HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-02-23, Page 19Fully automatic dryer. Three complete dry cycles — automatic.
dry cycle •-; plug perma-press — and regular time cycle. Special
low heat drying. to protect any washable fabric. Exclusive new .
filtering system enables yob to dry your Simplicity ,clean clothes
with Clean air — illuminated drfun'all porcelain top sun ray-,
elethent — safety door — 'multiple heat' control — giant in-door
lint filter (154 square inches).
• • • •••••••-••••••••••••••••••••••• "••••••••••••• • •••••
Greer T.V. And Electric
Phone 528- 3112
full flexibility of the two speed contrOl for normal and gentle
gyrat'or and spin speeds. All porcelain top and lid assures long
life. Balance of cabinet finished in hi-bake acrylic enamel over
phosphated steel plus hi-bake 'IEpon" printer for lasting beaUty
and corrosive protection. 12 lb.. capacity.— power overflow rinse
- dual ball bearing mount — sloping back panel heavy duty
solenoids. •
1-111.011414€1 ---E-LIALT I-tIeltk ER, '
t •
Former Holyrood
Man Ditd-Soddmity
The dea411 of Willfani Swit'her
Etdie of ft; R. 3 WhOani occur-
fed Sticithml) 'at his home ou
Thursda;, , rebruar) 17th, follow ,
a heart Zittack. lie was 7.3.
• horn in' Turnberry Township on
July :,th, leJz... he was a son of
Ladie and Anianda Switzer.>
1 It: received his education at
(.1iniannon School in TFuberry.
Township and w orked oil his
fathen farm' prior to g.oing to
tIolyrood to takeover. the tarn.
now owned acid operated by his
son Lorne. It was originally own-
.cd• by his ..'randlather
Switzer. On October 17', 1`./2',3
he married Ina Culbert.allifron
The 'four-aere sire of the new .
Kinloss Central.Public School
10eated on thi....Eadie farm.. Mr.
Fiadie later exchaiyed this' site
for the old IlblyrOod Public .
School .and grounds, Which
donatedjn 1`4U. to the newly
organized Kinloss Scout croup :to
be Used as a Scout .11a it, l ie was
always interested in .this'proJect
and was ,() 111-c-at7F-ft-±ati
'Mr. Fadie far'ined at llolyrood
for 4.1 vc•ar.S... In the spring of
.lie Mr, and Lactic:. retired'
tc) Win e,'han.: Where. Mr. I:ache.),
took great enjornient in his •
in sharing. them with his ffieNis
and neighbours.
.ALL pAy
At _ The Store
. for free check-up and adjustment by qualified per-
sonnel. You' pay only for needed replacement parts.
NEICSPAPERc •• • GET 1111N6 s'
*ter puirict•*iomiAutiiiits *Auivultitos.
• Mr. and Mrs. Facile were
bereavedtwo. ears ago when
their dau,L:hter, Mrs: Currie, (Doris)
Colwell pas'sed .aw'av in January:
1970.'leaVing a young family. ,
Resides his wife, Mr:: Eadiels
strvivedby one son Lorne of
I8lvirpod; nine k4randchildrery,
Bruce-, _Betty andAnne Colwell
arid Dou..glas, David', Kenneth ;•
Steven , ry find,Al,lan fadiz°;.
..and.two sisters.Mrs. Alvin (belle)
Orvis of Wingliam:and.:„IrS:
•on Renwicls, of ,Clifford..
'[esides .his daughter Dons lie
was predyceaSe'd by.tWQ.brOthers
DaYid and Thomas.
wasat held
Mac.Kenzie Mcniorial Chapel,.. •
Lticknow on Satinday, February • .•
19 at 2, p;, iii,. .'Rev.; K.. Barry
Passmore ol.Wirigham-United
Church was minister. •
• A ' . Pallbearers were five grandsons,
Douglas , , Kenneth and.
Steven Eadic, brtfce Colwell and
'Ta nephew , lac ...adie..•
Temporary entombment was at '
South Kiriloss Mausoleumar with,
spring. burial in South Kinloss
Bronze Medals
At Ski School
Features .3 cycle control —4 regular, perma-press and pre-wash.
'All with 5 wash and rinse temperatures. In, addition yoti have
Featoiie .Loaded:.
Automatic Washer and Dryer
2 SP..1:ED 1.1:7 111 MASH 144:
for a three year term.
Donald Macl<ay*of Iluron Town-
ship on a mOtion of Ray Osbbrne and Sam Ernenson,
John MacLennan of Kintall on a .1
0tion Of George Peagan and Fred
plus increase wai net as great as.
1970.when.an all'time high sur-
plus of $106,634 .was recorded ,
the year was quite profitable..
The acceptance'of •the recent new, • coverages offer'ed by the•.Comp-
seen-Ctirite;Tood;• Wind
insurance in Coke is over
$11,C(0•0,000. •
Mr, Anderson acted as. chair-man for the.rneeting..'•Secketary-
treasurer Frank Thompson read the
minutes .of the last annual
ing•andthe.se'were accepted on a
motion of 'William Wiggins and
Herson Irwin..
Mr. Thompson also 'read the
auditorsreport which was accepted on motion of Girvin Reed and Fred
McQuillin. The firni of A: M.
Harper and Cp. was reappointed as
auditor for the next year on
motion of Clarence Hanna •and
Gerald Kerr, . • •
The three retiring.directors of. -- the cninp44-7-wzre'a 11 re -erected-
Delmar SprOul of 3 Anil --
urn on •a motion of Elmer .••
Black and Nlc Whinney..
-Each of the directors spoke
and.. expressing their thanks for
briefly, regarding 'company business
re-election to office
~_.Qzh~rs_ca11d on 7 were the corn -- .
pariy directors not coming•up for
election this year , George Feaon
of Goderich. Gerald Kerr of R. i
Goderich, Fred' McQuillin. of West
Wawanolh , Dert Mc Whinneiy of
R. 1 Dungannon, Mason Rolinson
of BelgraVe;' also called on we're
Bill Wiggins, a former director;
Girvin Reed , Reeve of Ashfield;
Don Thompson 'of The Lucknow
Sentinel; Herson Irwin, .a former
director; Clarence Hanna ,Bel-
At 'a Meeting following the
annual meeting, the board of
directors returned Charles Ander-:
son of tpeknow as president' of the
company fora the second term.
Gerald Kerr of R. 6 Goderich was
again named vice president;
'Brenda and BeVerley Ntacpon•-
ald, daughters of, Mr. and .Mrs.
Jack Niac Donald of hue know
were pres.entei with bronze ined-;
als at the, ski school at St. Adele,
Quebec , which they 'atiended
last .vfeek.: The bronze 'medals
were given . to .those who could
ski a 20 second.salalom course in 7
412,seconds -..• Brenda is a •
student at Madill Second-
ary Sdhool, Wingham •and Bev-
erley is a student, at Western
'University London.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Maellonald
and Ettabelle and 1)r, arld,NtrS.
3.• C. Mc Kim , Kathryn .and Lori,
'all of Lueknow.also attended the
ski school.
States Opinion
Sunday Observance
A local resident, concerned
about, the increaSed.obserVance of
-Sunday-fop even-ts of-a-11 kinds-.
and by retail stores „'reeentl.
w.rote.a letter to prinic.• NliniSter
Wi llia Dayrs Of, Ontano•
prc.'•ssing his concern. , • '
The following)-(,..1-)1) was reCeiN, -
ed from Nir. Dad s.
1e. ronto-, • -0ntario,
February 4., •
Thank' yot, for 'your thoughtful'.
letter of January 23rd. very
much appreciate. being informed •
of your views on' the observance -
of Sinday ,..
Department of Justice. I will
certainly bring . your letter' to the
attention of the Minister,of.Justice
and Attorney General, the Honour-
able-Dalton Bales , •
• The general questiOn of Sunday
observance is of course Of interest
to' all Members of th.e goveinfnent
It is cerkainly our desire to resolve
the problem. in amanner 'which
will, be agreeable to most Ontario
residents,.• 'In this. regard I con.- •
sider, it most• important to have
the .views 'of as' many persons•as
possible. I an] therefore grateful,
Five Snowmobile
Accidents Reported
By Hospital
Kenneth Johnston, age 37
Btyth i apparently,.Came.over a
hill . while driving a snowmobile
February 20 and droppe,d approx-
imately 8 - 10 feet to'a road,
causing, injury to his right knee..
He was treated and 'released. •
Winghani O.P.P. Balzer, investig
ated. ' '
Miss Cilenys Steurnol., age 20
•Goiric ,. injured her back February
20 when ihe landed hard while
travelling 'over a jump on a snow-'
mobile. ,Wingharn 0.P. P: Wit-
tig investigated.
Yours sincerely ,
Lucknow District Co-op
PHONE 528-2125
MurrayWillits, age 17 ,,
W•inghani,, receivedcinjuries to
I.can assure you. thatthe gov7•1-. his left knee February 20 'whena
ernment;fully reconizes the snow mobile failed on a.turn. The
of this-44-1:at-t-e_r_Lihr.:_acrideat_trai2peried . on the Willits
whole problem Of Sunday. bbSer'Y - -51,Property in Turriberry. Township..
ante raises questions .not lle received a'. deep laceration to •
religious belief and social habits', left kneo, was treated 'arid 'relehs-
•but also.of legal and constitution'- ed. Wingham
al ituisdiction. For this reason investigated. .•
the, government decided in 196 9 to William Strong., age 37, Gor-
ask the OntariO'LaW Reform' Coat - tie, received painful injuries to
mission to icarry out. a comprehen his right eye when he apparently'
sive review of the. Sunday observ- ran'into a clothesline, while •driy.=
ance•legislation. in e ect nt- ing a snowniabl e on the proper y
ario.• The Co.mmissiOn's • of Cameron -Edgar‘in Gorrie. He
Report has been received , .and it was treated and. released. ,Wing-
is being carefully'studied by 'the Foulon investigated.
10 you. for. takii18 tfre-tillte-to•w-rite
R. R.,
to MC, a nd.1 assure you. that your.
snOWmobile•February 2.0; went views will be taken into account
in any decision/reached by the over a fence and ran into a ditch
between COncestion 10 and 12 of, •
Culhoss, received an injured
left knee; He' was treated and
released. Investigated by Whir
William G. Davis. ham O.P.P.• Wittig. •
Mrs. Ilarvey (Jennie) Houston,
Teeswater , felLat,rrome February.,,
11, and fractured her 'left ankle.
She lwas .adinitteci Co hospital.
Miss .Cora Alcoc.k, Brussels ; 'fell
0-14-the teps•nf a .(store in_BrUssels
a.nd received a large 'laceration to
her right hand;
Clarence Walker , Belc.zrave: was .
driving the: third car in a six." car
pile .up 1/4' •Mile• North of
•Belgrave ;•February 19. Mr.,
Of:Wa-s-traVeliing-Sbuth.on Fr .4 . •
Highway; • He received injuries
fo,the face 'and .Kight'elbow.
ha ii investigated:
'....Robert' Thompson, I3lueva le ,,
fell on ice on the streetiand
ated his. face.