HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-12, Page 10THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL 'LUCKNOW ONTARIO WEDNESDAY JANUARY 129h. 1 972 WE LUCKNOIN UNITED CHURCH' Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A. Minister JANUARY' 16th 10 a.m. Sunday*School',, II a.m. Morning Worship January 20th a 8 p.m, A study in Christianlove, sored, by the Lucknow Winister- ial Association. POINT TO PONDER True. contentment is the power of getting 'out of any situation all that there is in it. G. K. Chesterton AArs Erne.sfAckert Is Unit 4 leader The January meeting of mitt 4 was held at the,home of Mrs. Alex Andrew. The theme of the N'orship Service was "Blueprints r a New Year". There was a candlelighting service with all members participating. !qrs. Ernest Ackert Jr. led the devotions starting with a prayer and call to worship. The Willa' ture was read by Mrs. Gordon Morrison. Mrs. John Pritchard gave a.reading° on the New Year: Blueprints for a New Year was , read by Mrs. Ernest.Ackert A-- poem "The• Goal" was read by. Mrs.. Gordon Morrison', followed by prayer. Miss Nancy Walden accompanied on the piano. 1,:` Phone 528-2740 JANUARY I6th 10 aro. Sunday School 11 &in:Morning Worship EXceptional value at this low prlce. Ideal for tiumtdifYIng bedrooM, office, bachelor apaitments Light, easy'to •• move from room to' room. ELECTROHOME PORTABLE lit tli sia Shuts of autornatita cabinet choice of mood erains. la:: at AV.; • t Mr3 ,itit ,:r171'Ine a. Blakey: U.C.W. Busy With .Varie Of Protect The January meting of Blakes United Church men was held at the home of Mrs. Russell, Phillips on Tuesday, January 4ila at '2 Fi l m. 'There were ten mem- bers present. The roll call was answered with the payment of membership fees. . The devotional period opened with the singing of the hymn *Standing at the portal' follow by the poem entitled "The New Year' and prayer by Mrs. L. Menary. The scripture lesson. taken from. Genesis Chapter • 16. verses 7 to U was read by, Mrs: C. Kilpatrick. Mts. L. Menary presented some-thoughts for the. corniaia year. and Mrs.. W. Andrew, gave a poem entitled "New year Meditation'. Mrs. &i..w11, Phillips read a bWorcari article on. "The Season o Overindulgence isHere's .Mrs. Hugb Menary gave an after Christ- mar read ertritled "If. You ask P/arr The study period was taken by Menary who gave an -interesting paper about Zambia., Many' Christmas '`Th4nk *roil" `letters were, read from friends. .• who had. received remembrances. Nth• 1,041se (A124:frew) Stroh of S. Johan, Newfoundland. wrote to express her -appreciation' of a $t.0 donation ;Witt her before Christ:7=s for use in aid of needy foik.' She contacted. the L'niteli Church social %%Porker,. Miss, Stella' The business meeting followed anR-caul-1 tte Mrs. George Newbold gave a reading and•presided for the elec - tion of the following officers, Leader , 'Ernest Ackert Jr. with Mrs. -Gordon Morrison assist- ant; NIES. Clarence Bell, Treas- urer; ,Mrs. Gerald Priestip, • Secretary;,Stewardship, Mrs. attest Acke:t Jr; Phone commit-. merge „1-zattne-;-mmr, Gerald Priestap and Mrs. Doug' McEvian; aowess, Mrs.. Cliff tawfor.i; "Christian and N.lisson - aq- Education, f\,..tis. C-ordon ley; Communiry Friendship; Mrs. Jack Mcponagh; Social Function, Mrs, Angus MacLennan; Citizen-.• ship and Social Action, Mrs. Jack Treleaven; NOrninations, Mrs. George lardine; Membership Mrs Fred Fianagan; Sul:ply and Wel- gate M. Jan Pritchard; Pianist, Mrs. Gordon •Mont2Oimerv. I The rneet.ng closet.i w'ith :ellOwship bour, Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D. Mrs.- E. -Henderson Heads Unit. 2 Unit two held their jannary rue•etiqg at the-home of WS.. Wal.' ter Dexter with 11 members and 2 visitors present. Miis Ada Webster opened the .'meeting .ith.2•verses of ktyrna "For Thy' erty and,'Thy, grace", Mrs. Dex . • r read the scripture frorri...Expdiist.*. then gave the. meditation with the theme "Faith for ,the New. Year".. Miss I-Orna Campbell gave g . a reading. "Happy New -Year" and Nel- son 'Ra.ynard . "Recipe for a . New . Year".4-1. recording by 'rennet.- See Ernie Ford "What a friend we. have in Jesus". Was. enjoyed. • Miss Webster closed with prayer. • Mrs 'llarvey.Houston conducted • • • the-e •electa ton of viticers._ • .Presid- ent , Mrs., Eldon .Henderson; z3ess is - tant', arr'..pt*11;.! Secretary Eldon Ritchie ..;• Assistant, Mrs, Nelson Raynaid; Treasurer, Kiss Helen 'Thompson ; Corruptinity Friendship and, "airs, Alex MaONay; Supply attic! Welfare, Mrs, Nelsor. Raynarcl; Stewardship and RecrUiz- ing Lorne Eadie; Social Functions, Mrs, Jas. Wraith; Christian and Missionary Educa tion, Miss Flora Andrew; Flopieis • Mrs. Walter Dexter; 'Membership Mrs. Gordon Ritchie; Norninatic:„ Mrs. Harvey Houston; Pianist ... Mrs. Raynard Ackert; Assistant , Mrs. Peter CoOk, Mrs: George Newbold asked for gifts for Mr. and Mrs. Jim Arnold recently last their home and business by fire. MisS 1:1elen Thompson gave ar. interesting talk on a trip she, ha ,: taken to California, Nirs, Houston thanked Mrs. Dexter for her hame .and the meeting closed with the Mizta' Be nedirtion .-repeatect in unisOr„ A dainty lunch was serNed , • the hostess assisted by `':asses Ada 'and Hazel Webster. •The by riat '0 God our elp Ages Nat waa Iry ho ated goe,. , o r twelve in down town St. Johns • 1</ .01.1 erg bri no ta i an S11( Nit Cc tbG ski Fa YC TC Att the C.11 Oro who are Oisig. throucii a very 4- dcult i_.,eriod in their The Money to be 'used to buy shoes,. rubber footwear and clothe•i for their comfort. , . 'Mrs. L. Menary SIIFE47,ttited triaE we make. ttirta for PaldStara. She g o ing to get More infer' Marion' k cUs. [ion of the, Craft Fratival were explained by a-- , L. a t."Nr donation to the Ontario Hespizat wai used to buy a carpet bad .sfarrie fpr the use qf the pat The Ladies have had Several' • sessions obgether Making turkey pies which preyed both delicious and profitable. • 'We were Proud to four Commitnion plates for Decii- on at Trinity in the Fail. For the Kiiadergart:en class of tixe'Sun- ' day School we provided ten Little chains•and tak tables. • • fiellkaY ChilStifiaS *bAieS were OW.1(04 for the Children's Aid s , die :Ontario Hetpir-al, ist and. Scott .Mission e amount of itme. hundred- anti forty sax piindt. A donatiOn 36,.3 will be sent to Mr. and &h. *no lost their t'.ittriae in a are a week ! The ,:neering closed .b,/ nrigtrig • a 7. 117 add ;raver, Presbyter an WMS The PreSbyteri..an Afternoon Auxiliary of the. WoMeres Bret on. Iitniaary Sch the Sunday School :yen, with. ,an e preded. and opened ithe meeting with New Year's poem. :Three,New, Year's poems were read by'Mrs.,'Arittin Loree, the • icript-ute taken treni Isaiah d'o. Was read responsively. Mr Ada nis gave the teditanton from BeSide:: Waers and, Mrs.. Sher- wood led in prayer. • Correspondence 'consisted 'of an announcement of the Annual .Meeting of Malriand Presbyteriai• to * heid "Isi.inghain Sannary lith „find number of thank you notes .from 3huc ,-ins; who had been remembered at Christ.-rustirne. The roill,callaps•werect by one' of the conartandtnenta WAS.Ziven. •/451, Refit. Reid zave the offer tors. prayer; , • Mrs. Morgan rid i Oil into- duced the stunt, book, ''Seyorai Indeperidance' , study on Africa', 'something of dieproblents ±rese T,eopie oho lived Statea r rears'. inn Ira, -row 4e-tr.:fig • epeacia:ide „Inc qet fer tvrat LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN • REFAlk RMED CH , CH J . VR Van Stemptroort Pastor Servi?esa 10:00 a.th. Service 2:30 p.ia. Service WELCOACE Denominational Radio Broad- cast, "The Back To God. Hour"; eve Sunday: CJCS (Stratford) 2:00 p.m: CFOS (Owen Sound) — 5:00 p.m, ziosed h hiy.',4,-,11 anfa 7r4 ye: Maictirrh Ncr.za:: ":4ericeiser..Nas li.4tess cr :he L'ecerry,:e: N,Ltr., .:11.1=tc-tai . -ttr:t r, t iY