HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-26, Page 26• .
there's Increased
Feeding Efficiency
for •You in Shur•Gain
Bulk Feed Service
from Us
You need hardly be reminded that
livestock feri-ning is a highly .competi-:
trive_latisiness ri ~ to succeed today,
production costs have to be controlled
today, in every way possible.
Feed costs, labour,.time . these
are all costs ,of production that ,you can
probably reduce even more. If your
herd Or flock j6rge now, and likely to
expand further, start calculating the
prdduction-sa-v-in-gs- made .p_osible_by__ _
bulk feeds handling.' •
SERVICE is years of experience in
.• feeding herds and flocks that -number
in the thousands.' That' experience 'is
yours for the asking. Wciu10 you like
to tap( it over.?
Nelson, Pickell of Teeswater
visited with Wallace Conn on. Sat-
urday evening while Mrs. Pickell
attended the;shower for Donna
Caslick in the hall-
Miss Alma Conn of Guelph spent
the week end and M. and Mrs.: •
Douglas Conley and Jason of
Wingham were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn.
Miss Mildred McClenagltan of
Goderich spent the week end with
her "mother Mrs. Lillian McClen-
aghan„ •
'Paul Elliott of Hensall spent the
week end with his parents Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Elliott.
Visitors on Sunday. with Mr.
and Mrs.. Garnet Farrier were Mr.
and Mrs. Wayne Farrier and Kim-
herley of Hanover and Fred 'Davis
of Windsor.
OR February 9 'a bus will pick
up ladies of the United Church
groups in the region at the United
Church Wingharn at 8:30 a.m,
wishing'to attend the Presbyterial
at Stratford. Anyone from here
wishing to' attend should contact.
Mrs. Millan Wore.
Whitechurch W. I. will hold
their Citizenship meeting on Feb-
ruary-9th-„-4t-the,home of Mrs,
Frank Rost. Rcill call - A custom
from another country I like.
Motto - The world is my country, •
mankind is my friend, Mrs.
Roy McArthur All are to bring a
treat for a Valentine Box., Mrs.
James Ward is speaker and Mrs.
John A. Currie is to have a con-
test. Lhnch - Mrs.. R. McArthur,
Mrs. Gershom Johnson and Miss.
Annie Kennedy.
Last week Mr. and Mrs. El-
wood Groskorth spent a few days
-with her mother 'Mrs. alma
Bagg of Willowdale and with their
son Paul Groskorth, Mrs. Gros-
.* korth and family of Agincourt.
We are pleased to report
that Mrs. Albert .Coultes returned
hOrne on.Wednesday'and George
Thompson returned home on. Fri-
day from Wingham and District
Hospital, where each had under-
gone surgery.
Mr. and Mrs. John
Willis of T .orOnto spent the week
'end with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Billie Ca.slick and family of
Culross and•with his mother Mrs.
Doris, Willis. Mrs. Willis
attended her sister Donna's shower
in the Whitechurch Hall Saturday
evening. .
Mrs. Bill Rintoul spent a few
days the first of the week with her,
rnoiher Mrs. Caldwell 'of Blyth.'
Word was received here by Mr.
'and Mrs. Russel Ross on Thursday
that their little grandson Mark
Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim
RoSs, had been confined' to Kitch-
ener Hospital with flu'and tonsil- , .
Gordon Jamieson, son of Mr:.
and Mrs. Ronald Jamieson of East
Wawanosh, on Friday underwent
a ton'silectotny ate Wingham and /
District Hospital and was able-to
return home on Saturday.
This community extends their •
sympathy to Mr. and Mrs.: Hugh
Simpson and family in the pass-
ing of his mother Mrs. Wni.' Simp-
son on.Monday at Wingham Hos-
pital. ,
The community are pleased to
learn that Mrs. Tom Inglis was
released on Wednesday last from
Wingham and District Hospital
and is convalescing at her home.
Faye Irwin spent the week end
with her cousin Janet Laidlaw and
on SundAy her parents .Mr. and
Mrs. Orland Irwin and family of.
West Wawanosh visited with. Mr.
and Mrs. Ivan.Laidlaw, and Faye
returned home with them.
On Thursday Mr. and Mrs„
Russel Gaunt reoe-iv_ed_lAior.d_thaL
James McIntosh, son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. George McIntosh,
had passed away in Owen Sound:
General Hospital. -
His parents, the late Mr. and
Mrs. George McIntosh, first res-
ided op the farm opposite where
Mr. and Mrs. George ,Kennedy
lives. It would' be here that •the
late. James Mclntosh.was born.
The late Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh
then built the house around 1905.,,
where Mr. .and Mrs. George
Thompson lives, 'where they re-
sided for 'a number of years. The
late Mrs. McIntosh was the form-
er Jane Gaunt, sister of the late
Edwin and Thomas Gaunt,
The, late
ATI:iee ,RutledgesNIclnwshowf as
BrusS-els, who 'predeceased him a,
number of years ago. He leaves
to mourn his loss his family and
three sisters Sarah, Leetha and. •
jean. He yas predeceased by
sisters Lizzie , Mabel and Annie,
Cousins in the community are
Russel and John Gaunt, Mrs. L. V.
McClenaghan, Mrs., Annie Mc-
Quillin , Mrs. LizzieMacCalluni,
James McIntosh of Wingham. •
' David Adams of London spent
the week end with his. parents. Mr,
and Mrs, Bob Adams.
Roderich Inglis of Earlton was
a week end visitor wit IL: .moth-
Mrs. Tom. Inglis, fr` y and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mowbray
and and. Mrs.'-Wesley 'Tiffin
spent the first part of the week in
Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs. Relison
Falconer and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Athol Purdon. The latter
part of the 'week Mr, and Mrs,
Mowbray visited with Mr. and '
Mrs. Ronald Sedden and family
of Brantfordand Mr'. and Mrs.
Wesley Tiffin with Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Henderson of the same city.
All returned home Sunday.
Mrs. A. E. Purdoh is visiting
for a few weeks with her' son' Athol
Purdon, Mrs. PurdOn and faMily
of Sarnia. •
Lttle Lynn Falconer, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. ittlison Falconer,
is to be adMitted this week to a
Londori Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rintotil on
Saturday attended the Farm Show.
at Toronto and visited with her
relatives Mr. and Mrs. Bill''
Sproule •and with his sister Mrs.
Gordon Campbell and Mr. Camp-
bell. Mr. and .Mrs. David Ober-
holtzer of Orillia were also visit-
ing at the Campbell. home. 1
• Mr. and Mrs. Carman Machan
of Kitchener spent the week end
with. her.parents Mr. and Mrs.
George Fisher of Wingham.
Miss Bonnie Humphrey of St.
Helens spent the •weekend with,
her friend Miss Kathy Purdon.
Miss LoriTurdon,spent the week
end with her friend Miss Cathy
Simpson of Ashfield.
A grout
meet in F
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the Unite
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Mrs. F:
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The regular meeting of the
Purple Grove W.I. will be held
at the home of Mrs., Irene Boyle
on. Wednesday afternoon.
Congratulations go out to Mr.
and Mrs. Don Johnston (Caroline
Forster.) of Nlississauga on the
birth of a baby boy on January:20.
Mrs. Isobel Forster lent a helping
hand. while Caroline was hospital-
ized and• returned home-with the
proiid brother and, sister Mark and
Sandra Collins'of Waterloo was
home to spend the week end with
her parents Burton and Katherine
Collins, .,
Mr. and Mrs. Georg, Eme
and bob emoyed a Saturday ev-
ening dinner with Frank, Joe and
Geraldine. Emerson.
Francis Boyle Bob Emerson,
Cecil Sutton , Margan Johnston -
and Donald Forster headed out 'on
Friday morning of, lagt week 'for
the Farr? ._Machinery show in
oronto. It wasn't a very nice
day for travelling and 'frog; what
'we hear the show, wasn't as 46od
as previous years. *;
Mr. and Mrs. Vie Lawley
"broke bread" on TritirSCia'y even".
ing with Gladys. and, barrio John-
ston., :
The card party that .was sched-•
uled for Friday night' waS cabal•
led because of foul weather, a
new date will be set at the Wm -
en's Institute meetin; Wedil.es"
day. ,
Mr. and Mrs. StePhenl,fliott
of 'Lindsa y and Mr. alit! Mrs.
Angus Elliott shared Siinda, repast
With the.,Earl Elliistt. Fal;.ily.
The group leadc:: the three
Purple Grove 4-i1 ..rol,p attend .
—a trainin iri.Kin-
cardine last 'week. ;"it.pro?:rarl•
me entitled "semi,. m:th
was attended
Miss Mary ForstL,i,,Ai ua
Gillics,' Mrs. Jrr€ i, .rrrcll; Mrs ,
Mari 1-14-rkness and`."ors,' Elaine
Pollock. There will tie
programmes hcid \\:alkertou
and Poit Elgin.
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