HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-26, Page 15:4e.nds,
In North On
Expetiniental Work
Passes EXCIIT1
Bev and Dan Tellefson of Miss•°-
'Lssauga r.e the proud
)arnts of the New Years:N.11y.
borb at 'Nliss.issauga Hospital at
New .Years Day, .
The neW.arr4val has been nam.-:
2(1 Richard 'Kent and-Weighed in
it lbs, , 7 1/2 'oz. lie is. a broth
r for Bradley and .Dani Jane.
Mrs. Toilefson is the former
Beverley Stanley of Kirilough,
daushter of. Mr.. and Mrs. :Ezra'
Stanley of LucknoW, She/
and her hithband Dan recentivpur-
Chased the property of Na.t Thom
-son:at' the -2ndof•-•-Kin-loss a-ndLs-pgnd
sorne: of their week ends in this
• WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY - 1972, Single C9py 15:c 16 Paws $4,00. A 'year In, Adyanw,..L. 'PAO Extra To P.A.A. •
New Years. Baby Barn. At
. • -
Transferred To
Peterborough Bank
Mother Passes
In Peterborough
The•death of Mrs: George
'(Frances ML )Nicholls,. Mother 'of
Admission Totatillountlikt Wingham
Hospital, 236 Reported In December
her husband and, one daughter Mrs
Anne loning, both of Peterbor-
ough a-nd four sons Rev Robert
Nicholls of Luckii9w , David Nich-
Oils Of Ga rnpbellliord , Donald
Nicholls of Whitby' and Allan
Nich011s of Thunder pay.
.e • •
The management repOrt
ented by Robert Ritter showed'.
-ntirsi-rig records as 24 graduates ,,
4 part-time, 43.RNA's full time;
3 1/2 .iiart-tirne, 2'nursing assis—
tantslull tirne,;.(3.ord.erliei, 2
ward clerl(s and 1 in'the central
supply reom.'•Employees sick
days' totalled 128, 1/2.
• There were 64 ambulance calls
and underlie heading of dietary
7,403 patient mealtrwere served,. Bruce County. Council expects
to be ready to call tenders in
March for a prOpoSed addition to
Orucelea Haven Home for the •
aged in Walkerton. h .
The additiOn wi'il'provided
19,6.20 additional square feet of
floor spaCe.
Bruce County council authoriz-
ed the 1972 county homes cam=
,rnittee under chairman Lloyd
Yohnsion to accept tender if' it
does not exceed the elemental
estimate of $549,000.
The total additon and furnish-
Sunday, January 30th. at 2 p.m..
interment was on Monday•in •
Little Lake Cemetery, Peterbor ,
ed that receipts for December
were $124 , 676. 63 , disburserients
totalled $129 ,304,. 31 ,a nd there
was a"bank balance of $50,276,
_ ..0,006 from the
special account be invested in
guaranteed debentures was approv-
Mrs, Gerald Wagner, Lucknow
was the lucky winner in the "One"
contest conducted Over CKNX on
Friday of last week. Her prize
Was a wrist. watch.
Mrs t Wagner got her lucky
entry number at Pinlay.Decorators,
Miss' Jean Hardy has received
word that she passed the exarp for
'On for a Registered
Nursing. Assistant.
She'graduated from the Depart-•
ment of Health, Nursing Assistant'
Centre in -LondOn last October and
is now working at •Wingham Hos-
pital. •
She isS-the da.ugh' ter-of-Mr:a
Mrs. William Hardy of R. 12: 1,
Belgrave rid granddaughter of Mrs.
David Nivins of R. R. '3 Auburn.
Wm. J. Fisher 'has been trans ,
ferred from Chapleau to' the main
branch of the Bank of Montreal
in Peterborough;
Bill is the son of Mr. and Mrs:
Gordon Fisher of Luc knew., He
and his wife Janice and. their
two children Susan and Jamie
will be residing 'in Lakefield.
Resigns As Bruce
County Treasurer,
Serves 25 Years
Bruce County treasurer for the
past 25 years, Thomas H. Alton,.
is".retiring June 30 of this. year;
Mr. Alton submitted his resig-
nation to the January session of
Bruce County council.
A native of Lucknow and a
former school, teacher, Alton
became co-unt-y, treasurer July 1,
When, he joined .the county of-
fice said Mr. Alton, there were
two employees in the treasurer's
office, himself and a stenograph-
er. There are now four employ- ,
M. Alton said the county bud -
t has rriplfd in the 25 years.
In the early years of his emPloy-
thent it ranged from $700 ,000 to
800,000 annually and now is be-
tween $2.5.million•and $3' mil-
Zion ., •
After graduating froin Winghani
High School, Mr. Alton atten6ied
Normal School in Toronto and
taught for two years. He then
operated 'a brokerage fiusiness.
In 1940 he went overseas as cap-
tain paymaster in the army ,for six
years and returned to Toronto
where he was an accountant , just
Due to.the airline -.strike Fraser
had to spend 19 days in Inuvik,
twice as long as had been planne,d.
He managed to get private cbm-
pany plane ta Edmonton', but, be-
cause of a flu bug was not, able to
travel 'by train, lle spentanother
four 'days Edmonton, finally
getting a, flight to Ottawa last
Friday , th'e day 'the air controller's
started to Work again.
On January.27th, the Lucknow
Girl Guides opened their meeting
with roll call and' Flag Raising.
AU sang O Canada and repeated
the Guide Prayer. Following the
opening was the Erirollment
eremony in which Faye Nelson
TW as-reoeiv-ed into-the-sisterhood
of Guiding: At this time Anne
Colwell received .'.her Creative
Craft Badges.-%
Also present at the meeting
were the BrOwnies, taking part
in a Fly-Up Ceremony in which
three Brownies. "Flew Up" to
Guides: In Charge was Mrs. Har-
'old Greer, assisted-by Mrs'. David
Kirkland and, Mrs. Fred
Flanagan. Brownie wings were;._
presented to Susan Thompson,
Jill Murray and Joan Hamilton..
erly Wilkins was presented with
symbolic sh9es to Walk-up to
-7--st-r.erg-at__Trinity 'United Chur h on
District Commissioner Mrs.
Angus MacLennan welcomed the
new recruits and, cOngratulated
,everyone fix.. their fine s perform -
ance.• Refreshments were: served
to the Brownies, and various guests
'by Edith ,Greer, Beth Wisser and
Kathryn McKim who acted as
'hostesses for the evening.
.Kathy ;Treleaven ledIcampfire.
The meeting closed With Vespers
iings are' expected to' cost $637 Q00,
'according to estimates received
recently from the county's con-
sulting engineers, Hanscomb
Roy and Associates. .
Architect A. W. Cluff said
preParation ofthe working draw
ings and Spec ficat otis are en , ,
schedule and the structural, mech
anical and electrical 'consultants
,have commenced the detail work.
H. D. Thompson of Lilt know is
jsupetinte nden
of,\;he Bruce -
County H at Walkerton and
Rev. 'Robert Nicholls, minister of Mary Lynn Cayley also earned
LUC1(11Q.W. United cihurch, occurred her Brownie Wings bilt/decided
in Civic. Hospital, Peterborough not to continue in Guiding. Bev-
on Friday, January 28th. She
was 64. ,
Mrs. Nicholls •is survived .by
Home. For Aged Addition
To Begin. In Spring
Fraser Ashton of Ottawa, form= •memorial service was held „
from Inuvik in the NorthWest
Territories. Fraser and two
Doctors, all orwhom Work at the
Canadian Communicable Disease
Centre in Ottawa under the De.p-
artMent °of, National Health and
Welfare, went to Intivik
as part. -
of their study todiscover if an
experimental vaccine for
gonorrhea will help 'to control the
disease._ People who reccived the
vaecine.at Inuvik were all volun-
teers. Similar experimental work
is scheduled 'for Uganda Africa' in.
7wo Sets Triplets. •
Arrive On
-Astifield •Farm
Mr, and Mrs. John MacKenzie
.and boys are proud of their lamb
family. East week two sets of
triplets arrived along. with sever-
al sets of twins and singles. One
of the triplets was almost•dead
when br.ought in to the house, but
with good care now. is the family
New Guides
Received At
Special Ceremony
Totaladmissioni.at the 'Wing-
ham and District Hoszit4„,forDec'
ember werci.'2:3.6 to', bring the
year's record 2,928. HOspital.
2 .,6,34 to .bring the year's total.to
.12,2-1U. • .",l'he .daily average,'. wad .
86'per cent of capacityand'there
were .i$1 surgical •operaAp:rit 'Per
forMedro make a total of 2,399.
These and. other_litems.. relating -
to administration w.erereperted.
to the hospital *.h.oard at the Jan •
uary•meeting by 'Mrs. I. r, Mot.
re.y.• .
.A letter from 'Dr.. Corrin
ddvisipN.his resignation as chair- •
man of the niedical•staff was ac-
cepted.••The doctor agreed to'
continue in 'this position until a
successor is 'named.
R. 13. Consins.of Brussels.; who
presented the treasurer's report,
annolmeed that he would she re-
from .the
lie has sery ed• 24. consecutive,
years as a representative .from
. •
A motidu was passed express'
ins appreciation to Cousins
and making him an honorary
Member of 'the boaid
The treasurer's report reveal-