The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-12, Page 17
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1 889"
• , . J
13elleville • tirarnpton a Cannington Exeter . Gtiderich% Guelph.. Hanover i-
Kingston a Lindsa9 a Listowpt . Meaford a Newmarket .'Orangeville.. Orillia
Owen Sound . 'Peterborough . Port Credit .. Renfrew . Richmond Hill . St. Marys
. Stratford* 'Toronto (5) 4 Whitby
. • -
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12th, 972 . •
25.% OFF
' I ,
Sherry Lee Gibbon's, daughter
of Mr: and Mrs. Gordon Saunders
Kenneth Humphrey , SCR of Mr. She wore a. yellow floor-length .. pon y.
and Mrs. Harold Humphrey .of gown. Flowergirl was Donna
m Lucknow,•were married in tuck-' Humphrey, sister of the groo,
now Presbyterian Church on Fri- wearing a white floor-length.
rday, December; 4 at 7 p.m., dress. The attendants carried
white and yellow mums,
Rev. Glenn Noble.officiated at
the double-ring .cerernonY.
GiVen-in marriage by her father,
Mrs, Gail Cook held a ia'rnily
gathering for New Year's Day
with the following. guests; !viz. and
Mrs. Bill Park and 7 c4ildren,
Mr:, and. Mrs. Roy Ashton, Mari-
lyn and Terry, Goderich, and Mr,
'Mervin Craig from Goderich;
Mrs. Les Schultz returned from
Wingham Hospital on Saturday
to the home of her' son and faMily
Mr. and Mrs. GordOn'Schultz.
We hope she soon regains her
The following were in Goder-
ich Hospital recently: Mrs. TOm
Young, Mrs. Gail COOk who had
surgery on Wednesday and Ron,pie
Hallam who lost 3 fingers in a
planer two, weeks ago. Best
wishes•for a good recovery, are
extended to each.
I When. Mrs. Ar%Wall received'
word that she won the draw at
Skyway Market., .Goderich,. an
18 month old pony, ,she thought it
'was a joke, but they nowhave
R. R. 3 Ripley, wearing a blue the 'pony in their barn. Tommy,
floor-,length gown. Bonnie lilac- Tracey and Terri are 6 years and
---Leod--oHarckrro-Wwas=---brrdesrna7rd:--uMefbut Win soon enjoy, the
the bride wore a floor-length
gown of .white chiffon featuring
a high neck with lace trimming
and short puff sleeves. Her head-
piece held a late triMmed
net veil..She Carried red•roses
and'white mums.
Guaranteed Fun ds •
Matron of honour was the
bride's sister Debbie Rhody of.
Groomsnian •wa's Doug HuMph-
rey, of Lucknow, brother. of the
groom. Ushers were David Hum-
phrey of Lucknow, b
groom 'and Allan Rhody of R. R.
3 Ripley; brother-in-law 'of the /
bride. .
A ireception followed in
Whitechnrch Hall. •_
The •bride's mother wore a
mauve short Sleeve dreSs and a
white and pink will corsage:
The couple will reside hi Luck-
now .
•Last Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Fred
YoUngand John:visited Mr., and ' .
:Mrs: Harold McIlwain in London.
John remained to :continue his
'course' at HerZing Institute.
- • •
Chuck Young.visited the out-
patients parr of Victoria' Hospital
last, Wednesday and now received.
therapy twice a°week on hiS
hands at Goderich hospital.
Mr. land .Mrs. 'Eldon Ritchie
and 3 chikldren, Jim, Donald
and Carol were dinner guests with
Mr. 'and 'Mrs. Robt: Irvin on Sun
Couple Will tuckn.ow
VisitorS with'Mr' and Mrs—k
ey Tiffin Sunday were ,Mr.
and Mrs. Purdon„, Mt. and
Mrs.. Hugh MacMillan and family
of.,Watford Were callers at the
same home after visiting" with
his mother Mrs. Ross MacMillan
in, Wingha and District Hospital.
Mrs..Cora Yet) of Southarhp-
'ton accoMpapied Mr. and MrS.
Bevan Tiffin and Stephen, who
hid spent-the_week ad ateer
home, and Mrs. Yea visited her
sister ,Mrs. Ethel Stewart of Wing-
' ham. On Monday Mr. and Mrs.
tiffin and family and Mrs, Yeo
returned to Mrs. Yee's home in
Southampton from where Mi.
Tiffin will continue his'insuranee
George Young of Langsid.e were
in•LiOndon on Tuesday at St: Jos-
eph's Hospital ; wh€re they
ed with Mrs, Gertrude, Tiffin"
and Albert Lennips Was able to
.return home with them. •
Victor' Wybenga attended Knox '
(:ollege .Toronto on Tuesday and
d rieSd y
Mrs..Pred Tiffin aria
Russel Ritchie were iti•Lbndon on'
WHITECHURCH Wednesday at St. Joseph's Hospit-,,
al to bring. Mrs. Gertrude Tiffin
to her home in Wingham'.
Ke_are: corry to' repOrt that
Russel Ritchie was, admitied to .
Wingham and District . Hospital on
!.Ir. and Mrs'. Ivan Laidlay.r and
family arrived borne on Saturday
frorn a holiday' in 'Florida
Mrs. Ethel. Stewart.of :Wingham
to.celebrate Mrs. Dan Tiffin's
birthday On Sunday had as guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mrs.
•Y -Gina eo of- Southampton and -
Mr:and Mrs. George Turnbull
of. Wingham.
Mn, and 'Mrs. George Fisher
spent the week end with Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon,Fishersand family
of Guelph. •
David Adams, who is taking a'\,
course at Fan e shaw College, ..
n Londo, spent the 'week end with'
his parents ,Mr. and Nirs. Bob
Adams.. .
. Miss Janette Johnstone of Lon-.
,don spent the Week end with her
pare M nts r. and Mrs. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Cr,ictor Wybenga
were at Lucknow Sunday after-
noon, Where Mr. Wybenga had , , charger() t e service at IL .
Christian'Reformed Church.
PHONE 5284117' annual report
Estates, Trusts and Agoncies .66,505,000
• Total Assets under
'Guaranteed Investment
Tr_ust Deposits
* Net profit for, y ..the,,ear 3,520,000 2,54.3,000
• Earnings per common share 2.34 .' 1:64
The Lambton Loan and Investment Company, 'and compares with the re., ated
1970 net. profit of $2,543,939,
pan). F'ffirds-
*Net profit includes the. Cumpany'S' ps , , equity in the earnings of its SUbsidia'ry,
P t
438,109,000 352,097 000
119,334,00,0 - 96,085,000