The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-26, Page 19• es ralanISPIPPOIPPIPIPIPOI% , LETTER. TO THE tofToit ' ':, : • .., . • • la* • _ ffildR,• ,,,, . _ . . SALE.1. Sends Information. iv On Hog Payments __.:. ... large bar n, Lucknow area. Dear Don, Enclosed . is some information a, Is this 3 bedroom brick bung st - • alow, wall'to wall broadloom • • 4 piece bath and 2. piece wash n - ei room, recreation room: Elect- • rically heated. Ideal location 'a for retirement. • • n • n FARM ITH CREEK :, 200 acres, 150 workable, 40 27t Ottawa , Ontario,. acres of bush. 1 h storey 4 bed- ; ▪ room home with full basement : Jan. 1972. • ▪ Just 4listed. and to • • • • .SEE IT TO • BELIEVEIT• • on the present consideration being • n to U a • given to the deficiency payment on- hogs for 1971. I am sure it would be appreciat. ed by all your subscribers interest- ed in IlOg production if you' would' see fit to print this in an early edition. Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow , (Ontario. -REAL ESTATE, 14E' I,V;RNOW":SENTINFI,...X.Y;KNOW., ONTARIO . PIMP F11/111. INSURANC-E FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY • To Protect Your Jack, Insuie With Jack Today, J. A. McDONAGH Lucknow, Phone 528-3423 FAKING OF SPEECHES Heather 13oyie )n January 21, Ripley Public' lool held its public speaking :test in the gymnasium. [he speakers placed in this er: 1st Billy Rutledge , Topic , king a Speech; .2nd Robbie :ton, Topic, Rabies; 3rd .Leanne, rrell, Topic, Stanps; 4th Con- ! Irwin, Topic , Anna Swan. Other speakers and their topics re: Jane Ann Coiling; Olympic imes; Clarke' Aitken, Boston sins;. Ina Farrell, Baying Goo Anion of YourSelf; Dawna Rut- ige , A Trip to Manitoulin - Land; Karcn McGarvey, Partridge TRIP Family; Julie Johnston, Steven Monday, January 24, our TruSCbt, e one class went to the hospit To the winners, good luck in We weren't even sick!! future speaking contests! iss13ell and Mr. Mitchell • :.us to all the parts of the )ital. We saw a striekeebed, heart room and even the nur At the hospital, they served lot chocolate and cookies. .fter that, we went .to the fire The fire chief let us Wear oxygen masks and we heard. siren. 7ur trip was fun! 405DAY, 'FEBRUARY! 20:1972 RIFLE LISTOWEL CHISHOLM. FUELS HEATING! OILS SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS LUCKNOW 0e2 1 oeP 1-0,4cric 04147 soys .1=3 . „ Phone 529-7524 or 524-7681 FREE BURNER SERVICE Products For Farin, Home and. Industry (jfQ ' ItAir 4:11kik." 0/4//100Y la I/AS mut r KNe4,..1 rooar's si4N L4w4y,ate MacKENZIE, O.D. Optometrist GHTS I BUSINESS • . • a a Sales of over $50,000 per year, • • 'n 3 bedroom living quarters iii- : III eluded, with easy terms, in a a the 'Kincardine area. U n a '• a n • • WANTED LISTINGS We are in urgent need of list- • • •_ ▪ ings — acreages with water; ; ▪ and farms. Have buyers for El • hOrnes in the' Lucknow area, • •1 n n • • • Chapman . • i Realty Limited lexander_an •-•••••--,•-•••• The regulations for deficiency payments on hOgs call for the amount of the deficiency pay-. ' merit to bring the annual price • 80M of .the-reyuotu 10-,year average price for hOgs. . . •••n ••••ii••••••••••••••• FOR SALE sille ammiemeimo IN LUCICNOW EVERY WEDNESDAY Located in .Breckles Block Phone 520-2320 ' IN 'RIPLEY EVERY FRIDAY In Ross Martyn Building •Phone Wing,ham Office 357.3630 — Res. 357-2330 A. M. HARPER CHARTERED' ACCOUNTANT 55 - 57 South Street, Goderich Telephone 524-7562 ELECTRIC .HEATING, ELECTRIC _11 WIRIG AND REPAIRS , ; and le ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES dro Financing Available Lucknow — Phone 528-5802 Buy Direct and Save Bus. 'Ph. 357.1910 Res. Ph. MacKENZIE MEMORIAL CHAPEL 1V-E RAL SSE R V4 E Services 'conducted according to your wishes at your .Home', your Church, or at" our Mem- ' orial Chapel at no additional charge. . • Lucknow, Phone 528402 Day or. Night TED COLLYER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing In MEMORIALS :direct lighting. Immense living: $15.,"). • • GUARANTEED GRANITES n room, artificial fireplace. Rec-I! CEMETERY LETTERING: :reation room under renovation.. 197 JOSERFIWE STREE1- e':' REASONABLE- P-RIC-ES-- WINGHAM, PHONE 357-1224 R. BRAY a : • au ! • . a •. 3574015 DON HOLST REAL :1 „a ' • . n n in • n n :alow, Electric heat. Paved road: linear town: el t • a • N. EDGE OF TOWN : n Large 2 story'brick, 4 bedroonis.s I Kitchen - ' dining, family' room: acothbined. Beamed ceilings, ini.n • • good farm. Don't miss it. $40,000 el : full' price, "2 down, owner will•hold d ►ikem rest at 8%. • Enver.' Modern 3' bedroombung-• TRY YOUR OFFER •Lot' 179' x 214'. Priced to sell at! 6-• ;0007 Terms at-V/4% : ESTATE LTD., :i REALTORS, n WINGHAM "I' Wilfred Mcintee a 'RURAL ONTARIO a • , . • • • n a na n WALKERTON n , a : Rosalind Hodgins ! Member of the Grey ands Bruce a : R.R. 2 HOLYROOD a n : List M.L.S. OVer 60 Salesmen Phone 395:2337 or 395-2634 in • Working For Your n MAITLAND RIVER FloWs across this scenic 30.: acres. 15 acres clear. Ideals landing.' strip. Priced at $7900: with $4,400 down. 3 ► • • , • DON'T MISS THIS — 75 acre hobby 1 farm ideal for the: working man. _n _ There -is a large 4 bedroom modern- ized home, that' is nicely landscap- ed. This farm is set up for, beef and hogs with a good, bank barn, Reasonable down . payinent with good terms. • • •n • • • • Multiple Listings 'Service 1This 'farm is set up with steel stabl- e ing, gutter cleaner, milking mach- ines, milk house with bulk cooler and many other extras. There. is a real good modernized brick home with 5 bedroomS. This is a real HOUSE -TRAILER — 10', X 37', 2 bedrooms, batlroom, kitchen and living room, oil furnaCe. Total price $2,500. 5 ACRES with large barn and a good 6 bedroom brick house. Price 150 'ACRE DAIRY FARM on Hwy. If you're thinking of buying or selling in the. Ripley to Kirdoss area, contact , ALLEN McARTHUR e* AT FISHERMAN'S COVE CLAM LAKE. AGENT FOR Co., • • GODERICH, ONTARIO a • . • It. Lucknow Office , : 'RANCH STYLE brick home, 12 : a years old with double garage, On- E • 528-2031 . taming large, kitchen, living room, I n 3 bedrooms, plus. den, :all this on a • : BARRY McDONAGI4i. ?I .2 acres; kicated--7--miles-Iner REP. ' • right at : $16,000. a LucknoW on • paved road. Priced • • - PHONE 291-1511 E Res. 528-1821 , 358.ACRE beef farm, this will n : • . • .-' • handle 250 to 300 head, has 3 silos 11111 n 110aanwasanastd nnn !nnn i with part auger feeding. Large 5 rn — - in T bedroorn_modernized home in good • NI , condition. This farm is well:Inc.& • . a • n , and is real good corn land. Full • r • m price: $90,000 with $40,000 down, n i le • in pod terms at 7%. It has now been established that 8(.60 of the 10-year average prey - .tons to 1971 was $24.14 per 1=d-, red. The 1911 average price has been established at only 47 cents per hundred Ma of the 10 year average. - Hog producers have made strong recommenda6ons to the 'government that in view of-the • higher costs of production plus the lower prices encountered because ' of the American surtax, that the regular formula should not be fol- lowed but that- there should be con siderably higher deficiency pay- rrienq made for 1971. 'This .matter is now under consid eration by the Minister of Agricul~ lure and the Cabinet, The Offic , iaL Opposition ha's supported the hog producers and has made strong .representations to the Minister. The Minister Of Agriculture had given a, commitment last fall that there would be extra consider. atibn given in assessing the def- iciency payment because of the American surtax and other factors. It is expected a government an- nouneerrient will be made very shortly. •Cipv pi& GIVE THE E00119 .10.4 ,i4EPE4 witO.W.velm YOU! ramer.,- 10004.0.040.0410.0.4 00,011,0,0n 041 FOR SALE RECREATION PROPERTY — 212 acres; 80 acres' bush and approx- imately 60 workable acres. GoOd -stream; ideal' for snowmobiling, hunting. Four 'bedroom log home and barn 32 x 50;' also drilled well. Listed at $14,-01Kike-us-an-offer. RED and WHITE grocery store, well located in a thriving village in Huron County, established for. 25 years. Living quarters are lo- cated above the store. The gross Sales, are $65,000. Listed at $21,900 plus stock. TermS available. EXCELLENT BUILDING SITE, ideally located on a paved road in, Ashfield Twp.; 10 acres of rolling acreage. Good barn 40 x 60. mediate possession. 2 BAY. GARAGE, snack bar and 5 bedroom home; highway location. Two pumps and 2 service ..trucks and all equipment. Possession and terms can be arranged. . 3,20_&CRE&a,,,,LesAsash crop land in Ashfield Twp. 210 acres work- able and balance hardwood and cedar bush. If you feel you •can .use some additional land, look this over soon. WE HAVE a' cash buyer for- a 200 acre farm, barn must be suited for beef; a good brick or modern- ,ized frame home is desired; level land would be preferred. We also have several cash buyers for homes. and_small_holdings inf_the Lucknow area. If you are thinking of buying or have property for sale, give us a call. M. WARREN ZI'NN Phone 529-7250 -11clittee WALKERTON Member of the Crey ,and Bruce Multiple Listings Service 1,ist M.L.S, — Over 60 Salesmen Working For You . Yours sincerely, R. E. McKinley, M.P. , Huron, Chairman, P. C. Agriculture Caucus • Committee. • DEFICIENCY PAYMENT ON HOGS FOR 1971 R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor,• LISTOWEL, ONTARIO ' INIUCKNOW ,Every_Wedoesday and Saturday Afternoon Office in the Joynt Block Teleiihone: Lucknow 528-3116 RAWFORD and MILL • J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. ALAN, R. MILL, LL.B. ROSS E. DAVIES, B:A., L.L.B. WINGHAM R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST —GODERICH 'The Square • (Phone JAckson 4-761.1) WINGHAM DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Po •• 4