HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-12, Page 3of Belfast. • 'Stephen E. AndreW, son, of •Mr. and Mrs.. Wm. E. Andrew of Ashfield,' is at present working out of Frederickton, New Bruns.' wick; "with Agriqulttiral Tax Services of St:'Thomas, Ontario. :Christmas Day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Stanley and Arthur Stanley of C011ross were Mr.. and Mrs. Tony Bedford of Toronto, Miss Marie MacKay, of Kincardine, Mr, and. Mrs." Ezra Stanley and Floyd Stanley, Of Lucknow and Miss Lynn Stev,- ens of Toronto, ' 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Stanley of . j. Kaakc , with Mr. and Mrs. of Walkerton. N ,.. ".11111 11111 pArs unisula 1,0 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12th, 1472 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,- LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. • • FEA TUtEl• SUNSPUN, CANADIAN PROCESS CHEESE SLICES uiers cool= 1401. The SPAGHETTI .2845E • BuyortheWeek BEST-BUYI-,—.--_FDIESTORANGE-PBCOE SALADA TEA BA 6° b Cta* REST BDY! -- ASSORTED SHAPES 12-0z. Pkg. LANCIA EGG NOODLES 23c CANADA PACKERS SMOKED PICNICS 490 lb. Fancy Mots an .0Se' Write Of Life In West Africa christmas•week end yiSitors ith ,C..Shaddick,•LucknoW ere qtr.. and.Mrs. Aaron .Boak', a Dresden and. . 1r, and. Mrs. ,Rick Boak of Port mbtou-,. and .Mrs. Aaron. al.< and' Lisa visited 'Mrs. Shad- ick on NeW Years:Week:end., o. .,. • • • MacKenzie 'has re-' rntd.hpnle ,after 'spenditig .Christ vacation in copetOwn and ttawa ;l he Luc know' Women's Institutt ill ,meet at the Town Hall on iday , January l4th.at 2 p. ,'Ood attendance is requested.. Elmo Pritchard of icknow is home frorh Wingham nd District. Hospital where she as, hospitalized a week with eu moan and'pleUrisy lzse William.E. Andrew of R. 7 Luoknow , flyi to t. Johns, NeWfoun 'rid' on celnesday to be with Don and Stroh and, baby for a ovle of weeks. Mrs,. Sani Stanley of Lucknow .pit tent xn t hanrand., istrict HOSpit,al. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nixon and family of Wingham visited recent ly with Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Nixon Because of the interest of this community in the work and life of Dan and Ruth Rose and family in West Africa, we are taking the liberty of_publiShing the Christthas letter sent', out to friends and rela- tives: . Dan is the sonpf Mrs. Steve Stothers of. Lucknow and Ruth is the daughter of Mrs. Harvey Webb Of West WaWanosh. 7 c,"o Department of Extension, 'university of Ghana, Legoli, Acda , 'Et". ',Ghana , W.:Africa. Christmas, 1071 ' Dear Don , Bev, and girls t . Greetings from' Ghana it's very difficult.to believe -that Christmas is only two weeks the Guelph tearii having been . seconded to the University of ,Guelph= from the Ontario Depart.- merit gricw r- a a two-year period.. • The other Guelph team members from Ont- ario are John Burton, Jack Tanner Doug Pletsch, Dr. Margaret Mc- Cready and Noreen (Graham) Galvin'. From 5aslidttlie,wari we've Theodora Brice and 'Marie Dunn and hot British Colurnbia , Dougall MacGregor, The ladies are:in the Home Science Faculty . and the men 'in Agriculture with the exception of 'Dr. MacGregor who headS the Food Science Department. We moved' directly into our five room bungalow:which is located on the, campus at Legon. Legon is the university complex:,, not a town ; and is situated on a hill; abOlit ten Miles north of the heart of Accra. All of the university buildings are white, stucco With red tile 'roofs. The grounds are 13eautifillly laid out with plenty of formal gardens and' lily ponds, The flowers and shrubs are a constant riotof Colour. Some have the moat tantalizing perfumes while others are so,l__,LL perfect they alinost loOk artifielab Now that we have settled-in, our life here is almost as comfor able as it was in ,Canada . We're e_toying the fresh irtuts.and vegetables which are plentiful and cheap. Since imported foods are very expensive we try to use as many local things as.' possible. Here,. at the university, we're :in the fortOnate position 'of being able to buy eggs:poultry., pork, sausag‘ meat and weiners, through the Animal. Science Department from the University research farm. Although thievery is rartpant we feel quite secure at legon. The .university hire's one "night watch" for' every four houses and our stew. and keeps a close watch, on things during the day. After nine o'clock at night all the gates are closed arid, must be opened by ,the guard if you wish to go in or out. So far We haven't had anything stol- en'but we don't take any Chances: We lock all the'doors and wind7 ows 'when we 'go out apd lock the bedroom wing when we're in bed. Even the closets have locks'. In addition to our cook-steward, we have a laundry' =boy' and a ,part'- time gardener, 'Our cook-steward DON -PAGE 15 air RESULTS VAT ADS away when day after day'tliteni perature reaches. 00 degrees. I guess weshOuld enjoy the lack of •snow When we can for our two years will be over all too soon. • We artived.in Ghana oh August' 20th. Several inenibers,Of the University Of Guelph team, along with other staff from the bniver ,-' sity, Were onharAlog., reet While here , Dan is a member of ••••rwir`