HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-26, Page 24••••••: • ',\••••• Nt Report. Successful Church Year. Hold Annual Last Thurday. * $.! THE Luc:plow SENTINEL," LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. Servke..ofong Marks .NeW Church Hymn Books. 1 Hymn Book presented in' mem- ory. of Mrs. Marilyn Swanton by Mr., and ,Mrs. Gordon Cayley. '1 Hymn BOok presented in mem- ory of Campbell Thompson by Bev and Don Thompson and Fam- ily. • 1 Hymn Book presented in mein ory of Janet Ashton by Bev and, Don Thompson and Family, The music was led by the jun- ior and senior choirs under the direction of 'qrs. Gordon Mont- gomery, Choir leader. and Mrs. Ross Cumming, organist. . "'..."••••-"`"""•%""`"^"-"."".". LUCKNOW CIHRISTIA REFORMED CHURCH J. W. Van Stempvoort Pasto WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 972 IV DN LOCI 0 01 On The a Luc know on Stuid ational morning meeting ReV, 'Qe United ( for the ' Rev. 13.0 able to. 'death u ough. The a printed • the con the met given tc cenfor reports. Total 'purpose about $ penses buildin than $8 hlely steward the pro to,f7 .pastora her of 1 is u93'. The' 'Kennet Phersor Sam Re 'Mel hA A . m ed in as .well tie . The' port. in the' ch prOjec . raised. The ated a 3:).Sot Apo, 'report Services: 10:00 a.m. Service 2:30 p.m. Service' /VISITORS, WELCOME Denominational Radio Broad- cast, "The Back To God Hour", every Sunday: CJCS (Stratford) 2:00 CFOS (Owen Sound) — 6:00 p.m. ANGLICAN CHURCH LUCKNOW AREA PARISH The Rev. Odendahl Rector FEBRUARY 6th SEXAGESIMA St. Paul's Ripley —"9:15 a.m. e Ascension Kinlough 10:30• a.m. St. Peters .Lucknow 1195, a.m. Church School — 10:30.a m. St. Paul's, Dungannon — MO pan 2nd and 4th $undaYs Christ Church, Port Albert • 3 pm. 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays A church service. Of song was observed on. Sunday at Lucknow United Church to mark the offic- ial use of the new United• Church hyMn books. Rev. R. G. Nicholls, minister of the church, was absent'clue to - the death of his mother which occurred in Peterborough on Fri- day. ' , The service was in charge of 1-Melvin Morrison, recording stew- ard and Ernest Aakert, clerk of the session, who dedicated, a number of)hymn boOks presented as memorial gifts.; They were: • , 107 Hymn Books presented through• a bequest of Susan M. Gibson. • * 20 Hymn Books presented to the 'Choir in memory of Mrs,. Clara MacTavish by James H. MaeTav- ish. 12 Hymn Books presented in memory of Mr. Kenneth Camer ,.10 Hymn Books presentee' in memory of the late George Jardine by Mrs. Jardine and-fa:mi- 1 Hymn Book presented in mem- ory of Walter H. Cayley by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cayley. WHITECHURCH NEWS WhitechurCh'United Church held their Annual meeting on' ,Thursday evening; January 27th at the church with a fair attend- ance. The pastor Mr. Karl De Koeijcr was elected Chairman' and Ivlillan Moore secretary. Mr. De Koeijer opened the meet- ing with prayer. The secretary read the minutes of the previous annual meeting. The session report showed the deaths of Brad- ley James Soloman, Robert Me- Clenaghan and Mrs. J. D. Bee- croft. Very encouraging reports were given from the other. depart- ments. The Sunday school/Sup- erintendent Clifford Laidlaw with four teachers-had a most successful year. .The Messengers with leaders Mrs. H.. M. Quipp, Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw and Mri. Cliff , La icitacesent-a baby-layette-to- -- Southampton Indian Reserve. They gave $10 to Missions and' Service fund and collected 7.20 for UNICEF. They have a mem-, bership of 26, held 11 meetings with an average attendance of 12. The U.C. W. also had a success- ful year with '19 members and 12 meetings were held. The re-elect-; ed—members to the Board of Stew- ards were Gary Chapman, Mrs. Ge rge Thompson, Mrs. Dave Gi b', Garnet Farrier and Elmer Sleightholm. lvlillan Moor, was re-elected Treasurer.• Elwood' Groskorth was appointed to trustee board. Ushers are Gary Chapman, D. Sleightholm, Russel Chapman, 'Clifford Laidlaw, Earl Thompson,, : Carman WhytOck. Auditors are Elwood Groskorth, Russel Gaunt and. Ivan Laidlaw. Mr, De Koeij- er closed .the 'meeting with a .• hymn. , The ladies served lunch. Gary Chapman and Elwood , Groskorth' were. appointed repres- entatives to the United Church men. • Dungcihnon UCW The Dungannon United Church • Women met oThIanuary 26' at . 2 p..m. ,in the church: The Therne was "Finance% Mrs. W. Pentland and Mrs. H. Alton took the Devotional part, of the meeting. . • The finance commmittee pres- ented the -new financial budget for 1972.• Suggestions for projects for "12" were, presented. Mrs. Nelson Pearson gave a reading entitled "New. Years Thoughts" The b ess portion ,of the meeting flowed. The Nile and ' Dungannon ladies are planning a bus triplater on. The Church Annual Meeting will be held thtitsday, Febrnary 3rd starting with a pot luck dinner. • Everyone' is encouraged to come. 'Mrs.' Wm Wiggins gave a hurnerous',reading entitled "As•I Was Saying to a Geranium". Rey. McClenaghan closed the' meeting with prayer. Lunch ". hostesses were Mrs.' L. Hodges , Mrs, C. Blake and Mrs. C. Fin- nigan. The president announced that the Huron Perth Presbyterial -• will be held in Stratford on Feb , ruary 9th., A bus leaves from • PutKantiort at 8 a.m. Let Us Make The Family Happier by Father Henry Cassano, S.S.P. ---The_farnily is composed of dif- ferent members: Can you really say you are doing your level best to' make, your home happier??. A) Remember that your sisters:are' not your servants much less your mother,. So doriTpretend that they do all the housework and you just play the part of the landlord. If you want your'things in order, try to put them yourself in order. Try to give a helping hand to your mother and sisters with the setting of the table, washing diSfies", etc, even if you are a boy. If you say that is not your part could you say what part you are playing at ' home? What do you do for the running Of the: house?. 'Do you ever mend broken furniture, fix up a switch or do similar work? B)•Do• you.spend some time with your' family to enliven it with your conversation? How muchtirtie do you spend in recreation with the family? Do you appreciate the care your parents take of you? be) you shew it? How? RESOLVE TO DO YOUR PART' 'TO RENDER THE FAMILY HAP- PIER. Next Point No. 3: Your 'be- haviour today reflects-your futuie. behaviour. TIPS FOR.TEENAGERS. "Change the • World from, your Parish". A group of High School stud- ints4ft Maine have shown what results •teenagers can achieve once they take the -initiative and lead the way. Instead of griping about poor movies, television programs, magazines, comic , books and recordings, theyslec- ided not long ago to do something constructive. They appealed to adults to respect their rights to better entertainment and litera- ture. Their demand made many older people sit up and take' notice. Better still, they got results. Here is the list of the• sensible and 'urgent requests :which they Submitted. to parents, 'teachers, motion picture theatres and ,newstands: Give us decent Motion pictures and televiSion shows; Give us res- pectable places of arnusernent; Give us a chante 'to show that we can be responsible, Orderly, law- abiding citizens: Give us your sup- port arid example,: If through,j, youthful Weakness' we ask to attend these questionable movies' or begin to read these questionable magazines, please have the COUT - age to say "No" to us, The cold weather cut down the attendance somewhat , but not the .enthusiasni, when members of St, Andrew'.s United Church, Ripley' met to hear reports and plan for next year.. The meeting was in charge of Rev. Geo, Ball and ,Don' Nic Lay . The Every. Family' Plan for the Observer had ,,beep, discussed 'last year and now 'has been accepted. Don McTav- ish, clerk Of Session, reported 11 baptisms, 7 'marriages apd 11 funerals. The In Memoriam names were Mrs. 1, F. Elliott, Mrs. Ernest Moore, Harold Vogan, Milton Stanley, Elliott Taylor , Sam Pollock, Mrs. J. Wesley Thompson; Stewart Brooks, ,Henry "Mrs. Palkowsky (brother-in-law of Mrs. Edna Munn), Melvin Coi- ling and Gordon Farrell. The . meilibership reihains about the same. St. Andrew's has had a good. year financially with all obliga- , tions, met and a surplus to start another year., Everyone was happy that the anialgamatiein with Clarke had worked .so,suc - cessfully. There was a feeling of ood inter.est and moMentum 'in services. • .Miss Christine Robertson report- ed for the U.C.•W•: .Finances are in .good condition, allocation 'of $1350 met, as well as help.to .Rev, -Eric Nelson and a .FOster Mrs. Wallace Pollock sa id the: Women had good IneetingS• with many new faces and new helpers and are starting a new year with 5 Units'. • ,. . Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boyle .feel W.010,oPialf•••••"40 Lucknow, Presbyterian).(hUrch Rev. Glenn Noble, .B.A., ' B.D. Milister Phone 528-2740 FEBRUARY, 6th 10 p.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Mornin Worship Luck.m9w oNITED. CHURCH: Rev. Robert Nicholls., B.A. - - FEBRUARY 6th 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship GUEST SPEAKER Mrs. R. G. Nicholls POINT TO PONDER The way from 'God to a human' heart is through a human heart. S. D. Gordon PAW! TEN . Lutknow Presbyierian Church held their Annual Meeting on Thursday, January 27th in the Sunday School Room. Rev. Glenn: Noble chaired the small 'gathering present for the meeting. Reports of the various. organizations were presented in the printed annual report.. ° Re-appointed to their positions were the auditors, trustees, fin- ancial secretary and treasurer. Following a- business session, the ladies served hinch and re- freshments. the Sunday School viC5E1( has beet strengthened with help of Clarke, They. are still supporting a l'oster Child, Miss Christine Robertson expressed the appreciation of all Andrew's to'irancis and Irene: for their dedicated service, The choir •ate facing a. dialler', ge with the new :hymn hooks but are providing good leadership George Mcponald•tila liked -the choir. and organist. • The T. • is. niet,ting under the leadership 01 ,,1rs, Rouse and Joan Pollard the Ex- plorers are a new group and have Mrs,.' Wayne Cad.otte -,, NU'S . Wayne Nixon and Beverley Smith as leaders, while Mrs...Ivan Cooke,. Mrs. .Albert Middlel<arlip and Mrs, Dan A. :McDonald help with Ivies, sengers. The Young People have been •meeting With Pine River and Bethel. The -bdys attc.'nd Scouts and Cubs. • Elected to' the 'S eSsion for a 6-Year term were Dan A', lc1Doli- aid., Eugene Bridge and from . Olivet.. Elected to Con:Mince of Stewards for a 3 7`. were Harry Coning ,. : crer114 2h, -Bob' Osborne al C,Ibert , Mrs.. Oordoistaillev has eon." tinued to. give her' usual fine ser . vice in.careing Or. the flowets'at church., The Anniversary. will I ,L'1teld on June lith. A eoi,-•• appointed to do so!!)(' for this'event. All pleas* in the U;i4on t•itnic: fe holiday time. , It•would added help of Oli.vi t, 1.0.: ;ca:: St. Andrew's-can lookio.:\N-'1,l to. a fine fellOwsliip.tiikh,•,.t;lit,• ca;:- able, leadership of '',Mr. o'::1•11. • Ashfield Church Holds Annual • .ASHFIELD, NEWS • • Rev Kenneth ,Rooney opened' the Annual Meeting of ,Ashfield Presbyterian ChUrch with pra\e: and. scripture reacting. Mrs. \\';', Ross read the _minutes of the last meeting. Mr.. Rooney gave a su;innari of the t'e'ar.. Reports were read as follows, The Sessionb\,' Win. • Ross,' clerk. Of the-Session; Sun- day-.School by 'Gordon Robb, .Sup. erintendent; Board of tent, Finlay MacDonald; the Donald Sig son; •Trelasurer of W.. , .Mrs. Win . • RosS', Finine ial• a nd • Budget, Mrs. •AllanMat DO najd ; Presbyter. ia,n)Record , I.1rs. .11enry Aachen, zie; 'AuditorS ., Donald Simpson. 'The retiring ina rid :er , -Fa rrish Jim Mac Kenzie and. Jim West were returned for a second term, also the auditors Dorlald Simpson and. Dun( Allen. . • Ewan Iv.lac Lea it/reported $1.3. collected for the Bible Society. Church Service wi11 heat 11 a.m. froth February v till August and Church School at the sa:ne time, ant Shrivr 44 St. Andrew's United Church in Ripley, Annual Meeting Reports Successful yea MONUMENTS • For .sound-counsel-andFa-fair-price-o correctly designed 'from quality niaterial,. rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS Pat '1:1' Hagan,. Prop.. Established. Over Sixty Years VALKERION PHONE 681:0214 . 'ONTARIO'