HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-26, Page 20FOR ALL YOUR SEED ROUIREMENTS See Your Co-operative first ALFALFA CLOVER end GRASSES Puseisirlioft RENTAL RATE FOR .ARENA. will, .be Intreaseirto• ._$10: per hour EFFECTIVE:FEBRU4V1Y 12th. woovw ARENA COMMITtEE RIPLEY MINUTES EDITOR Beverley Smith ASSISTANTS — Bryan Boyle, Sherry Pollock, Barry MacDonald, )Mary MacCharles various "Stiperititions".• . All speakers deserve credit' for taking the extra effort. to attempt, the difficult task.of presenting, • •• their ability and cour&ge to an au ieTrere -.-" DRAMA CLUB Auditions, are being held within the Drama Club for the three act play "A-Fendin' OVer Yonder- which is a. hill-billy comedy. ThiS Will be 'the.- first time in• rec- ent years, that a- three act play, has been- attempted . Another' first, is the Drama Festival being held 'in • 1411-at the *-g-e-e4--mioaLz... archT7.- The date for presentation pley. will, be announced later. Treat Injuries At Hospital * PAGIE PUBLIC SPEAKING The oratory flowed in RDHS on `January '26 as the' annual public speaking contest was held with sq- i, -•froM the .Luck- i now AngliCan church and-LeOriard Courtney, representative fOr the . Bruce County Board of. Education, • offiCiating as judges. .AlthOugh slightly unprepared- , eight speakers, including 'Junior and Senior divisions • faced an audience of approximate- ly, one hundred folloW'sehool- ; mares:Wl.rinet of the 'Senior competition was defending champ. • -ion ,Bryan Boyle With his speeCh. •' on "change". : Runner-up Was Sherry Pollockwho•voiced the advantages of vacationing in Bruce County. ,Other .Contestants were Ahhe -Statvlc with "Habits", • Sally Elliott. on "Enthusiasm" and. Dianne MacKay with "Going over Niagara Falls", CarOl. MacKay took the junior . category with."Pain7 while Nan-- cy McGuire tookrimner-up hon- ours with "Cure for Ccimmon . Colds:".: 'The Other speaker ' con-. ..testing this•division wasPatti-l\lac - Donald who acquainted us•with CEREAL GRAIN FOR AGES CO-OP BIG BONUS Corn Hybrids Al; latest and best recommended varieties "RIGHT FOR YOUR FARM" LOCHASH Andrew' 13arkwell returned home front Hospital in Wingliatn. hie is spending some time with Mr. and Nits. JOhn MacDonald,of the 2nd Concession, William Stewart is a patient in Wing,bani Hospital, Rod ,FinIziy.sOtt of ietrofi.a s.ppot the week end with his parents Mrs. Gordon Fiulayson.•• . Mr. and Mrs.':Atlee Wise III and baby daughter of Ohio arex,.- visiting' Mr, arid Mrs..) Wellingtorr Webster.: Kenneth and David Farrish are makino.:. goad shOwing On the Teesw ter Hockey team.. ':rood going lads. • Mrs. Wm. Farrish is a patient tut Wingham hospital, .having undergone surgery. Shower Saturday For Bride Elect. a prize, Iv.:llace,Conr. E humorous :coding, "AccoUnt'of a W " R.on a reattin,..' "1-here was a ,..•:" thereroo" r‘rtuecl,e\--4,4% A :1 car and truck•aceident On Highway 4 North of Bel- grave occurred i4a frd'int of Norrl.:- an Cook's farr.-, Police and Departnien: ways had difficulty gettin: tc: the scene, ,,I,Iccause of stet.-- weather conditions. lerrIc shall, agc j\;,-• . was. - ing ,y,ing1-13::•,-. ant waF...:4•; collision: with a truce whicf, wns travellinif\-South, drive: of secant., C.8 involvec in a re47-eWc. :c1111Fws. with the :,1*.arghall ;s::. • • shall was; adn'-.ittese. riL.,sp.t.:i.' , r:.: 1:k with he..ac.. rib init.ries. ..Cond`itior tor, , Ale.' Near aZ.0 In erso1l:v f:: o: seven, w_as ad':•••••,izre,:, to s. ier,r fro:- shoe , nes: . r•ir, bone •in'iuries.. lb\•oslIzate‹. Salzct . , '.c .7‘ ' L WEDNESDAY,, 'FEBRUARY 1, 1972. TAKE NOTICE THAT THE ANNUAL, MEETING. OF. THE PRODUCER MEMBERS OF THE . BRUCE COUNTY' • • • • PORK PRODUCERS .ASSOCIATION: WILL BE CONVENED' AT THE HOUR OF 1;00 on Monday, February 14th, 1972 AT THE FORMOSA COMMUNITY CENTRE, FORMOSA for the purpose of the proper business of the annual meeting A complimentary noon luncheon will be served to all in attendance between the hour of 12:00 noon and 12:45 p.m. Mac Inglis, Prosident Bob Misch,.i*cretery Public Speaking ZION Time Again Mr. arid Mrs. Frank Ritchie .c!- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hurtle! One bred to Milton on Saturday :e It. is Public Speaking time. visit Mrs. Mary McAuley again in Huron County schools.. ton Centennial Manor. c . Thus fax we have,: escaped the Auley keeps in fairly goo, !.L.:1ff: storms which So badly'upset • and wished to,be reme:!. tc scho.olS and schedules in 197.1. • all her friends in Lucknow . This year there is,i3 new lodk. to Public Speaking, The Ontario.. Miss Nancy Kirkland PUblic•School Trustees', AsSocia.-. wisdom tooth extracted ..t Lon.o; tiOn which, along with Ontario Dental Clinic 'on Wednt.,. Hydro ,• has sponsored the contests which caused her intic since 1927., has decided that it is' Due to this she was ur,..1. time•more-stress, was:tut-On: the_ _ auekid teachinz e art of impromptu speaking.. in addition to the usual prepared speach eacti'Conte.stant will he re4.uired te answer qtre.-stions :by the judges on further aspects..Of • To Contest i e the ap proachs Speaking .Haswhat .Hasformerly ,called the Public the Oral Communications Festi\ - al. This year' a possible thirty -t,wo schools could be Huron., So preli',.:inar contests. are being hel.c.J.,at Our Lady of Mount Camel S'ehoel and •a • and Clinton Puhlic Schools on Fedr.uary first ; second and th respectiv el \ . Fro. these_ nine contestants in all w ill he chosen.for the finals in Cling - non,on Febrita eleventh,. The winner there ill he eligible, 'to enter the Zone filial at ,T,Iencoe on February nineteenth. The pro\ incia: cones: v,:11 he at . the Edward She'ator. hotel ir. - 61, The cot:\ enc....for the El:::-••ient- Schoo.contes:', CHRYSLER - DODGE PLYMOUTH 156--* VOLKSWAGEN with radio - 196. FORD 4 door. 8 automatic: power steering. radi 196+ PLYMOUTH 4 door, 8 autoinatic with. radic 196i nOPGE-1.. door hardtop. 8 automatic and radi , 196' YORD 4 dOof. 6 automatic, radio • c now District Co-op php.p.‘p 528..2125 :Norris Shoerriacker,age .31,' Wroxeter., was thrown Off his snow- mobile 'in Wroxete: J-anuar\''.'25 and injured his' left knee.. •He was treated,and released. Ir.y.estigat- •ed by.C.).F.P. - , David Ablitt , age :41., Wing- ham, was driving East 'on..the County Road between Auburn and Blvth , 1 mile, east of Atiburf: on JanUary 2S and following a 'snew plough. During an interval 'when the snow was blowin\-; off trees.' 'causing poor visibility, he: struck the rear of the snow plough., llc received:a :lacerated chin ati,1,w,1 treated and released.. Investigat- eo WHITECHURCH NEWS On Saturday evening January 29.tha miscellaneous shower was held in .Whitechurch Community Hall for Donna Caslick be ,..claughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Bill Caslick •of Culross. There were around 50'in attendance. When Donna arrived she was escorted to a decorated seat Can- opied by an arch of pink stream- ers and pink wedding bells to music tnit 7-e---earries. the Bride„, played by Mrs. 'Nelson. Pickell of Tedswatet.. Miss Alma Cortnpresideld for the programme. of contests and readings. Mrs. Jim,•Taylorcon7 ducted an oral contest. Miss• Alma Conn conducted a contest and the person holding the most' -cards, Mrs. Brian Cas.lickof . . London, received a prize:, The lady•with a birthday nearest Jan•-' nary •2.9"th. was Frankie Renwick of Teeswater. 'Those having a• Wedding anniversary nearest the date 'of Donna's wedding 1 was',Mrs. Ross NiCtIle and.M:s. .C.0072C. Marshal...Both 'receives .any th ;. ‘1.It1;\ the. ss1srl,r ti thk: ..7:;. Ledo: :e.. to h. IC : b.1,-. ,!..ah: ariL Saner,. 1.:;01:-,: ... F:... 1 .::'. ' ....... 1 liC,}.„ Th e' ',..15i ... .-iii .. ..;:171k. 1.7ti1:'. is.. ,. lica::: wi.:•,....;, ,....,;0%., (anti ,.. S,ca.lopc... e,......g... ,-...,:::..:::•,,.. . • ,•••)ow y,,-...'-.,..,:c,, or .........:'-s.,:%.:•1,..,•:-.• 1 4.::: roc ::: ,..., ee w 6 . U. 7•'..:::%' 1 ,.'hin,I .A.,,:rt. Lieet ..,,,- t.::;:. -.14c.: 1 ‘,..1t:;,-! , 7:11e\A•s„,t', S -1eCt 0...:.... i‘ir- ..;::,...: ;01,c; .:•....:•‘,...:-. • 61:41 aa • rionscr• Or Before . . find hittisel!'fart:o...1, .• s.•-•,•r% that he said 1`,:nerser,. .THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, .13KKHOW, ONTARIO his topic. • ing the/remainder of „ Many fathilies have 'with the flu during 'the ; Miss'Donna RitchiL • and her.roorn-'mate t:,reory of.Lindsa) sr.:. • ! • end.at. Donna's hon.:A.‘„, . girls'mtend Western • •• 1,Ondon, . Trinity Youth •L social evening and wo - w th thy young: peoi: i. s Church at **,;.:' Sunda\ evening Yarn,„ 1.Nallace , has .atinOurf:,,, the first 'time Liu.-o: • he prizes fbr the thrt ers on February Maple Leaf Chapte• Lioderich, is donat0;. 'pair of book-ends t,' p.rize winner ant' a w,... each of the'second wirinerc 'inntzitio the: prizes' for t11C Lip: incial contests.. PHONE 3573862, 1969 PLYMOttf-I 4 dodr, automatic and. radio 1968 DODGE. Coronet .500 Convertible, power ,steeru5g . brakes and radio 11466 CHRYSLER 2: door hardtop • 1968 FALCON 2 door..6 automatic with radio 1968 PISMO-11H 4 door. 8 'automatic and radio 198 CHRYSLER .4 door. sedan, power steering, brake;!, and radio 1964 'PONTIAC 4 door sedan, 8 automatic, power .tec7.174. 196' PLYMOUTIT.4 doOr, 6 automatic and radio . 196': PLYMOUTH. 4 door, 6 standard 196" FORD Custom ..2 door. 8 automatic with radio 106" DODGE_Monaco 2 dobi- hardtop. 8 autornatic Pmwr steering, brakes and radio WEPT Wi Lai condi in co tan ed in petit' in Th mitte . ma a Mr cb,mn have CO a One have t to Co. agrit also ti . extent Warde Bruce reeeiv ,level, :The its,sta taxed erty, ,be .ta; PP-p1 reque .total sib' lil raisin into. we aj 'the 2 are n answl Uni Of a man reCet ter' t_ Nam iak• 'massoarbmdimrorogo.'"'"°"iglig.!