The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-26, Page 1WEDNESPAy., JANUARY 26th, 1.972 SIngla Copy 15,c 16 Pagaa
Next to the-honour. of being -
chosen the warden of Bruce Coun-
ty, is the, distinction of being set=
.ected as a member of the Bruce
County Highways Committee ,
which carried a three-year term.
Elected as a Highways Com-
mittee member, Monday even;
ing, was Bruce Parker, Reeve of
Brant Township. He defeated his
.only opponent, Orville Elliott', ,
Reeve of Kinloss by the vote of 19
• to 23 on a second ballot.
The closeness of the race is in-
dicated by the fact a second bal
lot was required' to decidebe
tw,een two cont.enders, such of
course of necessity being the re-
sult of, a•tie, and which read 21
to 21, following the traditional
open balloting.
On the second' ballot, everyone
again voted the same as he had
during the first time around, with
the 'exception however of Douglas
Kreutzweiser, Deputy Reeve of
Arnabel Township who switched
his allegiance from Mr. Elliott
was one of four members' who had
Increase Balance Over $3300 Durini Year
Fair Board Hold Annual ,Meeting,
Return Bob Gilchrist
*00 .YOr In Advanca $2.00 Extra. To
• Joe Whitby Promoted To Chief Woiront Offit!r
Kialos_Reevi Loses (101.E1e010.0,'For
truce Co. Ilighways. Post, First
Tied 21. 721,,. SetOnd Ballot - Ends 23-19
NAMED AS CHAIRMEN Kinloss Venturers
Tom Afton 'Resigns Had Winter Camp
two votes.
Representatives, Of St. Edmunds
and, Lindsay Townships, not being
in the County Highways system,
were not permitted' a vote.
'''Mr. Parker was nominated by
Reeve Wm. .Kueneman of Carrick,
with Reeve Everett Brown of Wiar-
tbn; the seconder.
Mr. Elliott's mover and second-,
er were Reeves Harold Fair and
James Given of Kincardine and
Albemarle Townships respective-
ly. '
The nine members of the 1972
CoUniy Council Striking
Committee were appointed, as
usnall:ry-th e withdrawal of `names -
frorri a box. Only, the Warden
and those members who had not
one y.ear on council were exclud-
The first selected and the chair•
Man was Stanley Nicholson, the
other members being, Kenneth
MacLean, Bradley Davis , Orville.
Elliott, J. P. Johnstone Jr. ,
--George-Grant,.George loynttr111-=-
tOti Hayes and Sidney Dunning.
Joe Whitby, a Lucknow native
nd well many in:the
ommunity, was recently promot•
d to the rank of chief Warrant
fficer' in. the Canadian Forces.
Joe, on the right, is pictured
GC iving the scroll in reCogni-
on of the promotion. On the
ft is the Commandant of the
nadian Forces Fleet 'School
t Halifax , Nova Scotia.
The scroll is signed by the
inister of National Defence and
presented to all armed forCes
ersonnel upon their promotion
Chief Warrant. Officer. This
the highest rank of tion-com-
issioried officers and is the
on Tuesday mOrning; as this
written, it seems like a repeat
rformance in the weather dep-
tment to that ola year ago.
AShfield Township Council
held its' inaugural -meeting Jan-
uary 10th. Couneillor Lorne Cook
was abSent. Reeve Giryin Reed,
Deputy' Reeve Eugene Prayne and
CounCillors Warren'Zinn and Fin-
lay MacDonald took their oath of
office. '
Thee minutes of the December,
Meeting were adopted ,awl a•By,
Law' appointing the offitials for
1972 and setting their' salaries. was
given two readings: Reeve, $500;
Deputy.Reeve $425; Councillors
$350;plus $10 each for special
meetings; Clerk-Treasurer
$4006, plus .$200 ''car allowance;
Road Superintendent:, $2.50 per
hotir plus, clerical assistance
$275; Grader Operator $2.50 per
hour; both road supt. and grader
operator to receive 2 weeks
holiday with pay; part time oper-
ators $2.20 per hour; labour
$2.15 per hour; part time labour
$2.00' per hour; livestock,valuers,
Alvin Robb, Eldon Ritchie, Bert'
Doughte4.,....Mie ha el 'O'Neil;
Fenceviewers, Duncan farrish,
Nelson Pearson, Joe O'Keefe,
Bert McWhinney, ROss, Eedy,
Eugene Prayne and LOrne Cook
were appointed to the Lucknow
Arena Board; RecreatiOn Board,.
Warren Zinn, Finlay MacDonald,
John Austin, Bill Black, Missel
Irvin, George Moncrief, James''
puter , a.. digital display and a
completely solid state sonar def-
ecting set.. He is primarily in-
volved with the digital computer.
Joe's training was taken at the
factory in Helgelo, H011and
where the computer and the dig-
ital display were designed and
'Joe left Lucknow :21 years ago
when he enlisted, in the Canadian
Navy. He is due to retire in
March of 1976 at ,which time he
will have 25 years of service.
In a letter .from Joe , he states
he would, like "to say helld to all
my friends around, Lucknow".
. By-Law 2; 1972 for borrowing up
to $160,000. for current expenses.-
from Bank of Montreal, LucknoW,
was passed,
Questionnaires from the Huron
County Land Division re Vincent
Austin and Finlay MacDonald
were approved.
The following accounts were
ordered paid, General $4,436.38;
Roads $6,108 '..59, •
Council adjourned to meet . Feb
ruary 1st at 1.3.0 p.m.
About 40 people attended the
annual meeting and pot luck sup-
per of the Lucknov) Agricultiiral
Society in the town hall on Fri
day evening and heard a very
successful financial report read
by secretary Ross Errington. Pres•
ident Bob Gilchrist presided for
the meeting.
The society sta e rl
As Treasurer
Of Bruce County
Bruce county councillors were
appointed.. to' 1972 standing ,corn-
mittees list week.
Chairman of the committees
are: Brad. Davis, reeve of Lion's
rnon Em-1
reeve of Chesley, community;
Orville, Elliott reeve of
Kinloss agriculture; Lloyd John-
ston, reeve of SouthaMpton,
county hOrne; Albert Worrall,
reeve of Teeswater, ctunty lib-
rary; Clayton Nicholson, reeve,
clude:' Stanley T'rask, reeve of
Ainabel Township, tourism; Ar-
chie MCKinnon, reeve of Culross
:Township, museum; John Mac
Kenzie, reeve of Bruce Town-
ship, planning and county re-
organization:, David Scott ,'reeve
with a bank`13alance of, $878 'and
by .the .year end the balance had
increased to $4185.
Several very successful extra
money making ventures added to
the MC fetyts good financial posib
tion, the Craft festival, the draw
for the heifer donated by'Clen
Skateithort plus-
feW t;ven without this
1st kinloss'VenturerS, Jamie
McEwan, Steven Eadie, Jim
Hanna, Paul Ackert, Jamie
Graham and William .Dickie and
Venturer Advisor, Lloyd Graham
spent the week' end Winter-camp'
ing at Fairy Lake: They travel-
led to ramp by sno-wrno
cleared a good section of for,
skating and hockey and also tried
Died In hospital
Lucknow passed away on Monday ;
January 24th in Wingham and
District HOspital.
•. The funeral service will be held
at MacKenzie-Memorial Chapel,
Lucknow .on Wednesday, January
26th at 2 p.rn.
Temporary entombment is at
South Kinloss Mausoleum.
extra assistance , the Fair did very
well for itself and the mernbers of
the executive and, the society
were very pleased with the year's
• 'Bob GilChritt, president' of the
society for' the past year, was , ,
returned for a second
it-was-one year ago ,-by .the day
t winter's 'fury' let forth last
ar. The storm moved in quick-
and by mid day, it was appar-
t that school students were not
ink; to make it home on the
sses'. ,.Later in the day, a hydro
ciwut left many area homes
thout electrical power' for days.
dents were also stranded ,in
ools and homes. The Sentin-
finally was published on Fri-
y. But that was Jast year:
This year, the same January
esday' morning' dawned with
h gusting winds that made it
possible to run school bus
tes and most area schOOls were
sed. Visibility was nil on
st roads in the area and traffic
s at a sta-ndstilt.
As this is written about 11 a; tny
esday, there have been brief
ar periods, only to have the
ds blow up frequent snow
ails making driving' impossible
e wind 'factor created Chilling,
ow zero temperatures eitirnat-
at 80' below.
.equiValent of the Old Navy Rank
of Chief Petty Officer First Class.
For the pa st-t-Wo-yea
undergone .extensive training in
Canada and. Holland. He is pres-
ently employed as the. sent&
instructor at the Combined Sup-
port. Division of the Fleet SchoOl.
They are training the personnel "
who will man the new 280 class
destroyers and the converted Resti-
gotiche class destroyers. The. 'men.
that, Joe is helping to train will
operate and maintain the sonar
system. This equipment consists
of a 'general purpose digital corn-
Ashfielld Township Council Appoint
Set Remuneration
of Ripley /Property.
Mrs. WilliarrLD_Sittipen OtIre-Ornmittee--chTirmarr--ra-