HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-26, Page 7WAY, ONUARY 26th, 1912 'SUN., MON., TUES. McCA E 81 MN. !OM .14.10 ONO AIMS Am. Wed., Feb. 2 EDDIE DUCHIN' STORY with Tyrone Powers mii01.011ffilluilloMP1IM11ID11ITI1111111ir1r1iOIWOO.PI1NI111111111111.101110.90101.1.10illtilio ,,,,,, • = ,SAT. *At, 29 A104 ,WPSPOOKt,fwop • •pr Thu. 27 Fri. 28 sec 29 George C,Scott 41Ps The Last Junta 440 night °1,.,W* Mt meow Mk I fIQC0i. P.,,t4AviSifiN* JAN. 30, 31, FEB. 1 MRS. MILLER . BROOKSIDE HAPPENINGS OPICAL FISH n Wednesday of last week, - s. Ken Taylor made a visit to de six, Room Seve-n, of our ool. 'She showed many slides fish and other ocean creatures. . and Mrs. Taylor are, tropical h enthusiast! they had about ne. The pictures Mrs. Taylor wed the class, were the result her husband's excellent 'camera rk The pupils enjoyed the des ad well as' Mrs. Taylbr's teresting comments about them. ny questions were answered by e visitor also. • OCKEY On Wed/riesclay of last week the . tiers and the North. Stark played gainst each other. They tied . t the score of 2.12, REE SKATING ., Once again on Friday, January. e 21 there was free skating. We • ll enjoyed oUrselves..,. OLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT Our school took part in the elleyball tournament that was field at. F. E. Madill Secondary chool earlier this month: Our Check YO Money fools Now -is the time to cheele,your • • ----,'-,--morree,Touls -tr. • . instruments)ott use. to build yourpersonal e's-tate: Whether • you are saving, borrowing or protecting, Victoria and Grey .has the -tools you need, I • such as: . • Regular chequing• accounts.' (with •interest), savings accounts.(with added 'interest); and Quaranteed- ItivestrrintCertificates.. (longer term savings with higheStinterest): We offer compelitive.mortgage rates. And.collateral,borrowing, retirement savingS safety-deposit boxes,' executor and estate administration • , services a11' ti ours today at Vietoriatind.Grey. TRUST COMPANY SINC E laaci Lealanor Hill, Mak4gele Ogin and .1(ingstesn Streets coder', h 5244381 SPEAKING Every winter our school has an individual speakingcompe- titian. d All the students • write speeches and then the final- ists go to other competitions in one in l',ucknow spon- sored by •the Lucknew Legion. The winner of our •school goes to a Huronlerth corripetition. Received $350 For Skateathon -A meeting of the Mothers of the Lucknow Skating Club mem- bers Nias held Sunday evening in 'the arena while the skaters 'took their lessons. President Mrs. Eldon Wraith chaired the meeting. Many items of business were - discussed. An Achievement Night will be held ,March 3rd . when badges will be distributed. A carnival will not be held this- year , .but permission was given for the older girls to skate at the Lions Carnival 'if they wished Treasurer Mrs. Gordon Brooks reported 'on .the Skateathon. As • • • • • T HE A THE NviNGHAivi .PHONE 3ff.1630 SHOW TIMES Friday and Saturdays at 7:15 and, 9:15. All other days, one show at 8:00, except where noted on the progxam ************* THUR., FRI., SAT, JAN. 27, -28, 29 Adult Entertainment "A GUNFIGHT" THE rkUCKNOW .SE,NTINE‘f 4OCKNOW, ONTARIO rPAGk NINE r . ...im'aismammiminimen.mwom•mogs LOCHALSH 'Congratulations to Mr. and. Mrs. Wellington. Webster on the ' arrival of a granddaughter Patric- a'=---yrrn ,born-to -Mr.-amid Many in the area have been. quite ill with the flue , among them, the FOwler children also Mrs. Finlay 'MacDonald. Recent visitors With Mr. and Mrs. 'Warren Wylds were Misies Linda arid Donna Wylds of ,Lon- don and 'Mrs. Alfred Stone 'of St. ivlarys. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Bradley spent a. few days in Toronto at- tending a Convention, The Ashfield W. M.S. of the Presbyterian Church held their regtilarmeeting Thursday at t n. he home of Mrs. *Ewan MacLean, .Recentavisitith Mt. and Mrs. Eldon 13adley were* Mr, arid Mrs, David TOdd of Hanover and John Bradley of Guelph. , John McCharles of Petrolia spent ,the week end with iris par- ents Mr•.'a.nd 1VIts. Oliver McChar:" les. • • Andrew Barkwell is a patient in -hospi-ta.74rt Arrange For ,Student Exchange With Queb‘c... KINGSBRIDbE SCHOOL NEWS Our school has been planning to have a student exchange with a school from Quebec. Just rec- ently we have received an answer from this. school, They said they would be happy to have this excursion but the Children do not speak or understand Englist,. Since our school' has been taking French this year we will be able to Communicate with them a bit. If we do have this exchange our French teacher Mrs. Plourde will accompany us on our trip. Much more planning must be done in • the future before anything will be certain, but it would be a great experienCe. The Skateathon was held Dec- ember 28th from S a..m. to b p.m. with 62 skaters particip- a tine arid 19 skaters convicting the 12 hours. A silver dollar • will be given to each skater who Skated '12 hours. Glen Haldenby the youngest skater who skated the longest, will also receive .a silver dollar. Prizes were award- ed as follows for those collecting the Most money: Debbie -Wraith,, $28.,00 collected, will reecive a $10,00 voucher from Ma rha n , Shoes; Wayne McDonagh $24.84 collected, will receive an $8.00 voucher frail Ashton's; -Niichaer NleDonagh $23.40 collected , will receive a $5.00 voucher fraiii Schmid's Jewellery and China, •The mothers are .going to assist with discipline on the ice on Sun- day evenings. rit'u'al plans mere ,ninde for the kino of:J:1 for a draw. Kairshea WI • • Celebrated Their • 2*; Anniversary On Thursday, January the members of Kairshea. Wornen's Institute celebrated their 25th Anniversary., Kairshea W.I, had been formed in January 1947, Prior to this .time they had met as a United Farm Women of Ontario, for 2'3 .years, • Mrs. Allister Hughes brought back happy memories with • "icairshea in RetrOspect"„. She -told of St, Andrew's Ball, quilt- ing parties,, Calico, Ball ., catering for. *many events , scholarships., and many members who had enriched our community. 'Mrs:".•• Gordon. Wall told of the events of Kairshea during• the 1960's and had. all the secretaries' books on . display. 'Ther01 were five `Charter members present. Very good reports were given by Standing Committee Conyen- eri, The roll call - something ce you, can do for a Senior Citiz: en was Well• answered. —Mrs,/ Ira Dickie . gave am informative motto'Time wasted is existence , time used is•life' We should fill each day with mean- ingful activities• whether it be a young mother just looking after her young children or an older citizen reading a book, we are no not wasting time. She concluded , her, motto with the poen-i "Do it now' . Mrs. Evan Keith conducted a contest. Tvio poems were read by Mrs: Harold Campbell: A 'geography match was held. , The 4-H girli frorn the course 'Focus on Fitness' presented their skit and then thve their leaders gifts of appreciation. • • The hostess anddirector served: lunch of birthday cake and.ice. cream.- boys started by defeating Wing .- ham and then Blyth. Then they lost.to Ripley and had to play both Blyth and Wingham again. They defeated both, those teams a second time arid went on to: eliniinate Howtck in the semi- Ripley defeated, our boys again to win the tournament and BrOok- side boys ended up in. second place. Our girls' team played against Howick first and beat them. Then Brussels defeated them but they won their next game which was against Lacknow girls: The -BrotrksideTgirls: then.lost tee-Sacred Heart to end up in fourth place. The Brussels girls won the trophy. HIGH. SCHOOL PEGISTRATION Most of the pupils who will go to F. E. Madill.Secondary School next year were at the school for 'an 8.00 p.m. meeting on Wed nesday along with their parents. Mr. J. M. Kopas of the Guidance Department at the high school spoke to the group about the new . credit systeni. Then be answered the many.; many ques- ions that the young people and their parents wanted to ask be- fore completing the forms that were to .be returned to the sehool VOLLEYBALL - The volleyball tournaments in Wingham on January 8th were very much enjoyed by our school teams although we did not win any championships. We are not finals. Then they had to play , • easilydiseouraged yet and will Ripley for the championship. try,,hard to win future games. : Atlee Wise UI of Ohio. in their, money; final tabulation cannot be Made. The treasurer has received to date $350 with possibly another $25 to Carrie yet. Color-- Starring Johnny Cash, Kirk. Douglas Greed and lust for blood can drive people to violence. * * * * * * * ** * * 4r..* SAT. MATINEE JAN. 29 ' "ERRAND BOY LANGSIDE Mr. and Mrs. Don Martin and Danny, Whitechurch, Mr. and 'Mrs.' Bob Struthers and family, LucknoW, and Mr. and Mrs.• Don Wall, Holyrood were Sunday vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young and family. You,ng and William were Sunflay evening visitors with Mrs. May Richnrdson and Wallace of Wingham. CARD PARTY There were six, tables' of pro- • gressive euchre at the card party Friday evening held at the Lang- side Hall. Mrs.. Gladys l'\"(--,rat Lucknow won the high ladies 1.:.ize with low going to Janette Johnston Belgrave. Ken Young received' high mens and loW went to Fred de•Boer. Sandra Gardner of Lucknow visited over the Weekend with a nd. Mrs Wes Young. .:Mr. and` Mrs, Clarke Johnston and Jeanette of Belgrave. spent the week encrwith Mr. 'and Mrs .,. • George Young and family. Mrs...Harry Lavis was hostess, to a large number of members with -Mrs. Clarence Ritchie as President and Mrs. Gordon Wall as secretary. •It was decided to buy 'a Valentine gift• for •the pat- ham Hospital. Several. members were planning 'on going to Toron- to to the 75th Anniversary Dinner,. '111111h. ANNOUNCING A 'FACSIMILE. EDITION OF THE r. it a Ha s OF ttiO Co unty. ONTARIO Originally published by H,. Ilelden & Co. in 1879 The illititrated Atlas of Huron County is one 'of 29 county atlases published in. Ontario between 1875 and 1881. A remark- ably accurate source of information for the student of local his- tory and genealogy, the Atlas with its maps, biographies, port- raits and pictures of landmarks has long since becotne a highly valued document of the Past. PUBLICATION DATE: JANUARY 27, 1402 Bound in hard coVer„size 18" x 141/2 ", 105 pages 41 ice:412,50- .50e -mailing -charge) 4 -,The issue is limited to 1,000 numbered copies „Please order •from: MIKA STUDIO, 41 DUSSEK 11.0: BOX 536, BELLEVILLE, ONT, TEL.. 613:962-4022