HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-02-23, Page 13CONESTOGA COLLEGE
Huron Centre:
• Announces
The ,Following ..couries_
Post Secondary
Secretarial, 1st yr. starting September, 1972
Management Develoment
Effective Supervision, 10 weeks,o $30.00
Human Relations, 10 weeks, 30.00
Farm 'Cost Accounting, 10 weeks, 30.00
All starting as soon as sufficient applications
are received.
Personal Development Plan
Academic trpgrading,—Grades
time starting, March 13, 1972
and Press Reporter', Brenda Ritehie
The seniors are going to take turns
being Secretary.. •
Mrs. Keith talked about choos-
ing sportswear. Mrs. Young dis-
cussed the kinds of knits. She
also demonstrated applique.
We then'divided into-three
groups; one made a sampleorT -
applique:, another totik each other
other's measurements ,. and the
third made their notes.
The next meeting will be held
at Mrs. Young'S home on•Satur-
_day „March 4 at 9.15._
the meeting was closed with
the 4-H Pledge.
would be on a rano:1-11-g
leaders for thiselub are• Mrs. Or- '•
land Richards and Nits. Janies
Ruth Graham
Is Club President
KThe first meeting Of the air - /, shea 4-H girls was held saturday,
February 19 at 9.13 a.m. This
club is Sportswear irdm Knits.
Our leaders are Mrs. George
Young and Mrs, Evan Keith.
The following officers were
elected President, Ruth Graliarli .
The, second meeting of, the
•;-Lilcknow No. 2 4.-11 Club, "The
Kait Wits" was 'held in the Luck -
now public SC11.001 on February 17
atri.Kp;ni. The meeting was
opened with the 4-11 Pledge fol -
lowed by the business..
Avifs. Richards reviewed the
note on knits from the first
me.eting. Samples of material
were handed out to everyone.
During group work all 'the girls
took part by making sample..of
the tunnel stitch and a finished
shoulder seam! ,
The meeting was closed with
the 4.-H Pledge.
The election of officers at the
-preyidus--meetirig_resalted as fol-
lows; President, Cora lyn Render-
. son, Vice-President , Lorraine
Boyle, Treasurer.; Marion John-
stone, Press P.: -irter, Joanne
Thompsen. ,
Is 4-K President
Knifty Knits
---:‘,SIHTUC-E-11J-RC-.1+ NEWS-.
Whiteelturch,441 Club, met in
-Whiteellurch 'Community M.em.or ,
ial Hall on Saturday at 9 a.rn,
with their leaders Mrs,.. John
(-,;aunt and Mrs, Wallace Conn..
The President Janene Purdon open-
ed the Meeting with the 4-11
pledge, The minutes were read
by .Kathy Wybenga. Present 'for
the meeting were Janen.e•Purdon,
Lori Purdon, Kathy Wybenga.,
Ruth Elliott and. Rhonda, Gibson -
with 3 abSentees.
The. Club name chosen was, ....
Knifty Knits. The next'rneet-
Dig will be Saturday at 9
in. the Community Memorial Hall
February 26. A'letter regarding•
the Garden Club was read by Mrs.
Gatint. The knit samples were
then examined for
The club spread their material
On the table's and began adjusting„,
`altering, cutting and Marking ..
patterns. .The,Home Assignment
after the dreSses were cut ,. was.
complete cutting, prepare
garments •for fitting, work on
record books,. mount the knit .
samples and'.identify knits and
It was decided r: the Secretary'kind Of fibre
Yes, get your Spring
Savings NOW — Don't
Wait 'til Spring
and SON
,Sympathy is extended to Mr.
and Mrs, Norval Stewart in the
recent death of Norval's,brother,
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Rich of.
Witigharri visited with the White
families on Sunday.
Mrs. Walter Black visited rec-
ently with. Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Howes in Listowel. Mr. and Mrs,
llowes have moved to a mew
apartment building.
Mrs. Jack McGuire and Mrs.
Walter Black visited•with Mr. and
Mrs. W.• T. Roulston, Mrs. Jen
nie' Mills and Mrs. Marion Hunter
in Pinecrest Manor, Luc know on
ladiesiiir the 'community are in
vited•to attend. • • •
• Mr. and MrS. Art,italdenhy
spent a few' days in.Windsor, ,
where they attended the funeral ,
of her 'nephew the, late•Ellwood
Dernmans., We , extend sympathy
to Mrs. Haldenby and' other, rela-,
and Mrs. Reuben. letter .and fam-
ily , ,conceSsion 14 in the passing
of his mother, .'
Relatives and friends, of Mr'.
'and Mrs...,Rndy Sieloff (NOrine•
l'lodgins) Of Detroit were sorry to
hear that theirhoMe, had Ren
broken into and a Sum of money,,.
. as. well as a nu m he r of valuable
articles, had been stolen. •
The 11. W.I. will observe the
anniversary of the F. W.I. O.
on' Thursday evening March
(note change of•date) when pic-
tures will be shown with a ,soda 1
evening and Innch, '"Hostess
Mrs, Lorne Lathe. Roll Call:
.Nletnoric of Institute
pirectors PlIwood ,
;lorgan Johnston.
(,corge Ila ldenhv returned from
Sarnia 'wh'ere he-spent the pa* •
week, • '
Lois Nicholson of Milton Spent
Whifechurch NOtive
Died At Iisslale
Fred Neighbor was held January
19, at. St. Andrews Church. Tisdale
Saskatchewan*, The service.was
conducted by Rev. S. J. Sharkey:
Burial follOwed in Tisdale Cem-
Acrive pallbearers were Keith
Hooper , 'Donald Hooper, Bill •
Erhen, Marshall•Franklkii, Bert
.Angus and Al .Woznikoski. 'Hon-
orary. pallbearerswere.•Bill Kenne
Jim Blair., Clifford McRor'ie,
'N'Ic•Bain and Ben Thompson, Hill,
Funeral Home was in charge of
arra ngements..
The late' Mrs*: Neighbor was
born Amelia Rose Peddle. at
Whitectiurch., Ontario on May
1S8S., where she was raised
and. received her education and
it was there in 1910 that she mar-'
to.Golbtrrn district the, same . year
and farmed there until retirement
in 1958. Mrs: 'Neighbor was a'
member of.GolcIbUrn Homemakers
and Tisdale Senior Citizen's
Association., During her lifetime
-Mrs. Neighbor always resided in'
the same conimunity,as her'sister
• Mrs, Lena Furber , who .went
west with Mr. ,and.lvErs. Neighbor
in 19104 Mrs.,Neighbcv 'and Mrs.
Furber were' twins. Mrs.
Neighbbr was, predeceased by her
husband in 10i.i).
Mr, and Mrs. P. A. Murray
viSited over last week end with
Mr. and Mrs. Donald714sher,
Tom a nd-'1.4ara-at -Barrie . •
The 11 ; W,1. held'a euchre party
at the hall on Wednesday evening.
There .were•12 tables in play.
Prizes went'to high lady, Mrs.'.
Cliff Johnston; high gent, David'
Rhody;_ closest birthday, Mrs •
Ellwood Elliott'.•
David Rhody Of Waterloo spent, •
a few days at his hone here.
Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bushell of
Wingharn, Mr. and Mrs. Ross.
Hamilton and family of .Winnipeg :
visited :on Thursday with Mr. and
Mrs. JaCk Barr. and •fa mily „
• Mr. and 'Mrs.. W.alter Forster
v isited_ o.n. Isionda
ing with Mr. and Mrs. P.. A,.
y . •
We extend sincere sympathy to
the 'Sadie family in the sudden •
passing of -thelate William Eadie.
of. Wingharn.and formerly of .
Holyrood. was held
at the MacKenzie Memorial
.Chapel, • Luc know on Saturday ,
Mrs. NOrman Fry and daughter
Cathy" of Harriston•and ..Ralph
Ha ldenby of•Guelph -Visited. with
Mr. and. Mrs.. William Hald.enby.
The World •Day of Prayer will
be held on Friday, March 3rd in,
the Anglican churth. Mrs..Gert-
rude' Walsh is Key WOman.and all
Surviving are. one son harry•
of Nelson, B.C.•:, six daughters,,
MildredBunyon of Edmon•••:
ton ,• Mrs. Puniee L,rahatn o'f ..Pow -
(11 River,. , Mrs. Jean Dun,-
ean of Fort St. John, 13.0 ..,• Ruth
Neighbo: of Yancom•er, Mrs:
(.7orow .of Tisdaleand Mrs..
Cwen Hooper of Tisdale; three
sister, Mrs. Lena Furber,,of
Parkland lios.pitd1, Mi5s
_Edith Peddle' of Edinontem, and the week •end at her home here,
I larch I hi klenby ()LS,' rraia
,isited on Saturday with Cdr, .ane1
Mrs, r""% lta •
Mrs, Eunice Gillespie of White-
Church, as. weil•as 11 grandchild -
ten and.12
great grand children.
Snowmobile Club
Held Dance
On Friday evening the Amber-
Funeral Service for the late' Mrs. 'ley-.1-lurori Snbwmobile Club, held
a successful dance at:the Reid's
Comers Community Hall. There
was a record crowd in attendance i_
rnany coming on their snowmobil-
es.. Glenn Boyd's Orchestra i•rov•-
ided the music. The
.President ,• Dale Baier, along with
Secretary Ricky Elliott and direc-
tor Mrs, Bill Kempton kept the
evening interesting with the giv-.
ing out of prizes for spot da'nces
and elimination clanceS. Miss
Valerie"Morningstar won the prize
for having the-closest birthday' -
t at very •ay r—A-bountifu
was served' by the ladies and
everyone reported a .good time.
A week end At Five Oaks
always a time of inspiration and
renewal. Six people from this
community experienced such a
time this past week end when ,
Bill Coulbeck, Mrs. Ernie Gib
'son, Mrs. Cecil Humphrey and •
Mrs. Lester Ferguson spent Friday
through Sunday at Five Oaks.
Recent visitors for the week end
with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Gibson
'were Mr: and Mrs. Chris Brown
(Carolyn Gibson) and family of
Brantford. -
Elmer Smeltzer is attending
the 'Good Roa,cls' Conventionein
Toronto this week,.
Brock Walden, son of Mr. and
°Mrs. Murray Walden, is back' ‘,
home from LondOri Hospital. It
was found necessary for Brock
to go to LondOn. this past week •
and have his broken nose re-set
and pinned. Hope all is well now
ur Niessetger was taken
to London onVriday by his sort
George. Mr. Messenger has to
spent some time again in
hospital. We hope not long
Home for the week end here
we're Anne Fergiisorifrorn London
and, Wendy Courtney from Kitch-
how .
ie ty''.
lf of