ClUb. W.
Free barbecued hot dogs, pop..
and coffee were served.
Prize winners for races :were
as follows: 8 years.and Under,
Jerry Searle, Lori Mc.Kim, .
Debbie Arnold; 10 years and
under Ettab,clle MacDonald;
Kathy BrOokS; 12 years, and under,
Brenda. Arne-1d , Kathr y444,4c-K-i ;
Doug Treleaven; 14 years and
under, Craig Treleaven, Brenda
MacDonald, Mary 'Ellen Havens;
Adults, men, Jack McKim, Jack
Treleaven, Walter Arnold; ladies,
Brenda Arnold ,' Dianne MacKen-
zie , Lorraine Arnold, Jane Tre•
leaven; Cross Country, 12„years
and under , Kathryn NleKim,
Lrenda Arnold, Ettabelle Mac-
Donald; 12 years and oyer, Craig
Treleaven, Brenda MacDonald",
Mary Ellen Havens.
Last Friday's ice .carniva.1, :spec
cored by Lucknow and' District •
Lions CltilY, was a successful.'
event; . .
F011owing are the prize 'winners
in.the Costume Class. '(The par
ent' in brackets). Pre,-
:ed. School and Kin,dergarten: 1st
a . Cathy Hamilton (Bruce)', 2nd'
Port Mary Nicholls (Robert),'.3rd,.
.Diane Wilson '(J.nit). ,(:;rades 1'anc
lian 2: 1st, Patty Baiger . (Alla ri), 2nd • .
kevin Irwin (Robert),, 3rd, David'
Emberlin (Roy). GtatieS,I. and
4: 1st, Jeff MeNain (Bob)', 2nd,
ofinBarger(Allan), 3rd., Wayne
nd Linda -Boyle , 'Joanne
Thompson and Lorraine Boyle,
• 3rd; Faye Nelsen.•
Girl Saved From Strangling By Alert
Member Of Ski Patrol At Calgary,
Fam ose_Connection Withitslifiekt
Attend Toronto
Flower Show
"She, fell into the snow ,and I •
commenced artificial.respiration
right aWay,".said' Mr. Moehrle, •
a University 'of Calgary electron-
ics teChnician,'
"I 'noticed there was no pulse in
her 'neck so I'hit her chest hard on
the sternum bpne and her heart •
gave a great big thunip and start ,
ed to heat.
"..;I just finished a course in.
heart massage at the tinivergity ,
and everything fropithe-coUrse
ran through my head."
The girl is reported in good don.
Mary Gilmore, the girl whose
life was saved, is the daughcer 'of
Mr. and Mrs.' Ed Gilmore of Cal-'
„gory: is.a brother of Art and
lin' Gilmore of LucknOw and. Ash-
field..Ed was raised in Ashfield
and visits here every. year.
The scarf in question is one
sent as a 'gift to Mary by her aunt
and uncle, Mr. .and Mrs, Art
:11more of Lucknow.
A fast =actingski patrol mem-
ber has been credited with saving
the life of a 13-year-old girl •
1,s(hose scarf got her in trouble at
a ski area in Calgary a few weeks
Arthur Moehrle .was skiing past
a tow rope when he heard ,Mary
Gilmore Calling for help.
"I saw her scarf caught in the
tow rope," Mr. Moehrle said.
"She was being dragged up the
hill by her neck."
The girl'was pulled through
the safety gate at the top of the
lift and Was hanging by her
scarf about 10 feet above 'the
ground. The tow stops automat-
ically when "a. peisorlis pulled
through the safety gate.
He was unable to reach the girl
and needed help from two boys
who were lifted 'Within reach of
the rope, grabbed it, and brought
it down so Mist Gilmore could be
Car Overturns,
Three Uninjured gocC
Walkerton Mayor Arthur Brown
will seek nomination as Progres-
sive Conservative candidate for
the Bruce federal riding.
Mr. Brown, a contractor, is 3
his third term as Mayor of Walk-
erton and he has served 18 con ,"
Urinous years in' municipal polit-
ics on council and school board.
He is a direetor of the Grey-
Bruce Provincial PC Association,
a past president .of Rotary and a
member of Trinity Lutheran
.Robert Allan Yack of Hanover
will also seek the Progressive
Conservative candidature for
Bruce riding. The 25-year-old
manager of Weppler'i Esso Ser-
vic,e, made the announcement
•Mr. Yack, who is unmarried ,
received his education in Walker-
ton and Hanover before attend -
ing Waterloo Lutheran University
where e s u ie political science
He has been active in politics in,
the area ,'particularly With the
young Progressive Conservatives.
The riding is at present held by'
Liberal'Ross. Whicher of Wiarton
Bob Ritchie; Donald Mann and
Greg Hunter, all of Lucknow , es-
aped serious injury on Thursday
of last week en route to a juven-
ile hockey game in Milverton:
Bob Ritchie; accompanied by
Donald Mann; had driven his car
to London to pick up Greg Hunter, a.student a Fanshawe College,
ed. transport him to the juvenile
hocketplayoff ,g4-me-iri—
Milverton Thursday night,
!clear St. Marys, Bob's car was
intallision with a deer which Was
on the roadway: The car over-
turned and was badly damaged.
Greg and Donald were uninjured.
Bo .received minor rib and'ileck injuries,
The Luckpow•Horticultural Soc-
iety chartered a bus on Friday' of
laSt week and forty-seven attend-
ed the 25th Anniversary of the'
Garden Club of Toronto, held at
the O'Keefe 'Centre..
During the forenoon a noted
English lady' delighted her and
in the art of floral arrange-
ments; there was a fathion pres-
entation in the afternoon; and
throughout the building there, -
were garden arrangements and
artistic displays of beautiful
flowers There was also outstand-
ing displaysOf flowering bulbs and
shrubs and the setting was com-
pleted with a large 25th Anniver-
sary Cake. 0=110t 401=0
to .73c per pound in 1971. A
new. 60 ,000 pound' holding tank
had been purchased, also a gaso-
line poWered generator which will
enable the plant to continue man-
ufacturing cheese if there is a
power failure.'
The Manager-Cheesemaker,
Glenn Martin gave a general re-,
pbrt, The Pine River Cheese and
Butter Co-operative has always
Tad(' only Cheddar cheese but
some colby cheese was made last.
-summer. Approximately 208,00.0
lb. Of cheese was, sold through 'the
-store. ,
Orville Shewfelt, the Ontario
Milk Marketing Board fieldman,
gave a thorrardless. He stated'
;quota for sale is listed weekly and
these lists may be obtained on re-
The Royal Bank Manager, Mr.
LumrniS of Ripley was present and
gave cigars to all. '
The same five Directors were
eletted for 1972, Glenn Farrell,
Murray Culbert Jack Campbell ,
Robert Harris and Leonard Reid.
.Glenn Farrell Was nominated to
be President again in .1972. A •
lunch was, enjoyed by all.