The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-02-16, Page 10PLEASE NOTE: .;:1)$1.tjf5$:.HOUR$, MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9 a.m. to '6 p.m. SUNDAY, 2 pm. to 5:30 p.m. .• Oar new • 11F--'.t , location, on top. / • of the hill -One mile .sOvth of 'Myth on • With the Theme "Live - Love" and the keynote "Enthusiasm" the Pine'River United Church Women held their February meeting in the church basement. Ws. Lynn Lowry conducted the worship,service using tape recordings, leading, in dismission groups and helped by Mrs. Ernie Gibson who gave readings. Mrs. Wayne DaWry played the piano for the singing of .two new songs "Love One Another" and "Let's Live Love". •Mrs. Ron Irwin introduced the viewing of a filmstrip '-,"Africa To- day". Mrs. Lynn Lowry closed this portion with Prayer. . The new president Mrs. Bob Rutledge and secretary Mrs. El- , don Bradley presided for the Bus- Meeting. All ladies. rep- eate&tiose. We are rern- inded of the World Day .of Prayer, March 3rd in Bethel Church. Mrs. Rutledge moved a vote 'of thanks to Mrs. Jiin 'Nesbitt , who has been a pianist for the meetings for many years and has noW. retir- ed. She also expressed her de light in seeing so many' young mothers and their children present, Tea was served at the close of snacks.% ° Wikat happened after. that is best summarized' by saying there was much noise and little sleep. The. stirring strains of the Tijuana Brass roused most of the girls. . No one quite. remembers what they ate for hreakfast but rumour than' h-O-on—e-felt-like--ea-t2- . ing more than juice and toast. • the meeting. Pine River. tl.C.W.' The enjoyed a Py jama Party at the United Church on. Friday night. They began with toboganning on the ski hill and after warming up back at the church, they made Valentine candy Tavours\,, place cards and serviettes for Pinecr.est Manor patients. Each girl' made a felt mouse pin ruchi for herself.' After sin ing and dahcing there were mid-night C.G.I.T. Hold Pyitmia Party AMBERLEY NEWS •Trni y/UK.W. The Febtnarrmeeting of Trin- ity United Church 'Women was held on Thursday afternoon at the home .of Mrs, .Chester Hackett, with 24 present. Mrs. Jim. Hunt- .er-epened the meeting Wit1)a short. verS,e, followed by prayer., Mrs. Andrew Ritchie gaV'e. the Bible Study on "Miriam". The Scripture' from Exodus was read by Mrs. Douglas Raynard ; folloW- ed by a question period and pray- er by Mrs. Ritchie. The ,roll call was answered by a lical.gule. in My Home".. • A ,musical number , typical of African, Music was given by Mrs. Warren Zinn, Mrs. Alex Hackett, Russell Alton and Mrs.".Ken. Alron. and .Was much enjoyed. Mrs. CharleS.Wilkins introduced -the Study-Book .on Africa.- Four- teen. hoSpital calls and six home • : Visits. were reported. Mrs. War-. ..ren Zinn gave a short talk on the we eds-rinncHistor-y--a , for help in obtaining old pictlires for this work.. 'The fancy quilt. has been completed and the group. quilts .w were clistussd. Roll. call .for. the _March Meeting is the -handing in of aprons.. Mrs. Bert Alton reported on the Hurdn-perth preibyterial held in Stratfcird „ .FebrUary 9, with four' of orrr-ladies-i:n-attendance. -Mrs. Hummel closed the Meet.- ing with•prayer. "A delicious lunch was. 'served by the . committee ia,charge. • WHITECHURCH NEWS 'Whitechurch Young Peoples Society held their meeting Sun day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and fam- ily. Joann LaidlaW read the scrip- ture. r led- n--prayer.. Business matters were discussed and plans made for some Young People's Activities. Mr. Wybenga led the discussion on the. topic Teenage Marriage and the Problems involved' in dating one Who has a totally dif- ferent religious.background'. ,_After the_meeting:_ lunch_ was served by Mrs. Elliott and Ruth. Whitecilurch YPS 1 • KNOW SENTINEL, LtiCKNOW•.ONTARIO Lucknow Presbyterian Church Bev.: Glenn Noble, )3.A, B.D. . Minister Phone 528-2740 • FEBRUARY 20th 10 a.m. Sunday School . 11 a.m. Morning Worship LUC K OW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH J. W. Van .Stempy00# Pastor. • Services: 10;00 10;00 . Service , 2:30' P.M:. Service VISITORS WELCOME, Denominational • Radio BrOad cast, "The Back To. God, Hour", every Sunday: CJCS (Stratford).. 2:00 p.m.; CFOS (Owen- Sound) — 6:00. p.m. . • WEDNESDAY; FEBRUARY 16,1972 .0.4%!%.""fter. ..%"0"!IOSioNeN0,,, „,,N•vv, LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert NicholLs, Minister , FEBRUARY 20th- "" LENT 1 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a,m. Morning Worship' 7:30 p.m. Confirmation Class POINT TO PONDER Christianity is not an answer it is a way of life. A life not filled with answers but perhaps best described as a life spent preparing for the questions! Robert H. Pope wEDNE Di Andrew. Meniori Satur0; Lienn TeinF South I< bearers Parrish; Sidney enson, Mr.' "I children Albert '1 Huron T -1691 and 'Mr. Nlonda) Benito-, six 111011 survived of Vanc Jer 'rs. Ha. :\lontrea Att tic .day Wig( sisters •Wfnhat and Mr. Crump o .Mrs. Hai Mr. and and Nlicl J C and Mrs. .Mary''S; and son, 1 io;n a nd. Kerr of Lucknow Unit 3 Unit 3 of the United Church Women with MKS. Glen 'Walden as hostess, met in the church par- lor on February 8, with twenty members present. Mrs. Gordon Kirkland opened the. meeting with a poem, follow - ed by a hymn and repeating the Lord's Prayer. "The Christian Citizen" was the theme of dbotions: Matthew 5: 1-20 was read .by Mrs. Hallam.. In the meditation, Mrs. LaWrence McLeod expressed the thought That, 'we as Christian Citizens etermare-what-ottre-------:-.-- - community will'be like. Gifts \for layette were presented and members .asked to bring a quilt block 18" x 20".to the. March meeting.. Mrs. Ross Cumming was in charge of ,the program, opening. with a reading. A poem "What did you do" was read by Mrs. I\1:. 3.- MacKenzie. Mrs. Cumming then gavean interesting study on Zambia,its geography, People and customs. Two. Valentine readings were given by Mrs. Hailarn: Ruth, Nancy and 'Grace Alton sang 'two hymns, accompanied by - Cumming. The Mizpah benedic- tion closed the meeting. • Lunch was served and two mem:- bers honoured 'by the singing of Happy Birthday. Kiniough A.C.W. KINLOUGH NEWS Mrs...koy.Schneller was hostess for the February meeting of the Anglican Church Women at • her home on Thursday afternoon. Mts. Gertiude ,Walsh presided and opened the meetingwith "an inspirational 'thought" and.prayer. Mrs.. Art lialdenby read the . Scripture. • Themeditation on "Ways to improve our lives" was well given by MrS. George Grahaw; Winging Out many worth- While thoughts. ° Tenladies answered. the roll call with the word Communications were read and the ladies were • rernOnded of. the World Day of Prayer on Friday 'March 3rd, The/service for this district will be held in the Anr lican church to which all ladies in the Com- munity are irn fled. , The Diocesan Annual .,leecti•t;,-, will be held in Lender, or,-.Arril' th. This beiry,..-. a wort: - tt.e afterbOer. WAS Sp:11t. in a Tl.c :;.cctir.; closcd . 'EL:\ LL of • , . •••,-a • DO •‘. r Forrner Ashfield Township Farmer FINLAY COOK A respected•residerrt of Coiling- . wood, Finlay COok, died at his • hoine , 349. Napier. Street, on Sat- urday , January 22. was in his 74th year ,and had been in ill health for some:time. late Thoma.s_Cook and.Suianna Jones and farmed on the' 4th Con-, cession, Ashfield Township in Huron County.. He Went to Col- linJwood in.l027 and entered into partnership With Holly . Wheatley. They operated a garagb and Chev- rolet.dealtrship on the Main street•for many -years.' • , lie was not active,,in .lodgesor.' societies,. but was civic minded,' He' was ,a member of the 'Board of Education.. During his . manship.on the board', Mr. Cook was the- moving force in estabH first home; economic course 'in the Colling.wbod Colleg- iate. lie retired fronOlie Board .of Education and subseqUently be- ea.nle maintenance supervisor. of Collinzwood schools. ,.He retired five years ap.). • ., ., • :,11. Cook was a member of First Baptist Church and Petches Beach Anclican Mi'ssion,'' lie is i% ed . ky his wife, the former ilten of I fenfryn , and one son , 1..inia-y-laTteacher on 'sta ft .of Byrnes Ave.' school. Downer. of All +_.1..7r, I; conducted the at the C. 1. Fa`w-. ner,1 J a nuary Et will be made in. West-' etery,' Collingwood "reto",•0"40%#'"4".":".0%.0%"*.eW******446"4".9*. ANGLICAN CHURCH LUCKNOW AREA PARISH The Rev. R. Odendahl Rector FEBRUARY 20th r. LENT .1 St. Paul's Ripley — 9:15 a.m. a.m.. St. Peters Lucknow 11:45 a.m. Church School — 10:30 a.m. • St. Paul's, Dungannon — 3:00 p.m 2nd and, 4th Sundays Christ Church, Port Albert / 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays RIPLEY- HURON SCHPOL sponsored .by the The .judges. were Pcio,ney and Mr% the• junior diviiiOn, which included Grade„st,,. 3 . to ,-.Rolo.••iL • Stittonci Grade came first'v, ILI: his s,,.oud,place 4 aajirle&-ad : i:Her. subjectwa sa Stamp "J ponna' Ri;'t1 ,:', c.(., of Grade 3 took third ; speaking on her. trii'.• lin Isla nd . • The °the:- entestaiit5 were Janice Elliott 'Vo, hose to Tic was Mozart, a • urn 3.i, .11co:r,posc, BriaP 'McGuire who tTL.,.;;L: on,the Blind and .Karen ey chose 'top ic .e Pa. rtriJ7.c he r In the senior' iv u:cu, Julie Johnston whose tOi wis Ste Truscotcame'uf • Tiace SeconC ‘,.is givenTto Jane wlMe' topic-was the Billy Rutled.L. AltEa were tied for topic. was :•-•;.-ceet", Stars of the Isos.tO;. contestants weri dle chose 'the tor fidcrice" and*L.:oL: 1:%cul %110 spoke eof' Robbie Suttof, )01T' StonWill now o,%ricb,.to compete in Lk ,oi, WE CLEANED Ot'R The grade one's had. eresting time on noon. ' We have' been the .dentist. We Ways to clean . Mrs. MacKenzie, Floss. Each. pupil' : 1... We. went into t.he.,-t,c.. '• used a Water,-Pie k".' it . inc. that forces w,..14,..r tube to clean your .t, L makes your Mouth I Cl-ean a fuer • EverVVT.:L- .chance to try . it L.:. ley. After this., W'L. careful with our se.( remember to _Hrush . a day. . PUBLIC SPEAK1NL. By Anne Farrell and • . . On `Tuesday , second public spca;<ir:: C'entest . it was BO