HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-05, Page 5r. • TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS, Applkations received:by the undersigned. until 12 noon Jan- uary ' 10th,, 1972% State ,experience if any. • Starting rate $1.90 .-per hour lOr the first month, then $2.00 per hour. , Lowest or any application not necessarily • accepted. : , • Frank Schumacher, Road Superintendent' R.R. 1.Holyrood ' AT c'N FOR APOLIC I WINGMAN NOTIC HILRAY FARMS LTD. • ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD The best in HoMe Grown;•Dry Fed, Drug Free Beef.. Try our Fresh Home Made Sausage. Custom kil- ling by appointment. 1PhOne 528-2132 • NOTICE .FARMERS The best returns for your fat. cattle, a canner cow or a fat steer, gall Omar Brooks,.. 528-3839. NOTICE TO. CREDITORS " ALL persons having claims against the Estate .of REDERICK CHARLES HORTON oprietor; late of the Village' of ocknow, in the County of Bruce,. ho died on 'or about the 2nd day ' November-, 1971, are required file the same with full • partie- ars with the undersigned by the nd day of, January, 1972, as after at date- the. assets of the estate II be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, is 20th day' of December, 197L PREST and EGENER, Barristers,. etc. ° 33 Montreal Street, -Goderich, Ontario Solicitors for the Estate 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Eitate of JOHN, JOSEPH BOWLER ALL PRSONS haVir.4 claims ainst the,, Estate of / the aboVe- entioned, late of the ToWnship West Vawanosh in . the County Huron, Farmer, who died on ay 14th, 1966, are required• to e proof of same with the unclot- hed on or before' the 22nd day. January; 1972. ° . After that date the AdMinistrator 11 proceed to distribute the Es.- te having regard only to the ims of which he shEilfthen-have: d notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario 's, 23rd day 'of. December, A.D. CRAWFORD 8; Wingheni„ Ontario • olicitors fOr the Administrator to to of sl o• P- rs is id ig, ly s, a 11 ill le Lt, .„Yililfred .MtIntee., •Lintited WALKERTON! -Menthes' of the. Grey -and Bruce MultiOte, ListingS .ekviPt W. BELL. , OPTOMETRIST- GODERICH: The Square CH•ISHOLM .FUELS . • 4„ , HEATING OILS SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS. LUCKNOW Phone 529-7$24. or' 524-7681 -FREE-B Products For' Farm, Home and' InduStry.. The , next p Of bad Weather, we can.predict with absolute Confidence, will find your boots. or rubbers at home if you're at Work, or 111 - 'RURAL ONTARIO • • SPECIALIST'S' n a , a got O II 6 • .THE,tocKtioyi sENTJ.NE4,'..k.,.mcKkow, oNTAino... JANUARY 5th • 1971 once To Cie it0 o ice To creditors • PAO. FIVE, Tracy were Christmas visitors, with . Mr. and Mrs. Ph ilip Steer. Mr, and Mrs. Hank Bregman and family of Goderich visited and -Mrs. BobBregrrian'and farm on Christmas Sunday: ' Jo-anne and Christine fiegman both had the chicken ,pbi over the h,olidays, • Shirley letinstori of Clintoa visited over the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. George Young and farn-. NOTICE TO. ESTABLISH A WASTE': DISPOSAL SITE Udder' the provisions of the En- vironmental Protection Act it is in- tended to apply to the Waste Man- ement Branch for a Certificate .of 'Approval:, for- a waste disposal site located ,on the East part of I:Ot 16, Conc. 6, Township Of kin- loss in the County ,of Bruce: Signed: Fraser MacKinnon R.R. 5 ,Lucknow, Ontario vice yersa. at ;e ti; in in '1- Ir e ELECTRICAL •CONTRACTOR ionise • Specialiiing In o ii `ELECTRIC HEATING, ELECTRIC • WIRING AND REPAIRS a. and - • LiStOW,EL PHONE 291.1511 ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES : Financing Mailable Lucknow 7-7 Phone 528-5802 . ,!Ctr. 1 6eet4 inittrr:totli.'" • . , • • • GU,AR'ANTEED. GRANITES • :CEMETERY' LETTERING. RC.ASOINABLE ,PRICES Buy Direct and Saiie • acKENZ' .MEMORIAL CHAPEL OUNERAL. SERVICE - Services conducted according to your wishes at Your Home, your Church, or at :our, Mem oriel ' Chapel at no additional: charge. ' ' Luckne*, St$4432' Day or Night • • • , 1148-LIHRANCE: FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY.- UTOMOBILE. .84 INVESTMENTS . J. MacKENZIE, O. Prot act Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today. A. 'McDONAH Lmioow, ,Phone 528-3423 Lucknow Snowmobile Club on.Sat- iirilay, January 8th for club mem bers.' 1972 memberships May be paid at. this time. New members welcome. a to • vas' a is st i n le etsio! n • n a HOBBY FARM - °Brick -- 4 bedroom home, so 2 New 4 bedroom* home,, eleetriel heat', recreation :room, brOad- indoor - outdoor carpet:: n NAsking $26,000. ' • (1N °. • R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor' LISTOWEL,,,ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW • Every Wednesday and Saturday . Afternoon Mee in the Joynt Block. 'Telephone: • LuCknow 528-3116 RAWFORD and MILL . J. H. CRAWRIRD, Q.C. ALAN R. MILL, B.A., L.L.B." ROSS E' DAIVIES, B.A., L.L.B. WING_HAM IN LUCKNOW EVERY WEDNESDAY l(Pa.m..to 12 noon , Lqcoted in 13reckles13lock Phone 528-2320 IN RIPLEY EVERY FRIDAY. • In floss Marlyn Building ' Phone Wingham" • Office 357-3630 357.2330 howees; For' Bride Elect' LANcSj.1)E,NEWS A shower was'held Wednesday evening ar the Langside Hall iii honour of Miss' Evelynn Brooks; hricle-to;.be, Friends and rela- tiVes attending were sorry to learn that. Evelynn was .'patient in the Wingham and District HOspital and wasn't able to, attend. 'the programme opened with ' a song "Skip- to my 'Lout by Jo - anne and Christine Bregman and Karen and. Liane young. Mary Bongertman played a couple of 'numbers on her accorthan. War- ren McDpnald of TeesWater gave a monologue, couple, of Con-, 'tests were enjoyed by everyone. 'The bride's mother, Mrs. Beat- rice Brooks ,.assisteti by the bride's sister' Lou-ann Brooks, and Mrs. Edith IPoostra and Mrs. Mary Haosnoot ; relatives of the :groom , opened ,the, gifts. Mrs. Brooks thanked. everyone on EV- elynn's'behalf: A gelid:Oils lunch was enjoyed by:ll. 'Ey. elyfin w4s honoured at another shower Sunday after- noon by friends in Walkerton. - ,s4-e-arglad td-ropOrr Ev-elynn Brooks was -.rele'akd from the Wingham 'and District. Hospital Friday. I. Mr. and Ms. Peter Steer and .1 :3-bedrooms, plus .deri, all this.' on 12 acres, located 7 .miles north' of ; Lucknow on'...paved. road. Priced right at $16,000. price $90,000 with $40,000 down, good term's at .Reasonable doWn payment - with LITTLE INN HOTEL in Hayfield, 'established for /129 yea'rs,7lOtated One block froin -- Lake Huron. 17 . rooms, 2 dining rooms, all equip- -ment, furniture, etc.. included, in • purchase price. 'This is a profit- . • THREE .. BEDROOM cottage loc- ated on. 3, acres of land, built 4 years ago, containing 4 "piece bath, electric' heat, wall, to wall carpet, full basement and Iwo car garage,- Weli lotated on a paved road. This is• a home you would be proud to, oWn. Listed,at S21;000 with imined- iate possession. WE 'HAVE .sincere . clients -looking .. • kir small acreages and' country properties with stdhe or brick • homes. If you have- Sn • extra country home. on. 5 to 100 acres you. would like to sell please 'give us a call. iffARREN`. ZINN Phone:519:7350 NOTICE' TO CREDITORS... In the Estat• •of . • MARJORIE. CELIA ANDERSON ' All persons havi sod . • ,Dole.t g claims, again- st the Estate of Marjorie Celia An- derson, late:t of the Village of.Luck- now, in the , -deceased, who died Count . of Bruce, Wid-° ir ow on or'about the 17th day of November 1971i are hereby , notified 'to, send full, particulars ,of their' claims to the' underbigned Solicitor for the, ES- tate on or before the 21st 'day of January, 1972, after which date the 'Estate will be distributed a- mongst those entitled thereto. hav ing regard only to the claims of which the Executor shall then have notice. ' • Dated at Listqwel, Ontario, this 17th" day, of December, ,1971..: R. W. ANDREW,. Listowel, Ontario ' ' Solicitor. for the Executer • A, M.. HARP4R. CHARTERED. ACCOUNTANT, 'iStreeti.1Goderich .Tel4 .ti02462 • „ •••••••••••••i••••••••••• NOTICE • • - FOR SALE. There will 'be a party. at -.the • • .. RANCH STYLE brick home,. 12.- years old with-dotiblezgarage7-con---.- taining 'large kitchen, living room, 358 ACRE beef-farm, this will handle 250. to .300 head, has 3 silos With part auger feeding. ,Large 5 bedroom modernized home in good condition. This farm is well' tiled ' and is real gOod , corn land. Full TED COLLYER ▪ DON'T MISS THIS 75 acre hobby •' farm ideal for the working man. : There is a large 4 bedroom. modern.- lized home, that is nicely'landscap- • ed. This farm is set up for beef • oi; and hogs With a good bank'-barn;. • good.terms. N . 150 ACRE DAIRY 'FARM` onsHtivy. This f farm is set up' with steel abl- ingj gutter `cleaner, milking mach- milk -hOuse ,with bulk cooler and many other extras. There is a rn real good modernized brick hoe with 5 bedrooms. This is, a real was a' fortress,.barn 60 .x 80, 10!' full price, 1 2 down; owner will hold li ,acres choice arrable land ' rest at 8r" . • i •$8,000 , .•. with $4,000 down. • ' _ •FORHANDYMAN 'room barge 10. g ' ,— - . • • ,house ideal for duplex..extra large . lot on paved road, very reasonable log, . garage. Spacious treed lot..• ' 1:$131.00 monthly • will carry. • I: '1POINT CLARK' • `NEAR YACHT' CLPB: terms. :Net Lake r -ideal for dream home` or .cottage. Situated on paved road. Priced • right It $4,000. ' If yOU're.thinking of buying' or I selling in .the'.Ripley to'Kinloss • area, contact ACRES of land .with road trP Sil- us. Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph. .3S/415 : ESTATE ,LTD., : ...REALT6RS, • 'AGENT FOR ▪ . 'ALLEN-McARTH • ' DON 1-1,OLST. REAL. AT FISHERMAN'S COVE ' o-I CLAM -LAKE al' Mthitee. Limited' sat • a RoaRlind • Meinber of the Grey, add Bruce, fe:18,'. HOLYROOD. ,Multiple Listings Service • W'LICIERTOH , • , phontAz.,_2,137,40r13vegat_le I LiSt -‘• -.Otter 56 Salesiden • ' • • 'VC)" ikitielriii-Yeitit-7-"'.'"7—. tilitfpAillfifitill!"1416141400.0-110.1101-ii 410,_,A11.01110,f071,001,4_111/...4110 ily. INJURED 1 14,TREE 'Sorry to report:Albert Lennips felled 'a tree on his leg while • .working in his. bush last week. He. is a patient in London's Victoria Hospital. Sandra and Greg -Gardnerp hdli- dayed with .M.r. and Mrs. Wesley ' Young. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Wallace and Susan of London Were New 'Years Week end visitors with Mr, 'arid Mrs. Philip Steer.. Mr. and • 'Mrs. Don Bell, Wayne and Bever- ley visited at the same home' New Ye'ar's Day'. . Mr. and Mrs: Gperge Young and famil'5,, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wes. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Young of Chesley, and.,Mrs:. Ed Wightman of Belgrave„, Mrs. Ethel:Holmes, Wallace .Richardson of Wingham , Cameron 'Glazier of • 'Oshawa arid Mr: and Mrs..Jirn Young and family were Christ- • .rnas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clif- -brd Young and family. 'Mr. and Mri. Robert -SteWart .had their family home for Christ inas. ,Mr. •arid Mrs, Dave Moffat held New Yeal,'S for, the same :family. ' Friends 'from the Langside'.Corn- Tritinity Will be sorry to know Mrs. Gertrude Tiffin is a patient in • Victoria Hospital London. Haa•••••••••••••411•••••11' FOR SALE 150 ACRE dairy: farm in West ,WaWanOsh Twp., 125 workable ,ac- res, balance bush; 5* bedroom frame piece bath; coal and wood furnace; barn 40 x 60; 24 cow tie .up, step. saver pipe line., and bulk tank can be purchased- separately..Priced right. at $25,0,00. RED . and WHITE grocery: store, well located , in a thriving village in. Huron County:, established for 25 years Living' quarters. are 1 10- cated above the 'store.. The gross sales are).$65,000. Listed' at $21,900 plus stock. Terms available: • 'able -internationalrrknown busin- I'd• good farni, Don't miss it~10`00D ess. Shown' by aPpoiritment. only. Ast 111.14.S, Over 60 Sa1esnilea - Working Pot-Voit• , elo oielkwaltaawli#001.44P. R. BRAY. DOCTOR Of CHIRCfPRACTIC '197 JOSEPHINE STREET ' WiNGHAM, PHONE 357-1224 • WINGHAM MEMORIALS