HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-02-16, Page 92 AcADENIY AWARDS! "PLAY MISTY FOR M an Invitation to terror— SUN. MATINEE . 2:00 p.m. Sen.20 Mon.21 4..22 1, The stirring saga of a Gtizait Monarch!' • conflict with man kl !saluting Leon Ames as the old man ol thv mountain Children 75c Plus talf-,`!" Spectacular I Sun Inlynabonal PcoduC110111 irat SKI Short •ww.o....-“*-•. MOM,' "Get Hol" SUN. 7 p.m. & 9 p.m. LION. & TUES.' 7 p.m. & 9 p.m. wit 23 way VG '// tax savings on registered retirement sa vings plans 4ESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1972 THE' .11,UPOIQV't SENTINEL', .41,1c1(140W, ,ONTAR10 PAGE MINI 0 Kintoss-Set72 Road Program • wet.for the filar n,'cititl Februarytst 11 iner:tht:rs•pr6vnt. After ..the mintites of the regular 1;eetift.l'Of January. 3rd Were adopt-, the, feliowing -business . was calf with.. It was decided to write off some liastandin•,,,"do:. tax and grader . • On. Saturday' Tire Explorers • dfl'Ine•River Church along with their leaders 'Mrs. Glenn', • Boyd and Mrs.. Ernie.Gibson met at the :church at ten o'CloCk to, .participate ina day•-of• fun. flowing their meeting and ga fates a hot lunch was enjoyed ,•'tnen, Off co tap] an• afternoon of ckating, The Explorer Girls also formed the Choir•at the 'Sunday MOrning • Services at 'Pine River Church alad sang the anthem "Let the Whole World KnoW". Mrs. Lynn Eowiy -and .11-s, Ernie CiibsOn accompanied on the. organ:and' piano'..' • -Miss. Mary Pace spent the week end 'with her friend Mrs, Gail' iloine for the week, end ,here were, Marsha luniphrey .and Anne-Ferguson from ,•_Londen;'•, Shirley Reid and Carol Courtney • . Coupe Married TRUST C4MPANY SINCE 18'89 Lealand Hill, Manager Elgin • and Kingston Streets, Goderich 524-738.1 ,Ilialvirmatimalummtm -!he fee oi (it.; was ordered ,aid for the, •.•\-oeiation of,Muni- ipalities of Oiiiario ,• this being he Ineinhershir:‘ fee for 1972; ' Due ro the'lLT ,••t•h cif time• to leal with the road 'Progr:-.,n for it was dCeicied to have a peeial meeting on February 7th t8 p.m. The folloWing accounts were )rdered paid , c ,eneral„. 1,1.62, 38; )rainaoe, 922.").35; ilighways, ;90.9%. • • A special illeeting was held''on e ruary 4- with iers present, • • By-law , 1;172 was passed being I iner chance hyrlaw on the • llaO•Creek Section for The road p.ro..,rani.was reviewed is,tothe hreal-down 'for main- enance..tand construction.. It was leekled to do construction NOE,i< )n the 2..)th sideroad north froth 2oncessionp'to the Kinloss-Cul- oss Boundary and on Concession from County Road -ii I West. :ontruction will be done on the <incardine-Ktulo-: boundary at he north end. . • It. was decided to a p pl y to the r)epartment of Transportation Ind. Communications for a sup* -)lernenta'-‘,..on ebristruction for .1 0 , sjilisidy payable. hall licenies for the.Townshir Hall and Whitechurtla Con -damn .- ty HhIls were.isSued for1972. The meeting adjourned 'to. ' blest on NAareh ilth.at 7 psm. or u the call of the reeve. • FRASER MacKINNON, Clerks IVind4Forster 4-H .Preildent PURPLE GROVE The first meeting of the "Sewing with Knits" group Of the 4-H club was ,held at the home of Mrs: Walter Forster, .Leaders ,for this session are Mrs. June Elliott and Miss 'Maty'l-ors- ter„ Elections were held placing Dorinda.ForSter,in the president- ial shaft and' Kerry Boyle.in• that • -Of the -Vite-President.• 'The girls decided ,on a •rov ing secretary,: The name 7Knitty-'Grittys!' was' chosen for the dul. ST. HELENS Mr. and Mrs. Ivan NleQuillin, Andrea. and Dayid;of 'Kitchener were Sunday visitors with his:: parents, M. and. Mrs. Fred 'ATTEND•BAPTISM r 'and•Mis. Roy attended the baptisth of their grandson Javan Taylor, son of .Mre, and Mrs, Ken •Tayfor, in Tillsoributg on' Sunday. -.Others , present were r Mr, and Mrs. A, K. Willia ms- and girls. of John 'Tyler of 'Riehmond , British Columbia arid Mary Ann Simon. • of V:iaterlocre- On January .29th , 'at -.Knox Pres- bytcrian.Church , Toronto, Dr. William' Fitch united in rnarria'ge (airole Clotithier and William Ian MacKenzie ., both of Toronto.. . 'Th'e bride•is the 'daughter of . Mr .. and Mrs. Robert Glouthier.:of Oshawa'. The 'groom is the son front ,Kitchengr'.. .Todd Farrell, ,young son of Mr. .and Mrs. 'Kenneth Fairell, was hospitalized this past week 'with. pneumonia. . . • . :Mr , -.and, 1391-Pace--v-isit-,-- ed on Sunday. with. Mr. •,and• Mrs.. Fred Gottscha•lk of. Kincardine-. Mr. and ,Mts..Bob Courtney a.nd were dinner guestS. 'with Mrs. Louie 'Couttney•ip•• 'Kincardine on 'Sunday.. .Overnight guests on the w-eel(---- Sho'wer. Held For Donna Caslick WHITECI-WRC.H NEWS On Monday evening last Mrs.. Rae Lewis of Wingham and her sister Joyce ,Goultes arranged a shower fortheir cousin Donna • Caslick brideL•torbe, 'When t e e -te they usheired.her to a .seat on the chesterfield; canopied .by stream- ers and wedqing bells, and on .• which' was seated her mother Mrs. BillCaslick and his 'mother Mrs.. Games follovied along the theme of -Valentineo. The one collect- ing the most hearts was Patsy Caslick.. Blindfolded folks trying to pick up cotton balls from the floor with oven mitts on their . ,hands and an egg lifter caused ,much merriment. It was surpris- ing•how few goi the,TV COT11111er- c.ials. • . The ill hers assisted Donna•in 'opening the gifts.of kitch - enware and crocheting ..Darlene C9ultes arranged bows .the .surt o a nil • Donna thanked the sponsors Mrs. Lewis,and Joyce coultes, A the folks for their gifts and'invit- ed then to her hothe at Hamilton. A -buffet luncheon was served from a. table dmorafed with bride and da tidlet t Toronto end will' Mr. W and Mu. Duncan Th.orburn,. Amberley, were .MiSs Judy Thorburn, Toronto; Bill .Cooper,'Willowcale; and David and Joyce. Thompson 'from. _Ca llers._ al the s_a_me home were Miss Bette , Ikincardine;.Mr•. Noel McLeod , Toronto; 'and and Mts. Perrin -Lowry and family; - • THEATRE WINGHAM PHONE 3571630 SHOW TIMES Fridays and Saturdays at 7:15 and 9:15. All other days, one show at 8:00, except where noted on the program., * * * * * *.* ** * * THURS., FRI., SAT., MON, TUES., WED. FEB. 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23 A [miff ANC( RESTRICTED fCC PINSOMS le MIAMI OP am a cam Summer of • 142" Color - 'Starring Jennifer' O'Neill What was it like to be a teen- ager in the summer of 042? • * * * st* * * ***fir: SAT. MATINEE ,FEB..19 WaCky Walt Of Mother Goose" , vesvitaimaime tairmnstienimatiogriiiitsli AMBERLEY Mrs, Perrin Lowry travelled by bus to Toronto on Satuiday with. a group of 'Women's Institute ladies. The occasion wasday's Conference held at the Royal York Hotel and Mrs. Lowry went as delegate. from .the Reids COrn- ers Branch. • Rev. Mr. Hill appeared, along with a group of ministers, on the Singtime Progranune on Sunday. There were thirteen tables at the Euchre party held at the Ainberley L.O. L. hail on Wed- nesday evening. Winners for. the evening were high lady,Mrs. Bob Courtney ,. high gent Bob Court- ney MAI lucky prize winner ,Leon- ard Reid. Lyon Reid was the lucky win 7 ner of a draw Made at the Light- house. Variety .-)tore this week.' Lynn won fur himself a five pOund container of assorted huts. The A berle y -Huron Snowmobile Club held a snow- mobile rim and weiner roast on Saturday night. with a good crowd' in attendance. • On Sunday sev- vi eral snowmobile fans from this area attended the Snowmobile Races held in Kincardine. One • local resident, Bob Cibbons,took • part in the races as a contestant. Deposits made by February 29,,1972 • are:tax free for 19-71 returns Victoria and Grey-Trust offers. you three tax sa\ ings retirement plans. ' ' • an -Nun> fund plan7 designed for greatest:capital apprcciatibn • a high cumulat e income plan a Guaranteed In\ est ment Certificate plan gilaranteed as to principal and interest • Start Retiring tod* at.Vict6rkt and Grey . • • of Alliston'were week end • visitors with Mr. ,and Mrs;.,Allan Miller and family. •" • , . Attending-the .7,5th anniversary Juncheon of the 'Women's Insti- tute on Saturday at the Royal .• York ,"Foreinto' were 'Mrs. -Harold .Gaunt and Mrs. Allan Miller. - .The next Shoot Party at the St. Helen's burs .- day, , February 17. Lunch will he served. ' Alfred Patterson returned home last week following ma-j.or surgery in December at St.' Joseph's pita 1 , London. lie spent 41 few week's convalescing with relatives before returnin-g home. o Mr. a . ran' zie of Lucknow.. d . Miss Suzanne Cleutiaier of Ottawa , cousin of the bri -was'maid of honour. . Rod Mac Kenzie of lenden, biother'of 'groom,. Was best man. A reception followed at the. - Ports of Call, Toronto. ••••••••••••••••,