HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-12, Page 8man mow Girls' Team Loses To Brussels 3-2 On Thursday, January 6 the LucknowrRipleigirls travelled to Ikassels and lest their first game Pfdlie season. T,eanal score was 3-2 for 'Brussels. Goal star- ess far Luck:now were 1.larg Chest- er and Janet Ritchie. • I •. , • . , CLOSED AT 7 P.M. EVERY EVENING 1- • w . Durigqnhan hen's t:Lft tdple was won :tai !sot with ;66e. :ace se,,==.:: tic Ntiel Dickee with Z71.I :"!th.1377..gm1 .:Eini141 lax:Atm* Int Tit Ikaurt: Min= .4oas zair azarntirr lacAtriov- '" ,,wEDNESMY., JANUARY 17*, 1972 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, 1.,UCKNOW, ONTARIO Blues green Fleas; 4-1 The Fleas hoc‘key team was divided into two teat, the Greens-and the UllieS, for a game on January .th. The Blues won 4 to. I. Wes scoring pals were Art gala( 2 . Alan Eadie'2. Assists went to Kept Alton, Den Greer , ,David.Gihson, Kevin-Bolt, John McInt'osh, Steve Frayne. Wayne Nturay. Green goal getter was John Hopi with ass.Lsts going to Greg Gardner ., Lan Taylor. Arthur Defeat Sepoys 9-1 COMPLETE SERVICE FOR ALL CARS ••ci Before the thcknow Interrned- iates larzest OroWil of the season, Arttlut soundly'thuniped the Lick nowt bovs here on Sunda.v nicht This game could eAsily -be called the Lucimow team's worst Atom,- ing in their yalIng history. Could "be ,it was their brand new sweaters, donated to them by the gal Legion which took minds oft- the -r-rne '04 -hat eve- it was„ they pea up a very disappoin in4.H7 game aftei deleatina• e z Sunda); nizht in . Arthur:. irkesirs Time ler a Twee-Fp See Ils! Novice Win Two, Lose One A motor that's running right sounds it... easy on gas . gets you where you want to go without •trouble. Let our expert me- chanic give your car a tune-up . In an exhiera game in 1R - ley eta January 4th , l_raciormw „Novice skated to a _S,:to win over the Ripley lads. Roddy ii217'^ CMS Ind Rratdy ilay recorded the • shutout a r►;ie 1=know, net. C.oal • scoters for Luc know were David Etringten. with two seah„ assisted Paul, Mammy and Paul lima"' vf;.1- • the stia'•of .rrey 1.4-frine . a-ss#ted hy Ran !:zt.n.lev and FeY ..Tbe- !mem:Ow boy:$. couldl^ft connect for a4tmet- cus .• es.RitL:n R...btrterf*d *placed OZ%-ti• Ladles la. 'ere Fl udder bowled 4 ,e hi single with, a D62 and also wok triple with a 6E.I•. I••••••••-•• and .SteNt Sin:imam each s§ored one =assisted saal7 rumcknow ora Japrary 4.111feWIZAk &CMS &Ma StIVIPRing SlIpaldek:ega altatty„ liock0 like. tm-44: team as thE.ic' defeated ''OCT. kr a el-szlzrim. aretrow 'melte Eta2 14,7erm, RrilTsrion„ Paul aiamaltri teen re've I. =em aim 9f untawlmed, -11ta theYthird itamtazdine the Decal toys west &rim to deka::: s e te ; p o cit uao t w z I o illnice : P7 m 2 k T maht 1 e. 114.., ' zh7.- llacirou4s cr.4. turas- eve , ene:f lizzt ,a,,Nal.ts„ the bar5s are slexvir4z miwzas *Sat on :be elbow. Fludder-:-Sn'and boto 42.1."z•• Dio—ena i.faffar 2:31, Ann. Wci..=-er AnOe_irsoa 7-24 and SZ4,Dr,,,Lane Caner 7 '-'1±,a • Irehitc:vift „ Stewart CIX4: e MacDONALD LEAD ZONE 2 SCORING LUCKNOW pctirtr- Man- oebiTes. ileamts Rem, ELD '7.:Tenza tkriLsof.es Hazeltuts 7altpab,14's Pecan-v.1r- Piarktees lialnt.2:rs 4. ea .:am stanE Cle!.• liattek ,WW:kt '117' taT, atema. li-flare41--am Fican-mits Lucknow- .1.1.1id added .."Artr• *44rt to .rt4Te,- CArkarli..-0; RijatT, krrrrort,- 74,, tilifE15 R„eds', CiTeens - • t74 .k..107.4.• • • -At. a tt-ii7re whe 'fte reTalar • scheria e dra.%sti re a kcal refki art ..•,,,ear,4 47edha ar4 hive derDa - tfp'irt 'and to-2.71 .kr• tfre z4zataFit ciz• 'trite ,1*-.747!7iTtrizyt haze a 1.&7/1.e't „ b'4.AtiHrei,Zr. 47.6171:._ AZI±J.E' tn4=L .61q.7.T kt(4- 2i11 -4;er.; Ihrotkx 4?.7. ccg-artsze.. srT z•-ezzl..,thez tiTZ =314pF Mi7C-P-m.rzz ti rrirt.ter DzIF, • A.L.,tert. fp:Lniv• ri 172*.ai: ea.Z1 zoiloCpodtticrz.. c e,Leti oc#Ite.‘ .eitv e: was welea VA Mazie §tewazt vitz.t :Dec Jad the h•z17 1Ditipon It7,,latbe 1714, .Team standirqs. Harr:. L.s,ricie Reds-47. 1.tel 44. OliFe Smidt*i ',Walter Devees Gceecs ": some% „ orrer Made Stewart ;St' Z4c-, Ikraricc• Ntacgf,tmon „ A.:meta Thompsco Weer. La.7.-is :43, Fse/th•• Aitchison 'tzp-tmcl- Air tE ii•die Cats lebr- , 3,i7:17;c7i „ N$4.11;.a Scotia's Dect.z, cir:±7.5 .17.•.;;d 5,3 . ,4:"Tarlas wtia effic BeIZS, 0-,4 • OM! ShOW n Toronto 7:74,'.x , '',-.-.7u-1,- 4- 571•7;77.4. atIE: E.,•air.4ww, liu-eztl....a.'r •••,•es 04- IfftEm-Ity-- al- amrtmri• &-..z...ilz, ... ... et4:. ' '' IF: "•;.•":•1-::'- .1-11E--'1•51.,' 7".4 'rill' plia•x• '.'..!-!• , a ntrita,tfa Itut pi.cfs, vas zeT 74-Ps *a.14....7ziti41, zrirte .•‘...-7Z44•11 . • -1,.."1....tres 40 h. _ .10zer_ziza--). aare4.75-57. Vitt-71. • • • C-1,7ag.ta. ?Otte *ir 714.4411 *'-alt, ,-A4(th 3- ,th.e7 'Tnr7nr.r9ssrmtur 11;.,,ri=ife „.11-Z. tzell,1-•-- ;lair„4„,-04,, 177T77,-4T- :vet itith4/La A4= aia.=-1211, adV`L=41 beniair lizartunis ars amt AcItt scaai• I MT-Nita 17-, err 71raat kezaz.•. Irirr.ed .teeszt rratzt .4.ad tar4 lwrt: tre iLuzanirm, s-Ar• avfit: )01-me -2.-t* Jaantie7 art Nen14717, ,17.M71 tad; 1= • 1,,,bir-7, dace. ffx= afad at!,;y2Int JL zau.s tte. frPtix•mn th as 7e•±77.e.nv.z„-• r45,r •Zn.- •:71= y r.; at ablation Flea., t 4•-,- • 7 !icr .• a les p . pm:a:tams aze ezee=eif. try: pk.e2Cti.ZA ...; tirga7-• "a•---•.:- 2 1-or FS= yo' •thatazz, XDOZT DV* le-31rat'dvCci "..go'....;* • - • • the 2tli• LItIt: '47tui 7174,73e• ‘SE-rre.1 „Litt ermcit. )4f•Flirt $47 :M130111c }i7ut icaL7:4 4:A7:at lita‘,:raiireit,'1 Z 417.0 L v'atitiisk; ZZlintZte:1 ig...is4P;, li:111Cr .136t1=4 :1 yraL anteZrasitorr.,14=.5=4. taie7;: i• 7711.9-. Ve:9-3, WPM; 110; 1,:d1.1.1tit ste t7T77.171.Z, E•.N.7t0 • 41-71.n Ent' -.•,•ak '• -).MM "2•01thaaxts, .;‘trr,rt ZiangrorItt.lotl Dot 14ittrl.:micrt..," -N.T•Itl &awn ti -74174 •••• LtI mmin;thap ..rt 4:1 Alroiew27.17 ace tw...n4 •4:44stri tte• 1WITie :r.zitiik. all amt.:ern .; 3c.rm.tf itt cf,L,441: zir.te:471.-net ; Trlirr. •qur-rIrt • •aat":1'' - • zt-e. 14-7 isesz 7:11. Iktiz'fcra itxm linttes 4:ic` '..(111.."z:24:3741:14. liros`—„/ -11-9E -gaiter 4' Vat '7.: ..ne ed. rCirmatz,r esuri, :ea= :470:7:4F! (XV; eizrIze . -4.1.2:51:::11.713, a "aVT4, 104 :1M L9L..7.th L t.; etzart-40.'; f!. •t''•••:••4 :. ..t 't.r°4 ::.!:::Tr.....7 ...i...7. 4.. ;Lt-Lt •71:11,..:L.',..tr - . : - icir*..! :.4:3:--.7111::-.t .: F.za t•-klaties...sires 7ftrzt: : :‘,„1.utr..t.,,,to 7 • . . - ', .'•!tar,t..,::•a 4,. ...”•za - :L.-1$ •-7.1,..:"'"' '` . 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