The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-12, Page 20°CANADA CHOICE 311.0Z.• SAVE 10c Torn,a 11-Sal e Tins 59c Mrs. Doug Martyn and little To Ordain Two As Elders STROH to Reverend and Donald Stroh (net Louise A,%!:ev, of St. Johns , NeWfoundlat:,,.. , Sunday, 'January 9, 197.2, a son, a first grandchild for Mr. anq_Mrs, Williarn,E. Andrew of Asl,neld and Mrs. Walter: Stroh of Conestogo. WPM° 1141 .10UCKNOW ..SENT114114.'1,UCKNOT4fil • WEDNESDAY, J NUARY 13th, 1972 ' fi THAT Almer Ackert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ackert and. Ken Eadie, son of Mt. and Mrs. Lorne Eadie, both of Holyrood and Steve Johnston, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Morgan Johnston 'a R. R. 4 Ripley, enjoyed a holi- day motor trip to Florida. THAT Mrs. Harold Londry of Lucknow was the winner of a jewellery box in a,..Christrnas • draw at Schmid's Jewellery and China in Lucknow. MAXWELL HOUSE 6 OZ. instant Coffee . THAT some damage was done to r ' the automobiles, of Mrs. George Joynt Mrs. 'Verna Mcclenaghan and Mrs. Roberta Whytock as ice fell off the roof of the Luck-, now Bowling Ailey QI1 M.:10day evening striking the parked cane THAT 'Doug Johnston, 'formerly of Lucknow and ndw residing in. Port Elgin, was the winner of. $5.00 in the.Port Elgin Kinsmen 'money tree. draw. The Kins- men ,were also winners as. Doug donateoi $100 of his prize back to the club fOr service work. Doug is an employee at Douglas Point. THAT the story about Keith C91-' lyer finding what has been des , cribed as a stone 300 million years old, which appeared in last week's paper, mentioned the fact that he had been assist ,. ed, in the research by Jim Hend erson of Lucknow. Jim, is a , student at the University of. Waterloo and not Guelph as stated. Sorry Jim that we had, you in the wrong city. THAT Mr. and Mrs. Barry Mc ,; Donagh Lticknow left last • week on a trip to Arizoria to visit with Barry's brother Chuck McDonagh and family:4 They accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Bar- ry Watsorrand family, Chuck's . ° next door neighbour in. Oracle ,•• Arizona,,• near Tuscon. • Barry. Watson is a.›native of the Brus- sels area and had been visiting with his parents over Christmas. 'Betty and Barry McDonagh will . return by.air. THAT it has been a slow starting winter. for skiiers with the first skiing 'at the Lucknow Ski Hill . on ,Tuesday night of last week. THAT a minor fire took LucknOW Fire Department to the 'resid- ence of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morningstar „north of Luelurow on Wedhesday noon of last week. The pipes were on fire and • quickly attended. STOCK UPI 2 Pounds 45c SAVE 16c 2 Pounds, 49c TOP VALUE! Poy Only. (i9i SAVE 'TO 24c Pay Only $1.29 ' BURN'S SAVE 13e Pure Lard DAISY BRAND. Margarine PALM GARDENS 100 COUNT, • Tea Bags Sale THAT June Alton, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Glen. Walaen of Lucknow , received a. first class • honodrs standing of 94% in grade 1 theory, Royal Conservatory of Music. She is a pupil of Mrs. THAT The Sentinel has received ;Ken Alton of Ashfield. a number of suggested titles for.. - . „ the book being published by Dr. THAT in_renewing_the :Sentinel W. Y. Johnston. As was men- / subscription, Mrs. C. 'E. tioned in a story in last week's (Blanche) Wilson of Saskatoon paper, $50 will be awarded tO says,. "We 'are having glorious - the person submitting the I weather, 10 above, had a few winning title and their name :• days last week 30 below". win be published in the book. Please-suhrnit-strggesrio-re---• LucknOw Sentinel. THAT The Sentinel has received a request about a hamlet which was supposed to have existed in - this area by the name of Dunsin• ane Whose postmaster was once James L. MacDonald ,. Does. • anyone know of the lOcation of Dunsinane? tlii!•••!•411 11MONiell111100•IMINDI NIONIIIIMO4M041 10. Headquarters For Macintosh and• Spy Apples VALUES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY' JANUARY 13, 14, 15 'PHONE LUCKNOW 528:3420 HEREYOU .41111111111.111.1•1111111b. BOY'S 8 TO 18. and MEN'S S M L' XL KNITTED VESTS Plain:or-belted % PRICE While they last LONG SLEEVE MEN'S • PULLOVERS ° Just purchased last week as clearance from a Toronto firm. S. - M - & XL $1.98 'Rini LINEN TEA TOWELS A SPECIAL BUY AT 16 x28 — 29c 2Q x 30 39C• ' MEN'S FANCY DRESS SHIRTS 141/2 to 171/2 — All new Fall urn' stock $3.00 OFF • ANY.SHIRT BOYS 8 TO 18 PULLOVERS and CARDIGANS ---Atrylrc'1WWW1-or-13-Mn % PRICE CLEARANCE MEN'S ,AND.BOYS` FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS IMPORTS BOYS $1.79 MEN'S $2.79 ri CANADIAN MADE g a BOYS AND MEN'S Suffers Fracture In Home Accident LOCHALSH NEWS Mrs. Tena Verhulst is in hospit- al in London due to an accidOit suffered, in her home in a fall down stairs. Mrs. Verhulst is re- .porked as having broken her leg... Syrripattfyire-Xrended to the family of ,Mrs. Dan Wylds, who passed away in Wingham hospital on Saturday evening. Dan Wylds isn't,as well as• his many friends would like to see Wm. He is staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wirren,Wylds. daughter'Helen Ainslie arrived hOme from Kincardine hospital on Friday. .Mr.and Mrs. Robt. ,Mcintosh and:family arrived,home from._ Florida on Wednesday:,. Mrs. K. L. MacKenzie was able to be at home for the week 'end after her stay in, hospital. -Sreven Wylds is working orr the Township silowplough. to Peter de Boerand Dave • Moffat Sunday at the Ilangsitie Presbyter tan Church at 2.00 p.m.- are being ordained as elders next Glenn Noble of Lucknow wi11' be in charge of the service, assisted' by Victor Wybenga. Mrs. Geor e Youn s en a few , days in London at Mr, .and 'Mts. Lovett's. She helped them move WISE - Mr, and Mrs. AtIt H $sise III (Jean Webster) are hapr., to announce the arrival of tfiLi: daughter, Patricia Lynn, on day, January pal 1972.in Ohio.. A first grandchild N::, and Mrs. Wellingtori:Wehftc:. while there. Mr. and Mrs. Jim You and family visited Mr: and ,4,rs. Gerd on Wall in Wingha m Sa evening. Perry, Amos, Noah an, Vernon Coblentz visited RUSsoll aunty SatUrOay. Congratulations to -.!0.7. and.!,1rS. Tyse Kloostra (EVelynn who were married at tht ,:rutec, Chiirch,:feeiw-atc:r or PARTY Five tables ,of pro, euchre were enjoyed at :hc care • party Friday the tank . tide Cothmtinity Conley received the hi,s1 ent rize while Frank Bon t -;71ar, got the. low. High ladits.‘ken Marymts o . vi B ngafik Bongc ertrnannfdt ±:,%i p!ize to card party will be hc1.4.,ri tWO weLueksnc was enjoyed. nal .h The Langsidc Yot„ People's rneetin, NA, - was to hav,e been held a; and etiot :ctutsch :wt as Wc hk rolad e, RACK OF LADIES' BLOUSES Nylon Knits, Polyesters and Polyester and Cotton SALE PRICE $3.95 and $4.95. SAVE 82 and $3 ON EACH `BLOUSE