HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-26, Page 13tunities followed by a question and answer period. This privilege was brought to the students through their Guidance classeslo enlight- en them on certain important as- pects of applying for jobs not only in the business world but also in any occupational following. AFTER HIGH SCHOOL ... WHAT? The Univertity of Western Ont- ario hosted Level four students from RDHS on January 21 when the latter, group travelled to Lon- don accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Turyill. EveryOne gathered in Thames Hall to broadly discuss informa- tion on.bUrsuries, scholarships, loans and programs if attending this university which is the sec- ond largest in Canada with, a four- teen.or fifteen thousand enrol- ment. The class dined in any one of several cafeterias on the campus and then split lap to'attend lei-' 4imarkno0. „S' BASKETBALL " uesday, January 11 both teams led their seasons in Ripley Lnst Saugeen (Port Elgin).. Been won the Senior game 38 and also the Junior ganie 21, Unfortunately both teams e defeated at Sacred Heart , lkeiton Tuesday, JanUary 18. Piever, they were clean,, well !reed games. At the, end of first half in the Junior game ley only had' 5 points' but lied. back to a final score of -18'. The Senior's score was -25. Marg Courtney has been, Lily shooting'to have accumu- ed 26/48 points! Better luck xt time gang. • IIDANCE • LeVels four and five were pres- ted with good and bad examples `interviews for a job by a .Mr. avis and. Mrs.. Very from "Lon- In Life" on,January 14. Also ewedwas a filth on job Oppor- FOR ALL YOUR SEED REQUIREMENTS' See Your Co-operative first ALFALFA CLOVER and GRASSES CEREAL GRAIN FORAGES CO-OP BIG BONUS Corn Hybrids All latest and best • recommended varieties "RIGHT FOR YOUR FARM" tuckpow District Phone 528-2125 iESPAY, JANUARY 26th, 1912, THE .14CKNOIN•SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO• PAGE FIFTEEN FAIR. BOARD 4 1/3 South'Kinloss Mausoleum with spring burial in South Kinloss Cemetery. Pallbearers were fOrmer neigh- . bors, Lloyd Humphrey, Ross ' Garnmie i 'James „Aitchison, Gord7 on Lyons, John Rutherford., Ron- ald MacCrostie. Those from a distance who attended the .funeral were Mrs. Robert Snell and Mr., Keith Snell, Swastika, Ontario; Mr. Lorne Snell, Labrador City', Newfound .land; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Roberts of IslingtOn and family, Mrs. Don: rja Eckersley, Mrs. Delaine Dyer ,and Mr's. Lois Ann Stanbridge of: Toronto and. Mr,. Ronald Roberts Of Gananogue; Mr, Rae Watson, LondOn; Mr. and Mrs. Watson We )ster an'.lv-in- Webster of Clinton; Miss Yvonne 'MacPherson of Winghain; Mrs: ,Dorothy Crosier and Mrs. Kern • Miller of Delhi;' Mr'. and Mrs, Ross Ciay Of Pontypool; Mrs. Laurie Buckley of Orono; Nit. `Frank 4 , Reid of St. Marys; Mr. Ted Smith of Wilicswda . Mr. Campbell is survived by his Wife i •the former Etta Mac- Dougall; two. sisters, Mrs. Robert (Jessie) Snell of Swastika , Ontar- io; rvIn. Cecil (A-lint) Roberts of Lslington, Ontario and several, nieCes .and nephews.. The body rested at the MacKen- zie Memorial Chapel in Lucknow,, where the funeral service was, conducted on Friday at 2 p, m., by Rev. ,Glenn Noble of Lucknow Presbyterian Church. , EDITOR Beverley Smith ASSISTANTS— Bryan Boyle, Sherry. Pollock, Barry MacDonald, Mary MacCharles TREMENDOUS SAVINGS! MEN'S and BOYS' Rubber Insulated Boots 25% OFF Ari".1",""•11.4.""'""•• FEEL FREE TO DROP AND LOOK AROUND SHOES . LUCKNOW ..."01-101S T, 5Z8. 3117 tures and tour the various *build- ings there. . It was a day greatly enjoyed by all and especially profitable to those planning to choose The University of Western Ontario 'as a future educational source, FOR FUTURE JOURNALISTS Morris Fernall, circulation manager of the Owen Sound Sun Times, conducted a highly in- structive session on printing daily newspapers on January 20. ,,Func- tiOlIS of such people as type setters., to editors-in-chief were covered by viewing slides. RIPLEY, CLASSIC The annual tournament for' table tennis mixed doubles began Friday, January 21. The final winners will receive a Golden. Table Tennis Ball for their ach- ievement. Good luck teams1 CURLING Ronnie Pollock's curling team of Bill •Bissonnette, Wayne Arm- strong and Chris Meppelder were the overall winners of the week- day curling. Local Resident. Died Suddenly PETER CAMPBELL CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 'were 1st vice president Omar Brooks and second vice Glen Wal , den. These three men were elected as directors at large for a one year term on a motion of Austin Martin and Mrs. Oliver IV1.Charles. SeCretaries Mr. and. Mrs. Ross Errington were also re-. turned to office. Past President of the society is Bob Campbell. Retiring directors were Charles 'Webster , David Kirkland and. Jim Aitchison, all eligible 'for re:elee- tion. Jim Aitchison expressed a .with to retire as a director and Blake 'Alton was named' to fill this position along with David Kirk- land and Charles Webster for a three year term. This was moved and seconded by Russel Irvin and Omar Brooks.' • Directors with one further year to serve are Philip Steer , Vernon Hunter and Frank Alton. The meeting read the resignation of Vernon Himier and Mrs. Hunter whb is 2nd vice president of the women's division. On a motion of Gordon Kirkland and Donald , Murray, the Hunter resignations were tabled 'until they be appro- ached. The meeting expressed the opinion that they were too Mr. and Mrs. Hunter. The pres- ident Bob Gilchrist had also. ex- pressed his regrets in'the resigna tion. Directors with two more years to serve are Russel Irvin, Donald, Murray and- Cameron MacDonald. Cameron MacDonald expressed a wish to' retire but. When a sue- cessor could not be founeacthe meeting,. he agreed to continue in office: society should show increasing interest in promoting both heavy and saddle horse claSses. Favourable opinions were, ex- pressed concerning the beauty • Contest and it was agreed to again sponsor the event. 'This was meeting and. she spoke in very. , complimentary termsof the Luck- now Fair and its, progress in rec- ent years: • Plans were made for the Fairs convention in Toronto•February - 23 and 24. Named as delegates were president Bob Gilchrist and Glen Walden and Mrs. Waldenk secretaries, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Errington. Those-going to-the convention were requested, to again, set up a display promoting the Lucknow Fair. TOM ALTON CONTINUED FROM PA6E 1 of Eastrlor Township, highways.: In other business , council ac- tepted the resignation of Thomas Alton, treasurer-administrator, whomill have served the,tounty for 25 years when he retires in June. Mr. Alton is'a native of 'Lucknow. Alf. Spears of the'Bruce County Plowman's Association told coun- cil Bruce -09ty may be host' to its first international plowing match in 19`76. A plowman's convention 'i,n • Toronto February 21 and 22 will decide where the match will be held. Lucknow and area residents • k were shocked to learn of the sud- den death of. Peter Campbell at' his home in Lucknow on Tuesday, January 18, 197,2. He was in his 70th year and had been a life long resident of"thisarea. 1lewas_born-Jay_12 ,1902 in West Wawanosh ToWnship and Was the son.of Neil• and Mary (Watson) Campbell.' On August 29, 1928 he married ,Etta MacDougall. He farmed un- til two years ago' when he and his wife retired to Lucknow. 'He will be greatly 'missed kir his kind deeds to, many people and his bright and friendly nature: He was an elder of the LUcknovi Presbyterian Church for the, past twenty-five years., Donald MacIntyre , a •past pres ident of the society, acted, as chairman for the election of officers.' Mr's. Oliver McCharles is pres- ident of the ladies department of the society. No new lady Offic- ers were named at the meeting. Russ Ritchie 'was named as an Glen Walden and Oliver McChar- les,. Other associate directors 'are Don Cameron, Currie Colwell, Jim Henderson, Don Thornpson, Bill Ross, Gib Hamilton, Bob , Struthers, Alex Hackett , Harry Lavis, Harold Campbell, Ross Gammie, Peter,Cook ,• Eldon. Bradley, Ronald Alton, Dan Mc- Innis.- ers-,w-ere-returned., on a motion .of Austin Martin and Bob Campbell: beef, Jack Aitchi- son, Hugh Todd; dairy, George Kennedy, Glen Walden. • On a inotion.of Donald Murray ' and Don C.ameron, Alex MacNay and Evan Keith were returned as auditors. " It was again decided to partici? pate in the area Fairs advertising - calendar promOtiOn at accost of $1.10 each for 12; Cameron MaCDonald expressed the thanks of the society. to Glen Walden for his generosity in don- ating a heifer to the Society which was raffled, under. Glen's organ- ization, and brought `i profit of Directors and those in charge of various departments spoke on the Fair', how it might be.improved and other points of interest. was 'reported that interest in the horse show' is' increasing every year and it was suggested that the moved and seconded 'by Rusael IsIvin and Mrs. Bob Struthers. Mrs. Oliver McCharles was asked ,about progress with the Curt . a.ftFestival and she reported' space "in the arena almost sold o Russel Irvin spoke on work on the :entertainment committee ." and requested any suggestions for improvement. associate dife-otOron a motion of ----Jim-A-itchison_is in chug of this .year's collections and had, lists ready at the meeting. Mrs. Schaus; district director frorri Hanover,. along with her husband, were present at the j.