HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-12, Page 9WEDNESDAY,- JANUARY 12th THE•t,t/CKNOW SENTINEL; IAICKNOW, ONTARIO •
embankment. Estimated damage
to the Barletta vehicle•was
.At 1410 p'.m. November 23 ;
Constable MCPhaifinvestigated
2' car accident on ConcesSion
B two miles south of Cty. Rd.
lw , Kincardine Twp. Cars driven
Lby Ronald Moffatt 1263 Webster
Dr. Sarnia ,.and Jahn Ernmerton,
R. 1; Kincardine ;"collided
on theicy road .causing
.ated $900.00 damage.
A- vehicle driven by Michael.
Burns; Kincardine, went out of
control on the North Shore Road, I
mile north of Cope. 7, Kincar-
dine Twp. and overturned in•the
east ditch.; causing an estimated
damage of $1,000.00. The accid
gent;, whichbccurred on Novernb6r
24,.Was investigated by Constable.
Burgess. . A
Constable Wi'wczaryk investig7
ated a single car accident on #13
Cty .'Read west of Jot. fin high-
way on ember 25.' A Oar
driven by Robert McPherson
R. .T 1, Tiverton went out of
--omit-red oret-hc iLy ioad criter.ed
'the south ditch and flipped over,
on its roof •in a fikeld: There Were
no injuries in the accident which
caused an estimated i0t.1
At, u,10 p.m.. November 25
Constable Poland investigated a
two car accident on y21 hwy:. at
the Set, of )t:11 Conc.”, Kincar.
dine. TWis. Cars ften by: inko
c hic, 1006 Beverley ;N: Sarnia
dian„ production, all about the
JAN. 15
ti .BABA"
7-2 Thy. 13.44ri, se,
•u.‘ struck a tree causing an estintated
$400.00 damage.. No one was
Jean •Monger, 'age 3 years .0f
R. 2,.Tiverton, escaped serious
injury at a.rn. November
22, when he was struck by a car
driven by Harold Schneider of
263 Hazel St. Waterloo The
accident occurred on. Albert 'St.
tnverhuron north of Cty. Rd. 13.
At .7.30 a.m. November 22
Constable Burgess investigated
a single car accident, on !.1:13 Cty.
Road 1/2 mile east of Albert St. ,
Inverhuron. A car driven by Paul
TheureaUx• of 32E; Colifederation A
St.. Sarnia, Ont. was westbound .
when it went•out of control On
the icy read and struck a hydro
pale'. There were no injuries in
and Silas Gibbons, R. R. 6"2,
Kincardine , collided causing .a.n
estimated $1,600,.00 damage.
At a.m. Jahuary 3, Con-
stable Wiwczaryk investigated a
two car accident on ;121 hwy. just
north of l2nclerwood,- A car driv-
en by Joanne Zientara of R., R. ;•1,
.Kincardine was turning left when •
,it came into collision with a
southbound vehicle driven by
Donald Smith of POrt Elgin. .No
one was injured in, the mitap
which ca Used- a-n-ea-mate-d- $2-,
At 9..00 a.m. January 6, Con-
stable Poland,investigated a twO
car aOcident in the parking' lot of
UARY 15th
Poverty Train
P.m. - 12 MIDNIGHT
, George Armstrong mid
the maple Leaf Hockey
reesome... . . .
AMY lia*1 • ii.r.,*nu,def • /ri P•erc •
D..1" 4, um. S. c-41", Ti
Alec 1 7 Tee. 18 -
Asillie w i , )evan
R. R. ' 4, Kincardine and Isobel
EdgewOrth, 919 c)uinton Drive,
London were involved 'in a car-
truc k collision reiultirig
age to, the Vehicles:. o.ewoith .
received injuries.
On Saturd4y November 113•on
41=1 .Cty. Road north:of e r1wy.
Susan Smalley,,R; ft, 8, God-
wa.s a`sino,le
'car collisidn resultin dartiae
On Sunday, November 7'on
24-25 West Wawanosh Twp. side-
road north o-f 6-7 Con. , Gordon
Steua rt , .159 •Ca mbria Road, God
ericli•Wa§ inyolved in a Sinde•
car collision result,fn in damage
to his vehicle. Stewart received •
On Monday , Nsvember 5 on
1'2th Con. , siderbad at 'Lots 9-PC',
the aceident which caused an estienO'e Ptiage Motel in TiVerton.
aced $275 00 „
car driven by Garry Fentie of
IS-Yru-Tgfreld, t-0-1-TalIO-Turu-c
parked car owned by Giuseppe
Cononna of Downsview , :causing
an estimated $300.'00 damage.'
Two area residents were hospit-
alized,as a result Of a car and
snowmobile accident on the Boiler
Bcach 'Road at 2,00 a.m. Jan-
uary A snowmobile driven
by Alvin tloran of R.', R: 4 7 ,
Lucknow Went 'out of 'control and
struck a parked car owned by
Geraldine CoSgrove of Windsor..
A passenger on the snOwmobile,
Doris .MacDonald of R. R. 4,
Go6erich, Ontario , was also in -
jured in the mishap. Constable
Whitelaw who inv'eStigated-the
accident estimated da.niage at
$700.00: '
• fit ;00 -November 29,
1.4'71 Constable Renwick investig-
,ited a car-truck accident on
We Shore Road at .Huron. Ridge.
Vehicles driven by Murial Wilk-
ins of
4 5, Kincardine and
Wilde of R„ R. # 3, Tiver-
ton collided on the icy roads
.causing an estimated $250.00 .
At 7.45. a.m. November ,30.,
Kit Constable MoPhail investigated
a single car accident on # 21 •
Highwayy -north of Und.erwood.-A-
.• car driven by Anthony Lukes or
Toronto, Ontario .went out of •
control on the icy road arid
skidded into the,ditch Causing an
estimated '$600.00 damage.
•At 4.00 p.M. November 36,
Con'Stable McPhail investigated
a single 'car accident on COnces-
sion -'4., Bruce Twp. 1 1/2 miles
west of # 21 hwy. A westbound
car driven by Coliril-Bird of ,Port
.Elgin•went out of control on the
ic'y road and slid into the south;
ditch causing an estimated
• '$750.00 damage. _
At ,12, 45 :p.m'. Dee-ern-bet
Constable Whitelaw investigated •
a two car accident op the'Shore
Road at the Jet. of the 5th COnc.
of Kincardine Twp. Vehickes
driven by John PinnoCk•of
Ontario and James Morris of God-
erich collidedcausing an estim-
' aced $350.00 damage.
At 3.30 p.m. December 4,.°
Constable ,WhiteLaw investigated
a ,two car accident on #15 Cty.
,Road 4 miles west of Glammis.
Ca:rs driven by Marion Laramie of
Victoria. St. , KinCardine'and
William Smith of R. R # 5
Kincardine Collided causing an
estimated $800.00 damage.
At 2.20 p.m. December 5 -,
PHONE 3.57-111311
Friday and Sahtrdays at 7:15
and 9:15. All other days, one
show at '8:00, except where
noted on the Program-
JAN. 13; 14; 1.5
At 8.3.0 a.m. November 22.
Constable Burgess investigated
a two car aecident on #15. Cty:
Rd. just east of'A.lbert St. , In-
verhuron. 'Ve,hicles'Otiven by
kinair Rutherford of Sarnia-and •
Karl Gerber also of Sarnia collid-
ed on the icy road cauSing an'
estimated.$1,275.00 damage.
,At 7.43 NOverriber 22,
Constable Burgess inVestigated, a'
single car accident on #15'Cty. •
Road just •east:'of Albert St.:, In=
verhuron. A car driven, by Harry
Blackrnan:of R. R. Laibbeth.
Went out of control avoiding an
accident which occurred previous-
ly at the same location and
entered the ditch. There was an
estimated .$200.00 damage.
At 10.:00 p.m. November 22
constable Whitelaw investigated
a single'car accident On Victoria'
St•. Inverhuron. • ,osi car -driven
'by :Gino Barletta ,:46'Moxley
DriVe;HaniiitOn, Ont. went out •
of control on the icy road and
Lisa McLean .; 217 Picton Street •
East, Goderf rch, Were involved in;
a two tar accident resulting, in
.minor damage. to the vehicles'
they were driving:.
. • ‘ On Sunday, 'December 5. on
4th and 5th Con. easi•of #1.
County Road, Kathleen 'Hallam,
IL, R. # 3, Auburn, 'struck arid ,
d.ainaged 'a,house respiting in dam
age tO,her vehicle. Kathleen-, '
I-lanai-11 and JaCqueline Taylor',
R: R.. # a.; Auburn. received injur-
On Monday , December. C. on
private property of Brian Hallam ,
,R, R. .4 1, Auburn, Garth. McClin-
they , R. R. # 1, Auburn arid
Lloy&Garth , ,216 Merritt treet ,
Imiersdll were Involved in two .:.
car 'accident resulting in minor .
damage Co the ,McClinchey.
On Wednesday, December S'on
#4 Highway ,south of: Jet. ,,Huron
Rd. 3(Brucefield) Bernard Billson,
.46 Princess Street-: Clinton,
-struck and killed a cattle beast
resulting in damage to his vehicle
On Thursday, December 9 on,,•
:f,,,4 6.6 Highway west:of E4ghteen
• Mile River Gordon Rovv , R.
'R. 3, Goderich and Glen
tavko, 37' Nelson Street, coder-
ich were involved in a two car'
-accident resultingin damage to
both vehicles. Henry , Prystayko
.and Charlene. Adanis,. R. R. #5,
Goderich received injuries.,
On Sunday , -December 12, 1971
on 9710 Ashfi'eld Twp. sideroad
south of 2-3 Concession,'Donald
Laframboise, R. R. '# 6,• Goder 7
On Sunday-, December 19, 1911
.on 1721 Highway, North ..of Kin-
.tail, •Dennis Scott , 179:fourth
O Ave..East, wen Sound -was in-
volved 1.'n a one car collision..
•and, the Seott car was damaged.
Drivers and pedestrians are re-
imin-ed'that streets and highways
are much more dangerous after
athifi powdering of snow , or ice,
than'they are after a heavy snow-
Dazzle 'increases the strain of
night driving. Sirleared, wind ,
shields increase dazzle. The •
Ontario Provincial Police, reminds
drivers that car-glass should be
cleaned inside at least once a
month to maintain proper
,:'Remember too that smok-
ing increases the rate at which
alria builds tip on windshield and
Provincial Constable.'
arid 7 'Concession, Ashfield Twp.,
east of #21 Hwy. , .Wanda Million,,
51 Anglesea Street ,• Goderich was
involved in a Single car collision
resulting' in 'damage to the vehic-
le she was driving. /
On Friday, October 29 on-#21
Hwy. north, of Colborne-Ashfied
-Twp Line ; Anton_,Berta 19
PotterS Road ,,Tillsoriburg was
inVblved in a 'single car,colliSion
resulting in damage td the ythic-:
le. Berta received injuries:.
On Saturday, October 30- on
Cty. Road, west of #4 Hwy. ,
John Stanbury, Dungannon was
involved in. a single car collision
resultifig' in damage to the vehic-
Provincial Constable.'
1971 Constable Wiwczaryk• invest-
igated a single car accident in
the Inverhuron•Provincial Park.
A car driven byponald Robinson
Of Kincardine left the roadway and
The String* Husbeild
to the vehicle. Smalley receiv-
ed injuries..
On Sat. , November 13 , 1971
on Con. 4, West Wawanosh Twp.•
east of #1 County. Road , Bryan •
Stothers , R.. R. fr-6, Goerich .
was involved in a single car colli-
sion resulting in darnage•to the
On Wednesday, November 2i
tier Were involved in a tiuck-bus
accident resulting in damage to
'both: vehicles..
On Saturday, December 11
on rr 21 Highway at Dunlcip (Jct. on #I Cty. 'Road south ,of 10th Con, Huron Rd. 25) Randy Henry , R. R. Colborne' Twp; , Robert Reed: .
Lucknow was involved in /a Single u, Goderich and George PryS-
cal collision resulting in damage '
On Friday ,'.'December 3, On #21
'Highway, north of C P. R; (Sub-
way) Colborne Twp. ,• Anthony
Susak, 195 Ross St. ,'Sarnia and
Cyril Higgins, Dungannon, were
involved in a two car accident
resulting in damage to their ve-
hicles .
On Saturday., December 4 on l ich was'involved in a single car
.collision resulting in damage to. Goderich St. , Village of Auburn, the vehicle. Laframboise receiv- east Of #8 CountN; Road ,'Ross '
A ed injurieS. • AndreWs, Box 7 3 , Auburn and
DIAL 528-3'006 OR 52E9616
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