HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-26, Page 21Home owners can now reduce payments BY AS MUCH AS HALF You as home owner are now eligible for a low cost second or third mortgage loan from $2,000 to $25,000 at reduced monthly Payments. -Find-out-how a low-costhome-ownei-loan-can--pay-all-your- , bills; give you additional cash if required and at the same , time reduce your monthly payments by as much as half. Find out how easy it is to get your loan approved . approve . . witlury 24 hours. You can call to 10 p.m. today for helpful courteous' service, Prompt investment Corp„ Ltd., 330 Bay St. Toionto. Call collect 366-9586, :evenings 231-8146, v ,.., 0 I n Early last year, The Sentinel onducted a local writing contest n co-operation with the Canad - an Weekly' Newspapers Associa= ion. Eleven entries were receiv- !d in 'Our liometo.wn Paper" coni-J )etition and after publishing them n The Sentinel, they were sub- flitted to the Canadian competi- ion which was judged by Peter ;. Newman, editor of MacLean's rjOzine. Mr. Newman had the follow. ing cdannents about the entries: 7 have gone through the entries and Entry r ' ep.NESPAY, FEBRUARY 2, 197 'THE LAK.Know SENTINEL, k,OcKNO10.4, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN Hometown Paper' Contest that farmers support this type of . • It has been reported that with in five years time „ the .Ontario Stockyards in Toronto.. may have to be reloated, n.such-is. to or take . Place o we -e el would icogsuagl location that there than where the livestock' is prod,- u .c.Qa.1 Certainly Grey* Bruce' are noted livestock produc-. ing counties, with Bruce having a very large volume of beef „ so it seems. reasonable to follow that every-consideration should be given to locate the stockyards in this general area. "Thispract 7 ice has found inuch'favour in the United States. If this-suggestion is to gain momentum it needs, to be promoted-.now ,'and certain-. ly Councils support would be most encouraging. Pork,producers in 'the laSt 12 - months have faced a period of • -severely depressed prices, caused in part by the low of -the hog eye•-• les but multiplied in severity by overprOduetion.of prairie grain. A.viewpoint that should.find unanimity' both , eaSt.and.'West ,is • that every effort should be ,made to remedy the •prOblems of proclue- tion and .marketing prairie grain for the "stability of grain produc- erS.and•so that the•problems of this cornitioditydo". not cause ca m ito -income losses...in. the' live stock,sector.. -.Therefore we would 'favour a , of .grain. stabilization , .strongly supported by the Govern- ment'of,Canada. Though the goVerrinierit has withdra -wn their. legislation (Bill•C-244) the.- recent conference of 'Ministers reached agreement With-a. fdlid. of. billiOndollars. created; for., t°n could aidses. ' Such a • .grA isltiea absiuli re a ct prodUcers to remain rnor&cdmpet.: itive -in world markets',against. the assistance programs or devices employed by other.Countries'.. . On the ,matter of interprovin Cialrelations .within Canada note that the recent annual • meeting of the United' Grain Gpiwers proposed that the .Canad- ian Wheat Board permit free . movement 'of grain.interprovin-- • cially in the :four western prOvin- ees ...We'sUbriait'that -there be free Dies Fallowing Shoettlin6s. • Under the suggested proposal of a new tax credit system.; we maintain that unless there 'is fixIl retention of both the i3asic Shel- ter Grant and the 25%.tax rebate, .have picked the entry by, Joan Stuchberry in-the Peninsula Times 'as the winner, Believe it was not -an easy .hoice and I was frankly 'amazed at the high qual ity of the contributions, It also gave me a chance to' read some of the weekly newspapers being published in Canada apd I ain now convinced that much of the best writing being done in this.country is appearing in this little-knoWn media," - • . Winner :in the contest was Mrs. Joan -P, .Stucliberry of .0ra.nthanas . 1 Ontario. farmers will finCtliem- selves ina worse position than the system we have now:. We ask why new piecemeal changes are•pro'7-' posed instead of taking ploper steps to 'correct the inequitiei that exist •inthe taxation system...' • With..theneW. Federal taxation . system 'comprising a CapitarGains Tax , we have' reque.sted,.that due contideration he given td a pro- gram of explanation,so that farm people Might be in.a. position to take advantage Of any 'cOncessions .that Might .be available to them and prevent family farms from becoming a thing of the :past. We have al • • -,•19.i be. allowed to apply•their operat- ing losses agzkinst a.ny :inc.ome. - derived from capital gains. We haVemaintain.ed our reddest foe amendments to the • . Canada Pension -Plan. At the pros em time . farmers pay into the . Plan according to their net, in- te • ,,___whic-i-Lai&L.fluctuate Treat ay .froM. year tOr.year , so that.pay- ments into. the Plan are not uni- form.and result 'in a low pension on retirement. We.submit that , this is unrealistic 'and that self- employed persons, such as farm- ers , .be entitled to 4pay into the. Canada Pension Plan at full rate, or as alternative, on a five „),u'imore.farmers are . yak ingtheir concern that regula- tions to control' pollution/will' sev- erely 'limit their' farming opera - t ion'S .. 'At the' sa me tirne , we rec - ognize the. need. for controls. • We' suggest that pollution abatement is.of advantage to the 'producer but rather is in tne best interest of society. Therefore society 'as a whole shoUld share the costs 'of any benefits; .particularly when.. farmers can not pass this cost 'onto consumers. A foregiveable loan pro gra nito. encourage farmers 'to establish 'pollution abatement measures should .be established We feel that marketing boards must becoMe more involved in international trade and.'comenerce. It 'appears that some cOrnmOdity representatives are doing a -better job of 'selling . their products on world markets,than the govern- ment has been able to do- We. -a-3-.1--e---a_ske__ci-our_Menibers of Parlia ment t6.assist marketing ..boardsir, setting up negotiations with the proper people dealing with. ex- ports and so improve•total economy of'our country by sales of agricultural.products. ' The Federation has always been astaurich supporter producer .' decked marketing boards. While. maintaining the System -, it also needs', to, be strengthened, and up' dated Ire our opinion considera- tion Must he given to aniendments to the. Farm Products Marketing Act: to cnablc'it to' work in the best interests of legitimate produc' ers to prevent an occurrence of this' past summers proposed egg ' vote. • The Federation has been . tett g i slationjO r some time to help co-ordinate. the activities of provincial itiark- etitig boards, an& we arethere- ...fore pleased withthe recent pas.- sing of the Federal Nlarl<eting Act -in the I louse of COmmons.', ROM the series of meetingsheld,Iast ,stnimer, , 1t is quite evident • Landing, British Columbia. Her hometown' paper is The Peninsula `Nines, Sechelt, D.C. published by Stewart 13. Alsgard. Joan - StuChberry and Mr. Alsgard each received $3(10 and ,N1rs,. Stuoh- berry also received a medal. The journalism award was sponsored b; Dominion Textile. Co. The Sentinel regrets the delay in announcing the winner of this contest. • • • The winning submission is re- printed as follows: Bruce County Federation of Agiriculture Makes -Tek -Coontl.f Council .. Whqt,my local paper: means to nie By Mrs. JOin P. Stuchberry, Gratithams Landing arrow and with a more desirable effect: A paper needs the courage to make. our A newspaper should be like a woman; public 'officials smart. a little when they are-provocative all the time, not prone to gossip, remiss in their duties. sure of its ground but very aware: of all that IS Local business needs its pages to advertise going on. , , and compete with all their Services. , A local newspaper encompasses the whole It 'must beat the drum for progress with spectrum of life from birth notices to anticipation of better things to come; praise obituaries, our accomplishments .and our the organizations, it helps them try a little failures are duly reported. . harder, followed by constructive criticism to The written word is poWerful and that help them correct their faults. power should be used with care. Mean make. An editor is an author who 'must write a live or destroy ideas and people. best seller every week or go out of business: a- lt must often write with a sense of humor; kind of ',Don Quixote" who must jump on his. . if we can laugh at our own problems it can lift horse a n' ride off in all directions at once in the burden and monotony of everyday life. order to meet his press deadline, a modern A su tleArarb-,eloakeiri-h-tithor,reah-efterida-y-rhartyr indeed,--who--:,is-damned if_he.does._ • reach its target much faster than the poisoned and damned if he 'doesn't. volottothethementlithoththemettteitifttitetttittyhflthettettothothettteuttlftwhiettettyiitetthitttettleithitthintettht“10 ..-se-,---,--,-.....--di-...-.."--,40-Ne-40"."....0--40-Ni".-,r-sr.e.,...","!-4--,#.7.40-,d.-..---o-v-sir--,. MRS,, ELIZABETH simpsqN. Elizabeth Simpson of LOolcnow passed away 'on Monday, January, 24 , in her.88th year in the Wingham And District HosOter al -after -a short illness. ' , • She was: the former Elizabeth Ferguson, third daughter and fourth child of Mary White and. Alexander Ferguson of the .5th Concession,; 01.1ross Township. She attend-ed. 'S. S. # 3, ciiiross. In July .1914.," she married Simpson and lived , Kincardine for 2 years before taking up residence on Lot 29; Concession 5, of Culross Town- ship., In 1955'they,moved, to -• . Lucknow.. A faithful member of the Lang- side Presbyterian Church, she. was kir many years the church organ- ist and a teacher in the Sunday -School. She was also a life member of the Women's Mission7 ary -Society.. Her talents included oil painting and. rug making. Throughout her life she enjoyed music and she had a fine alto voice . . current and* world- eVents-, she continued act- ive and h'er•years•in Lticknow were.. • 'happy - ones. In 196.'0 she was.pred-eCeased ly 'her .husband and, in1943.by a .daughterNiurdean; :Surviving are' three 'sons, Arthur TOrorito;.'Hugh,, Whitechurch; Douglas., Teeswater; one• da tighter Jim Henderson (Mary). o f .Luc know; and '13 'grand - children.... • • Pallbearers were John McKin- • non of .C..‘ult-o-ss.,. a' long time neighbotir and' school day friend; two nephe,ws,,James ,Wilson of , 'London and- John NOrrnan.of.tor, onto; . and...three grandsons , Mur- ray Simpson of Whiteehurch and • Jim and John Henderson of Luck- now. The late Mrs.' Simpson rested . at the MacKenzie Funeral Home, Lucknow until 'Weelnesday of last • week, when at 2 p.m. the funer- aLservice'mas' conducted by the' Rev Glenn Noble, of the Luck- now Pres1Syterian Church where she was a mer en.ker. Temporary entombment tookplace in South Kinlosss Mausoleum With spring urial damp. an. •anw i 4now..impa. Amp .4.05. •asum. gimp 41810. With Two Big Coolers, We Are Able To Hang Your Beef From 1' To 3 Weeks — Whatever Your Requiri-ments Are For Home Freezers We' Self Choice Home Killed Beef,. Pork and Lamb In' Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing Prices ALL MEATS ARE, GOVERNMENT IWECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION .. CHAS. HOOISMA, PROP. . ABATTOIR 395-2905' STORE 395-2961 'AGENT FOR BP OIL LTD. GASOLINE' —• DIESEL — HEATING FUE!.., AND • • OTHER FARM PRODUCTS _—..24 `HOUR BURNER-SERVICE ---I-PARTsA:NSURA;NCE- . TRUCKS RADIO EQUIPPED FOR SERVICE WHOLESALE RETAIL DIAL t28,3006 OR 528-3616 A . . VI LUC KNOW,' ONTARIO Bud" Hamilton Onc again it, is our pleasure. to have s opportunity of reporting to Col: ty Council and dis-Cuising som of the probleins 'fading the agricultural industry.., We' Would. also tp'ke this "opportunity to . extend .eongratiliations to the • Warden 'and:members of the- ; Bruce County Council who. :have `.received the'honourof iepiwnt ing'their municipalities ..at County level., . The Federation baS•maintained its stand that property should be , taxed to' finance' services to prop- erty, but that property shouldn't' ,betaxed to' finance services to peepleLIVe_have. continued of request-of proVindial' government . to take over .the complete respon- sibility of financing education, raising the fiunds by taxes that take 'into.ac,count,ability to pay; While we appreciate• the assistance of . 'the 2'5;'0 tax, rebate which farmers are receiving,•this is` notthe answer to the problem. RIPLEY ABATTOIR Custom •Butchering — Curing and Smoking Cutting and Wrapping — Sausage Making — Fast Freezing ANN. HOGS AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS CATTLE ONLY ON FRIDAYS • • .