The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-26, Page 6Juveniles Win Sunday 7-5 cknow Juvenile 'hockey team ated Belgrave 7-5 on Sunday, er eon at the Lucknow arena. s 'Moncrief scored e° twic with single markers going to Steve Hackett , Jim Murray , 'Ian Montgomery, Dave Black and' Doug Stevenson. The Juveniles record to Jan- uary 23 has been seven wing, five losses and One tie. r. • 11111101111111111 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26th, 1172. ,.„ - •._ • 77" In Lucknow on.Friday, Ja nuary 21st the locals were once again ontclassed by Kincardine in the third' period.. At 'the end of the second period Lucknow wasonly trailing by two g041.5'3 to 1. :IP 'the- third period, however , Kin- - cardine outscored them 5 to 1., with the final score 'reading .8 to • 2. Goal-scorers for Lucknow were. Ross Enright from Doug Dorscht' , and Paul Hamilton unassisted,' . Once again Ripley came to. Lucknow for an exhibition game en Monday night January 24. The visitors were a little too geed. for the'heme tPWn lads defeating them. by a seorel,of t ,to I.'. Brad Humphrey scored for :LucknoW assisted by Donald Elliott and Ray Guay. Scoring for Ripley were RUSty from. - - Brock Walden, Brent Coiling • from Paul Coiling , Paul Lolling from Brent Coiling ,.Paul .Colling. unassisted „Rusty frOm BrOtIO \ del Bre Pf(41.4140:9212. . Billy -Ca rneron • Lose .To :Brussels LUcknOw-and:Ripley Fleas filay ed to a tie on J.nuary_.20th........ in the. Ripley arena • Lucknow. goals were scored 'by David Gibton, assists .Ken: Alton and Arthur Clark: Arthur Clark, assists.' Kent Alton, David- Gibson;: Larry. MacPherson with assist to ...David Pritchard. •. -Goal's:for Ripley .were scored by David Ganible from. Brian Gamble , David Gamble from Greg Mason, Harold Peet from David C,ia•rribie and Greg MasOn. LuCknow Fleas. didn't fare as • well against. Brussels in a game, on Sattirday, •January 22nd in the Lucknow. Arena. They were: de- feated 11 - 1. Luc,.knoW'S lone goal.was.Scored- • Larry IviacPheisuir.fw.n.i Brian The next home games• will be Sunday; Janhary 30, Listowel :at .Lucknow ancIOn Tuesday , Feb-. , ruary 1,.. I,9ncardine at Lucknow. MacMillan Boys Shine In Hockey Paul and Greg MacMillan, sons of'lvir. and" Mrs. Hugh. Mac • ••• Milian (Colleen Tiffin) of Wat- • ford, were among the youngsters who starred on the Novice hockey team from Watford which was entered in the Silver Stick 'Novice Tournament-held in For-- est. • Watford lost out in the finals toSarnia Township, in the .second • overtime - There were 39 teams in the tournament and •Watford \NOR the • first three games, losing the fourth. -- Pahl MacMillan was named the most colourfhl player in 'the tourn- ament. He Picked up two goals in the series. His brother Greg picked up , nine goals during the four games and • according, to, the Watford ;paper "played all four tournament games on defence without relief and stood :out like a sore thumb". The boys are the grandchildren of Mr.. and Mrs. Ross MacMillan Murray... KEEPS 'OM rt. ROLLING, RIGHT Tire-d Out? "We 'Can Help You! Whether it's just -a flat -or complete. disaster, we can, meet your retire-ment needs. CLOSED AT 7 PM. EVERY EVENING a •••1 Midges Win And Lose Games • . The Lucknow Nlidgenhoc.key team added a win to their win column and a .loss to their. games lost in the past week. On Tuesday January -filth , .Mil- verton Visited Lucknow 0.0 prov idedopNsition for a very excit- ing and .well played hockey naThe. Luc know•won this game u-4. ..In the first period Luc know scored three times to ,&',.ilverton's once. 'Mark. Chisholm.assisted• by Kevin Murray scored the fitst;then it was Kevin Acker: iron. Ji'r Mur- ray and Bob Moffat fren: Jih: Mur- ray. Milverton scored o In the' second to Luck.now's one 10 the*ore lan Montg,omery: assisted b' Stewrt Mannscored. the lone-goal in the second period. Lucknow added two more 'in the - third ,from Jim, Murray and Bob Moffat assis.led by•Kevin Ackert and Bob MCerillivcdv. • Lucknow picked up eight penalties to Nlil- verton's eleven. rhea' were four major penaltie4 for fi;g.,htiag, in two separate bouts , resulting', in two combatants being thrown out of the .game in the third., period. In Saturday night ConiesI , part of Minor , Hockey ,Week; Luc know went dowrirto defeat before a • good turnout of.sp.ectators. Brus' sels doubled•the: score on the al boys, 6.-13. Mark Chisnolin assisted by Jim Murray., and Ian. Montgomery from Cliff INIann and Mark Chisholm, Ian ,Montgornierv, his second goal from Cliff Mann scored for Lucknow.. Brussels.out- 'played Lucknow in the fir two periods wittnthe leeals hey.- slow- ing more life in the final twenty minntes. "LuCknow play in Ripley on day of thiS'week and back in Lucknow on Tuesday Of fiat week, Lucknow Midgets will. again take part inthe'Port F,Igin HoCkey Tournament on Saihrday of this ' Week. They' are' slated. to pla.y Walkerton in their first •game. The'loser Of eaCh.game is.auto- matically :Out. of the running' for the championship. lucknow Sepoys Win and Lose To Harriston LUCknow Sepoys went to Ilarris- ton on ,Friday night •and came hom-etwith-a-7.----5---wim--;The boys- - skated well and came' up with a very fine team effort as Glen Morningstar, Don MacKinnon • scored 2 each, John Fludder had one aS well as Art Stanley and Mike COurtney: Harriston seem- ed to take ,the io.§s poiSrly and came up as a result with a lot of penalties, 15 penalties to LucknOw's 4. Included in their penalties were 2 mikonducts and 1 game misconduct'. V)11, Monday night the Harriston boys canle back Lucknow and turned the, tables on the local team 9-B. Lucknow took a 3 goal lead into the 2nd period only tO let up and let ,Harriston come back to go ahead 6-3. Lucknow tied the game before the end of _the_21icLperiod—In....the_third. period it was all HarriSton as they scored 4 unaswered goals te win 0-5. ' Harvey Livingstone sLered . the hat trick for Lnoknew, single geals.werit to Dave MacKinnon and John EMbetlin. Little can be said for the ealibre of 110"ek- ey Harriston despite,ti,(:ir 9-5' win, '1/5 penalties w(:re ta'.11(;,J Lon ; r,r On january'18. the Lucknow Ripley girls played their first home game against Belmore apd won the game 3-2.' doal scorers for Lucknow were Marg Chester 2 and Donna Greer 1 .---,'Offlamtrarry-,221-h-e- girls -pUyeed---- an exhilAtion game against Bel- more, in the Lucknow arena': It was a -closely fought game-with Lucknow coming out on top by a store of 3-2. Gbal scorer for Lucknow was Donna Greer 3. , Sr Fleas Tie Ripley, Novice Lose Two . . . L.kr .cknOvi Du.n.go _r) n.On. Men'.. high triple was. rolled by Jack CaeSar With 089 'and the high single by Sport Johnston with 277,. . Ladies high triple was. rolled by Marion MacKinnon with 703„ She also'had high single pf 285.. Men'over 250; Sport Johnston • ,27'7, Barry McDonagh 273, Jack 'Caesar 26s ,• Len MaeDona.ld •i3ill Stewart 25i1, Don MacKin- non.;25u. Ladies,over .22'5; Marion •Nlae- Kintien;.:::).,.Arnetta. Thompson .. .25S ,. Mary LQII' Pr iestap 23S l'erne NlacDonald Points won; Beavers. Squirrels 2; Cubs r), Zebriez' :2; .1igers 5, • .. Kangaroos 2n.epp.her• Lion.z Coons,5, iThipnitiuks .2;' Standings; Beav.er,s_.S1, tigers 57, .Ze.bra.s,43, Li Ons , Pole . Cats 42,:Wolverines 42, . nks .40 Ophers 3t; ,. Ka nga eos 35. Mens 9 p.m. This Week's high single score was relied- h-y Pentiacs with 254.. High triple score was bowled by.Roy Finlay- -son of the Bilicks with 687. - Score over 250; 'Hugh Todd Pontiacs 254. Team points: Dodges 9, Pon- tiacs 7; Fords 0, Buicks 7; Mus- tan0 2, Oldsmobiles 5. Team standings: MOstangs 58, Pontiacs .58, Pords 57, Buicks 52,, Oldsmobiles 48, Dodges 40. Giirk Won NiCe, Against Belmore miSconducts, one of which came off:the ,bench to do battle with one of LucknOw'S defencemen for .rio reason whatSoever.. Lucknow had•only 7 penalties. Next .game here h Monday, 'January 81 at K30 against Mount ,Forest. 4,tiCK.4444.o••,4,4,4,440.4 SUN nigh °single was rolled by Dean Agnew with 262. Dean also rol- led high triple with'594. Games 200 and over:• Dean Agnew 262, Lois Walden 206', Anna Johnstone.210, Grace Hopf 220. ream points: Mary Lou Barger's Walnuts 0, Mary Cleland's Pea- nuts 7; 'Barb Whitby's Pecan-nuts . 3;• Rena Forsters Chestnuts 7 , Tillie Wilson's Hazef-Nuts O. TeaM standing: Chestnuts 7,8, Alniond -nuts,09 , Walnuts (A), Peanuts 60, Hazel-nuts.56 , Pecan-nuts 53. Team points:- Bob Nicholls' OWls 2, George Stanley's Card- inals 5; Ron Stanley's Vultures 2, Jim O'Donnell's Hawk's 5; Art • Purney's Sparrows 2, Wayne ,Rhody's Crows 5. ' Team standings: Crows 69, Wayne Rhody captured be h• high single, and 'triple with scores of 29,9 single and 769 triple. Games'over 225: Wayne Rhody 299,, :275 , Lloyd MacDoug- all 234, Lloyd Ashtori 276, 239, Del NiXon 281, David Humphrey . 249 ,•John Fludder '269, 254, Ron, Stanley 238. Ladies 9 P.M. Men's 7p rn. TROPICAL On Wed Mrs. Ken grade six, ' schgol. ^8' of fish, and Mr. and I\ fish entlitu Th showed thi of her husl work. Th slides ad interestirq Many que: the visitor HOCKEY On Wed Sabers an( against ea at the sco FREE SKA Once a, . the 21 the all enjoy( .VOLLEYB Our set volleybal held at P School eE Cardinals 67 , Owls 60,, Hawks 48, Vultures 46, Sparrows 46. TOWN, arid _COUNTRY Mo , To( Men's high 'single was olled • by W. F. MacDonald 226 and:high double by ,Harry Lavi with 362. , Ladies high single was roiled by Ann Dexter with 199. She also. had higfi'Aouble of 311. , Tearn points: Harry LaVis!. Reck 5, Olive Smith's Violets 0; Wal- ter DeXter's Greens 5, Mel King's Bluei 0: Bill Sproul's yellows 3 , Clarence Bell's Oranges 2. 'Standings: Reds 55, Blues 46, Greens 3,3; YelloWs 31, Violets 31, Oilnges 29. • . . 44•444"0 instrurn younpe you tire protecti .has the such as Regula (with it accoun interest Investn (lOnger highegt And cc retirern safety and esi servrce. ' Victori TRUST Wit ONTAFOO Established Over Sixty Years WALKERTON PHONE 88f-0234 For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument correctly.designed'from quality material, rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS Fiat Olittgrag Prop. . MONUMENTS WEDNESII rinotill1111.11 Ladies. 6;3.-Q: Marie Greer bowled the high single -game of 233 and Jessie Joynt the ,high triple of 610. Games"20 0 And over: Marie Greer 23'3, Jessie,Joynt 217, Norma McDonagh 205, 210, Grace Elliott 208, Evelyn Cook 213, Marion MacKingon 211. Team points; Norma McDon- .agh's Chestnuts 5, Jean Phillip' Butternuts 2, Jessie Joynt's Beech.- nuts 5, Ena HenderSon's Peanuts 2, Ruth 'rhompson's Coconuts 4 , Catherine Andrew's Walnuts :3. Team standings: Butternuts Beechnuts 74, Chestnnts 71, Pea- nuts 54, Walnuts 53; Coconuts