The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-02-16, Page 6Custom. Butchering — Curing and. Servicing Cutting and. Wrapping — Sausage Making — Fall' Freezing HOGS AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS CATTLE ONLY ON FRIDAYS Have cattle in on Thurqday for Friday's kill With. Two Big Coolers, We Are Able To Hang Your Beef From 1 To 3 Weeks — Whatever Your Requirements Are For Home Freezers We Sell Choice Home Killed Beef,' Pork and'Lamb In Any Quantity.At Lowest Marketing Prices ALL MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION CHAS.. HOOISMA, PROP. ABATTOIR 3954905 STORE 395-2961 • Mother Passes IT —asks:Et-6mm— • PAGIN SIX' WPC,flow SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1172 LANGSIDE Mr. and Mrs. Peter Steer and Tracy of London were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Philip St6er. EUCHRE PARTY Six tables` of euchre were enjoy- ed at the, Langside Hall Friday evening. Mrs. Frank Caley received the high ladies prize wit low going to Mrs. Albert Bongert- man. Jim Wing received the high men's and Elmer Scott low men's. It was decided to hold Mrs. Jim Young attended the 75th Anniversary Luncheon in honour .of the founding of the Wornen's Institute in Ontarito in the Canadian Room of the Royal York, TOronto on Saturday. Fifteen Young People enjoyed a snowmobile party. at . Robert 'Bregman's Saturday afternoon. They concluded their very enjoy- able afternoon with lunch ! 4r. and Mrs.. Victor Wybenga, Philip Steer , Nancy deBoer ,.Mrs. Bob Bregman and Christine visited Carruther's Nursing Home Sunday. Mr. Wybenga conducted a wor- ship service and everyone joined in singing hymns. Janene Purdon Is 4-H Club President WHITECHURCH NEWS On Saturday forenoon at 9 a.m. the Whitechurch 4 ,H Club held their first meeting at the home-of the leader Mrs. John Gaunt. Mrs. Gaunt opened the meet- ing with the 4-H pledge. Preent were Roth Elliott,. Lori Purdon, Janene Purdon, Kathy Wybenga , Kay Wilkens, Janet Ad aim and Hickey. ' The election of officers are President, Janene Purdon;. 1st vice, Lori Purdon; Secretary, Janet Adams;. Press Reporter, Ruth Elliott. 'Discussion centred on the ,requirements of the club and of a sewing box. Knits and sports wear alio Were discussed. For grouptwork measurements ' were takeni_and a sample pat- tern was made for a neck on a sweater. `The Home. Assignment was start a record book, buy a pattern and fabric and prepare the fabric and bring to next meeting February 19 at 9 a.m. at Whitechurch Community Hall, Earl Elliott Mrs. N',ariOrie Thompson, Mrs, Gladys Arnold:ancl tcs. Anne MoCosh attended the .seventy -fifth ani,a•- •versary of the Women's Institute 'held in the Royal York Hotel • in Toronto. 'Gracing the head. table at the luncheon of this commemorative day was the world president. Mrs, Olive Lan--; yon, Farquharson 0„13.E.. and also president of the A.C.W.W.. Mrs: Anne MeCosh was an overnight guest of Mr.. and •Mrs t, Ardill Mason on Friday.' Mrs. Marion Emerson accOnt- panied by Mr.' and Mrs. Bill • Arnold and Mrs. Ab Wylds visited friends and relatives at Gateway . Haven in Wiarton on Saturday.. Callers at. the home of Mr:, and Mrs, Vic Cawley on Friday' evening .wereGeorge and Marion . Emerson and Russel and Dorothy Collins.' • Mrs. Martha litiston.o.f Ripley spent Friday night at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Don Robertson.. .1V.I.rs.. Marjorie Thompson was a week end guest at the home 'of •• Mr..and Mrs. Jimnry Kirkpatrick.. of Ripley. • * 20 imperial gallons of Com- fort per day * Promotes better health LOW IN * Protects your furniture and 'COS T your home• Mr. and-1 s. Lindsay spent the week end--with • Steve's parents Mr..and'Mrs. 'Earl Elliott and herne to make the .family complete was \liss Nancy Elliott of Sarnia; The Junior Farmers held their regular meeting at.. o f Mrs. Earl Elliott on Wednesday.- Tanner Brooks was a dinner : guest of the Vie Gawleys.on . Sunday. .. Week 'end visitors at the home .of Mr. and Mrs: ,Harvey Th,oinp- son were I\lI.. and Mrs. Albert Trafford of liandver and. Mr. and Nil-S. 'Claude pore. and ffaMily of Tees.water. Chris .1archant of Wycbridge called on friends in. the CO1111111111- .i.ty on, Friday and Saturday. pr,B•LIC SPEAKING WINNERS • Congratulations to Annette. lodJk.'s , younest daiighter' of Mr. tloyd. Hodges, who won ls.t in tilt Jr: cOmpetitionin Pub- lic •Speakin at Brookside schdol On-We -hesc. -c Trinny- also in Lncknow on Monday, Fehructry 7th and placid .3rd at,_, oderi.ch-Saturday ,, February 1:2th. This seric k'sponsored by•tlie! Lr ion, Mary Anne Alton, daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. Blithe Alton of Belfast; 'has placed' in each of these three contests and is to continue 'to Clinton Petit-nary 20th for the next competition. Best* wishes to Mary Anne!: Others whO competed . are worthy of corigratu-A., lations also ; and' will benefit ,:rently from the. experience, • :The Anniversary Dinner and Pron,Trani celebrating the 15.th year of Women's institute work in Ontario was held in .Toronto Saturday, February 12th,... Mrs: Lorn( Ivers, Mrs, t ,rahain. MqNec and Elncir Me Whinney were att(ndance.• • HAD -T)th BIRTHDAY . • Bert :\leWhinney cele= !,rated th Birthday on'Satin- ,;.0., cbrnary rah. (.;prigritula- tt011F 1 ie is patierit tk'ir3,,,harrr Hospital, • in to those.presont. • .Mary. Rivett of (!odericli visited the past. week with Mr.. anti • Thos. Webster. .Andersonoft,..Oder- ich sNnt Thursday a fternbon with Ntis,s Beth Mcejonnell. Bill Dundas., Brian French and DUNGANNO.N NEWS • Mrs._ RayrnondBoyle 'went to . Meacham, Saskatchewan. to . attend the funeral of,11cg Mother: Mrs. Anna ,Koob, who was 80 -ve‘u-S.uof.a_,2,e.! All members of her family 1,,..ere home for the' service, the sympathy/of this ebnontriri-rris-t xtended.to,Mr.. and Mrs. 'Boyle and family. Mr, and Mrs.' Eldora Itindt Timmie of Walkerton. .,,'1.1eS.T.S of• Mr.. and Ntis.. 1!. 1`;, L. ITdy last Sunday. • Five ladiec spent .a pleaSant afternoon as gueit ,Cof Mrs. Lorne -- Hasty last Wednesday,' ..Nirs: I las- , Who ,.iiii,te,interested in • various crafts, to Light ' luck w ea v• Wya .476.! \AI'S:. four:children of La'. spent the concession of Achulk lu. .wsce01:3 tk with t ug ,is rivers arc t: !ins tail: Barbara, Their•pa knts and NIrs. Colin Tvi.,\L of Nile, are attending the Cog& .tiOn in Thunder- Bay ., then visitifl relatives and friend •tor a fel,,c days Nile and C., and Explorers grout !A ,kr!' hined .rnectin, and ...a Icittint party in Dungannon ,Hriday School room's . r(21ice Clena.7,hari had a .111' (;)11 *fe enjoyed -4-c-A . their , \+3i Mr arid Mrs. ki-t II\ o Mrs,. Fred Stirlin , at Tllarnt~'svillt spent the weel( (I ',it' I lensall with their, Cousin Miss • Mr: 'and Mrs. :.‘ 41ett, Mr. and N1rs 1 lOw Whiteside 1 lo.w a r.d of Toronto visited e' 11A Wle end with Mr, 113'.\161rL:11.ch;Ye.o' rge la ing.this week • liirold-1.1 a Idenho, Lux: Sarnia Mr.. and Mrs ti •Jat. -q.ott WEre dinner guests on With Mr. and 'at Lurgap. :In thev a.;:', ..e0:. fainilies attended if d'ing. a nniv crsa r :reit .1! 'Mr. and. 'at the Church of the . parish 1,1 11 at 1.'sinit I)Oriald• Barr of tire 'week, end with Mrs.: John. i3arr.. VISIT ED 'CA L11`0 , Mr. and MTs. and M. • returned on S11110 enr at?le holiday trip t.(j 111e:•11u visited. other plat the United States. More output per dollar than ' any other power humidifier Automatically controlled. Easy to service ANNOUNCING A FACSIMILE EDITION OF THE - ILLUSTRATED isto r ic a i Atlas `OF ' Hord.n., 'County • ONTARIO Originally published by H, Belden & Co. in 1879 The illustrated AtlaS of, Huron County is one of 29 county atlases published. in Ontario between 1875, and 1881. A remark.„ ably accurate source of information for the student of local his. fory and genealogy, the Atlas with' its maps, biographies, port- raits and pictures of landmarks has long since become a highly valued document of the past. AVAILABLE NOW Bound in hard cover, size, 18" x 141/2 ", 105 pages Price: $12.50 — (.50c mailing charge) 'The issue is limited to 1,000 numbered copies Please order from: MIKA STUDIO, 41 DUSSEK ST., P.O. BOX 536, BELLEVILLE, ONT. TEL. 613.962.4022 KINLOUGH • Mrs. Lorne. Facile and `,ors, Jack .Scott were de1(..ilL .1Iolyrood to the 7.)t1 .A11:1;,(:sd: banquet of the 'vvok,tiv, 111.5titoe at the Royal, York 1 let( 1 ,.• croft on Saturday:. Mr. and Mrs:, Malksol-, Ian flughand, John rc. o:, i Winter ho-lid-a-r in MM-SEASON 1 roducin the autoflo odeF humi pdifier ower PLUS INSTALLATION • PHONE .529-7524 OR 524 =76.81 FREE BURNER. SERVICE, PRODUCTS FOR FARM, HOME and INDUSTRY' -7asomateum,„'*„„ii,671.7aamismilmermin!mmooliong PURPLE GROVE RIPLEY AB. wEPPIE Joan vALF Tt Haw kit Friday, crownii by...Deb aria rc Stodeni Eli'4abe up Kati mower Dianne name. "The "The .music t eVenin atin8„ A N1A1' On 1 classes that al .match • - , All Se, view re:t:ain noon, it This. fi. En4lish of Lion; lean toz closely 'sat this tindery, ed the. the fin Jcir ls .The lta. Ins Sport 12: at (,.7 =nit! were The Mrs.. I MacD Banne _LTA( the 4 Not result Bann( ire S Repo] • Mr Conn 110c12 ent t and fabri tip fibre and. Soul .give buyi Pc pan and for - 1r N.e5 ate heft wit . 1\.b.