HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-26, Page 8Parish ST, JOSEPH'S SCHOOL, KINGS- BRIDGE An Ecumenical. Service Was" held in Sr. Josephrs School Gym. The moderator was Clem Steff- ler , Principal; while .Rev. R. T. Odendahl was the guest speaker: He spoke on understanding in am atmosphere of mutual trust and charity: Grades 5, 6, 7 and 8 students took part , in the readings and bidding prayers. A few par-, ents of our students attended the • service.: Father Cassano led in the prayers and Benediction. ST..JOSEPH'S YOUTH CLUB An Ecumenical Service was organized by the Kingsbridge Youth Club, on Sunday evening. St.. Helens United Church Youth Club were invited and 20 partic- ipated in this service. Father Cassano conducted the service, while Rev. J. E. Hummel, Rec- tor of St. Helens United Church was the discussion leader. A Youth/from each group' read a lesson and led in the bidding prayers. . • After the Service a Volleyball Game was played 'by the. Youth. Refreshments were served. The _ young people from St. Helens and, Kingsbridge enjoyed. the evening. Keep it up young people.' LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN. • . REFORMED Rai stempriort rif cos: 10:00 a.m. Service 2:30 p.m. Service VISITORS WELCOME Denominational Radio Broad- cast, "The Back To God Homo", every Sunday: CJCS' (Stratford)" 2:00 p.m.; CFOS (Owen Sound) — 6:00 p.m. LUCKNOW • UNITED CHURCH. Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A. Minister JANUARY 30th 10 a.rn. 'Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship Special Service of Song using -th—c-newhymn-5.books Dedication of new hymn books Pooled lunch following service. Congregational Annual •Meeting 1 p.m. POINT TO . PONDER Oh sing to the Lord a new song; sing. to the_Lord alLthe earth!. Psalm 96 Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev, Glenn Noble. B.D. Moister Phone 528-2740 JANUARY 30th 10 a.m. Sunday 'School 11 a.m. Morning Worship Annual Meeting Thursday, January 27th at 8:30 p.m. -".0%.0101.0 '11;.."..,"6.00%."..."0"00%•"0•0"4.0•0"4.••••••••" Some of 1 of interest community The cQITIF of the new cipal buildii malcolin of the Riple size for this or 'large da we ieon Con Guelph. T1 , wer k•sbanty of last Weel men are sti work etc. , •the Welcon Another month trial for .Ripley 1 ently this i at least a r themselves Monday: drover sO: and since f in town ani Royal Bank Loomis ant and Mrs; Men's Wea Mrs. Mary Marlene C Ross 11. NL Harold Co, Charles tic Meat Marl StOre are. Another A'gricultur their annu le-ster Fgr: were recur • cAR-TRL A side. last week storm. in farm on t Donald N ea.st with 'Lorne Co ceeding securred • The eq.u, truck got k rt4 4 N•sl P ttN. Chalmers Reports Presbyterian Successful Year Evening Auxiliary • The January meeting of the WHITECHURCH NEWS Lucknow Presbyterian Bening The annual meeting of IChal-Auxiliary • was .held in the fellow- mess Presbyterian Church was hel on. Friday .January 21 at the . I church with a fair attendance. Rev. R. H. Armstrong was present) to conduct the meeting for Rev. Glenn,Noble, Interim Moderator., who could not be present due to having a funeral service_that afternoon. Student Preacher Victor Wyb- „, enga opened the meeting with Scripture and prayer after which he called on Rev. Armstrong. The minutes of the previous / • annual meeting were read by secs, retary Archie Purdon and approv-, ed. The session report showed Baptisms 3. There are 114 mem- bers on the roll December 31, 1971. Very encouraging reports were plorers MaCDonal Supply, Mrs. Henry MacKenzie; Glad'Tidings, W. Wylds. ' .Mrs. Ewan MacLean gave-the highlights of the Presbyterial held in Winghairf.' and Mrs.. Kenneth RbOliey installed the new officers. Lunch was served by the commit ,- tee. PAM. VON ship -room• of the Church with 16 ladies. present on Tuesday. Jan- nary 18 at 8 p.m. Mrs. Jack MacDonald was in .. the President's chair and opened the meeting •with a poem entitled. "Liles Gladness". Mrs. MacDonald read part of the article "Your Prayers are Asked" from ,the February Glad Tidings. , The Scripture and Meditation taken from St. John 17 was pres- ented by Mrs. George Stanley. The topic - from the new study book "Beyond Independence".was presented by Mrs. Morgan Hend- erson, in a most interesting manner, • .Roll call was answered by pay- ment of dues and receiving a ro-grarame—oftheyearts:rueet-- ings:. ••• • Business and Correspondence was read and discussed. The closing hymn was "The' Great-Physician NoW is Here" and the meeting closed with•the benedictiOn. Mrs. Jack Fisher conducted a contest - Cleanli- nesi is next•to Godliness. -A .-lunch and .social follow- ed. Mrs. Tom. Todd had charge or th c on "Music and Arts of" Zambia!' . Mrs. Hummel closed • this part of the service with an African prayer: ' Ivirs. Gordon McPherson con- , ducted the business period. The annual reports of the secretary and the treasurer were given. -=-Ilonation- Wai=te-t-to- the Children's Aid in Goderich. The Presbyterial meeting will be held 'in Stratford on February 9th. The World Day of Prayer will be held on March 3. , At the conclusion, 'Mrs. John ( 'Cameron and Isobel Miller served lunch. Messengers . WHITECHURCH. NEWS 'On Sunday the Messengers held their meeting in 'the Sunday 4 SchOol room of •the United Church during church 'service. " The president Murray Adams presided. The call to worship was given by Shane Hiekey. The Scripture was read by Murray ' Adams followed with, prayer by. Karen Quipp., The offering was received by Donna Thomson and the offertory prayer was given by Kay Wilkheensm-inute s of ' T the last meet ,- ing were read by Linda Moore who also called the toll answered by ,22. I iiiptosPA ST. AUGUSTINE YOUTH CLUB The fourth meeting of the St. • Augustine Youth Club Was held Sunday afternoon at 2.00 p.m'. on January -9. Father Phelan and fourteen members were pres- ent. The-meeting_opened with a prayer and the president', Janice Foran outlined the plans for the card party , discussing lunch, ad- vertisenients and prizes. Ietwas decided that an admis- sion fee of 500 would be collect- A Family Program For Teenagers by Rev. Henry. Cassano, HOME LIFE IS.'NICE A loafer was once asked -what . would he do if the World were to start crumbling and coming 'to' an end. He 'quickly replied: "I' would run home." E'veryone real- izes even, a loafer, that home.is the surest plate against all evils and dangers. There you can shelter yourself, you can find love, there you are sure you are wanted: a) He who can't enjoy home life doesn't really know what inner happiness an. true love ,are.—The.loveo&frien. A e compared with that of the family. b) Do you really know y r broth ers and sisters inside out? If you know your friends-more than you know your brothers and sisters, then you are an outsider in your own borne. .6) What is exercis- ing the greatest influence in the ffSrmation of'your character? If T.V. , films, newspaperss and • friends are exercising a greater influence on you than your par- ents, then it means that you are being brought up by these media not by your parents. You are mis- sing the loving care they have for you. ' You will never regain that if you miss it NOW. - Persuade yourself that home life is nice and start enjoying it. - Next Week: Point . No. 2 - "Let us Make The Family ,Happier" Officers elected were President Clare Webei; Vice President, Jackie Whytock; Secretary, Kay Wilkens; 'Press, Richard Moore;, Treasurer , Calvin Quipp; Tele-, ph• one Secretary, Murray Gibb. The Benediction was given by • Jackie Whytock. Ashfield WMS A8HF1ELD NEWS ki Mrs. Warren Wylds who was in charge of the program opened the Women's MissionarycSociety meeting at the home of Mrs. Ewan MacLean with a thought .for the New Year and prayer. She then led in a responsive' reading. .Roll call was answered by 11 , mernbers with a characteristic' of a Christian woman. Mrs. Stuart . MacLennan readan article on Albert SWeitzer. Reports were given by the ' ' Treasurer, Mrs. Win. Ross; Ex- giverr from the--other-organiza--- . dons. Vie W. M.S. have 17 active members and 11 Home Hel - pers. There were 12 meetings during the year held in .the homes with the exception of 'the July and Fall Thankoffering meetings being held in 'the 'church. The C.O.C.• held 9 meetings during the year, in the church • Sunday-School roormduring_churck service. For the first half,year there were 9 members when they were joined 'by ,6 new members. The average attendance was 10. Used stamps were sent to the Lep- • rosy Mission, Toronto. . The Sunday Schbol Superinten- dent, Walter Elliott and Sec. Treasurer Mrs.John Gaunt along with five teachers had a success- 'fill term. • Th retiring Board Managers. were Andrew Gaunt; Torn Morri- son, Bill Versteeg and Les Rey- nolds. Those appointed were John de Boer Mrs. Wallace. Conn,• Mrs. Bill Rintoul and Lorne Fors- ter. The others on the' Board are „Archie Purdon, Elroy Laidlaw, Walter Elliott, Mrs. Ira Wall,, Alex Craig 4 Don Ross, Wm., R. PUrdon and Bill Rintoul. Ushers are Elroy Laidlaw, , Neil Rintoul, Bill Purdon, Douglas Ross and / Bill Versteeg. Auditors appoint- ed were Bill. Versteeg and Mrs. Russel Ross. • The meeting closed with prayer St. Helens UCW The St. Helens' United. ChUrch Women met at the home of Mrs. W. I. Miller on Tuesday after- noon. Mrs. John Cameron gave the call to worship and led'in prayer... iiobel Miller gave the scripture lesson and Mrs. Don Cameron gave the meditation on the scripture. Mrs. Frank McQuillin gave the 23rd Nairn in metre and Mrs. Ross Erringtomand Miss W, D. RutherfOrd gave readings. Mrs. W. I. Miller read an article on' "The Thought of the Month". • THIE„ LUCKNOW' $010001, 'LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO :WEDNESDAY... JANUARY 26th, 1,472 St. Peters Lucknow 11:45 a.m. Church School — 10:30 St. Paul's, Dungannon 3:00 p.m 2nd and 4th Sundays Christ Church, Port Albert '3 p.m.' 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays ANGLICAN CHURCH LUCKNOW AREA PARISH The Rev. R. Odendaht Rector JANUARY 30th SEPTUAGESIMA St. Paul's Ripley — 9:15 a.m. Ascension Kink&tgh 10:30 a.m.. 41! ed from each member. Because 'of other events we .decided. we would go, skating in a feW weeks. It was alsp .dedided to hold our ..:. meetings every 'second 'week. Janice.Foran the.n'spoke to us 'about the week of ilnity . . The, meeting closed with a'. prayer: -A social hour followed during .which'wemadelposters_and- set up the tables and chairs. ..0.0"."0",""..4•••••••."-^dn ST. AUGUSTINE.CARD PARTY The Card Party sponsored by our Youth Group was held in St. Augustine Parish Hall on Friday., _January 14, 'at 8.3a p. m. There were 12 tables and the w.itiners were as follows: ladies high, Cyril Boyle; ladies low', Mrs. Jinl Finleon; mens high , Terry. Foram mens low Bill Kirialian; door prize , Jim Finleon. IF YOUR MAILING LABEL • STARTS WITH NOVEMBER AND ENDS WITH 1 STARTS WITH DECEMBER AND ENDS WITH '1 STARTS WITH JANUARY AND ENDS WITH 2. YOUR PAPER YS DUE NOW PLEASE CHECK THE LABEL ON THE FRONT OF YOUR PAPER. To qualify for Post Office mailing privileges, all subserip-' dons must be no further than 3 months in arrears. , In order that your paper' will continue please mail your —subscription or drop into our office to pay. $6.00, for Canada $8.00 for U.S.A. and Foreign XNOW SENTINEL BOX 38 LUCKNOW THIS fS THE' LAST-WEEK YOU-WILL RECEIVE YOUR PAPER OUR LABEL READ IF. YOUR MAILING' LABEL STARTS WITH OCTOBER AND ENDS WITH 1 HOW DOES Lorne's c one side. Mr. ar were in 1 where Pa with a (1( Paul had ad. return he at were, din evening Riegling bridge. honour e Ann Rie1 St.' Jose] Kingsbri Mr. E Mr. ant led at ( Tuesda , of a del from M visited on ce an ton. ORGAN Mrs. ‘liet dut United Mrs. 1<