HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-02-16, Page 1• Yoftir Suggostiorts, Pleaset LIONS CLUB SEEKING COMMUNITY PROJECT Lucknow village council spent a good, portion of their regular monthly meeting last week dis- cussing proposed adjustments in the charies. to rural mranIcipalities for fire services. Dies In West Mrs, Ewan MacDonald passed away in West Coast General Hos- pital, Port Alberni, B.C. on •Wed- riesday , February 2nd., ilerhusband is a brother of. Peter MacDonald of Lucknow and Mrs.' Andrew (Donalda) Ritchie of Ashfield. .• Resides her husband , she is survived by .a son and daughter by a previous.marriage , living in • ,• British Columbia, lie stated that he and Ken Roul- ston, also a student in the Recrea tion Course at Fanshawe , along, with the, assistance Of Brenda Bushell of Lucknow , 'a grade 13 student at the F. E. Madill Sec- ondary School at .Witi-Oam-rid-. others who would, be' recruited at ,CONT1NUED ON PAGE 15 arena. •- As the Club has not received the go-ahead on these , and is anxious to get busy with a major .conimunity betterment proJect., they.have asked .the aid of This newspaper .in seeking suggested, projects which Would help the entire coMmunity. • Your ideaS will be welCome. Put them in an envelope and address' them to Lions. Project , The tucknowS•entinel:. With your help, the Lions can be of , service to the comnurnity.' • ' v $4,04 A. Yeai; In Advioncii.,,,, $2,00 extra;-To. 0,54k,' ,FEBRUARY 16, 1972 •• 10910. COpy 15; 16 Pars 'The Sentinel tarried a story in • late, Novembet ,- following' the Royal Winter Pair, of .a remark- able achievement in the world of horse breeding•ittained by the Martin family of Paramount .• long known as coMpetent breed- tycknow Council Plan To Acii00-Rueol Fire Chorgps .Recreation. Committee Hears .PrOpOsAl ,Under "Opportunities Lucl<now and District Lions Club is lookim, for a major coin-, in unity projc'c t to undertake... • . Throughout the years; the • Lions Club haft promoted many worthwhile (.01mnuriity meats but ulre . .are presently .out of ideas on what to undertake Thcyba‘c,• in recent weeks, offered their .c.f‘,iees to area; groups in promoting several pro- jects, a.swirnmin,: pool, perman- ent.seatiu in the arena , a trophy case and lockers in the' Nleruhc: of the LuclKnow Recre= anon comn:inec.at...1 a few others korri the ety.::.i.ilunity t.'ceived a proposal on ;•ieclay, night of last, week iron; Pritchard of West,. prcs,,ntly enrolled in the Recreation Lead'ership.COutse at Fanslowe college in London, Rick's proposal Was •to offer the illage 'andsurrohnding.area a complete recreation and social • prOgram for the •summer months • • 'class Bryan, hoyhe , son of,L Mr. arid .,rts_,._1r.a.aci.S:Boylv. 'of !futon Township ;•plactd" first.in the - senior' secondary school competi- tion. Ile rePresented the !Ripley., " • . Carol:MacKay, dauliter of Mr. and N'Irs. Donald MacKay of Hur- on, 'represented Ripley Legion in die 'junior secondary school ola iii_e---5.14I01101L.91 • Mr, Mid Xtrs. Cecil Shttop of I ihron rep7 cO,NTINUED ,ON PAG:F. ,A74-fifeselit,e'd —a Olt. "The ran- was "Something I r.elticniber about Ripley". <irkpatrick -and Mrs. 131tie reported as 'stand- ing Committee conveners,. Mrs, Elwyn Pollock gave' a report on . the' sick committee. Tlie.4-11 llonlemaking Club was reported . by Mrs,.•Peet.' She and Mrs.., organ Johnston as re' leaders for the elu,b which has eleven girls as members': They, iv cet. Mini-' 'day after school each week. A salt-of articls will be held at the March meeting which will be the second Friday fn March. Members are asked' to bring donations for"the sale. • • George Whitby Lucknow fire chief, was present ai the meeting and entered into the discUssion with council. Lucknow now charges rural municipalities $75 per hour or part of an hour for fire services. There is no stand-by Jim West ShoOts. WQR. :On. Faint. 'Jim West of Ashfield shot'a /wolf the middle of last week. The animal was corning ;,through Jim's farrn'in the Kin tail area in mid day and what it appeared to' be .acting strangely it, was not immediateiy knoWn whether the animal Was rabid or not. , Two farms in the area have lost Cattle from rabies, but there was._ no definite link between the wolf and these incidents%' ers,of .Clydesdale horses.. We were able to' obtain the ' above picture•which Shows 17- year-old .Robert J. Martin of Concor& left, with the prize winning horse, receiving a - championship tray from Wreford fee, •a, rural municipality has no fires in a year, they do not pay anything:, In January, the rate paid to Lucknow firemen tO fight rural sire calls was raised froth $3 per CONTINUED ON PAGE, 2 Rick Pritchard Outlines Suggested Pl -n This.itediate area placed well in the Zone, C41 Legion. •erich Sattirda.y... Anne .Alton., representing. the , f#st -, place in the ,,enior elementary. school etrr.s : Anne is the thuditer, of ,and Mrs. Blake Alton .;Annette Ilod ,2.es.,.daughter and Ntrs. Lloyd I fodvss.of PurF2.a mion , also representing Lueknow...Le0on , placed third in. the junior eleinentaty,schopl Tire ',7411 Anniversary of the Federated Wornen's Institutes of Ontario was celebrated at the .' Legion !fill in Ripley'on Friday when the. Ripley Branch met .for their, regular Meeting, A beautiful birthday cake .was • on display and served with tea at the close of the meeting.. • 'hi was t to llistory,of Rip ley' given by Ab WyldS, Mrs. • Otrterbridgc a' former Iligh School teacher of, his,. introduced hint as being one of her arrest brilliant - students. Following Itis'addreSs,, Mrs, 0 ah Crawford thanked him .Three..Ated YOting..Petiple'TnikO.fir0 110010 Their Categories At .Legiop .' Zone.,.*Oking•,COnte:4 On :Satutday-... Ripley Women's institute. Marks 7 Anniversary Of :OrgOnization, Ab Wylds. Gives Ripley ifistory At .Meeting.. MARIANNE FRAYNE AO. Wins TV Sew- Mrs. Albert Morningstar of R. R. 5 Lucknow was the lucky wfrfner in.the radio "I" contest on Friday of last week. Her prize was a 16" television and the winning ticket was from Finlay Decorators. HeWson of Beaton,, formeriycof lionMa ,. well known Clydesdale breeder, itnpotter and exhibitor. Shown 'in the centre is Red Mart- 'in of 'Paramount , uncle of Robert. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 • Huron County Speaking contest Won By Marianne Frayne Of Kings4ridge $choolf Will Advance To Zone Finals Saturday Marianne Frayne, 13, a Grade 8 pupil at St. JosepWs Separart 'School at Kingsbridge, won the Huron County Oral Comrnunica - tions Festival competition at Clinton Public School Friday CONTINUED 'ON PAGE 15 Martin Horse Sets Record Unequalled At Royal