HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-02-23, Page 7separating, them. With Don as
skip were Jaek: Se•ott, -Gordon .
Roulston and Elmer Courtney and
each received 'a ham of cured
meat. With Harry were f3ert
Elliott, Gordon Patterson and
John Coiling, each-receiving a
large meat roast. , Another rink
from the Pine River area of Huron
included 'Gary Courtney , Jim
West , J. S. Robb and Elmer
zer while the fourth rink was an .
all MacDonald rink of the
Clarke's area on the twelfth of
Huron - Jim MacDonald , sons
Clarke and Bob arid nephew Doug.
• i • • • • • •
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n Rip of Holyrood was held at the 1.21:th-
en. MacKenzie Funeral Home in
Lucknow on Saturday afternoon.
Ile is survived by his wife Ina,,'
and one son Lorne On the home
farm, -Just we'St. Of Holyrood on
the otti concession. His wife,
:the former Ina Culbert, is a
'native of the tenth concession
'east in Huron. Township. Iler two
sisters arc Edna (Mrs. Jack Peter-
laugh) of the South Line and Miss
Eva Culbert of Ripley. One
daughter Doris, Mrs. Currie Col-
well, predeceased him two years
ago. Sympathy is extended.
his Wee
.?rt Verheye's sale of the
Its of the Holyrood store
I on the back of Graha M
s big float shortly after ten
itarday MOrning. It
Irked on the east side' of the
street opposite the stores. and
of Elmer Courtney, Lawri
and Charlie llooisina. Un-
Lately the severe wintry
ird started at the sable time.
carried on the sale for about
1.1r in this exposed place how-
with Wind driven snow and
11 factor approaching -thirty
v. The articles were trans-
Ito the basement of Huron.
Iship hall where warmth and
er made it possible to con-
through the a fternoon. Auc
;ers were Grant 'MacDonald of
nand Wally Ballagh of Tees-
r. Working with them were
der Nelson Hodgins of Ripley
Clerk Lloyd McNall of Luck-
andinprtides. ta_tlie' auction-
were Johnny Stnith, Jamie
ell and Wayne MacLean. 'Bill
ieye, along with several oth-
helped his father move the
Iles from the Antique Shop to.
Huron Township. hall.' One of
;e attending tile saleldra
le in the afternobn was. John
xwell; owner and operator of
Holyrobd 'Store. Despite the
y adverse weather of high west
ids, blowing snow with zero
Nifty at times and low ternp-
tures a fair sized craWd was in
• • •• • •-•
The Ripley-Huron Legion
anch 440•held a work bee last
iursday and Friday and the hall
is a scene of activity. All•the
tenor wall board was firSt re ,
eyed and then 'insulation batts •
?re installed'and, the wall panels
Ire restored. The ceilings were
sulated and then strapped.
hite tile squares were tacked'
to place giving a new ceiling in
(ha IT a nd -kitchen too ni s
,[tong those noticed 'with saws ,
milers and ,squares were Dave
td 6arylienderson, Mr, and
rs. Bill Danforth, Johnny Niac-
iy, Cameron \,lacAuley , Mur, .
y Farrell, Lero_. Walden, Cecil
miphrey and Sandy MacCharles.
gion 'Member postrnaster Don
clay and Jim Kirkpatrick
opped in Thursday 'afternoon to
e how the work was progressing.
he Legion ball wasbuilt in 1937
id has served: on many, different
Last Saturday -it was the annual
Ripley-Hureh Legion Branch 440
bonspiel at the Ripley Curling
Arena. As the early curlers made
their way to the rink there was
no indication of the impending
storm. The lady curlers served
noon lunch at the rink. In
evening a turkey dinner was serv-
ed to thirty-four Legion mem-
bers including -Norrnan Crozier of -
Windsor, Frank Currie of Water-
loo and Orah Crawford of Ripley.
Members are always grad to se
Orah Out. ' SeVeral members of
the Legion Auxiliary contributed
'h-ters—arrid either ite-rn e- ir.--4
The committee 'in charge of the
meal at the hall included Eileen
Enirnertbn, Audrey' Mc Lay, Jean '•
Wylels, Fran Wylds'and Caroline
Reeves. Legion members finish-
ed the day with card games and it
is :not known whether any had to
stay in the hall all night on
account of the storm outside.
• • * • • • • • ,
Corners fbr their ani mal skating
WithAe, storm so• severe and
visibility impossible several
people wisely -stayed .in Riple:y ,
till Sunday morning.. Frank Cur,
rte of •WaterlaO and Mr, and Mrs:.
Norinan 'Crozier Of' Windsor were..
with Mr., and Mrs.' Clarence•Tol—.
lock, Alex Macintosh of ,Lue.knov.
.with Mr. and 'Mrs. Niels Fredel
icksen, Bryan BOyle and Allan..
Nlatkay with' Mrs.• Wm.: .J. Mac
•kay ,• are lust a few óf th -ose;
• o * * • *. •
The funeral of William Allison'
SteWart was postponed from 'last
y Saturda afternoon to Monday
afternoon .. -Rev . George N. Ball,
of St. Andrews was•in charge of •
the service. Bill, who' fanned in •
Ashfield ; passed aW•ay - last Thins-
day in the .Wingliani, llospita I;
Born 'in Huron Township ,on June
27., 1904', lie was in hiL, ti8th y'ear.
Fu neral. Home with interment' at..
coached and managed by Mr.
Armstrong of the Ripley Htaron
Central School staff, wen.5 to 2..
Donnie Fludder,was the re'fe'ree.:
Goal scorers for *ley were Larry
Farrell twd and singles 'by Mark
Stanley, Mike Pollock and Brian.
Coiling. Ripley goalie pis Robbie
Sutton „son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
* • • • • * • •
F,xtrenie difficulty was exper
ienced in getting a 'severely injui,-
•sums° or several unctions and
ganizations.in addition to the
?gionand Auxiliary.. In 1957 -
Ptlfe hall served as a classroom
q. Grade eleven' of the Ripley
istrict High Schodl. and then it
:Ned a•similar purpose, for the
pley Public -Scho.ol,. The' hall
Iso houses the Riley and Dist,
ct library and the village rest. 'whs . .
'Surviving is his,brot ter
the horne;farm at Olivet: To him
and all family.relatives sympathy .
is extended. The service was' .•
held at the McLennaii7NIcCreath
Ripley Ceinetery.,
orl •
, •••••••••
Thursday was a great day for the
Tiers from' luron .Township as' °
e annual. Bruce 'County Federa r
itr of Agriculture ,bonspiel . was •
id in Paisley.. 'No less than
rinks from here took part and ten the day's was aver Ily. one point separated the twei
p- foursome's, both.' from here.
IvideTayish's foursome had a
cord for the day of 3 wins,-
us 10. and an aggregate of 26. .:•• )ints wh U,11arry'Scott's rink had so a tiling, plug it and an aggre' ate of 23 - just•one point
Pat Hayes, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Hayes of the sixth conces-
sion of Kinloss, employed at
Ted Rouse',s Ripley chopping;, arid
feed mill in Ripley along'with
Alex MacIntosb and Niels .Freder-
teaching staff spent the week end
With, his•pareilts„ Mr, and Mrs.
Walter Culbert Of ;Ripley.
The funeral for William S.
Eadie•of Wing ham and formerly
Tom-Gulbert :of the—Toronto
• • • * * • • • •
„ .
.• * * • * *Al
Friday, At the skating rink the
two Messenger school buses
brought in the students Of the Pine
River, Central School at Reids •
party. Teachers are Mrs. Lennie
Huston' and Miss Ellis. Next door.,
at the .Ripley Curling arena, the
Ripley District High School Was
holding the B.I. A'. Curling bon-
'spiel with mixed and boys teams
from Kincardine, Port Elgin,
Chesley ,---Ripley'd rid -Marton-
taRing part. Wiarton tea ins on
both divisions. .
In the evening it Was' the open'.
game in a .best 2 out of 3 'play
• f series here with Paisley Pee
..e.es...._The....R41.1Py Pee weft ' •
130th Ripley rinks were busy on
Sutton of the tenth concession east
model 97
ed man, James Thornicro'ft, of
Point Clark to Kincardine Hospital
on Saturday evening. Police; r to sta
off roads, had to employ a tractor
to make way for the ambulance
and the trip took two and a
half hours.
• IP. • • • • • •
Mr. and Mrs.' Gordon Wayland
and 'fahnily of Kincardine visited
an_Stinday afternoon with 'Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Verheye.
• • • • •.• • • •
Bryan Boyle, 'son of Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Boyle of the 'tenth of
Huron, and a student at the Rip-
ley .District High School, took
part in the speaking competitions
Clinton on Sunday afternoon-.
He represented the Ripley Huron
Legion and earlier was the winner
in ,senior division held at -
Gbderich.• Bryan is also a.'top,
scorer with the Ripley JuVenile
Hockey team managed by Elmer
Courtney and coached by Terry
.‘ * • • '11 • •
To-night, Wednesday , there is
a broomball game. in .Kincardine
Arena with the proceedS going
IN .
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APO, FEBRUARY 23, 1271