The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-05, Page 15CAN IDI3 SERVE YOU? FRIDAY, JANUARY 7th, 1972 . one. of our 'representatives MR C C.ATKINSPN Will 1.3e4 . The Bedford 'Motel (POderich) From 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon.' INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK. "We now,". 'he said, "that some people mature early and others retain their learning ability beyond this span and we must stand prepared 'to adjust our education process to all ages." Educational authorities, he -said, know • that the average adult 'who is moied to`seek MOre education is much faster at learning , things than a regular, run-of-the-mill student who' went to school merely,. to keep his ParentsPPY. WEDNES6AY,, JANUARY 5th, 1,72 WHITE CHURCH Miss Annie Kennedy, Winghani, Mr', and Mrs. Lorne Durnin, Mr: and Mrs'. Clayton Scholtz and faMily were Sunday•pests with Mr, and Mrs. Vs Dutnin and family of St.' lensi J. 1), ' DUrnin and Robert Durnin were. to have been there too but due to. Robert haying taken ill]. P. had. to take him to Victoria Hospital, London to Emergency. Monday guests with Mr. and . Mn.S Elwood Groskorth were Mr. and Mrs.,., Paul Groskorth and fam- ily Of Angincourt, Mi. and Mrs. Jim Moffat and funny; of Londq. We `are pleased to report that k, John Askes has been home from WinOarn Hospital for three weeks hut must. refrain frorn work till February .. onests on ristmas with Mr., itid ,Nirs. Earl, Wilkens and girls were Bruce. Wilkens and Mr: and Mrs.. 'Bill.'willietts_oLListowel. ' Nit. and Mrs. Leonard Schultz ;Brett and Kirk of Nor — wiCh:were Sunday .guests with Mr. and Mrs':•Dalton Sehultz. NIL:, and Mt.s. Lloyd Whytock - and family were Christmas 'Dail riyests lier-parentsand, rMis. Bob,Helm of Ashfield. Mrs. Bill Scott, Mrs. Neil. NIkeCallunt and Alex IvIcKenzie of Lucknow were Monday guests with Mrs. Albert,McQuillan. Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs'. Get-shorn Johnston., :Wirigharn on Ptid were Mr. and Mrs.. Ken Johnst diDebbieL, ViCtoria , B.C.; . and Mrs. Gary Black, „Clinton.. On SatUrday,Mr. and Mrs. Jim JOhnston, Paul, -htth Ann and Carol Ann, Listowel, Mr. and Mrs; Jack Johnston, Dav- id and Donna, St.. Pauls and on 'Sunday Mr. and Mrs. •Ted Robin- son and Jani rs'of DonnybrOok. ChriStmas Day guests with Mr: and Mrs. George FiSher and Doris of. )Virighani were and Mrs. Gordon Fisher", Lonnie, Lori and THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • PAGE. 01,FTNIN, Lee of Guelph, Mr. mind Mrs. • Arnold LOugheed; Cheryl arid Wri ,of chaillani; Mr;, and Mrs„ Bill "fisfier, Teddy and Tinitny,of Don Mills Mr, and Mrs .. Carrnan Machan of Kitchener and Mr. and. MX.s. Pill Gibson,, Rh9Pc14. Billie and Gregory of Whitechurch. Mr. and Mrs,, Dalton. Schultz. and Mr. and. Mrs. Elmer Schultz and farnily,were Christmai guests with Mr and Mrs. Brian Johnston and family of Lucknow; Christmas. Day guests with' Mr., and Mrs„ Bill Rintota were Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rintoul, lvlr. and Mrs, Dave Oberholtzer of Barrie, Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Gutoski. of • indsor, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon .'Cartipbell of WillOwdale, Miss`- Doris Rintoul of.London, Mrs. George,aldwell and Miss Irene O'Connor, Blyth , Mr. and Mrs. Gordon:Caldwell and Linda , Jean and. Gary of Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Cardiff of Brutsels and Leon- ardRobinSOn , Beigrave. Mr. and,Airs. Jirn-Englanthof Lueltrrow were Friday 'and Saturday guests with and Mrs. Arth r Burrows. • • Christmas guests with Mx. and Mrs, Dan Tiffin were Barry Tiffin_ and •friend of-St,Catharines, Mr. a na Mrs.Douglas Tafirrand Lori Mrs: Stewart of Wingtiani and Ivir. and Mrs/. Bevan Tiffin and .Stephen . Mt. .and Mrs. 'Garman Whytock and° Jackie were Saturday guests' r - with his parents M. and Mrs. . Aiex WhytOck of Teeswater. Qn Sunday.Eitner Parker and Leland ,- Mr; and Mrs. Carman' Whytock and-Jackie were guests, with Mr. and; Mrs. Bill•Parker arid farnily of ForMOsa. . Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs . Ira. Wall and Mary were Mr. And Mrs. Bill Wall _ Lou Toronto Mr: and Mri. George Needham and family of Pinkerton. .Christmas guests with.lvir: arid . MrL• Lorne Durnin were Mr. and • Mrs'. .Carneron Simmons- and : Lonnie, Mn-. and Mrs. Howard In this district and _throughout, Canada many, persons and firms ,in practically all types of ,businesses including Agriculture • Tourist/ and Recreational Businesses • Construction • Professional - Services • Transport,ation • Wholesale and Retail Trades, as well as Manufacturing hive obtained loans from the IDB to acquire land, buildings, and machinery, to increase working 'capital, to start'a new business, and for other purposes. If you consider that 'DB • can be of service, you are invited to arrange an appointment with the TDB representative by telephoning . . Telephone 524.7337 ,• 7 or in tiayaiceFb—y-*r'ti n-ig to- fel s Mi14 -m said; were shocking. • "We find 'people getting along pn next to .no education at, all and•the waste' in some cases is terrific. , 'We find people in. industries envious of each other and not wanting to talk over Common problems with each other,. . even t , they are not in coniuietition - After an .exhaustive survey of edikation . needs in Huron County', ConeStoga College's Huron Centre will • launch full kale- ' ,month programs next ,onth at Central Huron. Secondary School in. Clint* In advertisements - appearing in Huron County weekly newspapers this Week- the, college invites appli6ations' for four courses which will enable county residents to upgrade their educational credentials and qualify for training for better jobs: "We know now what is produced In 'Huron, by whom, what skills are necessary' and - what the .prohlemstOfindustries are," Ross Milton, director olliuron Centre said Tuesday white discusSing the information gained from the 'survey. The survey took . place in the county 'over the past year and a half and included brochures sent to county industries and personal visits to plants. • Some 'of the findings of the survey; Mr. with one. another., ° "We, find totally, illiterate peOPle either too proud Or too Scared to attend an institution of learning. "We find people: who, have made their way up the ladder of success with very little q: education, yet , they do not with to attend • college for fear of expoSing some mythical ignorance in that they lack mere paper iii- certification. ' • , . Mr. Milton emphasized that educatiOn isn't necessarily tied to the number of years `Of school attended, that many persons have :gained a wide knOlitledge' throtigh doing' things, abSorbing knowledge and discovering better ways to do things; A person whO runs a' grocery store, he' said for example, might continue, to learn more about Mathematics through dealing with figures and about ...'science by studying the compositicin/ of -foods he Sold. ThOse who want to verifyi-just-how far they 'have come 'on their own; lie Said, can Perhaps find out through one of the tests offered by the college. Many people with Only grade eight education can pass grade 11 or 12 tests. ' HurOn Centre, he applications frOm students of all ages. Plans are being , laid , for 'a course this summer. for , • the T6-19 age bracket on the art of living. Adult students are :thought of as the person'. between 19 and 69 and probably education is more meaningful for 'this group 'because they can see their' goal while for- younger students education is just sothething that-hasickie_und_ergone • Sunday guests with Mr. And Mrs..lirn Currie, Wingham were Mr. and' Mrs. Alan Leader ,MonO ,Mr. and Mrs. Bruce mine, Oakville,. Mi. and Mrs. -Michael Scott, Caldeon East; Mr. and Mrs: Don Leader and-.family iif GOttit and Donna Leader of .Kitchener.. Holiday -guest§ with Mr. and Wis.:Russel Gaunt were Mr. and. Mrs. Don 'Dirsteiri, Richard and Carolyn' of. Ajax and Mr. and. Mrs.. Donald Gaunt Of Kitchener: Mr, and Mrs. Dirstein and funny also Spent some time with his mother j. L. Dirsteiri of Hanover. Christmas Day guests with: Mr. -and (Jolgt4latylt_were • t‘W' wou*Otpeet, tbat'an adult student li• „ts would, ter the 'equivilent of a grade nine .. and 10 e ucation in a mere 32: weeks," Mr. Milton said, and this in fact is the length of • the college:s•coilfse.' • . ' "At the time , when ' Many of ' our middle-aged; citizens attended school, they went about ,: as far as they could _gcror thought they should "go.,,!' he, said. "lf 'they were . a rural dweller, chances are they were -interested in agriculture and acquired 80'per cent. of' their education from learning by dOing, right on the farni. Formal education was only to bridge the gap Of communication through reading and.writing, mathematics: so they could:.figure things, and abit of Science so they understood more about the soil." • But the age• 'of technology has' passed Many by, he said. Farms have expensive,' t high pOWered'inachinery and a farm of 300 , ----7-acres-or'-more--is-really---a7sMall-industry7--, Ti4,---- — --- age of the cdrnputer has'made a program, of business , and finance a must for farmers unless they are successful enough to hire such a service. , Mr. Miltori said a provincial ' survey . showed that people in rural .areas'seern to .-11-avethffic-iiity-relating-to-the-firit:spectruni--, of education. Young people thinking of , , career possibilities can think of such possibilities as doctors, nurses and even the , legal profeSsion but not of fields- such as business management or fashion design. This could be because of 'the,- scarcity of professional ','PeOple in these fields at the lOcal level he said. , With this knowledge in "Mind, he said, COnestoga planS to make a modest start with programs 'it feels stand a chance"ot success. Programs start in Central Huron Secondary School and move to the. Collete's new building at the former Canadia n Fortes • Base, Clinton sometime in.march. , The building haS been purChased but the college will not acquire titlejntil 'March 1 and the building must be renovated 'to meet fire regulations before' the college can begin to operate: Mr. Milton 'said he had been assured by- the college engineer that , the alterations would take only. about two Weeks and cost only about $6500. Besides the courses now offered, the Huron Centre would. 'like to, offer more courses 'in. business :management and , encouraged' county residents to watch their newspaper:, for Ttirthee information on such cotirses Slieeessful otnpiletion-eaeleaursel: 4 brings a• credit and, one credit from each of • -the ' four areas plus two additional credits Will. qualify the student for a -government certificate ' of management which is reCongnized across Canada. A con tse on farm busities,s, and taxation is planned for February in- tithe to help farmers ,,,, with 'tax return Problems. Mr. Milton said he would like to get more people to. write in to Huron Centre telling what they would like the centre to offer. Management developnient 'courses . deal with ,four basic areas: management of human resources, management of material resources, management of financial resoUrces and inanage.ment‘of marketing. There are ten courses Offered in each of these areas, and Mrs. Dori Ross ,ADouglas , Bob David and Brian, Mr. 'and Mrs, Hatley -G4unt 'Billie and Brenda of •Wingharn and Mrs. Jim Gaunt• and:Janet of Centralia , Mr: and Mrs. George Gaunt of EIxeter. Mr, and' Mrs. Garry Duncan of Port Credit -spent "the' Lhri.ittnis holiday with her parents Mr, and. Mglad Mode'. Christmas Day visitori. wIth Mr. , and` Mrs.; Toni Magoffill'of Luck. now we're 'Mr. and Mts. Lance Magoffin, Oary and Randy of London, Mr. and Mrs, Dave $teph ens of Lindsay andJimIrwin „oft...Lonclon........._44,ind Randy • remained with-their gra ridpa tx:nis -for-a" 17 a Long:all of London, J. D. Durnin, Mr'.: and Mrs'. RosS Durnin, Steph- en and Pauline, St. Helens, Mr.. and Mrs. Clayteri Scholtz, Karen, , Lisa and kenton of Goderich, Mr. and Mis r. Elroy Laidlaw Joann, • Jane-and PaUl. On-Sunday--,-,-ReV.- and Robert Watt, Robert Jr, and James of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Milian AlOofe were guests 'with Mr. and Mrs ,George' Thornrison; and fam- ily . Saturday ,guests, with Mr, and Mts. Kenneth Currie' and Joan were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Currie and Miss Leah Currie, Wingharn t3 Ctrsrie ref BraritfOrd-and4e. and Mts. Dave-Sanderson 'of Lon? Itutt7.-