HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-05, Page 13BODY REPAIR
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from Us,.
John Allan Culbert of R.R. 1
Ripley passed away at Sirltdam
Beck 'Hospital, 'London on Sature
day December 18thfollowing a
' brief illness. Hewas 52,
1-le'was a s'on'of Mrs'. Andrew
Culbert of R: 1 Ripley and the
late Mr. Culbert and was born ;on
July 3 0, 1919 at Orkney, Saskat,-
chewan: •
Mr: Culbert was a farmer, •
He is survived by his mother,
the former Effie Johnston, two •
sisters and• four brothers, Mrs.
Alfred (Velma) Ashton Of Detroit,
Michigan; Mrs; Harley (-Margaret)
McIntosh of Farmington; Michig,
an; Andrew of Windsor ,, Borden Of
Redford ToWnShip, Michigan;
Elmer Of Detroit, and Herbert of
Southfield , Michigan.
Besi 'es his father he was-pre-:
deceased by two sisters Barbara
and 114.. . •
Ripley was. minister.
The.fpperal service was held,on
Tuesday, December 21 at Mac-
Kenzie' Memorial chapel , Luck-
Pallbearers were rohn,MacDon-
ald, •Connie'.Hogan, •Donald Harn-,
ilton, Dynes 'Campbell, Duncan
-Farrish ,• William DanfOrth.
Temporary entombnient Was' at
South I<iriloss Mausolenni with'
final resting plaCe Greenhill.
Huro wnship
Farmer Passes .
PHONE 357-3862
1969 PLYMOUTH 4 door, 8 automatic and radio '
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1968 FALCON 2 .door,. 6 automatic with radio
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196TFORD Custom 2' door,1 8 automatic with radio
1967 DODGE'Monaco .2 door hardtop, 8 automatic, power
steering, brakes and rhdio ••
1967 VOLKSWAGEN with radio •
1966'FORD, 4 dooi, 8 automatic, pow&eteering, radio
1966 PLYMOUTH 4 door, 'automatic with radio
1966 DODGE 2 door hardtop, 8 automatic and radio •
are enjoying a- winter holiday:with, Cemetery.
his parents Mr. and Mrs.,Artliur
Breckles in Florida.
A number from here
attended the Midnight Service in'
St. Peters AngliCan Church, Luck-
now on Christmas Eve. '°
Mi. and Mrs. Jack Scott spent
Christmas with !AI:. and Mrs,.
Hugh. Cleland and faMily at Walk-
erton and werd:With the Scott
families at the home of Mrs. '1: .A
MacDonald.at Ripley. on. Monday.,
Holiciay'Visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. 'Edburt BuShell were Mr,',and
Mrs...George Bushell and David,
Montreal, and •Mrs. • Douglas
Fraser , Ann and Edwin, Armow
and Mr. . and„Mrs.'Clifford Crozier
of Goderich.
The Society canvass for.
this district has been completed
with a total of $152."12 collected,.
Mrs. Bob Brooks and:13ecr,an Of
Listowel visited' with . her father
Perry Hodgins. , •
Barry Bushelrof Wingham visit-
ed withhiscousin Murray Barr
during the holidays: °
Mr. and mrs Wm Haldenbv
and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Halden-
by were New Year'•s gnests of Mr:
and Mrs. Norman Fry of Harritton.
andNirs. G„len Hodgins 'and
family visited on Sunday with, her
parents Mr. and Nits. •Wilson Lod-
er at Kitchener and' Mark LOder
who had been hOlidaying here
returned home with them.
Misses Dina ta-yY •
were dinner guests on Sunday
with Mr; and Mrs. Harbld 'Elliott
and frniiijy ; Concession 8'.
,Mrs. Arthur lialdenby will be
Mr:. and • Mrs. Norman Fry and
family of •IlarristOri Mr:, and
Mrs. Ra 1ph° 1 la lden by. a nd foily
of bielph were Christmas visitors
with Mr. and Mrs: William Hald-,
.en y• ' • -
Miss Winnifred Percy
en.tertained relatives on Christi:0as.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Bertrand of
Simeoe spent the holiday with'
.1isS„Winnifred Percy Bill and,,
Brian Percy.
Donald 13arr spent .a few days
with N1rs. John. Barr. .
Lois Nicholson of Milton spent
the week ,at her.home here, •
Mr. and .Mrs. Bert NiCholson
1.Ad ;111 th'eir familyhome
for Chids-tniaS. •
Mr.-:arid Mrs. Delbert 1-ledley
and' family -spent Ch, strriaS with.
•Ntr :' and Mrs. Jack Carrie& and
.13 mily at ,Owen Sound
Mr. 'and Mrs. Don Haidenby and
girls-ofToronto, Mr. and,-
Nils. Michael O'Malley and Doug
las of Willowdale spent Christmas
with Mrs. Bertha .11-41---by an
other members of their. family
here. • t
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bennett z
Mr. Howard perinettiJr. , and
1\liss Heather L'unnesi, Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Whiteside,.Howard
and Brian of Toronto spent Sunr
day with •Mr. and. Mrs. Art Hald-
eiiby who.9so entertained friend's
at' a Christmas dinner on Christ-
mas evening: •
We ar,e pleased to report •that
Mr. Jack Hodgins was able to be,
home. for Christmas, after 'Spend-
ing some. time, in Victoria Hospit-
Donaldsliodgiris was a patient in
Victoria Hospital for Anther treat-
m erit on his leg which was injured
Misses Edna and May Boyle'
entertained relatives and friends
ata Chriitmas, eve dinner.
Wd.are p ed to report that
Mr. Elden en.swiller was able
to return orn. . Joseph's
Hospital.,• London where be under,
*went surgery;
family' dinner was held, on
Sunday evening at the horne of
Mr... George Haldenhy.
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Sparl-ing ,
Allan and Douglas of Walkerton
spent Sunday.with her father Mr.
4 '
Sandra Percy of Winnipeg spent
the holidays with her parents. Mr.
-arid Mrs. Alex Percy arid other
members of, er family here.
Visitors with Mr.and
`Russell Hewitt last week Were" Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon park of 'Millar-
ton, Mr.• and Mrs. George •Young •
of I3ervie.
Christmas visitors with :Mrs.
Marretta HodginS were. and
Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins and fancily
of Niagara and MisseS Beverley '
and Eileen Gelman of
Friends of Mr. Jim Smith wfll
be pleased to know that he is
8-a-teocl recover-y-follog
surgery in Victoria Hospital, Lon-
don,- ••
Mr. and IVIrs.• Bob Smith- and
Debbie of :North Bay visited over
the i hOliday with relatives here
and. at Sarnia.
1,- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ivlatilden
entertained friends at a dinner on
'Boxing Day.
ChristMaS for'members of the
r • •
Brownie News
The Brownies,held their last
meeting before Christi-J-1as Tus-
day December 21st and the .
meeting-started with' Snowy Owl
conducting a game "Crows arid
'Anne Alton was Fairy Queen
hostess .for the. Anglican Church
wOrne , • nuary-1
at her home. • •
Chtistmasivisitors with Mr .1and'
Mrs. Jack Barr were Miss Betty '.
Harnilton, Mrs. Annie Lowney
and her daughter Ivlargaret
Niagara Falls, Leslie Rimmer
Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Hamilton and family, Lucknow ;
Mr: and. Mrs. Gilbert Harriiitsbn, . Concession .4 ,.
New Years' visitors at the same.
home were. Mr: and Mrs.' Morley
Bushell of Wingham, Donald ,
Barr of ;Waterloo and Mrs. John
.Barr, kinlough,
VisitorS over the holiday'with
Mrs. Marretta H6dgins and Mr.
and Mrs .6:ilenn Hudgins were.Mr.
andLMrs: ThompsOn of NOrth
Bay, Rev. and Mrs.: NlacpbersOn
and. Ruth of. Palmerston, Mr. and
Mrs. 'Ezra' Stanley, Miss Lynn.
Stevens and, Floyd Stanley of
LOcknow, Mr. and Mrs.' Doug'
Stanley', Concession , culross,
tob Hod gins , Kinloss 'and ':dark
Loder, Kitchener. •
Mrs: 1-az-ITS-con
for the H. at her home
Thursdayl January 6th.at which ,
time" Mrs. Arnold of
Ripley will be the speaker.
eaoli received. Brownie book marks
`for having. the Si with the most
points for inspection since we
began in September: Some Other
Brownies ,also received 'book Marks
for attending regularly and in full
uniform. They were • Debra Arnr
old., Anne Alton, SuzanneKirk-
Susan and Nancy Thompson
We closed Brownie Ring With -the.
Brownie Prayer: •
At PoW Wow Jill Murray showed,
the Christmas cracker she had .
made for'a game ;to be`played,
later. This is one of'the 'articles
Jill, Made towards' her Craft Badge
Nancy :Thompson passed her test
for Writing,a 'short. story about
going on a hike.
For Woik.period 'everyone
wOrked,at_ their. Christina Craft ,
was a small 'gift for mother.,
The .Brownies then played a game.
With, 'each one taking a turn being
blindfolded and using a roll from
wrapping paper' they tried to hit
and break the' Christmasveracker
hadstill mad.
:was going on Brown Owl, Sno-Wy
Owl and:Tawny Owl ,got the
fteshinents ready to serve. As the
Brownies were.eatinc, their lunch
they passed a' surprise parcel
around with each one having a
turn at removing sole of the •
wrapping with several 'receiving
reel had'
been prepared by Suian Thomp-
son. As the Brownies left for
home they were given a candy
ca ne.
home •On Wednesday.'
We extend Syrnpathy.t6 the
MacPbers'Oti family in the passing •
of their.MOther the tate Mrs, •
Margaret MaePhertbri. The fun,-
_era). service i‘s1-'1101d at the Mac-
1,Aertituidl Chapel tin Burr
• day, evening and :on Monday
Wig e-van-ad-in rtir:VtilVertOri — .
NeSbytdrian Chuteh with the •14u14-
11#11V•Ii1Vertoi-‘7C-eln •
Mr: and Mrs. Walter Bleckles
..*•"•••••v*- ••••,• •••••"•••z,.• • **•.-4••••
196 FORD 4 door, 6 automatic, radio
0 •
: •••••• • •
'for Brownie Ring and the Sixers
collected Fairy Gold. Brown' Owl
r.4fjLirrsprttedJ)a3vnNelson With
her Craft Badge and the Pixies-