HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-02-23, Page 12WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 19 • • PA*I 'MU NI Snow Storm ects Shower Saturday's snow storm and bliz- zaid did not co-operate with a relative's bridal shower planned in hohour of Miss Marion Ruttan of Teeswater whose marriage. takes place next month. - The event was to have been held at the home of Mrs. Don Thompsdn in Lucknow with Mrs. TOompson and Mrs. Bob Finlay as hostesses. The bride , .-elect and her moth - 'er Mrs. RUssel Ruttan of Gorrie, the bride's grandmother' Mrs. Dickison of Teeswater , her aunt and uncle and cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Elmor Ross. and daughter of London were the only ones to' make it in difficult driving condi- tions.. THR IleucKNow sENTINEL.,.,t,VCKNOW, ONTARio ieties of cacti which grow there? Here are a few of Mrs,: point ers to follow. when raising, cacti. Fill •1/4 to 1/3 of-the cactus: container with btoken pot 'or stone aild place on top of this a layer of gravel. Complete the top, with. an alkaline 'garden. soil. Remember that cacti, rieed, pod,' drainage and beware of standing drops of water which .oan cause the pia nt to rot. When you water, give liberal amOunts,. but don't water too, often! In the home or offiee, once or twice a week is' adequate. Ca ct i prefer the-,heat of the sun to artificial 'warmth and' they thrive best in small pots. Any•bruiSed plants should.be treat- ed with powdered charcoal. :Mrs. Irwin showed many Readers who brighten their homes with plants during the long .Canadian winter would have been interested in the main topic of the Ripley and DiStrict Horticul- tural Society meeting, held at the home of Mrs. Earl I.,ohnes in Ripley on February 15th, To an audienCe of the membership and seVeraltuests, Mrs.. pert Irwin gave -a fascinating talk on the Cactus. - Did 'you know that there are more than 1;500 species of cacti and that these are classified into either the Desert or the Tropic group; that Mexico leads all other countries• in the number and var- IsThere..A. Cactus In -The House? The meetings of .the. Ripley and' District ,HorticUltural.S.ocicty a e ,always informative and 'cut crt4in- ing and this,particular occasion Was especially pleasing to all; Mrs. Oliver' Mc Charles pv t a sincere appreciation on behalf of everyone present, to the lioswss, Mrs. Lohnes, •for her efforts in making' the Meeting such an out- standing success. may be purchased at a -cost of 5q0 per quart, -She spoke of the pollution P!.014g1p,, the high c ost of food (eggs .25¢ each).ami the increasing urbanization. The hostess, Mrs. l„ohnes .show ed coloured slides of the Society,', visit to the Hamilton gardens lat year, together with landscape• views taken during hertrip to Florida. Ltie: Knit now at 7 9.pe! low' not( met wd tool the shoi the -pre+ low; son, 89y1 stop Tho It Epl Is examples of cacti including some `loaned for the occasion by Mrs. Bas Van der Hoek, the PTeSidePt, Several, of the unusual varieties were discussed ,in detail, includ. ing the Hedgehog cactus and the -Redhead cactus which is imported from Japan. The juice of the • Healing 'Cactus , which was also shown, is believed to promote healing-of cuts and sores. After thanking Mrs. lrwin for her excellent presentation, Mrs. Van der Hoek answered questions relating to 'her recent visit to Holland. "Be thankful that you live in Canada" she totd,her listeners "Holland is not what it Used to be:" Mrs. Van der Hoek told, of the serious shortage of drinking water in the Netherland cities; which wou lea( land Boyl shE Fel cl Ou Yo el( '- You should 'have recently received an envelope containing the general information you need to under- stand-how-tax-refar-rn-affects-yo-u—Lf4o,LL-requimadcti tional information because of personal.circumstances, the following booklets are available. , • "Child Cart Expenses" • "Moving Expenses" • "Capital Gains" • "Partnerships" . • "Rental-Income and Undeveloped Land" • "Goodwill and Similar Assets" • "Professionals: Income Calculation" • "Basic Herds" ö "Corporate Tax Guide" • To determine whether you need 'any 'of. these booklets„..please read the. material yoU.havealreadY t, ,_.ludo' an ,order form, This form should he com- pleted and Mailed to . • . Taxation Distribution ('ent,re P.O. Ec,x 8489 Ottawa. K I G. 3L5 Remember. read the general.booldets first, then order any, additional, Booklets required. The bettey informed you are now, the easier he for you to file your return in the spring of '73. •• .••164...• National Revenu Revenue, national, Taxation lrn'pot