HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-05, Page 1714'
ucknow Preentalion: T.
Wm G. Hunters
Christmas How many people
even assoda,te it with. God to-:day?
Surely , people sing Carols ,but
how Manyereally think abotit. the
meaning, of the words?
1•ifty years ago children thought
a stocking filled with candies and
a toy or two were great; but
t o-day parents end up sperading all
kinds of• money on toys'that aren't
troug, let_aLone durable.
To store-owners, Christmas is
Just one big money -*grabbing sale
when people pay twice the origin-
al Value for gifts. Then there's
Santa Claus! -I'll admit he's
great for children but he is carried
a little too' fat.
Every, year the commercials for
toys and other gifts start earlier
on T. v: This year they began in
•early October !
Christmas is 'Meant to-be a time
of joy , a, time for ,farnilies to be
togother ," a time for giving and a
time for remembering "The 'Gift",.
So this year did you think'aboUt
the true' meaning of Christmasand
why we celebrate it?
. .
Mary Eadie:
Pupils and Teachers of the
Open Area were delighted to haVe
Murray MOrrison visit us on Tues7
day.; December 21st, His talk and
slides about his worliTnLueknow;
India, were very informative,
and showe'll us the contrast,be-
tvieen our village -and the city of
Lucknowt,. India, which we have
been Studying. He was dressed
in his authentic native'costume
and showed samples of Indian
currency and writing;
On Wednesday December 22nd.
•the:entire school body assembled
in the gymnasium fora Concert
in whith each class took part.
Steven Button acted AS. Master.of.--
Ceremonies for a concert of -
songs, skits.„°piano solo, jokls,
choral reading and dances. 'It
was,an enjoyable way to finish
school in 1971...
On .Thursday evening Mr. and
Mrs, Bill flu..nter were presented
with; two lovely matching, ceram-
ic Ming. rpormotphle lamps „gifts,
from former neighbours and
friends from the Zion area.
The presentation:was made by
! Mr. and Mrs. Gordon •Kirkland
and Mr. and Mrs..Frank Ritchie
Who called at the Hunter home.
The gifts were accompanied
with the follOwing address.
Dear Beryl and Bill,
• It is with, mixed feelings that
we meet here to night'on behalf ,
of the Zion Community. We are
sorry that you have left the •
twelfth Concession.. The Hunter
and Gardner families have been
here for more years than any of
us can remember when your fore-
fathers e-me as pioneers.
We are happy that you have
not moved too far, away .and'
hope to see you Often.. It seems
a Coincidence'that•your new home
is still pear "the foot of a hill",
We have anticipated'this moment
'when.we WOuld.visit you in your
newt olTr-c-*r.-
You have been kind neigbhours.
'When anyone was sick or in
trouble, you were always ready
to do your share. Among the
many tribtites that people may
receive through life none can be
valued more highly than the• tri-
bute that they were good neigh-
We now ask you.to-accept these,
gifts., With -them come our very
best wishes for a long and happy
life together.
• Words of appreciation for• being
so kindly•remembered were
ewressed by the recipients. In
reference to' being 'Kind neigh-
hours", Bill stated that he wag
quite sure: that their departure
from the farm was' also replaced
by fOlks who would.:be equally
good neighboUrs, namely "The
1970 FORD Galaxie 500, 4• door hardtop, VS automatic, power
brakes and power steering
1969 PONTIAC Laurentian, 4 door sedan, VS automatic
1969. PONTIAC F'arisienne, 4. door hardtop, V8, power equipped
1969 CHEV 4 dool:,V8 automatic, power brakes, power steering
1969 DODGE Polara 4 door, VS automatic, power steering,
power brakes -
1969 PONTIAC Laurentian -2 door hardtop, V8,-ilutomatic, power
steering, power brakes
1968 CHEV 4 door, 6 cylinder automatic
1967 METEOR 4 door sedan
' 196T FORD-Cusarn-500-V8 -automatic-,---powering-
1967*PONTIAC Grand Parisienne, VS, full power.
1972 PLYMOUTH. Duster, '2 door hirdtop, 6 Cylinder automatic
power steering
1971 PONTIAC ,Catalina 4 door IntrdtoP, 411 autOmatic,'•
power equipp#d '
1971 MUSTANG; 2 doorliaid• ItOp, .V8; power. equipped
1970 PONTIAC Parisienne 2 door hardtop,-1/8 automatic, poWer
steering and, power brakes ,
1967.CH EV, % ton panel •
1.967 °CHEVY .Van.AVith heavy duty. equipment,
1967 CHEV ,2 door hardtop, VS
In ..Stotk
ss •arr. n • j • -
University spent the holidays at
her home.
Mr, and , Mrs. Frank Ritchie
.spent Christmas with Mr..and
mi's.: Ca M eroh McAuley , a nd
family of Ripley. Holiday': guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie were'
on. Tuesday Mr. arid Mrs. Frank.
__Rie_ping.C,.ra-igi--T_-odcka- - a•
Mr, ,and Mts.: Bill Ross of ,
Lucknow and Audrey Ross of Tor-
onto; on. New Year's Day, Mr..
and Mrs. Cameron'McAuley and
John of Ripley and and Mrs.
JiM Hunter. and Wanda. '0 .
Brenda Ritchie-of Owen •Sound
spent the holidays at her home.
Visitors with Mr. and ,Mis. Wes.-
ley Ritchie for Christmas were •
Mr. and lv1rS. Allan Ritchie',
Bre* and Bryce; John Ritchie
andTenneth.' , • , .
'Mr. and. Mrs.' Williarn .Duffy ,
Linda and Dennis 'of Hamilton
and Toni Culbert.of Crewe visit-
ed Christmas Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Allan Ritchie.
New :Year'S guests with Mr.,
and Ivirs. Allan Ritchie' and farn-
r-7---and-MrEs-..---We' •
Happy New Year to all from
your Old Zion COrresponderit. Any
news in the community would be
appreciated to keep us 'up tO•ciate.
Mr, .and \l.rs'‘. Doug Raynard •
and-girls entertained on Christmas
Mr. and Mrs. ,Nelson Rayriard., Mr•
and. Mrs. .12iissel Irwin and family,
• „
'family, Mr., and Mrs. Bruce Ray-
nard alid family, Mr. and Mrs.
Shropshell and. family of Clinton.
Mre; and. Mrs'. 'Chris Raynard and
daughter of London Were :unable, to
he present. Iliere Were 31pres-
cut. ,,
On Wednesday the,Rayriards'•
entertained Mr;and Mrs. Bob Mc.
Allister and Bill. and Mason MC--
Allister Of:Dtmgannon',„, Xerineth
McAllister and• Wayne of Sudbury.
On Thursday Mr.. and Mrs., Harry:
e wish you the good Cheer of this holiday George of Halifak visited at .Ray .-
nards: Mis. George was forriierly •
season: And may the Nei, Year bring to your Arlene Foran of Wawanosh.
Peter Connon and litigh,of
family success and lasting happiness. Exeter visited .Mri.,Henry
Gardner and Lane on Friday. Hen-.
ND-STAFF AT ty still a patient in Win ham
Hospital, • —
S.pending Christmas With 'Mr.
and Mrs. GOrdob .kinkla rid and
,,Nancy were Mr. and Mrs. DaVid
.Kirkland, Annette and Suzanne
of Lire knOw , • Mr . and Mrs, Ken
Kirkland of Toronto., Mr. and
Mrs. David Kirkland entertained
the same inemhei&Of their family
fOr Neiv '.tea
s. so. ' w e rid Torn weie
%Mr, and. Mrs.• Art .14elm grid Mary;
•Mr. and Mrs.''Lloyd.WhytOck and
family; -Grant.Helm of. London;. ••
Mr. •and,NIrs, Bill Ross and Doug •
of LuckriowAudrey Ross. Of •Tor-
onto. • •
• The Helni family spent N•eW
sYearS.with Mr.and
- • - ii•••
Mt :On Thursday . and Mrs,. Lloyd
Wli tock entertained Mr. and Mrs.
Bob•Helm, Torn and Grant at a
birthday dinner•observing the,
birthdays 'Of Torn Helm and•Jangt
and •Donna. Whypck,:
- Maple Grove L.O.L. 1044 held
their card party December 27th in
Zion Hall with 8 tablesin,play.
High lady, Mrs. 156i-raid Hack-
ett i .high gent , BroWn Smyth.
Low lady, Wilma Hackett, low
gent Murray 'Irvin.
There will be another card
party in two weeks.
'-'Tommy, Traceyand, Terri,Wall
of bit. riga rinCrf i.eceiUed "a very un-,
expected gift for Christmas When .
their InOther,, Mis, Art Wall, won
an S'-nionth-old pony in: a 'draw at
the Skyway Market , GOderich on
Christmas ELV-e. '' IN :BLY7f .H.,
litchie, John and Kenneth,
Ritchie and Barbara Wilkins.,
Miss Doris Stokes of Connie
'isited on New 'Years eve with
Barbara Ritchie.'
Mr., and. Mis. Radcliff
.and family of Guelph spent a
couple of,daYsat their country
borne bete during holidays..
ntrgtetts witli. Mr,
Wins Pony