The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-05, Page 22RAWN to Mr. and Mrs. Morley Ra.wn of R. R. l Holyrood Wednesday, Dec etriber , 1971 in Wingharn and District Hospit- al, a daughter. BROCME - los.,Mr; a.nd Mrs. RoiDert Broome of R. R. 3 LuCk- now on Sunday, January 2nd, writtizham. arid. stricrp- Hospital , a daughter.' extend a band to neighbors, friends .. . wekome the New Year with friendship and understanding. To all, our Warn', thanks. JOHN :.HENDERSqN THE: tylIKKHOW: SENTINEL" 1,44C.KHOWi ONTARIO ESDAY, JANUARY Sth„ 1972 S EI Mr, and Mrs. J.. Keane and Mr. 'arid Mri: W. G. Hunter of Luc know and Larry Hunter of Fort Bals,ter spent Christmas week end .with Mr. and, Mrs. Roy Keane and Arlene Of Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keane and Arlene spent New 'Year's Sunday with their Rarents at Liicknow • 1‘.1.r. and Mrs. W.r.u. HUmphrey Lucknow had as gu ests for Christ j'enby Of 'London and Mi. and Mrs. Peter' Cook Of LucknOw Audrey Ritchie, daugtter. of Mt. and Mrs. AndreW Ritchie Nit, and Mrs. Leonard Ritchie of were dinner guesks of Mr. and Lucknow a patient, lia War Mem Nits, Angus MacDonald of St. grial Chil4ten's Hospital; Lon- - Helens on Sunday- Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Pete 'MacDon , ald and Mr. and. Mrs., Glen Porter of Lucknow; Mr.. ,and Mrs. Dave MacDonald of Whitechurchi Mrs. Allan MacCharles, Alex and. Brian of Arkona; Mr. andNIft. 'Deng MacDonald of [Myth. • • . , Mrs. Leonaid Ritchie Of Luck . vow is a patient in Wingliatu' District Hospital. Mrs. Reis Mac -Milian of Luck-_, now is a patient in %Ingham and District Hospital. cELSC~t-Sill and Mary Nelson f Lucknow are happy to announcE. the birth of,' their son, Jonathan Robert , on Wednesday Decern1 bee 15th, 1971, itt liVingharti and District Hospital, 4 ,MARTYN. - Doug and Karen Mar tya, R 3 liiCkinow, are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter,. Hele R. on New' 'fears 1)4Kificarrigine vecteral Hospital, a baby sister for Donald WHITE - a Winham.'and Dist riot Hospital On Thursday , Dec- ember 30th: to Mr., and Mrs Teti White , R:. R. 5, Lucknow a,sori, Allan Edward.. EAT LOSION / CONTINcED FROM, P, . E I . the burner and daus'ing; the yibra- tiotas froth the' furnace, Mrs.. ' •Arnold Cold. Bill h sac fn about; the fzirnacc and :i.e went to :the basement followed by Mrs. Arnold. He pushed the re- lay button which Stopped the fturi.- ace bUt an: explosion resultei,... a:' the moment it was 'shut off - ing out .the east w:11.1 of he bulld- ing, and blow* Bill into another part `of the basernent., iz'ed With .burns, .ta' 'the face and hands, It was on the Lst of April of the th.i-r and_ VI Arnold real- , ized ari,arnbirion to own a srna,11. store. They purchased.the Lanes store from MrS. Marilda Donaldson and ha .ve been making changes and• improi,ernents GO the building. The:living area had a new ceiling: rflcor , , bath:corn and cup- boardS installed in recent months and a :7,p::-,ber of changes hine been :....r.ade the store with equip • arras week Mr. and Mrs.. Jim Nug.- TRON,L5ON -.atWingharn lent , Mrs. Lorna Clipperton District Hospital on December 6, :Brenda and Mark-all of London.' '.l44/.to Mr; and..Mrs T.,0"ther guests for-tftruas. w try T'horriSbn-- .Luoi,Jaew-idee..P.- • •-• andra .i-torpPbrev-ind Barry [Maid- 'Reed) a sop. Robert: William., • - to ..Mr. and Mrs. Gary Reavie (tee Sherry Jardine) Of Wingharn on Christmas Day at' laingfaarri and DiStrict Hospirat, a daughter ,Nicole Erin, a sister for ..N.Its..-.A.rneld was thrownto :he stairway ot the haser.r...ent ±e t.rid co, t..sca-,e .doh the t ove_ / Jun and are hopeful Gra:: will be able to erect a new :•.• : and :esidence at. Lanes pear fucui-e . Card Party 1.1 The E.ctize°w.iii hoid card party in two wee.4.3 • anuarv. • laopit'allit:e(.4 and released Sam:chid Lilo know District Co'-op , a Bill Chisholm was also hospital- working at the farm .of Dfiel:nan of KinlOss the fire.arid 'uTori returning hor. when informed of the fire the building destroyed. Dungannon L . . :herr ' card party on Thurscia•4., bet 2:3rd wirri Lost. in the fire were afl the ' serial possessions of Mr. and 1.1\4:S. ...krn,.71.4.1 including a' corn collet - iion.w plot starred `in 1.923. Mrs..moil lest 'a• iirizec salt and pepper Sha.ker collection which • I, 4 • 1-iigh scores. for'zhe. were Mrs.. Flossie ..Ste4-hen pazit with 71.. high was a tie .bew'eer: vv 1reat• ..)ears., She had 1-''een wi th a scdre of 7'; wit.. wocin.zon data for a fa7ily tree, winriaj. the draw dye!: the past Gen yea:s and all of was is the th. s :or Was Ica °Lau ?:,ulidinv,* was 3c*: In 34 with n L Id by .it It waacon-41.ere- Dinner guests on: Christmas. with Mr. and Mrs. Andiew..Ritch .. ie. Ashfield were Mt. and Nils. TQrt _Dickson, Kimberly, Mich- elle on Lisa of .Port Albert; ,• Mr: and. Mrs. tont Andrew of Waterloo;• Calvin Ritchie of Wat- erloo; l`t(lr., and Mrs. Jirn .Wilson and _Dianne and Mr. and A. I Wfisoct. of LacknOw • • V:isitors with. tb.eir mother Mrs.. lytt Liickthw for : - • Chrtua$ we-el( end were - Mr. and: Nts. Frank Barkwell of West 'Hill: and for New Yearks week end Mt. wad 'Mrs. Harold •Bttiton of Dundas.. SPEED AUTODialle WASHEE Features 3. cycle contra/ ,— regular. pet-ma-press and pre-viash. All with. 5, wasit'and rinse temperatures. In, addition you have Atli fietsbility of the two speed control for. normal and gentle gyrator and spin speeds All porcelain, top and lid: assures--lang life. Balan& of cabinet finished in hi-bake.dcrylic enamel over phosPbated steel phis bi-balte "Epees” primer for lasting beauty and corrosive EirlteCtifilL 12 lb..capacity -- power overflOw rinse dual ball bearing Inount SioPirtgback panel — heavy duty • . solenoids' . I eV IC XLECTB1C DIMES Fully imoniatic dryer. Three complete dry cycles -- automatic dry tfrele -- plus pernutltress — and regular dine cycle. 4pecial... low haat dryingla protect any washable 'Brio. Facitutive new ill bails systmn .entinegi you to dry Your,SImplicity clean clothes , yritti dean air Alumina* dram ait porcelain top Sun raY alantant safety dost aniitipie.beitt< itivl — giant in-door fllbst (Ilit square inches), .mst6wsgsistsvzsgteg.,,\ it a basement by .a w4, dew but' round this ithpossible and holdir4.; .hands Over his face , ;an. hack , through the flames and escaPed by the .Stairs fro the .inierno: Nits- John 'Howard. had been zn the Living area.af the building is- nig the Arnold adding, machine. She witnessed, the side the bltild sing being. bitl'wrcaut 'but Alas un- • hurt., She *managed to pith xp .a the papers...41th which the was working but, left perid7Urse thc.., house and Lt :N4/4.3. lett The lire .1:allowed the 1,as out and ap the lide the building'. and the 3 wit I' inferno: in a :natter of -matites, Nits. nanUJ.t:t.t 4114-( up a cash box p a nurcase ninth a deed and a -raw pemittai bapers coat„ :r ant hut and !.iers''-ititthance.ii coat. 3111 set'but 7e use yl, proXirtzity to the tiestrily )k to id .111.r.if)..4 le,4,t arid J11: L'Ine arm.. ti • r And EBath Phane-523.-3 WINNERS In Our Christmas Draws Mrs. Thos. (Betty) Christie,. ,TeeSwater Mrs. Norman VOLSA117,,, Mrs. Helen Montgozn ery, Teeswater Robe.rt Frieburger, R..R. 3 Walkerton Mrs'. Ivy Whyte*, R.R. 3 Teesvrater! MAW-YOU ALL • YOUR PATRONAGE is APPRECIATED. HUGHES RgAny Tp.wEAR STORE Teeswater ne t ;splint:dot °Pen All Day qm.day Featuring ‘313--the-:50,