HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-12, Page 11CRAWFORD MOTORS
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1969"PLYMOUTH 4 door, 8 automatic' arid radio
1968 DODGE Coronet •500 Convertible, power steering,
brakes and radio
1968 CHRYSLER 2 .door,hardt0P'
1968 FALCON 2 door, 6 automatic with radio
1968 PLYMOUTH 4 door,' 8 automatic and radio
1967 PLYMOUTH 4 door, 6 automatic and radio
1967 PLYMOUTH, 4 door, 6 standard "
1967 FORD Custom 2 door, 8 automatic with radio
1967 DODGE Monaco 2 door hardtop, 8 automatic, power
steering, brakes and , radio
1967 VOLKSWAGEN with radio
1966 FORD, 4 door, 8 automatic, power steering, radio
1966 PLYMOUTH 4 door, 8 'automatic with radio
1966 DODGE 2 door hardtop, 8, automatic and radio
1965 FORD 4 door, 6, automatic, radio
Yotith from Kingsbridge and St'.
At4;ustine•went..arotind Caroling
their respective Townships on ,
christinas Eve: They. even. dec -
crated the Altars in . their Parishes
and set the Crib fOr ChriStmas.
•Refore tile Midnight Mass, these
, . • ,
ativi y
A •
' •
in queStions and discUssion.
A piano solo by Ntrs. Glenn
Noble was enjoyed.
The Prayer Circle followed
with Nirs. Dougla•s Graham; and
Mrs. Ira Dickie taking part. This
was followed by a reading by Mrs.
Ira Dickie, The Study Bo9k for,
the_yer o ti fr ic a:' waiintro-
duced and discussed by Rev.
'Glenn 'Noble. This took the form
of 'a panel with Mr. • Noble repres-
enting A Canadian, Mrs. Noble,
a yoUng African and MrS. Lloyd'
MacDbugall the older genera-
tion in AfriCa. This-panel
brought out some interesting
facts in. Africa,. '
Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon gave
the courtesy. remarks. The jclos-'
ing hymn and grace were sung,
Mr. , Nobler closing the meeting
With prayer. 'The directors and
hoStess served 'lunch.
Brownie News
passed. Jill Murray passed her tesut
for knitting and Mary' Lynn Cayley.
and Joan Hamilton for their story.
BrOwnies Ofe0ther Lands.. 13evetly
and,JOan -Hamilton passed
their test for washing a iimplegar ,
ment and fOlding cIothes,neatly.
NIA)/ Lynn. Cayley also passed' her
test for First Aid.
dL The itreetrng-t-:ato W'th -Bfb- 11-•
is taps.
Parish Activity
The Whitechurch. United chUrch
Women hel' their January meet ,
ing on..,Wednesday January .at:
ers and young people .frorn. the home of -Mrs* Rnssel cliapma.n.
at 2, p„.m, - Mrs; Elwood GroskOrth
opened the meeting with the sing ,
jog ola hymn., Mrs, .
Moore gave the call to.:worship,•
Mrs., Grosk0rth .ond Mrs. George
`Thompson. gave New YQa.r. prayers.
Mrs, Millan;Mocire led a dis , .
eussion' frorri the January:Observer
entitled The Discussion Club..
Mrs. Moore presided' for the .
business. The roll call was
answered 4'13 members. The ..
World 'Day of Prayer March 7` will
be held at the Presbyterian church.
The Huron Presbytery Rally will
be held in Stratford February
Mrs. Russel Chipm.an led in pray-
er for.Missionary Curtis Marw,00d
who returns_ to Africa this month,
'M6. Moore closed the meeting
with prayer. - •
t NY: .1 11 ..3p p,,m. - to-Mid- •
they,called.lt "Say ,it.in
(;:'o1". At Midnight a proces.-
01; C:indlelight was formed.
(,„Their to the Crib in the
Ntz..iste-r Mark Frayne and .
•ilina Van Aake.n .(Cfrade 7
,:,:k!•%•rade• Students respectively;
el St. Josef-M's Scho91,
:jd _t. t: li ±Cli ChriSt Ina 5,,
'ot. Joseph's and St.
A,..F.,R •
or adolescence is the ..
ortant part. of a man's
-Ilk • It a I icci.s hisjuture and/ is
tri,...k,sis of his future. it one •
starts Chan.,,ing one's characters
t, Augustine
Youth Activities
On Sunday December .19 we
held a -short meeting after Mass
which was opened with the Hail
Mary'. It was decided that as
many members as possible should
turn out to set up the
Christmas Nativity scene ,-also
after this there would be carol
,practice. It was decided that
on' Christmas Eve we -would go
Carolling from 9 to '10
around' the obrortitinity on a truck.
The meeting was then adjoUrn!:.
On Christmas Eve we went
carolling on the back of Joe
Franken's truck. We toured the
community and village Of Auburn.
Mrs. Franked then served a del-
icious lunch which was greatly
On Sunday, January 2', we
met for .a feW short minutes after '
mass. We decided, that we would
go skating in the Blyth
Arena in a couple'of weeks.
We also discussed when we would
play' the Kingsbridge Youth in'
The meeting adjourned and
-then we took
South Kinloss
Mrs. Harold Cam,Pbell was
r-hostegs for the—J-a-nuary meeting
of South Kinloss Women's Mission-
ary Society. Mrs. Bruce Hamil- •
ton, 1st vice president, presided'
for the meeting. Mrs. Hamilton
opened the meeting with A, New.
Year"Pbern: The Bible Study
"Love", ist c(C.041rIthians 13, was
capably headed by- Mrs. Lorne
Sparks, with meMbers•taking part
Holyrood, W.I.
Mrs-.'Jack Stott was ho,stess.for
the Holyrood Women's Institute 4
meeting at her home on Thursday
afternoon. Mrs. Raynard. Ackert
presided and. welcomed. everyone
The opening odecwai sung and:the
Mary Stewart Collect repeated,in
unison. A minutes silence was ,
,observed in memory of the late
MrS. Margaret MoPherSon and Mrs
Martha Cox after which a memor-
ial tribute Was read. The treasur-
er's report'was read by Mrs. 'Lorne
Eadie also 'thank you' notes from' .
friend's in the area , who received.
CbristmaS treats.
Mrs. NlOrgan Johnston and
Mrs. Lorne,-.Eadie were appointed
delegates to- 'attend the W I. 7.5th
Anniversary banquet and celebra-
tion at the, Royal" York Hotel,
Toronto on February 12th. Com-
mittee in charge of the 'card party.
is Mrs. Jim Shiith, Mts. Jack
Scott , Mrs. John Maxwell , 'Mrs,..
Lyman utcon an4_.M.o.> Edna
.Boyie: • T.t-if • roll call proved.:,most
:interesting with. newspaper Clip -‘.
:pings abbut important persons.' •
For the standing. committee re-,
iports Mrs ..1.Dap Mcirines -spoke on-
•alree to' replace the elms which ,
7 • • 'were stricken with. Dutch Elm
disease;. Mrs. Jack Scott for Citi=
Mrs. Frank Maulden gave the
Motto "If you want' a friend be a
friends' and read two poerhi "Mak•
ing of friends" and "A friend" and
conducted 'a scrambled name con-
test,. All joined in singing ."Flow
gently sweet afton".. 0 Catfado
and GraCe The courtesy remarki
were given. by 'Mrs. Frank Maul,
dettandiunch-was-Served-b)Lth e-
hostess .
The Parish ofAshfield had an-,
'other golden page w ritten i n its
history. A Itas'Servcrs, Lay Read.
bridge, St. Augustine-and Luck-
now tinl:t in St. JoSeph's Parish •
liall•for an afternoon of enter.-
. rainnient.
-They shared in playing games
and two appropriate films were
shOwn "The Night before Chrig-
mas" and "Christmas in Sacred
Music", narrated by Maurice :
Refreshments were served,and
the afternoon concluded with a
short visit to the Church, where
Benediction was imparted by
Father Cassano.'
one's behaviour
One starts 'shedding altehildisk
„.4i1-&-Np-._aad4tation adult helfaV';
iour;. -.• ,
But. the,transition.from •child ,
hood to .manhood is fraught with
niany•,dangers. One has 'to "be .
very caretu•1 in building one's per,'
spnality not -to 'put the .
.,Wrong ideal-in front of:oneself,.
'• We, would t.O.PrOpose„a
family program 'for everyteen-
.ager_tbiollow. FOr unless the
•.family life or unit.i.s.happy, , man
will.find.it hard to enjoy life..
and to develop .himsell'alOng,the
right lines. • We prOpote• three
vital points:for the,consiciera.-
tion of allteeaagers:. a) Home life
is nice; b) Let .Us :make the. fain ,
ilyhappy 'or happier; -e) Your 'be- •
ha*viour today refiectsyatirfuture
behaviour,: •• •
leadership in
growing animal
health service
s •
feed and animal
health service
Good service is ust a little more than 'carrying
out a job. It's the little extra care' going into
•the service that really counts ... . the second
look at an order , . . a re-check on a load, an' -•
'extra phone call to rnake sure Something is
O.K. . . ;things like that.
It doesn't mean we won't make mistakeg. We
probably* will.'It does• mean' we feel badly,
when mistake is made and it :also mans
that care is taken that 'it ,won't happen again.
That's the -kind Of care we' pledge to give you
and all our customers.
You get it .with every or er o ur-
Anderson Flax
Products Limited
On .Tuesday ,; January 4th the
BrOwnies opened their meeting
with, a skipping and balancing
game.; then Fairy -Queen Barbara
Hackett placed 'the Toadstool for
Brownie Ring. The Brownies •
hopped their Fairy Gold 'and in-
spection was to if all the'
BroWpies had remembered their •
shoes. We closed Brownie Ring
with the BroWniePrayer. ,
. At POW Wow Janet Wilkins
showed four things she had made
for-her Craft, fiadge,. with Anne:
Alton showing a cat she had made
from yarn and Deborah Bolt shoW-
ed a dog. she had Caried froni
soap, Tawny Owl asked all the.
Golden Ladder Browhies who have
yet to plant a bulb and make a
diary to try and work at it now.
During work period the Golden
Bar Brownies, practised sewing on
buttons' for Snow Owl and Tawny
Owl had the Golden Ladder
Brownies for First Aid. Brown Owl
worked with the Golden Hand
3rownies-with.se_Voral tests
interesting clipping on the life of
our Governor .General the•Rt. Hon-
ourable Roland-Michener.
, Miss Edna Boyle presided for
the program: Miss May Boyle
gave two short New ,Year's read-
ings "Recipe. for the •'New Yearl'
and "I'm gonna try".
The guest of the afternoon. was
the President of Ihe .Bruce South
-District Mrs. .William Arnold of
Ripley and in her pleaSing and.,
well informed manner gave• an
account of Institute work both in
,our own province and Dominion
and:also overseas and concluded
Pier talk with' a contest "knOw your
Institute". Mrs; 'Jack Scott thank-
ed Mrs. 'Arnold and presented her
'with` a gift.