HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-05, Page 20•
For the patronage and the pleasure of your
furniture and furnishing business in the past
1 years. To our customers we hope that oy
will give Johnstone Furniture your same support
Bob and Isabey MacKenzie
seat belts!
tcar. °lista e
Brian Bownian: age 17, R.• R.-
4,, Goderich was in a single car
accident on Decerriber 26,th. Ap-
parently the :car strnck a patch of
ice -and Went-out of central' and
rolled , on highway 87 West of
Wroxeter. Mr. Bowrnan 'suffered
a fractured, pelvis and LaCerations
oa his back. He was. admitted to
hoSpital, where,-his condition is
satisfactory. Wingham O.P.P.'
C. Ricker investigated,
Mrs: Marjorie Fraser , R. R. 2'.;
Blyth, caught her left 'first finger
in an electric, grinder on Decent- .
ben 13th and amputated the end
Of her finger. She was treated
and released. • • •
Katherine Eisenhofet.,:.age /6:
Litc.knoW , was struck by a flying
hockey puck anti lri...rareti hex
scalp. InCident'happened at the
Lucknow arena on. December
Mr. William John Salter, age.
39, Wiligham was injured Ina.
motar• vehicle accident on r
December:14th 3 miles East 'of
Arnberley on Highway #86. Ap-
parently Mr. Salter applied his,
brakes to avoid a rear end Colli-
sion With another tar ahead of •
him when he lost control of his
car and-travelled through a field'. '
He received' a • fractured right col-
lar bone and shoUlder blade,
rimultipie abrasiOns and contusions.
Kincardine police investigated:.
A bad' Accident occurred in • •
area on Friday maiming before
Christmas.. 'A car driven' by..
.Emrnerson.liowald• and owned h. •
Ross .Forstep, the .secand,oectica
hit a, tree just ...west'Of the Rbbt.
Intosh rivtt-T eTcar'w 4.$ a,
complete wreek-and.both
men were-taken by a niublance'
Wingham hospital,. ME.
was later removed to hospital
London., The fire; truck from •
Luckriow, also was at the scene,
'the accident,. as•for a time
i.4"as feared.
1970 KINGSWOOD 9 pasSenger stationwagon
1970 PONTIAC Catalina, 4 door hardtop
— '1970 PONTIAC Parisienne 4 door hardtops
„ Parisienne, 2 and 4 door hardtops
1969 FORD Country SqUirre-, 10 passenger itationwagon
1969 CHEVROLET Bel' Air sedan e'
1968 PONTIAC parisienne, 2 door hardtop, fully equipped
.1968 CIXV door hardtop
1968 PLYMOUTH V8, -4 CiOOT sedan, power steering
1968 FORD Stationwagon, 10 passenger
— 1969 4 ton' pickups, standard and automatic, transmission,
0, and 8' cylinder models
2 — 1968 FORD F 600'S' cab and chasSis
2 — 1968'G.M.C. 960 series4ith 366 edgine, cab and chassis
1968 G,KC. ton pickup
A imbiber of EConoline and Chevy Vans from '64 to
standard. automatic transmission
Albert 'Lennips, age 43, R. R.
Lucknow ;tad. a tree he'was
eructing fall On his light ti hide
fracturing same , at his oAn home L
ecerribei 2 7M , iie was riv en ,
emergency; treatment and,
i ns-
ferred via 'ambulance to St.. Jos =.
eph's Hosital., .London: . . --
!An a 'Celia Aircitpxn, R. 1,, 2,
Luoitnow , appa'rent'ly fell at her
borne and received `hest and
Itrtg-t„ 'llic.-.4ai., vin'iltted
to hospital on ,l;ccemner It
itere-itor,\'-antiftitrw/.4 Service
'Al. :$10T1,414, LUCICNo1M ONTARIO'
V. 4-
4 a .
,al• •
entry driven" by Joseph
Veneau , R. R. 4 Wingharn. Mrs..
Saint's Car went •love an embank-
Merit. Passengers in the. Saint.
car were.',Vir. Saint .and children ,
Trudy , age 4; Michael , age, 2;
and John, age 5. The latter was
the only one injured, he received
lacerations to his nose and facial' -
contusions. Site .a f ,accidents .
.bridge Letwer'.Wingham.
restigating.afficer Wingham 0. P.
P :
Mrs. Violet Yea , Wingham
slipped and fat /1011_ ,DeC -
ember' 27th and itactUred some
fered abrasionS to left •elbaw ; fraO7
aired and dislocated her left ankle,
She Was admitted to hospital, con-
dition •satisfactory.
Mrs. Myra PenrtingtOn, Wing-
feiPa•nd fracture&her right
wrist an December 18th.,
Miahaei Hackett , son of Mt;
and. Mrs. Donald Hackett; R. R.
Lacknaw , fractured his 'rigivt wrist
while playing hockey at the Kin-.
cardine arena on.Decem.ber 19th.
We had many reports of
sprains. from fails, all were treat-
ed and released. A very 'Happy
Christmas and may the New, Year
be 'a good one, fOr all.
Ronald .William Bennett, •age
24, R. R. 1, Carrie received:an
24th when the traetor he was driv-
ing was struck by a car on County
Road 30,, North of Fordwich
whiCh was driven by Mr. R. Steph,
ens, who was killed at the scene.
.WinghamO.P..P. :H. McKittrick
Miss EVelyn Dickson, R. R.
Clifford age 19 Was driving a
car- and was struck bi a truck-driv-
en by Jack McLean of Wroxeter
On Huron Road 12, approximately
1 I14, miles North of Wroxeter on
15eCerriber,24th.: She was exam,
ined for contusions to her right
knee and right eyebrow and refer-.
red to. her family. doctor in Clif-
ROsi • Forster, 'age 25','.R. R. 1,
Lucknow was a passenge,r • in a tax,
driven by Errierson Howald which
went out of Control on HighWay
86 while traVelling East. The car
went off the road and' struck 'a •
tree.on December '24th.: 'Ross
Forster received contusions to:.
chest and left arm. He was treat
ed and released. 'Emerson
Howalci, driver of the Car, Wage
26, Lliclinow was trapped in the
car for over an hour axid was
taken to hospital via ambulance
and given eniergenCy treatment
for compound fractures of the left
leg and ,transfeired to London.
Condition fair. Investigated by
Happy New Tear to, everyone!
Holiday time is visiting time
and many in the area had visitors
while some journeyed off to visit • -
r4larives and'friends,
Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Luther
spent the holiday week in N.dge-
town. ' •
Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacLen-
oan were in Toronto with ,Mr.
and' Mrs. „Don Ainsley and family,
Mr. and hits. Alman Fowler
had as their guest an aunt from
Toronto. .
Mr. and Mrs. Warren 'Wylds
had with them Mrs,:.Alfred Stone
of St. Marys, Miss Doris
Wylds of Toronto, and, Misses, ,
Linda arid Donna Wylds of Lon-
Mrs. Duncan Farrish', Kenneth
and Davidperit a few days in
Detroit with relatives.
:lyliss,._Kaiie„Sutherla•nd of Lon:
Mr. Finlay MacLennan 'of
Kitchener Mr.• drict Mrs. Heffer-
nan of. London were among visit-
ors with Mr. and Mrs. D. A.
fear and Mrs. eigrdon Finlay-
. an .,:trs=.---ELatrl----
lin arid Mrs: Wm. Rogers .
and family all of Toronto, Rod
*Finlayson of Sarnia , •Mr. and Ivirs.
Bill• Firilayson• and John of `Te'es-
water. .
&k. and, Mrs.' Art Nlatliewrrian
spent the week at their Lochaish
home as.did Margo of University
of Guelph And for Christmas da‘,
Doug of Talisman Ski area.
Mr. and Mrs, Ewan MacLean
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Dou g
tvlartyn and 'Donald -, Mr. and
Join Martyn and paula of Kinca '
.dine, Mrs, Mary H. Martyn an44
Mrs. Lobelia' Martyrrof Ripley
for Christmas Day.
Mr. and Nr, s. Eldon Bradley
had as their guests Mr, and Mrs.
-David -Todd of Hadover, Jahn
'Bradley of Guelph, Win. Stewar'
and Mr's, Doris MacLeruian
Mr. and Mrs. Henry MacKen-
iie entertained sisters of Mrs.
MacKenzie on Christmas day
Miss Edna Cook of Owen Sound
add Mrs. Roy . MacKenzie
of Toronto, Miss Sadie Johnstor
arid Mrs. Allie MacKenzie of
Luc know .
Mr„, and mrs. Oliver Mc Char
spent Christmas in Brantfot:'d
in Montreal with their faMily.
Jacobus deBriel, Walton, 'Ont-
ario received a laceration to his,
right forearm on December 13th
Treat In Injuries
At Hospital
• Penny Hopper, age '4, daughte)
of Frederick Hopper, Kitchener
Was bitten on the, right wrist by a
dog owned by Weiler's..in Walker-
ton on December 26th. She re-
quired sutures.
Henreitta Oldengarin',. age 9,
R. •R.1, Carrie., daUghter ‘of Her-
man Olclengarm• attempted to sep-
arate:a dog and cat during a'fight
and rectived'injuries to her right •
arm, wriSt and hand on T)
December 26th.
On December 27th.Leane Nich-
olson, age'1:6", R. 4, Brussels,
daughter of ,Gordon. NicholsOn re-
ceived injuries 'to her face when a
cat she' was petting scratched her.
Mrs. Hazel Saint, Wingham,
driver of a car apparently
lost control of her car when.she
applied`her. brakes, to avoid colli- .
Miss Annie Wilson Wingharn•
fell on an icy street in Wingham
on Decernbef 17th and fractured
her upper left arm. She...was.
treated and released..'
Mri. Edda Saxton. Wirigharrr,'
fell on an icy street on Deceiriber'
17th ancLinjured bo.th, knees suf-
ABATTOIR 306-2006
Have Cattle 1 /4in on Tiniisc.y .for Friday's kill
ammo& -row
With Two Big Coolers, We• Are Able To. Nang /out. Beef
1 're 3 Weeks Whatever Your Requirements Are'
For Hinne irmezers We "Sell Chiiiee Rome Killed Be!.e Pork
and Linnb .in Any Quantity At 1.44tvest Marketing Prices
potorecTlaN .•
Custom Butchering — Curing and Sinoicihg •
Cutting, and Wrapping Sausage Making— Fast Freezing
ofino -woo .vow . .Yom. AMP*
rs a. I'S- • 10 •
STORE 2961
USED-. CAR ..SP441A14,
Used cars from ;035 to '68 in various inodelst s‘dans; hardtops
-and 4 door —.90% of all-cars are V8; power steering
:and all • automatic
use/in Titpcxs
1971 Mustang 2 door hardtop, fully equipped
1.971 Pinto, full; equipped'
1971 Pontiac Tempest, 4 door sedans,
fullY equipped
1971 &lick Skylark, 2.'and 4 door hardtops
1971 Valiant, 4 door sedan, V$ automatic
4 1971 Chev Impala 4 door hardtops
— 19.70 . Chev Impala 2 and 4 door . hardtops
— 1970 Ford• Gamic 500, 2 docile hardtops