The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-26, Page 28ebster Vkits Clan: Tipperary Ireland to Jac Home EDITOR'S NOTE- Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Webster of Edmonton recently completed a' trip to Europe and the British Isles arid the Webster Clan's original home in. Ireland. We'asked Jack "to write of his experiences know- ing that his many friends here • would be interested. • 8350 - 76th Ave Ednionton, Alberta, December 12, 1971. Dear Donald, As-I mentioned some months ago, I was to make a sojourn to Europe And the British Isles and when I arrivedhome I kind of got cold feet about.writing you as you requested, and was going to renege, but so many of the Web- sters have written about it I weak- ened. First Of all we left. Edmonton and landed in. Greenland and en- joyed our -short stay there; espec- ially the natiVs, some of whom rru'ist-have-a-lot-of-Eskimo-bloodo— Then on to London and points of interest, Buckingham Palace , Piccadilly, Trafalgar Square, .and enjoyed every minute of it. We took'the train to the north east coast of England and the boat to Dublin arid what a city. Talk about your Irish brogue that's where it really is' spoken. FroMthere we. iourneyed to Arklow down in. the Wicklow hills , and the . Valley of*Avoca where Moore really tells us about .it in the Meeting of the Waters - a NOW AK STOCK A SHIPMENT OF JOHNS ---MANYILLE GLASS, INSULAR FOR YEAR ROUND COMFORT YOUR HONogfeit pe..•-stt. oe. 40, ot, " oe. 40. 40. 414 rzle. 04r .94. 414. ,11$7h$7iiv-7-14$,Ifii, 11$ •264 1-'14$ IP lit'. 11$ .91V• /K. t 16' Vt• `.qt - YOUR' HEADQUARTERS' seventeen and if any olyou young people would 'like to drop her a line, as she loves pen pals, her address is Catherinerebster "St. Joseph's", St. Miegel St.', Tip- perary , Eire. They are a wonder- ful family, believe nie. When I mentioned that we were going to Belfast to take the boat to .dlasgow , everybody J. thought we were crazy. We arriv e e fast on a u Bernice and khad just come back from the .Parliament Buildings and had just walked by this gaol I,. I had not seen water fOr months and were bare footed, Well you can_ picture it,. We left - ".• Amsterdam by bOat for 'England , London and home and sure did love to haveseen it before I get too old.. ,pur,high- 'lights for Bernice were Ireland:, •Paris aneGermany..- For yours . truly it ,was Ireland,' the Highlands the English countryside and Germ- any. • . ' The:hospitality of the Stedman's, Kilgotirs, and the Will Webster's was beyond all our dreams and I know the day lily Grandparents and t .---E5-71. amily'lert tie old sod \ • f:W.l. Appoint New National Secretary SCHMID'S JEWELLRY AND CHINA W. Jos. and Doan, E. Ain** PHONE 528-3532 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO OLD COLONY. 1911 LOVELACE, 19364 FIRST LOVE. 1937 ADORATION, 1939 REMEMBRANCE, 1947 Bi ON' ..mo eme aa nd 'allos ec should be linotovene rest ric l 'pork pro( been acc .even r)ci,,[ excess of ern provi 'needs. be Ianr.gthpee "" ° eed l Jotfi ld to ;especial ,crop pro .;•frdrrn sta liyestoc "totalled • •• Of •Ontai `:through'hi.spr e ..tOge hei • nse wo •:ent a le •'cofn onPo,s •-to cr :ery and t We of e ,simply 0vbVi0: '", 11 eeii ji able fo .'of the j asiime bhuvl: ,musttruc 1; :verse e area b ou sduend have c Ilaodroousr ly w but r ei nod of '.Many voice e Tb recur the p Court licen As a .THE -141.1cKNOW ONTARIO attern Revival PAGE: FOURTEEN. WEPNESPAY, FEBRUARY 1, • INTERNATIONAL' SILVER'S: .1841 'ROGERS- BROS. • 1972 WEt N est truly beautiful valley and the where some of the•I,R,,A.- yid country side like a giant checker ers were, not five minutes before, board and so green. The Avoca when they .blasted it, We were in Mining CoMpany have an opera- the hotel not three minutes when tion there and the management it went. Bernice said "What Was- and' staffaie displaced. Canadians that?" and I said ,"dynamite and and old and dear friends of mine. no mistake".. for many years in the Mining' • From Belfast to•Glasgow to. field. • • Fdinburgh'and the festival Was in 'We were in Tipperary twice full.'swing, We took in all the andhis family, also . the old Web- Sights and were down where Mary and contacted a William• Webster ster home which is now a retreat Queen Of Scots had her Castle, and.• they still call if FrenchTown, When Lintroduced Myself as a and the archives where I traced historical society for Roman Catholic clergy. Then off to the • Canadian, and that my grand- . father had left. there with his fa..M. the Websters back to the fifteenth ily the time of the potato famine, cenl ivtul'y. are a branch of the Mcrar , he said "Jack you don't haVe to. lane Clan who were mostly weav- tell me. as I have a brother who • ers. They had ,quite a land, grant Lom- I thought . when I was bora they and and according to 'the archives .broke the West coast of LoCh archives is your. twin". And all the time .1,Droke .the - Well' We. had they were a fighting, troublesOrne a real visit With. Will, Maureen .Clan. • , • and. family. They. have two boys. . Eventually Scotland took their and a beautiful daughter Cather- land away from them and split ine who has never walked since. them up and sent them'to differ- she had the measles. She is eni British, Colonies. They have. aMcFarlane .Clan in Northern lrelaFid an. e,oiga11 Zed-t-he--on.-i Glasgow in nineteen-twelve;, And there are a lot 'of Websters' around Inverness but .I did not .get a • • chance- to. meet. theni.. '•.We. also attended the tattoo at . Edinburgh Castle and :with the Amphitheatre in darkness:, and. 'that..Lorie piper'carne out one' Of the top turrets and the 'spot -- -light went orthirri' , you'll never knOW what it did to my old. ticker,. "The emotion I felt is, something no One 'can .des., cribe tilL-he.goes through it,' but. it will never, be' fOrgotten, • From . 'EdinbtirghWe.took the flying Scdtsrnan to London and believe me our railroads .can take a les- .• son from the ones we were on.. They really fly and dining cars • on them all are clean and tidy., Hundreds of thern.leave London - dailyandhow they..ge(SoMany in and out' in a day is a' mystery ' tome. .• From London We, took the train - to over and thehovereraft•over the .Channello Calais. -It was, short but quite rough and we, were thirty-five inintites crossing the channel. ..From Calais to'Bolongne toParis,where I had to put Bernice: ina straight jacket to,get her out Of the.city. .• • . We visited The Eiffel Tower,'. Napoleon's Tomb, saw where so _many of the-nobil4y died the time. of the French revolution and one . could Spend a Month there and not 'see it all. Frdm Paris by train to burg, Frankfurt and Wurzbitrg, down in the, valley. Vineyards are away up on the mountain side, how they get them-down is beyond me. . We visited with Jerry Ilarfst and his family. He is-with the Inter- national police ,and Jerry worked for meat Uranium City years.,. ago. He had Laborday weekend Off arid he took us'all over Nopthern Bavaria, the walled city Of Rotten- bdrg and points of interest heyond our fondest dream. FrOrn Wurzburg we Went by train to Amsterdam , and I sure wasn't thrilled with thatcity,. To me there were hippies by the , thousandS, even had their own house bbats .on the canals and lay- ing around sonic of the city parks and montinients where there were pigeons by the thousands and thest• filth: (human beinzs?) sleerirft. in i dle filth, 1 know,some of theft.. Some' pattern favourites of the , past 50 years are still aVailable. Complete or 'start your service. PHONE 528-3118. • LUCKNOW .....g,.• . .,,,,;.:.• ..s.. ot. • . FO.R , .T-,',$ •,;,:. . -.... • . . :...% ..,,,.. . • ' • • . . • • ... . • • 10. - "iit• • - 1-3.? . !flu: 1p -4:- . ,..• . mt. IA, %We; • , 6. , ,.. .. . . • . ' • .41!t. • . Iir ,,is t. 40, 41/...4tf...t4teipt. 4ft.r._ 4!,..r .91. 414 44.4 It; 414 4tee.,,16. $1e.....ve... v 6, 1$' -4T. '-iif ii,...76,• ,47.26%,‘Teti• 16' 11".••'iii*.lif:";ii$7'diF' 14$771i"%'• 14i"' 'iii`-'11$ "his '0' • • . . . JOHN HENDERSON• LUMBER LTD.. • Mrs. Flowers served for .five 'Oars in the Wometi's Auxiliary Air Force in Britain during•tbe The Federated Women's .totes of Canada announce the appointment of , a new National, Secretary. Tbis'is Mrs , Betty iltAers'and•slie started Work at their OttaWa office' in Japtiary , 072. Mrs. Flowers was horn and received her early education in Bristol , England : Sire emigrated to Canada in 19()'3, with her. husband and .son, who are all • now Canadian citizens.' 11cr daughter was born in' London; Ont- ario, in 1061. Mrs. Flowers is a • ninsaician with the Central Forces -and in Ottawa and plays the Special Special Stock Reduction Sale In Silver Flatware CONTINUES EACH. $3.00 4.00 • 3 50 - 4.50' 4.50 DAFFODIL 1950, ETERNALLY YOURS,.1941 Second. World ,War ‘s'as. stationed for Most of I.nne iil Derbyshire and Lincelli,liirt-‘, .ing her adult. life ,she been employed as a. 'sec' retit•\ and one of her most intereStin:• Jobs' was, Working, as SeCCetar, re,!surer for tihn eL6Cnao%a:nd...aonnCtaOriii onc. it Mind • continued . her echica Lion 'at A7tliewers ,University of;West crn 1,ond 11, Lputario, and at the (,a[Llet: OttaWa , `Whejt'bc obtain- - ed a 'B.A. degree in iii:gory in 1970.. •Give my'kindest:r.,t t everybody ,and if 'yoi cic this (which I doubt) co ,;(. 1 three or four extra' copiLs',u pay you :for them. • happy 'holiday, As (2%, : •• FloW-ers-j-s ili.teicstccl in_ creative writing ,• ION/15 .iuu sic ,1111-1 poetry and outdoor ,Ictivitics and is able-to read"Freneh, Recently, .sphieinsttiani-gt.: do of the do a i ct\the„ot water-color cySide around contatice lbiv She and her L'huSha mid n thi s t• and 'idn taerre, lyarnin,,. traili)„,,s':1L:1111. there .weremany..hc'av 1, carts; both the ones leavin the env left' betrind: 7:- Now, Donald .1' end this here and now' as. on- and on but I. gathering all about if T ItaTITTETTra YOUR ORDERS MUST B.E. PLACED WITH US BY MARCH 15, 1972 FOR /EARLY FALL DELIVERY ITEM Teaspoon Dinner Fork Dinner Knife Hollow Handle ...6.00 Salad Fork , 3.50 Dessert or Oval Soup Spoon • 4.00 Round Bowl • • S6up Spoon • 4.00 •' Cocktail Fork 3.50 ' Iced Drink, Spoon 3.50 44----"--Butter—Spreader Tablespoon Pierced Tablespoon • ---- ••••r,