HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-05, Page 93 Provincial Constable. • THE LUCKNOW SENTINELf„LIKKHOW,. ONTARIO' PAGE NINE Keith Collyer of Wingharn, formerly: of LuctOlow made an interesting find during the past , few months and only , recently learned of its real significance. While he was taking stones on a Le'opold Street property he spotted an orntsual.. stone and because he has prey:: iously'c9llected peculiar rock formations,fie took this Speeimen home. On closer examination he ;found what appeared to. -be a stotit rep - lica of. a piece of animal horn running through the centre ol 'second 'type of.rook. In order to. get more informatiorie,about his find'he sent the stone along to .. Jim Henderson of LuCknoW-1 'who is a student at the University of Guelph. The Earth Science 'Department at the university'contacted Keith to ask his perprnisSio,n to cut off a portion of the inner , „ "horn", section of the specimen for,analysis.•., Th stone 'was 'returned to Keith a _week or so ago along • with a letter frOm Jim Which • said-.„ "Your fossil is some' type of.,,, hormcoral. It is froth the PaleOz-, • . Keith ''Cionyer • findOtoneAfficji6 . . Sofft Years Old, Jim ..HendersostAssistiliThi Research Oic era , probably f torn the Devon- ian or Silurian period. "That means your fossil is in excess of 300 million years old. Horn corals are usually conical in thape_but this one has been deform ed.whileogrowing, which results in its 'flattened shape. • - "The Ea'rth Science (duelph) Department kept the small 'piece cut off the end. doing to confuse some paleontology with it." The Paleozoic E'a. referred to in the letter 'is the 'scientific designa - tion for a very early period in the world's geolo gical history and the Devonian and. Silurian periods are two of the .time diviSions Of the PaleozOic -era. The fact that the inner stone was identified as alorm of. coral wbuld indicate that it waifortned when this part of the world had a ,tropical' climate in which coral insects could survive. It his\ been established that such a climate did 'prevail in Canada at one time , for various forms of coral. as well as the skeletons of tropiCal . _ animals and .fish have been dis7 covered considerably farther north than Wingham'. Frt. Tom. 6 7 jir°, YOU,, EirVEVE'RRDIMIIREA1MmaED .4,,,n0Err LOVE. ,Imiurita! P'optOirr EVERYTHING ,m,-","-"P•aw 271 :1* coll:r4t irVELsigRo P 1111rMra oirmirilitirrir —44117071-141ALDIPICOVICII SEM cosigy.cuipAGNIIIIALE.HIADY po 111110111111110 rgroll3133/40111/1 err " =MOO NARDADORF Ainnonsains JJJ.I.J.1..1 .1 ..J.IJJJ-11.1...J.J.1.1J.I.IIJJJJ-1.13-1-1-1-1-1.... hobby. RICHARD BENJAMIN, JOANNA SHIPAKUS in Lawrence Turman Production I •••••••••••••••••••••••N•••••••N•••• •••••••• NOVEM9ER1961 Glen Atkinson ., who' had estab -: lisped, a barber business. in Luck ,' now after gradtiating frOm Barber. SChool -, purchased the barber 'business in Goderich of the late Lurnhy. Anniversary Servic4s in' the Lucknow United ChurCh ma=rked the.te7opening of ttere -decorated sanctuary. The Trtleaven .Milling /Co. Limited completed'a new ware - house on the north -east side of their ' The warehouSe was built tO allow for unloading from WITH MARGARET THOMPSON. •••••••••••••••••***************************** *4 • • • either trucks or railway cars' off their spur line., 10 YEARS AGO 1.0OKING:.,13ACKWARDS:.. ROIJWtTHESENTINELHfILES....,,. • NOVE1\46ER-041-----. . With the start of another ic-ionth,. _local• ine dealers were again "op for husiness". The gas shot ge becarrie acute locally as one by one dealer's reported "sold out",.! The hardwa-re-stor-e.shad- ,the only available supply, which Was doled 'out in.small quantities., 30 YEARS AGO One 'dealer reported his tank THEATRE wiNcomvi PHONE 357.1630 SHOW TIMES /Friday andjaturdays atX7;15 and 9:15. All et‘ dam one show at 8:0 • except where noted on the program. ****,********* THURS., 'FRI. SAM, JAN. 6,7 * - "11(lute" A OMIT TANC. R F ST ra IC T 0 10 An110/4 n313 CO Apt on pnem ,tarrIng .lane Fonda, Donald. Sutherland: * * * * * * * * A A ** * SATURDAY MAT. 'Jan, 8 at 2. p.m. ''Captain Sinbadif ALL SEATS 58c Ladies • 6:30 '. p..m. drace Elliotwolled'the high sidgle,game.on Decerriber.20th , of 286 and. Maiion MacKinnon' the high triple of 671. Good •bowl- - ---,- Games of 200 and over: Grace Elliott 286, 200, 'Marion MacKin- non 266, 217, Jean Phillips 239, Hazel Webster 258, Carol Martin 27 , Marion Campbell 212.., Team Points: Jean Phillips' Butternuts-7; Jessie Joynt's Beech = nuts 0, Ena .Henderson's Peanuts . 4', Catherine AndreW's Walnuts.3, Norma, McDonagh's•Chestnuti 4 Rut,hTharnpson's Cocontits. 3 .. Team standings: BUtterrints 67, Beechnut 62, Chestnuts .59 2, Wal- nuts 44, Peanuts 43 , Cocionuts 40'. The .winners of Six Xmas.draws were Marie Greer, Pearl Bell,. Janet MacPherSon, Marion Camp - ne Andre--w-and Margaret MacNay. • Isabel Millet was the winner of a draw prize donated by‘Mrs. liorton,lUcknow Bowling Lines.. Jean Johnston rolled the high single game of226 and Mildred Cameron the high triple of 565: Game's of 200 and over Jean Johnston 226— n _50 YEARS NOV•EMBER 1921 The Liicknow Fire Company were Undertaking the project Of ,cotiVerting Queen's Pail( on Have - °lock Street into a Memorial Park. The ground was plowed and put shape.ifor levelling down in the spring. It was planned to plant ev_ergreens,,:othei.1:. trees ,and flowering shrubs. The Fire Cernpany _were sponsoring entertainments.to raiit .money fo-r this park project. , • • .GODERIef 1 , o:p.p.. #8 Highway, south of Binmiller ' Rd.' (Huron. Rd. 27) John 'Fraser , V77 Glastonbury Crescent , Strat- ford and Victor Grove , 96 Elm-, . .-- . wood Ave. ,'LOndon,• were involv- ed in a two car accident: resulting in minor damage, to tbe vehicles • they were driving: . On_Saturday , January -1., =L..' . . private'. property. of lifilfred Hack- I. ett , R. R. # 7, LucknOw , Williarn .Wilkins ., R. R. # 3 .,. Lus.know was involved in a single.snow vehicle. - -aecident resulting. in no damage to ihe vehitle. Passenger Rosa- , lea Hackett , .11..R. 3, Lucknow !rece• Drivers! Always be•on.guard . ived injuries. against :Driver Drowsiness"; ,It's coinmon-in-winter-, -when cars -are, tightly sealed against cold weather.' Be „sure, you have some ventilation, and, if you r drowsiness' creeping up dn pull off the road ..... get. out and take' a walk in the fresh air. Rem- w en riv- • to 'be bone dry while in some cases a small supply was' reserved"' for emergency. cases. Ergest and'Hatold 'Gaunt were making plalis:for the erection of. a big steel • barn:and an adjoining cement , silbit replace their farm buildings which had recently been destroyed by fire. Fred Eathn•soid his Lucknovr Marble and Granite Business to Robert A. Spotton of Wingham.;: Mr. Eaton moved to ingersolV where'he had purChased a similar type business. 203 , Roberta Whytock 201,.. Marion MacKinnon 218, Grace Elliott 218 Edna Ross 206 Jean Team point's: Ena •Henderson's •Peanuts 5 , Norma McDonagles, Chestrititi 2,' Catherine Andrew's 'Walnuts 4., Jessie Joynt's Beech- nuts 3, Ruth.ThompsOn's Coco- tints 4, Jean Butternuts' 3., Team standings:13utterriuts. 70, Beechnuts 65; Chestnuts 61, Walnuts 48, Peanuts 48, • Coconuts 44. THE LUCKNOIN__ SENTINEL offers a complete selection of • wedging announcements 'styled for the aiscrini.' 'Mating, ask for : COUNTY' HONOU.RS winners at the 4-H. Horneina)(ers Achieve- icient Day at the high school in Winghain Were. 'Alice BeecrOft ,R. 1, Belgtiver ,Marlene Gee, R,:ft,- Wingharn; Barbara Moore., IL R. 5, Wingharnt Nellie R7.. coderith; BOritne.HuMphrey; R. 2.1.mc.k- ripmf; Gail MaePlietiOn;-R. Re, 1,!.. Lucknow; Garnmie and Wnat Ly.onsi 'bOth g, go 1 LuCk- , now , and Karen Smith,of Wing- ham. With ;heft is Catherine Aunt, HurOn 'county hOrne 'TiMes n:.