HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-12, Page 150 • r February, The vegetation is , \ coastal scrub and grassland. Just north of us Is the moist semi-dec , iduous forest' belt where. some of the trees shed their leaves during the dry season, • The children are attending the Ghana International School which is run on the British system, They wear uniforms. David's is . a white shirt with grey shorts'. while 'the girls wear green and white striped'dresses. Their hours run from 7.45 a.m. until 12.30 p.m. with a fitteen,minute Rbreak. They seem to be enjoying,their classes now that they're familiar• with the routine.' I have been teaching at G.I,. S. myself since /October 4th •and will be there until the •terCM :ends on December.,17th and perhaps until mid-January. 17m teaching Class 4A which Is much like a • 3-3 •at home,. The class is a min- iature United. Nations with rep- resentatives from Ghana , Scotland, Wales, Holland, NOr- way ," East k?akistan, the 1.3.S,A1, and Canada. The syllabus , time-table and •amoUnt of homework are set out •by the office. 'The rigid syllabus ' is geared to the, Corrithort Entrance Examination which the children write at ages 11,,, or 12. They must pass, these exams if they wish to attend a secondary school. We've stewards at school to sharpen Pen- cils , duplicate stencils, erase EPNESPAY, JANUARY 12th 1972 • ot THE, LUCKNOW SENTINEL,, 0.4,411040W ONTARIO . PAGE 141111111N LIFE IN AFRICA CONTINUED FR010, PAGE 3 • prepares breakfast and lunch but 'still cook our dinner at night. Many people have a driver, a smalluboy who assists the steward' or cook, a steward who just does the cleaning, and a cook. lab- urers are very specialized and' most are trained to do one thing, nly•.•• we find the Climate -very hot rid are thankful for:our air-con- iitoned bledidoms .. 'Where we re „the rainfall, is about 30 nches with the two rainy seasons ing from March to July and eptember to November when the ionsoons pass overhead. The ottestmonths are January and blackboards, etc.,' 'Every trip t Accra is an adven ture. a sprawling city teem- ing with people , chickens, goats and sheep,.. All nationalities are represented. We find, the .Chatia- ians very friendly, courteous and good humoured. They're an ex— tremely handsome people and the babies are beautiful little things with their biz eyes and fuzzy hair. The homes range from magnif- iceni, embassy mansions to Mud- .walled huts. All along the side- walks the people have articles , for sale. They just set up shop wherever they are: Vendors come to our house-!almost every day offering fruits and vegetables. Your Ski-Doe dealer is dealing Ike crazy. Before you buy any snowmobile see your Ski-Doo dealer first. He's dealing on all avalable models. We've only been to.the main :Accra market a couple of times. There you can. buy 'just about'any- thing from dried fish to mattresses'. The. sights, sounds and smells, have to be experienced to be appreciated.' Accra has several' large depart -. 'ment..stores,which carry a wide -range of merchandise although: we • do have ShortageS'frOrn time to • a lame; Since' our art ..I.' both hut- ter and margarine have. been either scarce or "finished" as. the Qharia7. ians say. . .'. . ' .Dan', in addition, to, teaching , ,has been visiting throughout the districts trying to acquaint 4in-ii- self with the farming situation and decide how he can help. ' We've joined the Tesano Sports '' Club where.they have facilities for tennis ,1s4tiash, badminton - andsv.iirriming„ The children are tlit° taking swimming leSsons there .on. 'Saturday mornings... It's a. lovely 'spot for cooling'off. -.,... . . 'There are many. expatriates ,on ,campus, several with young fam ,. ilie.s;, ,so our Children have a .var 7 iety of playMa4tes. '• Right nos the. • ii ... a ;as aara..aaaa.aaa........ ; 7,, e,,,. .-,--for • •sorrie good old 'Canadian snow and • are wandering Whether .Santa Claus is going to find them' in their new home. . .We're planning 'two short trips during the Christmas break; Be- . fore Christmas the Tanners ,:Fries• ens (Orly , Mary and three child- ren front' Winnipeg) and ourselves -a-re-7--goi-rrtto lbadan , Niger is . - We're returning to Legan for Christmas .with Aunt' Carol and yncie Larry and, then driving to Abidjan in Ivory 'Coast. In • ,Abidjan there's a hotel, which has a skating rink. Since it costs $5.00 45 skate, I think we'll just be 'onlookers ,'but it's fun'to . ' I think you can skate in Africa., I 1 our., warmest W,ishes:for a w'ond-- 'erful Christmas arid may l972 'bring .you health and-prosperity-. - " The:Roses P.S., Was it ever gOodto get that fitst issue-of The. Sentinel! Canada Today .The pioneers who built. this lan .And earned a world's reSpect , Come in and write your own deal now. The snowmobile season is just starting so get in on al the win' ter fun. sktdoo.72 and hand Their, fortunes tb direct. '.The odds they' faced were ..-,,,res.ater • then ,.• .Than anythin‘ today , ,Bur they Were proud , .determined men, . L'ndaunted by the fray. No unemployment 'payments then NO pensions' or relief; ' They. had to be resourceful men -Of- active. self-belief:', ,That type is needed still today' Not thosewho'cry for aid Whenever trials come their way; We need men unafraid. • We're o,lad,to help the sore-beset ..vho-Cannot help their state But none should think us in. their debt, . Who won't work out.tIleir-fate. We should-not wish that others aid' This nation to survive. ' The spirit which this 'land once tra de , Let-tis, . nl~ter x. .356 PRINCESS; STREET ,...„ fe-KINCARDINtrIMON-E 396-4200 -